Gabriella diBattista
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Brooke Norton
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The pottery corpus from N 2000/N 2500 examined for this volume is in keeping with what one expects in a cemetery dating to the First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom. The Coptic-era ceramics found at the site were not among the objects in the collections of the Hearst Museum and the MFA (Fig. 2.1). The range of shapes is standard, but fairly broad. Following Schiestl and Seiler (2012), the vessels have been grouped in the catalogue according to whether they are open, closed, produced for a specific use, or miniature. Four objects of particular interest are treated separately (Chapter 3).

Figure 2.1
Figure 2.1

Coptic ceramics showing decoration (NED-C-8573)

In terms of number of vessels, the tomb that immediately stands out in this catalogue is N 2446 = N 2522. 66 ceramic objects, fragmentary and intact, attributed to this tomb are currently in the Hearst Museum collection. That number represents 50% of the entire ceramic corpus from N 2000/N 2500 in the Hearst Museum. As seen in the table below, according to Hearst Museum records, 77% of tombs listed as find spots for ceramics contained only 1 or 2 ceramics. With the exception of N 2446 = 2522, the greatest number of ceramics, a total of 8 or 9, derive from N 2032 and N 2031 respectively. Given this distribution pattern, one might expect that the hoard of 66 vessels in N 2446 would have been worthy of note by the excavators.

The tomb cards, however, do not indicate that N 2446 was in any way unusual in terms of its finds. Of the tomb’s two chambers, one was completely empty, and the other contained a coffin and a human body, both largely destroyed by time and elements. The discovery of the ceramic vessels was noted in this way: “In main chamber, a quantity of pottery (see photo) and a few glaze beads.” This comment is sufficiently understated to suggest that the quantity of vessels was unremarkable to the excavators. The photograph mentioned in the field notes has not been identified, so we cannot look at that for evidence of the number of ceramics found in the tomb. A staged photograph (Fig. 3.3) shows 23 intact and fragmentary vessels from N 2446. That number is far fewer than the total of 66 ceramics attributed to N 2446 in Hearst Museum records, but the subjects of that photograph may not represent the entire corpus found in this tomb.

Table 2.1
Table 2.1

Distribution of ceramic objects in tombs

The quantity of ceramics found in N 2446 is not the outlier example it seems to be from the Hearst Museum records when compared with the excavators’ notes about other tombs in N 2000/N 2500. The tomb cards and the photographs taken on site show that other tombs had large ceramic assemblages. The excavators’ comments about other large sets of ceramics from these cemeteries are similarly minimal like the comments about N 2446 quoted earlier. N 2031 is securely dated to the First Intermediate Period because of a stela found face down on the coffin. On the tomb card, the excavator described the stela, coffin, human remains, and a large quantity of beads and also drew the positions of 2 bodies in the tomb, the hieroglyphic name on the stela, 6 ceramic objects, 8 beads, and 2 stoppers. The description of the ceramic find on the tomb card is brief and accompanied by a drawing, “Under coffin, pottery. Quantity of A [alluvial], M [marl] with white inside rim, and [drawing of 6 ceramics]. Slight groove and knife mark.” Despite the attention given on the tomb card to the artifacts in N 2031, the field notes do not indicate that a particularly large group of ceramics was found there. A “quantity” is the descriptor, and the drawing is of 6 objects. Approximately 50 ceramics are visible in situ in the field photograph (NED-C-0983). The amount of ceramics pictured in the photographic record tell the story, and on the tomb card, the excavator did not comment further on the size of the assemblage.

The ceramic finds in N 2034 and N 2235 are treated similarly. The tomb card for N 2034 states, “In large chamber, number of A pots, [drawing of 3 ceramics] M, [drawing of 1 ceramic] M.” The in situ photograph (NED-C-0993) shows approximately 20 ceramic objects. The N 2235 tomb card reads, “In large chamber, quantity of pottery, about 4 As [drawing of 1 object], M with white rings [drawing of 3 objects]…. Entrance to chamber a, blocked by large stones and smaller stones underneath. Pit filled with stones, covered over with balat [i.e., stone slabs].” The drawing of the tomb further specifies, “under pottery, balat that apparently covered pit.” The photographic record of the balat (NED-C-0996) shows approximately 15 pieces of pottery next to the stone with another 3 pieces of pottery under it. But the description on the tomb plan states that the balat was “under the pottery.” Thus before this photograph was taken, the excavators must have already moved the pottery that had been on top of the balat. The approximately 18 objects seen in this photograph are just a portion of the full pottery corpus found in N 2235. From the photographic record, we see that N 2031 contained approximately 50 ceramics, N 2034 contained approximately 20, and N 2235 at least 18, probably many more. Currently in the collection of the Hearst Museum, there are 9 ceramic objects from N 2031, 1 from N 2034, and 6 from N 2235. The reason why more objects from the extensive corpora of N 2031, 2034, and 2235 were not sent to California, when a large number of objects from N 2446 were sent there, is not clear from the excavation records.

Table 2.2
Table 2.2

Distribution of ceramic types

Closed vessels account for the vast majority (69%) of the Hearst Museum corpus of ceramics. Closed vessels were found in 62% of N 2000/N 2500 tombs that contained ceramic objects (partial or whole, but not sherd groups) that are now in the collection of the Hearst Museum. The next most common type is open vessels, which account for 18% of the total corpus in the Hearst Museum. Vessels for specific household use and miniature vessels accounted for 10% and 4% of the corpus respectively.

The vessel type most commonly found in the N 2000/N 2500 collection is the bag-shaped jar, which accounted for 35% of all ceramic types and 51% of all closed vessels in the Hearst Museum from those cemeteries. Most of the bag-shaped jars in this corpus have round bases (90%). The other bag-shaped jar represented here has a flat base and quatrefoil rim (10%). The majority of the bag-shaped jars in the Hearst Museum (60%) were found in N 2446, the tomb that is the find spot for 66 ceramic objects in the Hearst Museum collection. Among that 60%, only one example has the quatrefoil rim and flat base.

The most commonly represented type of open vessel is the shallow simple (30%) and deep simple (25%) bowls. Tall stands account for the majority (82%) of the vessels made for specific use, appearing in 8 tombs. Two types of miniature vessels are represented in the Hearst Museum corpus, the bag-shaped and carinated, and 1 tomb was the find spot for 3 of those vessels.

Vessels of special interest because of their unusual nature and infrequent representation in this corpus include the 4 miniature jars (PAHMA 6-14301, PAHMA 6-14308, PAHMA 6-14309, N 2030; PAHMA 6-14418, N 2093), the 3 bowls with ring bases (PAHMA 6-14470, N 2431; PAHMA 6-14494, PAHMA 6-14526, N 2446), the lamp (PAHMA 6-14431, N 2100), a carinated jar with a black surface (PAHMA 6-12510, N 2701), a carinated bowl with white painted decoration, (PAHMA 6-14507, N 2446), a carinated bowl with spout (PAHMA 6-14542.1, N 2490) found on a tall stand, and an offering stand with incised decoration (PAHMA 6-14428, PAHMA 6-14429, PAHMA 6-2799, N 2099). The bowl and stand were given 3 object numbers in the Hearst Museum because of the object’s fragmentary condition. The largest vessel in this corpus is the ovoid jar PAHMA 6-14461, which is more than 28 cm in height.

Table 2.3
Table 2.3

Distribution of ceramic types (detail)

1 Ceramics Catalogue

Explanation of the ceramics catalogue:

The finds’ description of context below is taken from the Catalogue of Tombs. The photograph numbers reflect the original excavator’s numbering system.

Fabric: Nile silt, Marl clay, Black clay with further classifications according to the Vienna system, as described in Nordström and Bourriau (1993) and Bourriau, Nicholson, and Rose (2006).

Shape: according to Schiestl and Seiler (2012)

Surface: comments made from first-hand analysis

Measurements: height, width, exterior rim diameter and thickness, exterior base diameter, and others as relevant, with aperture index calculated according to Schiestl and Seiler (2012). “Max height” indicates a vessel that is slightly uneven or fragmentary and so had larger pieces.

Color: according to Munsell Soil Color Chart

Note regarding objects with multiple object numbers: Some objects in this catalogue have more than one object number associated with them (e.g., PAHMA 6-14318 is a bowl comprised of five sherds. The center sherd in the base is catalogue number PAHMA 6-1470). In addition, some object numbers are associated with more than one vessel (e.g., PAHMA 6-14512 is the catalogue number of an ovoid jar, and PAHMA 6-14512 was also assigned to sherds that are part of the bag-shaped jar PAHMA 6-14510). These vessels with multiple numbers assigned to them seemingly arrived in California intact. Mrs. Phoebe A. Hearst founded what was then known as the University of California Museum of Anthropology in 1901. The museum’s collections, including the material from Naga ed-Deir, were stored at that original location at Parnassus Heights in San Francisco. In April 1906, a devastating earthquake followed by days of intense fires destroyed the majority of the city. The objects in this catalogue that have multiple object numbers assigned to them were likely intact vessels that had been broken during the earthquake. Afterwards, the vessel sherds were given separate object numbers. When the vessels were subsequently reconstructed, the resulting objects consisted of many different object numbers.

Pottery Types

I. Open Vessels

Hemispherical Bowl, Direct Rim, Round Base, Round Contour

Vessels of this type were wheel-made in a variety of materials and sizes (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 60). This one has a round base.

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14548 (Fig. 2.2)

Figure 2.2
Figure 2.2

Hemispherical bowl 6-14548 (N 2032)

Shallow Simple Bowl, Direct Rim, Flat Base

These bowls, which were used for food and/or perhaps incense, were made like the shallow and deep inflected bowls: wheel-thrown with base cut by hand. The sole example in this corpus has a slip on the outer surface.

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14454 (Fig. 2.3)

Figure 2.3
Figure 2.3

Shallow simple bowl 6-14454 (N 2235)

Shallow Simple Bowl, Modelled Rim

The shallow bowls in this corpus are slipped. Two of the examples here (PAHMA 6-14473, PAHMA 6-14475) have an incised line on the inner surface that delineates the rim. All of these examples have round bases except one, which has a flat base (PAHMA 6-14473).

N 2037 PAHMA 6-14330

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14473, PAHMA 6-14475, PAHMA 6-14486, PAHMA 6-14492

Deep Simple Bowl, Direct Rim, Round Base

These bowls, which are used to hold food, are wheel-thrown with their bases hand-cut into shape (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 208). PAHMA 6-14318 and PAHMA 6-14321 both have a white band painted on the inner surface.

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14318, PAHMA 6-14321

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14453

Deep Simple Bowl, Modelled Rim, Round Base

This vessel type is found in a variety of contexts and was used for holding incense and probably food (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 172).

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14313 (Fig. 2.4)

N 2034 PAHMA 6-14316

Figure 2.4
Figure 2.4

Deep simple bowl 6-14313 (N 2031)

Carinated Bowl with Spout, Direct Rim, Round Base

Bowls with separately attached spouts, found in settlement and funerary contexts, were used for pouring liquids (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 342). The example in this corpus is made of Nile silt, red-slipped, carinated, and has a round base. It was found in situ on a tall stand (PAHMA 6-14542.2).

N 2490 PAHMA 6-14542.1 (Fig. 2.5)

Figure 2.5
Figure 2.5

Carinated bowl with spout 6-14542 (N 2490)

Carinated Bowl, Direct Rim, Flat Base

Neither bowl is currently intact, and PAHMA 6-14501 is too fragmentary to know if it is deep or shallow. PAHMA 6-14501 is slipped and has two incised lines on the outer surface that delineate the rim. Unusual for this corpus is the decoration on the inner surface of PAHMA 6-14507: a white painted cross or X and white dots.

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14501, PAHMA 6-14507

Deep Carinated Bowl, Direct Rim, Flat Base

This fragmentary vessel, like others of this type, has two incised bands under the rim (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 3230).

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14477 (Fig. 2.6)

Figure 2.6
Figure 2.6

Deep carinated bowl 6-14477 (N 2446)

Deep Carinated Bowl, Direct Rim, Ring Base

These vessels constitute two of this corpus’s three examples of applied ring bases, the other being PAHMA 6-14470. Both vessels are red slipped with three incised lines under the rim.

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14494, PAHMA 6-14526

Carinated Bowl, Short Upper Body, Direct Rim, Ring Base

This fragmentary bowl is unusual in this corpus for its applied ring base. The only other vessels in this corpus with that base are two deep hemispherical bowls with round contours (PAHMA 6-14494, PAHMA 6-14526). The inner surface of this vessel is burnished.

N 2431 PAHMA 6-14470 (Fig. 2.7)

Figure 2.7
Figure 2.7

Carinated bowl 6-14470 (N 2431)

Restricted Bowl, Carinated Contour, Direct Rim, Round Base

The fragmentary state of this slipped bowl resulted in it being assigned two object numbers before it was realized that all the pieces belonged to one vessel. This bowl is decorated with incised lines, one at the rim and more at the shoulder.

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14451a–b (Fig. 2.8)

Figure 2.8
Figure 2.8

Restricted bowl 6-14451A (N 2235)

II. Closed Vessels

Globular Jar, Short Neck, Modelled Rim, Round Base

The rims of these vessels are flared slightly (PAHMA 6-14519) and everted (PAHMA 6-12508). PAHMA 6-14519 is also double the height of PAHMA 6-12508.

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14519

N 2641 PAHMA 6-12508

Globular Jar, Quatrefoil Modelled Rim, Flat Base

Examples of this shape are found at Middle and Upper Egyptian funerary sites, used to hold liquids. Other examples of this type of jar have embellishments, such as an incised band (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 388). The specimens from this corpus that have similar decoration are PAHMA 6-14540 (three molded lines), PAHMA 6-14500 (two incised lines), PAHMA 6-14504 (two incised lines), PAHMA 6-14508 (uneven incised lines), and PAHMA 6-14522 (incised wavy line centered between two incised lines).

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14499, PAHMA 6-14500, PAHMA 6-14504, PAHMA 6-14508, PAHMA 6-14522, PAHMA 6-14523 (Fig. 2.9)

N 2473 PAHMA 6-14540

Figure 2.9
Figure 2.9

Globular jar 6-14504 (N 2446)

Ellipsoid Jar, No or Very Short Neck, Modelled Rim, Round Base

Jars of this type, used for storing liquids, have been found at sites along the Nile River Valley (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 428).

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14319 (Fig. 2.10)

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14325

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14534

Figure 2.10
Figure 2.10

Ellipsoid jar 6-14319 (N 2031)

Cylindrical Beaker, Short Flaring Direct or Modelled Rim, Round Base

These beakers, with a round base, are used for storing liquids and are primarily found at Middle and Upper Egyptian funerary sites (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 448). All of the examples in this corpus are slipped. The flat base on PAHMA 6-14327 is unusual, and there is one broken base (PAHMA 6-14482).

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14327

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14482, PAHMA 6-14516

N 2701 PAHMA 6-12509 (Fig. 2.11)

Figure 2.11
Figure 2.11

Cylindrical beaker 6-12509 (N 2701)

Ovoid Jar, No or Short Neck, Direct Rolled or Modelled Rim, Flat Base

This shape group is typically made from Nile silt and many are red coated. They are related to hes-jars, but this particular variation, with sides that are nearly vertical or that taper to the base, is not common after early Dynasty 12. They are typically found in funerary contexts in Middle and Upper Egypt (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 512).

N 2051 PAHMA 6-14349

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14503, PAHMA 6-14512, PAHMA 6-14525, PAHMA 6-14529

N 2507 PAHMA 6-12502

N 2747 PAHMA 6-12514

Ovoid Jar, No or Very Short Neck, Modelled Rim, Round Base

This type of ovoid jar has been separated into medium (heights of 15–18 cm) and large to very large (heights of 45–55 cm) (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 480). The slipped vessel PAHMA 6-14461, which at a height of 28.4 cm is the largest ceramic in this corpus, falls between those two categories. Additionally, all examples of this vessel are made of marl clays, while these example are made of Nile silt. PAHMA 6-14441 is white slipped.

N 2119 PAHMA 6-14441 (Fig. 2.12)

N 2272 PAHMA 6-14461

Figure 2.12
Figure 2.12

Ovoid jar 6-14441 (N 2119)


These jars, used for libation, were held at the narrowest point of the vessel, above the base. Nile silt versions are often red coated, and the shape, though widely distributed, is not found in the delta (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 508).

N 2093 PAHMA 6-14411 (Fig. 2.13)

Figure 2.13
Figure 2.13

Hes-jar 6-14411 (N 2093)

Ovoid Jar, Angular Shoulders, Short to Medium Length Neck, Disc-Shaped Rim, Flat Base, Sides Tapering to Base

These jars are similar in form to hes-jars, often lacking the splayed base (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 512).

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14322 (Fig. 2.14)

N 2048 PAHMA 6-14344

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14487, PAHMA 6-14488, PAHMA 6-14493

Figure 2.14
Figure 2.14

Ovoid jar related to hes-jar 6-14322 (N 2032)

Bag-Shaped Beaker, Slightly S-Curved Sides, Direct Rim, Flat Base

Vertical striations run around the top of PAHMA 6-14444.

N 2119 PAHMA 6-14444 (Fig. 2.15)

Figure 2.15
Figure 2.15

Bag-shaped beaker 6-14444 (N 2119)

Bag-Shaped Jar, Wide Straight Neck, Quatrefoil Modelled Rim, Flat Base

This shape is generally created from Nile B2, with the neck’s surface coated in red. The documented range of this vessel is quite restricted, from Middle to Northern Upper Egypt and from mid-Dynasty 11 to early Dynasty 12. The vessel type is used for short-term storage of liquids and is often decorated on the shoulder with incised lines, three in parallel or one wavy between two parallels (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 554). In this corpus, three of the four vessels are decorated on the shoulder. PAHMA 6-14396 is slipped and painted with two incised lines. PAHMA 6-14416 is slipped with 1 incised line that makes four rotations around the vessel. PAHMA 6-14528 is slipped with two incised lines. PAHMA 6-12504 is slipped with two deeply incised lines. One vessel in this corpus (PAHMA 6-14396) unusually has a round base.

N 2075 PAHMA 6-14396

N 2093 PAHMA 6-14416

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14528

N 2567 PAHMA 6-12504 (Fig. 2.16)

Figure 2.16
Figure 2.16

Bag-shaped jar 6-12504 (N 2567)

Bag-Shaped Jar, No or Very Short Neck, Everted Modelled or Rolled Rim, Round Base

This is by far the most common type among the ceramics from N 2000/N 2500 now in the collection of the Hearst Museum. According to museum records, most of the 33 specimens were found with other examples of the same type. Three samples are from N 2032, and a surprising 22 examples were in N 2446. The attributions of PAHMA 6-14460 to N 2265, PAHMA 6-14466 to N 2332, PAHMA 6-14467 to N 2379, and PAHMA 6-14543, PAHMA 6-14544, and PAHMA 6-14545 to N 2493 are uncertain due to discrepancies between the original excavators’ notes and the data about these objects in the Hearst Museum.

Bag-shaped jars were commonly found in Middle and Upper Egypt and were used for short-term storage or as cooking vessels during Dynasty 11 and early Dynasty 12. Most of the vessels in this corpus do not have the angular shoulder that has been associated with late Dynasty 11 date (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 556). PAHMA 6-14532 (N 2446) and PAHMA 6-14544 (N 2493) are two examples that do have a small shoulder, although the shoulder on the former is not consistent around the diameter of the vessel.

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14320 (Fig. 2.17)

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14323, PAHMA 6-14326, PAHMA 6-14329

N 2100 PAHMA 6-14430

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14458

N 2265 PAHMA 6-14460

N 2332 PAHMA 6-14466

N 2379 PAHMA 6-14467

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14483, PAHMA 6-14489, PAHMA 6-14490, PAHMA 6-14495, PAHMA 6-14496, PAHMA 6-14497, PAHMA 6-14498, PAHMA 6-14502, PAHMA 6-14505a, PAHMA 6-14505b, PAHMA 6-14506, PAHMA 6-14510, PAHMA 6-14511, PAHMA 6-14513, PAHMA 6-14514b, PAHMA 6-14518, PAHMA 6-14520, PAHMA 6-14521, PAHMA 6-14527, PAHMA 6-14530, PAHMA 6-14531, PAHMA 6-14532, PAHMA 6-14535, PAHMA 6-14536

N 2493 PAHMA 6-14543, PAHMA 6-14544, PAHMA 6-14545

Figure 2.17
Figure 2.17

Bag-shaped bottle 6-14320 (N 2446)

Conical Beaker, Direct Rim, Pointed Base

The pointed base of this coarse-ware vessel is unusual within this corpus, although it is commonly found in First Intermediate Period cemeteries and in Upper Egypt into the early Middle Kingdom (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 132). With this base, the vessel is found exclusively in funerary and ritual contexts.

N 2493 PAHMA 6-14546 (Fig. 2.18)

Figure 2.18
Figure 2.18

Conical beaker 6-14546 (N 2493)

Carinated Jar, No Neck, Modelled Rim, Flat Base

This type of jar is most frequently found in cemeteries in the region of Memphis and the Faiyum.

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14452

Carinated Jar, No Neck, Tall Everted Modelled Rim, Flat Base

This jar type has been separated into small (up to 12.6 cm in height) and medium to large (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 636). These examples are of medium height. Vertical striations run down the length of the body of PAHMA 6-14443.

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14314 (Fig. 2.19)

N 2064 PAHMA 6-14350

N 2119 PAHMA 6-14443

N 2404 PAHMA 6-14468

Figure 2.19
Figure 2.19

Carinated jar 6-14314 (N 2031)

Carinated jar 6-14314 (N 2031)

Carinated Jar, Straight Neck, Folded Rim, Flat Base

This vessel is unique in this corpus, the only object with a black surface and the only object of this shape.

N 2701 PAHMA 6-12510

III. Vessels for Production and Specific Household Use


Pinched lips that hold a wick in place are a hallmark of lamps, but as noted (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 778) this vessel type could also have been used as a feeding cup.

N 2100 PAHMA 6-14431 (Fig. 2.20)

Figure 2.20
Figure 2.20

Lamp 6-14431 (N 2100)

Tall Stand (Reisner [1932, 94] Type XIII.b Tall Bowl-Stand with Bowl in One Piece)

Tall stands were used in ceremonial contexts to support offering bowls (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 828). Two of the examples in this corpus have incised lines: PAHMA 6-14541 has 1 incised line, and PAHMA 6-14315 has a series of molded lines.

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14311, PAHMA 6-14315 (Fig. 2.21)

N 2032 PAHMA 6-14324

N 2090 PAHMA 6-14408

N 2107 PAHMA 6-14438

N 2119 PAHMA 6-14442

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14533

N 2473 PAHMA 6-14541

N 2490 PAHMA 6-14542.2

Figure 2.21
Figure 2.21

Tall stand 6-14315 (N 2031)

Offering Stand (Reisner [1932, 94] Type XIII.b Tall Bowl-Stand with Bowl in One Piece)

A carinated bowl (PAHMA 6-14428) was originally joined to a tall stand, now broken into two pieces (PAHMA 6-14429, PAHMA 6-2799), and the two pieces were fired together. The bowl is decorated with a slip and two incised decorative bands of wavy lines bounded by horizontal lines.

N 2099 PAHMA 6-14428 (Fig. 2.22), PAHMA 6-14429, PAHMA 6-2799

Figure 2.22
Figure 2.22

Offering stand 6-14428 (N 2099)

IV. Closed Miniature and Model Vessels

Bag-Shaped Miniature or Model Jar, Squat, Modelled Rim, Flat Base

Like the other miniature objects from these cemeteries, these examples are made of marl.

N 2093 PAHMA 6-14418

Bag-Shaped Miniature or Model Jar, Squat, Everted Disc-Shaped Modelled Rim, Flat Base

These two vessels, which have disc-shaped rims and are made of marl, were found with another miniature jar (PAHMA 6-14308) and an assortment of other pottery. The flat base of PAHMA 6-14301 is angled, resulting in the vessel leaning to one side. The squat (3.0–3.4 cm high) version of this carinated vessel type, which is found in pottery and stone, in cemeteries and in settlements in Upper Egypt, was used for cosmetics (Schiestl and Seiler 2012, 1042). The height of only one of these vessels (PAHMA 6-14309) falls within that range.

N 2030 PAHMA 6-14301, PAHMA 6-14309 (Fig. 2.23)

Figure 2.23
Figure 2.23

Ovoid miniature or model jar 6-14309 (N 2030, 2093)

Carinated Miniature or Model Jar, Squat, Everted Disc-Shaped Modelled Rim, Flat Base

This marl vessel was found with two other miniature jars (PAHMA 6-14301, PAHMA 6-14309) and an assortment of other pottery.

N 2030 PAHMA 6-14308 (Fig. 2.24)

Figure 2.24
Figure 2.24

Carinated miniature or model jar 6-14308 (N 2030)

V. Sherds

Sherds (Beaker)

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14476

Sherds (Bowl)

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14474, PAHMA 6-14479, PAHMA 6-14480, PAHMA 6-14484, PAHMA 6-14514a, PAHMA 6-14515

Sherds (Jar)

N 2031 PAHMA 6-14312

N 2235 PAHMA 6-14455

N 2431 PAHMA 6-14469

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14491, PAHMA 6-14516, PAHMA 6-14517

Non-diagnostic sherds

N 2446 PAHMA 6-14478, PAHMA 6-14524

Figure 2.25
Figure 2.25

(Top row): #1=N 2030, #3=N 2034, #4=2532, #5=2746; (Second row): #3=N 2093; (Third row): #1=N 2034, #3=N 2034, #5=N 2031, #6=N 2446; (Fourth row): #1=N 2446, #2=N 2030, #4=N 2031, #5=N 2747, #6=N 2034 (NED-A-7561)

N 2030 (TC) Map E4; photos B 885, C 7001 (Figs. 2.23, 2.24, 2.25)

Pottery A, M, (i). Small pottery, kohl pot. (PAHMA 6-14301, PAHMA 6-14308, PAHMA 6-14309).

(1) PAHMA 6-14301 Miniature or Model Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Marl A3

Shape: Modelled disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: High fired, wheel-made rim, very well-levigated, very little pitting

Height: 3.3 cm

Max Width: 3.2 cm (at rim)

Aperture Index: 43.75

Rim: Diameter: 3.2 cm outer rim, Thickness: 0.35 cm

Base Diameter: 1.0–1.5 cm (elliptical shape)

Color: Body: 10 Y 8/2 Pale Yellow, Surface Discoloration: 2.5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown

The vessel leans to one side because of the angle of the base.

(2) PAHMA 6-14308 Ovoid Miniature or Model Jar

Fabric: Marl A2

Shape: Squat, modelled rim, flat base

Surface: High-fired, wheel-made, well levigated with few visible inclusions, uniform inner matrix color, body impacted on one side

Height: 4.0 cm

Max Width: 4.5 cm (at rim)

Aperture Index: 60

Rim: Diameter: 4.5 cm outer rim, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Base Diameter: 2.2–2.6 cm (elliptical shape)

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 7/6–6/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 10 Y 8/3 Pale Yellow

(3) PAHMA 6-14309 Bag-Shaped Miniature or Model Jar

Fabric: Marl A3

Shape: Squat, disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: High-fired, wheel-made, well-levigated, rim broken at one side

Height: 3.5 cm

Max Width: 4.0 cm

Aperture Index: 42.5

Rim: Diameter: 3.5 cm outer rim, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Base Diameter: 2.5 cm

Color: 2.5 Y 8/2–8/3 Pale Yellow

Figure 2.26
Figure 2.26

Ceramics in position N 2031 (NED-C-0983)

N 2031 (TC) Map E3; photo C 983, C 7178, C 7179, C 8199 (Figs. 2.4, 2.10, 2.19, 2.21, 2.25, 2.26, 2.27, 2.28)

Under coffin, pottery. Quantity of A, M with white inside rim (PAHMA 6-14313, PAHMA 6-14318, PAHMA 6-14321), and (ii) (PAHMA 6-14311, PAHMA 6-14314, PAHMA 6-14315, PAHMA 6-14319, PAHMA 6-14320). Slight groove and knife mark (PAHMA 6-14312).

(1) PAHMA 6-14311 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, modelled base

Surface: Surface damage, apparently slipped, calcium carbonate and sand inclusions visible

Max Height: 17.4 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 8.5–9.0 cm (elliptical shape), Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base: Diameter: 10.5–11.0 cm (elliptical shape), Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

(2) PAHMA 6-14312 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Round-Shaped Modelled Rim

Surface: Porous, thick-walled, visible red core, single incised line delineating rim/neck of the jar, outer surface slipped

Max Height: 12.4 cm

Rim: Diameter: 11.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Location of Incised line: 2.8–3.2 cm from rim

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/1–5/2 Gray–Brown, Slip: 10 YR 8/1–8/2 White–Very Pale Brown, Core: 5 YR 4/6 Yellowish Red

(3) PAHMA 6-14313 Deep Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Red slipped with white band (uneven) around inside of rim and traces of white paint on base; large holes for chaff inclusions

Height: 4.77 cm

Max Width: 12.9 cm

Aperture Index: 113.7

Vessel Index: 307.7

Rim: Diameter: 14.68 cm, Thickness: 0.62 cm

Base Diameter: 4.1 cm

Color: Body: 10R 6/6 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(4) PAHMA 6-14314 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Slightly everted, modelled rim, flat base, carination at shoulder

Surface: High-fired, some surface cracks, slipped

Height: 14.1 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 59.1

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm outer rim, Thickness: 0.43 cm

Base Diameter: 6.0 cm

Color: Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

(5) PAHMA 6-14315 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, modelled base

Surface: Series of molded lines, well-defined core, porous, no slip, chaff, shell, and sand visible in clay body

Max Height: 16.5 cm

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base: Diameter: 10.0 cm, Thickness: 1.4 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6–6/8 Light Red, Core: 2.5 YR 4/1–3/1 Dark Reddish Gray

This is an incomplete stand.

(6) PAHMA 6-14318 Deep Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, round base

Surface: Red slipped, 3.5 cm thick white painted band on inner surface, damage to round base, porous

Height: 5.3 cm

Max Width: 18.0 cm

Aperture Index: 94.4

Vessel Index: 339.6

Rim: Diameter: 18.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Clay: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Slip: 5 YR 5/4–7/6 Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Paint: 7.5 YR 8/2 Pinkish White

Object number PAHMA 6-14318 is a bowl comprised of five sherds. The center sherd in the base is catalogue number PAHMA 6-1470.

(7) PAHMA 6-14319 Ellipsoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short, slightly everted neck, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, minimal porosity, heavily abraded base, some burn marks

Height: 20.7 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 91.7

Rim: Diameter: 15.0 cm, Thickness: 0.58 cm

Color: Clay: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow, Core: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Red–Light Red

(8) PAHMA 6-14320 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, angular-shaped modelled rim, round base (slightly flattened)

Surface: Red slipped, porous, evidence of calcium carbonate and stone inclusions, carination appears near base

Height: 20.8 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 57.3

Rim: Diameter: 9.5 cm, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Color: Clay: 5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow

(9) PAHMA 6-14321 Deep Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, round base

Surface: Decorative white band 3.5–4.8 cm thick around rim on the inner surface, sand and stone inclusions visible, some surface pitting visible

Height: 5.7 cm

Max Width: 18.0 cm

Aperture Index: 94.3

Vessel Index: 315.8

Rim: Diameter: 18.5 cm, Thickness: 0.51 cm

Color: Clay: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red, Paint: 10 YR 8/1 White

Figure 2.27
Figure 2.27

(Second row): #5=N 2032, #8=N 2031; (Third row): #3=N 2032; (Bottom row): #1=N 2031, #4=N 2235 (NED-A-7562)

N 2032 (TC) Map E4 (Figs. 2.2, 2.14, 2.27)

In dotted lines [ed.: See Catalogue of Tombs for diagram.], pottery and above them, thrown down carelessly, stela of (i) (PAHMA 6-14552). Pottery: A, M, (iii) (PAHMA 6-14322, PAHMA 6-14323, PAHMA 6-14324, PAHMA 6-14325, PAHMA 6-14326, PAHMA 6-14327, PAHMA 6-14329, PAHMA 6-14548).

(1) PAHMA 6-14322 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Angular shoulder, everted rim with slight disc-shape, splayed foot, flat base, sides taper to base

Surface: Red-slipped, overall poorly executed, highly uneven vessel, high-fired but with obvious variation in firing condition, burnout visible in slip

Max Height: 14.3 cm

Max Width: 9.0 cm

Aperture Index: 66.9

Rim: Diameter: 6.5–7.0 cm (elliptical in shape), Thickness: 0.49 cm

Base Diameter: 4.2 cm

Color: Clay: 2.5 YR 6/4–5/4 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 7/6–6/6 Light Red

(2) PAHMA 6-14323 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Very short neck, everted rolled rim, round base with small flattened section

Surface: Low-fired, porous, chaff visible, cracking/abrasions on the base, outer surface is variable in color

Height: 19.8 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 57.1

Rim: Diameter: 10.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0

Color: Surface Clay: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow; 7.5 YR 6/2–6/3 Pinkish Gray–Light Brown

(3) PAHMA 6-14324 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, modelled base

Surface: Heavily eroded slip, visible undulation of the outer surface, well-levigated clay with some small shell and sand, chaff visible in slip, highly uneven in shape

Max Height: 16.9 cm

Max Width: 11.6 cm

Rim: Diameter: 8.2 cm (elliptical shape), Thickness: 0.70 cm

Base: Diameter: 10.4 cm (elliptical shape), Thickness: 0.5 cm–1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red

(4) PAHMA 6-14325 Ellipsoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Wide neck, slightly modelled rim, round base

Surface: Wheel-made, slipped, well-levigated, some erosion of surface

Height: 18.0 cm

Max Width: 14.6 cm

Aperture Index: 54.8

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 7/6–6/6 Light Red

(5) PAHMA 6-14326 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, everted, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Undecorated, heavily abraded, evidence of chaff, sand, calcium carbonate, and firing marks

Height: 20.2 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 55.8

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Core: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Outer Surface: 7.5 YR 8/1 White

(6) PAHMA 6-14327 Cylindrical Beaker

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Short flaring modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Red slipped, porous core with evidence of chaff and other minute inclusions

Height: 19.0 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 72.0

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.54

Base Diameter: 8.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

Although many examples of cylindrical beakers feature round bases, PAHMA 6-14327 features a flat base.

(7) PAHMA 6-14329 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, slightly everted, folded rim, round base

Surface: White accretion, slipped, cracked and abraded base

Height: 19.8 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 51.7

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

(8) PAHMA 6-14548 Hemispherical Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, round contour, round base

Surface: Red slip, wheel-made, porous, large inclusions visible, evidence of calcium carbonate and sand

Height: 7.2 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Aperture Index: 95.0

Vessel Index: 222.2

Rim: Diameter: 16.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–5/4 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–5/8 Red, Core: 2.5 YR 5/3 Reddish Brown

This is a fragmentary bowl.

N 2034 (TC) Map E4; photo C 993, B 7129 (Fig. 2.25)

In large chamber, number of A pots, (i) M, (ii) M. [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14316 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14316 Deep Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected with modelled rim, round base

Surface: Undecorated, porous, some surface erosion/damage, apparent sand inclusions, visible chaff

Height: 4.2 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 93.3

Vessel Index: 357.1

Rim: Diameter: 15.0 cm, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Core: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red

This is a fragmentary vessel. Identification has been made based on the measurements of the fragments.

N 2037 (TC) Map E4

[ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14330 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14330 Shallow Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected, modelled rim, round base, significantly uneven in shape

Surface: Slipped surface, chaff visible, evidence of shell and sand included

Max Height: 3.7 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 84.0

Vessel Index: 378.4

Rim: Diameter: 13.0–14.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40–0.70 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

N 2048 (TC) Map B3

Coptic burial? [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14344 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14344 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, everted rim with slight disc-shape, splayed foot, flat base, sides taper to base

Surface: Slipped, very worn, high number of chaffs visible, porous

Height: 16.4 cm

Max Width: 9.2 cm

Aperture Index: 72.8

Rim: Diameter: 7.9 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Base Diameter: 4.3–3.2 cm (elliptical, disk shape)

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–4/6 Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/3–6/4 Light Reddish Brown

N 2051 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb. Note that the original excavators’ notes tentatively label N 2051 as N 2114, but there is no record of this object in that burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14349 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, short neck, slightly everted, modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, some firing marks visible, calcium carbonate and sand apparent, wear near base

Height: 23.0 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 65.4

Rim: Diameter: 8.1 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Base Diameter: 7.5 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

N 2064 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14350 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, some wear evident, well-levigated

Height: 14.3 cm

Max Width: 10.4 cm

Aperture Index: 77.9

Rim: Diameter: 9.2 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip 2.5 YR 6/6 Light red

N 2075 (TC) Map A4; type vi d; photo C 8074, B 8248

[ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14396 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14396 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Wide straight neck, quatrefoil modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped and painted, two incised lines decorate the shoulder of the vessel 5.8–7.2 cm from the vessel rim

Height: 21.5 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Aperture Index: 53.0

Rim: Diameter: 9.0–9.5 cm, Thickness: 0.51 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 7/8 Light Red, Paint: 10R 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

Typically, this bag shape features a flat base, however, PAHMA 6-14396 features a round base.

Figure 2.28
Figure 2.28

(Second row): #8=N 2031 #10=N 2090; (Third row): #5=N 2100, #6=N 2235, #7=N 2031, #8=N 2090; (Fourth row): #6=N 2099, #7=N 2490 (NED-A-7560)

N 2090 (TC) Map C5; photo A 8266, B 7146 (Fig. 2.28)

[ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14408 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14408 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Tapered, modelled rim and base

Surface: Handmade, slipped, not well-levigated, evidence of large shell inclusions, sand, stone, and grog, porous

Max Height: 17.8 cm

Max Width: 10.5 cm

Rim: Diameter: 10.5 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Base: Diameter: 5.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 7/6–6/6 Light Red, Slip: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow

N 2093 (TC) Map C5; photo B 7129, B 7144 (Figs. 2.13, 2.23, 2.25)

In b [ed.: See Catalogue of Tombs for diagram.], 2 A pots. In large chamber, broken stela man and wife (i). Several As, M, (ii) (PAHMA 6-14411, PAHMA 6-14416), small clay kohl pot (iii) (PAHMA 6-14418).

(1) PAHMA 6-14411 Hes-Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Round shoulder, everted rim with slight disc-shape, splayed foot, flat base

Surface: Slipped, high-fired, some small inclusions visible

Height: 23.8 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 56.0

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 5.7 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–6/4 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(2) PAHMA 6-14416 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Wide straight neck, quatrefoil modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped (slip variable in color based on firing environment), incised continuous line forming four lines at the shoulder of the vessel, uneven height

Max Height: 14.3 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 50.8

Rim: Diameter: 6.5–7.5 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Base Diameter: 6.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 4/6 Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 7/6–7/8 Light Red; 5 YR 7/4–7/6 Pink–Reddish Yellow

(3) PAHMA 6-14418 Ovoid Miniature or Model Jar

Fabric: Marl A3

Shape: Squat, modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Some surface pitting and abrasion at the rim

Height: 3.9 cm

Max Width: 3.8 cm

Aperture Index: 46.8

Rim: Diameter: 2.2 cm, Thickness: 0.21 cm

Color: Body: 10 Y 8/3 Pale Yellow

N 2099 (TC) Map C4; photo C 7471 (Figs. 2.22, 2.28)

Pottery (see photographs). Dish on ring stand (PAHMA 6-14428, PAHMA 6-14429, PAHMA 6-2799). 4 saucers, in a nest.

(1) PAHMA 6-14428 Offering Stand (Deep Bowl)

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Direct rim, carinated, breakage at base

Surface: Slipped, two decorative bands of wavy lines, evident breakage at base, some calcium carbonate and sand apparent

Height: 11.1 cm

Max Width: 18.5 cm

Aperture Index: 94.6

Vessel Index: 166.7

Rim: Diameter: 18.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Clay: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/2 Light Reddish Brown–Pale Red, Core: 10 YR 5/1–4/1 Gray–Dark Gray

PAHMA 6-14428 was previously fired together with and attached to PAHMA 6-14429.

(2) PAHMA 6-14429 Offering Stand (Tall Stand Attached to Bowl [A])

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Disc-shaped base

Surface: Slipped, burn marks evident

Max Height: 17.6 cm

Max Width: 17.0 cm

Base: Diameter: 17.0 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Color: Clay: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/2 Light Reddish Brown–Pale Red, Core: 10 YR 5/1–4/1 Gray–Dark Gray

PAHMA 6-14429 was previously attached to PAHMA 6-14428.

(3) PAHMA 6-2799 Offering Stand (Tall Stand Attached to Bowl [B])

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Angled modelled rim

Surface: Slipped, burn marks evident

Max Height: 7.2 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 15.0 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Clay: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/2 Light Reddish Brown–Pale Red, Core: 10 YR 5/1–4/1 Gray–Dark Gray

PAHMA 6-2799 was originally attached to PAHMA 6-14429 as well as PAHMA 6-14428.

Figure 2.29
Figure 2.29

(Second row): #8=N 2446, #9=N 2717; (Third row): #7=N 2100; (Fifth row): #11=N 2235; (Sixth row): #1=N 2100; (Seventh row): #5=N 2445 (NED-A-7673)

N 2100 (TC) Map C5 (Figs. 2.20, 2.28, 2.29)

In big chamber, 1 broken skull. Several A pots (i) (PAHMA 6-14430), M (ii). First (ii) with spout, in firm dark red pottery, slightly polished (PAHMA 6-14431).

(1) PAHMA 6-14430 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, everted direct rim, round base

Surface: Porous, slipped, damage to slip, visible calcium carbonate and grog included in clay matrix

Height: 20.0 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 65.4

Rim: Diameter: 9.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow

(2) PAHMA 6-14431 Lamp

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Folded rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, some erosion of slip at the rim

Height: 6.3 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 81.8

Vessel Index: 174.6

Rim: Diameter: 11.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

N 2105 (TC) Map D4

[ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-1411 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-1411 This object has not been located.

N 2107 (TC) Map D4

Copt. Child of about 3. [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14438 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14438 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Modelled rim, direct base

Surface: Red slipped, incisions near the shoulder of the stand, evident wear, porous, sand and stone inclusions apparent

Max Height: 24.7 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 10.0 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Base: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow

N 2119 (TC) Map D5; photo C 8516, C 8538 (Figs. 2.12, 2.15)

In main chamber … several pots, A? (i) (PAHMA 6-14442, PAHMA 6-14443, PAHMA 6-14444, M (ii) (PAHMA 6-14441).

(1) PAHMA 6-14441 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Modelled rim, short, slightly everted neck, triangular shape, round base

Surface: White slipped, porous, chaff visible on outer surface

Height: 20.0 cm

Max Width: 12.8 cm

Aperture Index: 51.6

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–4/6 Red, Slip: 10 YR 8/1–8/2 White–Very Pale Brown, Core: 2.5 YR 6/3–5/3 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Brown

(2) PAHMA 6-14442 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, modelled base

Surface: Slipped, cracking at the base, evidence of calcium carbonate, grog, and shell apparent on the surface

Height: 19.3 cm

Max Width: 11.2 cm

Rim: Diameter: 9.5 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Base: Diameter: 10.5 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 7/6–7/8 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

(3) PAHMA 6-14443 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Carinated shoulder, no neck, tall, everted modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Vertical striations on the body of the vessel, slipped, small shell inclusions in clay matrix

Height: 19.7 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 70.0

Rim: Diameter: 7.5–8.0 cm (elliptical shape), Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

(4) PAHMA 6-14444 Bag-Shaped Beaker

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Everted neck, direct rim, sides flare out almost into a carination, flat base

Surface: High-fired, decorative incised lines from rim, chaff, calcium carbonate, and some small shell inclusions evident, horizontal lines around top of aperture

Height: 18.1 cm

Max Width: 11.4 cm

Aperture Index: 56.4

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Base Diameter: 9.5 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–4/6 Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown

Figure 2.30
Figure 2.30

Ceramics and blocked door N 2235 (NED-C-0996)

N 2235 (TC) Map E4; photos C 996, B 7114, B 8251 (Figs. 2.3, 2.8, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30)

In large chamber, quantity of pottery, about 4 As (i) (PAHMA 6-14451 a–b, PAHMA 6-14452, PAHMA 6-14453, PAHMA 6-14454, PAHMA 6-14455, PAHMA 6-14458), M with white rings (ii).

(1a) PAHMA 6-14451a Restricted Bowl

Fabric: Nile E

Shape: Carinated contour, direct rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, very thin-walled, evidence of sand and shell inclusions, an incised line denotes the rim

Height: 4.5 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 76.6

Vessel Index: 222.2

Rim Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.67 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6–6/4 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–4/6 Red

This object number comprises some body sherds and rim fragments.

(1b) PAHMA 6-14451b Restricted Bowl

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Carinated contour, direct rim, round base

Surface: Red slipped, very thin-walled, incised lines at “shoulder” of vessel, larger incised line delineates rim

Height: 5.0 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 59.6

Vessel Index: 200

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.52 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6–6/4 Reddish Yellow–Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–5/4 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Brown

This object number comprises a number of body sherds and a rim fragment.

(2) PAHMA 6-14452 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, round shoulder, modelled rim, flat splayed base

Surface: Traces of red-slip, well-levigated

Height: 7.8 cm (base sherd), 9.4 cm (rim sherd)

Max Width: 8.1 cm (base sherd), 11.5 cm (rim sherd)

Aperture Index: 64.8

Rim: Diameter: 6.1 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Base: Diameter: 6.6 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown

Unclear how the sherds join.

(3) PAHMA 6-14453 Deep Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, well-levigated, white accretion on surface

Height: 4.9 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Aperture Index: 96.2

Vessel Index: 326.5

Rim: Diameter: 16.0 cm, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(4) PAHMA 6-14454 Shallow Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, flat base

Surface: Outer surface slipped, low-fired, porous, evidence of calcium carbonate and sand

Height: 3.0 cm

Max Width: 13.5 cm

Aperture Index: 98.4

Vessel Index: 450.0

Rim: Diameter: 13.5 cm, Thickness: 0.22 cm

Base Diameter: 4.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/8–5/8 Light Red–Red, Slip: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red

(5) PAHMA 6-14455 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim

Surface: Slipped, surface pitting visible, large inclusions

Height: 11.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 10.0 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–5/4 Light Brown–Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Core: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(6) PAHMA 6-14458 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Red slip, porous, large inclusions visible, apparent wear to surface slip

Height: Rim Sherd: 18.1 cm, Base Sherd: 7.0 cm

Max Width: 13.5 cm

Aperture Index: 62.2

Rim: Diameter: 9.5 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow; 7.5 YR 5/1–4/1 Gray–Dark Gray; 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

PAHMA 6-14458 consists of a series of sherds that comprise the bag-shaped jar. Among these sherds is one labeled with catalogue number PAHMA 6-14455 despite belonging to the same vessel. Together, these catalogue numbers are categorized under Temp No. 2015.0100.

N 2265 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14460 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: No neck, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped (flaking), some pitting and chaff visible in surface, obvious undulation of vessel wall

Height: 18.5 cm

Max Width: 14.7 cm

Aperture Index: 54.4

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4–6/4 Pink–Light Brown, Slip: 5 YR 7/6–6/6 Reddish Yellow

N 2272 (TC) Map A4

(i) in smooth red (PAHMA 6-14461).

(1) PAHMA 6-14461 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile D

Shape: Short neck, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, well-levigated clay matrix, evidence of calcium carbonate on the slip, rim flattened to one side, burn marks in the slip

Max Height: 28.4 cm

Max Width: 20.0 cm

Aperture Index: 44.5

Rim: Diameter: 9.9–10.5 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6 Red

PAHMA 6-14461 is the largest ceramic vessel in the corpus.

N 2332 (TC; MM) Map E3

Coptic graves. Burials gone. [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14466 is from this tomb.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14466 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, impacted to one side, evidence of sand included, minor pitting in the slip surface, chaff visible

Height: 19.0 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Aperture Index: 47.5

Rim: Diameter: 8.8 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown

N 2379 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14467 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short, flaring neck, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, small shell inclusions evident in clay matrix, abrasions near the vessel base

Height: 20.0 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 60.8

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

This is a typical shape within the cylindrical beaker categorization.

N 2404 (TC) Map E3 [ed.: 2405 in ink, but 2404 in pencil.]

Broken away. Contained nothing. [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14468 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14468 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, everted modelled rim, carination at shoulder, flat base

Surface: Red-slipped, evidence of calcium carbonate, sand, and grog visible in surface

Height: 18.8 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 48.5

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 7.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

Figure 2.31
Figure 2.31

Inscribed ceramic vessel found in N 2276 (NED-C-8524)

N 2431 (TC) Map D3/D4 [ed.: Map location not listed in excavation records; possibly between N 2637, N 2636, and N 2638 in tear on map. Note that there is another tomb labeled N 2431 that is associated with N 2207.]; photo C 8466 (Fig. 2.7)

Several broken pots (i) A, (ii) rough outside, red polish inside (PAHMA 6-14470), piece of a (iii)? Fragment of rim of a slate bowl. Fragments of Coptic pottery in filling of pit with scratched inscriptions. [ed.: For an inscribed ceramic from N 2276, see Fig. 2.31. According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14469 is from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14469 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Round base (with flattened section)

Surface: Undecorated, very thick-walled, porous, some chaff visible along with calcium carbonate, shell, stone

Max Height: 17.2 cm

Max Width: 13.5 cm

Max Wall Thickness: 3.2 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6–5/6 Reddish Yellow–Yellowish Red, Core: 5 YR 3/1–4/1 Very Dark Gray–Dark Gray

PAHMA 6-14469 is subsumed under Temp no. 2015.0434.

(2) PAHMA 6-14470 Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, carinated, ring base

Surface: Burnished inner surface, few inclusions with the exception of small shell, inner surface is striated

Max Height: Rim Sherd: 5.7 cm, Base Sherd: 6.7 cm

Max Width: 22.0 cm

Aperture Index: 95.4

Rim: Diameter: 22.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 7.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/5 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

This is a fragmentary bowl. The ring base seen on PAHMA 6-14470 is rare in the corpus.

N 2446 = N 2522 (TC) Map E3; photos B 7142, B 7144, C 7474 (Figs. 2.6, 2.9, 2.17, 2.25, 2.29)

In main chamber, a quantity of pottery (see photo). [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, the ceramics from this burial are PAHMA 6-14473 through PAHMA 6-14536.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14473 Shallow Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected, modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, chaff evident, stone inclusions in clay matrix, porous, abrasions near base, incised line on inner surface delineating rim

Height: 5.5 cm

Max Width: 20.0 cm

Aperture Index: 95.0

Vessel Index: 363.6

Rim: Diameter: 20.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

This is a fragmentary bowl. PAHMA 6-14473 is attached to catalogue number PAHMA 6-16931 and is subsumed under Temp no. 2015.099. This likely fits together with catalogue number PAHMA 6-14475, which is part of this corpus and is also subsumed under Temp no. 2015.099.

(2) PAHMA 6-14474 Sherd (Bowl)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Modelled rim, likely inflected body shape, no base available

Surface: Slipped, incised line delineating modelled rim, evident sand and shell inclusions as well as chaff, abrasions at base

Sherd Height: 6.3 cm

Max Width: 20.0 cm

Aperture Index: 94.3

Rim: Diameter: 20.0 cm, Thickness: 0.57 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 10 R 6/8 Light Red

This is a fragmentary bowl.

(3) PAHMA 6-14475 Shallow Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, chaff evident, stone inclusions in clay matrix, porous, abrasions near base, incised line on inner surface delineating rim

Height: 5.5 cm

Max Width: 20.0 cm

Aperture Index: 95.0

Vessel Index: 363.6

Rim: Diameter: 20.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

This is a fragmentary bowl. Based on comparison of the clay body and decoration, PAHMA 6-14475 is likely attached to PAHMA 6-14473. Both are currently separately filed under Temp no. 2015.099.

(4) PAHMA 6-14476 Sherds (Beaker)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Cylindrical, no neck, everted, modelled rim, no base available

Surface: Slipped (very worn), abrasions evident, chaff evident in surface

Max Height: 13.7 cm

Max Width: 10.4 cm

Aperture Index: 67.3

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 7/4 Pink, Core: 7.5 YR 5/1–5/2 Gray–Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

PAHMA 6-14476 consists of a number of sherds subsumed under Temp no. 2015.0865 and associated with catalogue number PAHMA 6-14524.

(5) PAHMA 6-14477 Deep Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Direct rim, flat base

Surface: Red slipped and burnished; two incised lines on rim (exterior)

Height: 7.3 cm

Max Width: 13.4 cm

Aperture Index: 101.9

Vessel Index: 187.1

Rim: Diameter: 13.66 cm, Thickness: 0.59 cm

Base: Diameter: 5.1 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6-6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown

This is a fragmentary bowl.

(6) PAHMA 6-14478 Non-diagnostic sherd (1.8 cm total diameter)

(7) PAHMA 6-14479 Sherd (Bowl)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Hemispherical, direct rim, triangular contour, no base available

Surface: Slipped, decorative incision surrounding rim, porous, some stone embedded in outer surface

Sherd Height: 7.1 cm

Max Width: 18.0 cm

Aperture Index: 96.7

Rim: Diameter: 18.0 cm, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown, Core: 5 YR 6/2–6/3 Pinkish Gray–Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(8) PAHMA 6-14480 Sherd (Bowl)

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Inflected, direct rim, round base

Surface: Fragmentary, slipped, porous, some chaff visible, included stone and shell

Max Sherd Height: 5.2 cm

Max Width: 21.0 cm

Aperture Index: 95.2

Rim: Diameter: 21.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6–7/4 Reddish Yellow–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(9) PAHMA 6-14481 Bag-Shaped Jar

This object number refers to sherds associated with PAHMA 6-14511. See that record for other object numbers associated with PAHMA 6-14511.

(10) PAHMA 6-14482 Cylindrical Beaker

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, everted modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, evidence of burnishing, porous, 3 incised lines 0.1–0.2 cm in thickness at shoulder

Height: 23.2 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 84.7

Rim: Diameter: 10.0 cm, Thickness: 0.34 cm

Base Diameter: 8.5 cm

Color: Clay Body: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–5/6 Light Red–Red

Unusual flat base.

(11) PAHMA 6-14483 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, included calcium carbonate and shell in large quantity, size of shell included is relatively large (0.90 cm in length)

Max Height: 17.0 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 58.5

Rim Diameter: 9.0 cm

Rim Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/4 Reddish Brown, Slip: 7.5 YR 8/2 Pinkish White

This is a fragmentary jar.

(12) PAHMA 6-14484 Sherds (Bowl)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Hemispherical, apparent triangular contour, modelled rim, no base

Surface: Slipped, incision on inner surface 0.20–0.45 cm thick delineating rim, multiple sherds, porous, variable thickness, sand and shell evident, abrasions on the outer surface of sherds indicating possible hand-shaped base

Max Sherd Height: 5.5 cm

Max Width: 19.0 cm

Aperture Index: 94.7

Rim: Diameter: 19.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–5/4 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Brown, Core: 7.5 YR 5/1–6/1 Gray

(13) PAHMA 6-14485 Bag-Shaped Jar

This object number refers to sherds associated with PAHMA 6-14511. See that record for other object numbers associated with PAHMA 6-14511.

(14) PAHMA 6-14486 Shallow Simple Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Porous, slipped, evidence of chaff and calcium carbonate in clay matrix, incision 0.40–0.50 cm thick delineating rim on inner surface

Height: 4.5 cm

Max Width: 23.0 cm

Aperture Index: 93.9

Vessel Index: 511.1

Rim: Diameter: 23.0 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 6/6–5/6 Reddish Yellow–Yellowish Red, Core: 7.5 YR 4/1 Dark Gray, 2.5 YR 6/4–4/6 Light Reddish Brown–Red

This is a fragmentary bowl.

(15) PAHMA 6-14487 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, everted rim with slight disc-shape, splayed foot, flat base, sides taper to base, impacted to one side at rim and neck

Surface: Red-slipped, well-levigated, low-porosity

Max Height: 21.5 cm

Max Width: 12.1 cm

Aperture Index: 45.5

Rim: Diameter: 7.5 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Base Diameter: 5.7–6.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(16) PAHMA 6-14488 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Angular shoulder, everted disc-like rim with slight disc-shape, splayed foot, flat base, sides taper to base

Surface: Red-slipped, well-levigated, abrasions near base, white accretion on vessel sides

Max Height: 22.5 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 33.8

Rim: Diameter: 6.2 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 8.6 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(17) PAHMA 6-14489 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, slightly everted rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, with cracks evident in surface, pitting and chaff apparent

Height: 19.7 cm

Max Width: 12.4 cm

Aperture Index: 85.4

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(18) PAHMA 6-14490 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, undulating surface to one side, evidence of sand and chaff in surface, uneven

Height: 21.0 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 56.0

Rim: Diameter: 9.8 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/6–6/6 Yellowish Red–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 7/4–7/6 Pink–Reddish Yellow

(19) PAHMA 6-14491 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Round base, no rim

Surface: Slipped but very worn, low-fired, porous, large inclusions of stone and shell visible

Max Sherd Height: 7.0 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

Sherd data taken from the only diagnostic sherd associated with this catalogue number.

(20) PAHMA 6-14492 This object has not been located.

(21) PAHMA 6-14493 Ovoid

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, everted rim with a slight disc shape, flat base, sides taper to base

Surface: Red-slipped, porous, evidence of calcium carbonate and sand, base is relatively thick

Max Height: Body Sherd: 16.3 cm, Rim Sherd: 4.0 cm, Base Sherd: 2.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 6.5 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Base Diameter: 5.0 cm

Color: Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

This jar is highly fragmentary, however the presence of diagnostic rim and base sherds together with a large portion of the vessel body allow us to conclude the original character of the vessel. This vessel is associated with sherds labeled with catalogue number PAHMA 6-17060.

(22) PAHMA 6-14494 Deep Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Direct rim, ring base

Surface: Red-slipped, 3 incised lines 0.10–0.20 cm thick starting just under rim, sand evident in clay body

Height: 9.6 cm

Max Width: 18.5 cm

Aperture Index: 90.7

Vessel Index: 192.7

Rim: Diameter: 18.5 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Base: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Height: 0.20 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/1–6/1 Reddish Gray, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown, Core: 5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown

This is a fragmentary bowl.

(23) PAHMA 6-14495 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, evidence of sand and shell inclusions, porous

Height: 21.9 cm

Max Width: 12.4 cm

Aperture Index: 57.2

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6 Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(24) PAHMA 6-14496 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, very coarse clay, rim delineated with two incised lines roughly 0.1 cm thick, evidence of calcium carbonate, shell, and sand, larger inclusions visible at rim

Height: 18.5 cm

Max Width: 12.4 cm

Aperture Index: 60.4

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(25) PAHMA 6-14497 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Red-slipped, porous, well-levigated, evidence of calcium carbonate and chaff

Height: 19.8 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 44.7

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6–7/6 Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–7/6 Light Red, Core: 5 YR 6/1–7/1 Gray–Light Gray

This is a fragmentary jar.

(26) PAHMA 6-14498 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: No neck, rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, large shell and grog inclusions evident, calcium carbonate and chaff visible, abrasions near the vessel base

Max Sherd Height: Body: 16.6 cm, Rim: 5.2 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 1.1 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/6–6/6 Yellowish Red–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink

PAHMA 6-14498 is fragmentary. Rim and base sherds, as well as a large portion of the body, account for the characterization of this jar.

(27) PAHMA 6-14499 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, flaring quatrefoil modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Apparently undecorated, although there is a small trace of either very worn slip or post-depositional accretion near the base, very rough clay matrix with shell, calcium carbonate, shell, and sand evident, heavily abraded surface area

Max Height: 12.5 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 56.3

Rim: Diameter: 6.0–7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 4/6–5/6 Red

Aperture index calculated based off of the largest potential aperture size of the quatrefoil rim.

(28) PAHMA 6-14500 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, flaring quatrefoil modelled rim (although rim is largely missing aside from one small section), flat base

Surface: Red-slipped, two incised lines 0.10–0.20 cm thick at shoulder of vessel, vessel missing a section of rim, some evidence of chaff and calcium carbonate

Height: 11.2 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 57.2

Rim Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

The portion of rim missing is significant enough to render the measurement of rim diameter inconclusive for this vessel.

(29) PAHMA 6-14501 Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Deep bowl, direct rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of stone, shell, chaff, and silicate, 2 incised lines delineating rim on outer surface 0.10–0.20 cm thick

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 7.1 cm, Base: 6.0 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 94.7

Rim: Diameter: 15.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Base Diameter: 4.8–5.2 cm (elliptical shape)

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 5 YR 5/1–6/1 Gray

PAHMA 6-14501 is fragmentary but can be characterized based on the rim and base sherds available.

(30) PAHMA 6-14502 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, evidence of chaff, sand, calcium carbonate, and grog, abrasions near base

Height: 20.6 cm

Max Width: 12.6 cm

Aperture Index: 57.1

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–6/8 Light Red

(31) PAHMA 6-14503 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, slightly angular shoulder, modelled disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, some large grog inclusions, evidence of chaff and shell, roughly 50% of the rim is missing

Height: 21.7 cm

Max Width: 12.4 cm

Aperture Index: 46.8

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Base Diameter: 8.0 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow, Slip: 10R 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(32) PAHMA 6-14504 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, flaring quatrefoil modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, 2 incised lines at vessel shoulder 0.1–0.15 cm in thickness, base heavily abraded

Max Height: 12.3 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 52.4

Rim: Diameter: 5.2–6.2 cm, Thickness: 0.32 cm

Base Diameter: 3.0–3.5 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 4/6–5/6 Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown

(33) PAHMA 6-14505a Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, high-fired, well-levigated with minimal evidence of calcium carbonate, sand, and shell

Height: 19.4 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 50.0

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red; 7.5 YR 8/2–8/3 Pinkish White–Pink

There are two objects with the catalogue number PAHMA 6-14505.

(34) PAHMA 6-14505b Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of calcium carbonate and sand, abrasions at base

Height: 19.5 cm

Max Width: 13.5 cm

Aperture Index: 53.3

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow

(35) PAHMA 6-14506 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of chaff and sand in surface, features an incised line that does not extend around the entire vessel

Height: 19.5 cm

Max Width: 13.8 cm

Aperture Index: 52.2

Rim: Diameter: 8.0–9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(36) PAHMA 6-14507 Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Deep carinated bowl, carination near middle of vessel, direct rim, flat base

Surface: Painted white dots and cross on the inner surface

Height: 7.0 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 90.9

Vessel Index: 157.1

Rim Diameter: 11.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 4.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Paint: 7.5 YR 8/2–8/1 Pinkish White–White

This is a fragmentary bowl.

(37) PAHMA 6-14508 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, flaring quatrefoil rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, porous, uneven shape, uneven incised lines at the shoulder of the vessel, some damage to slipped surface, displaying chaff, sand, and shell included in the clay body

Height: 11.8 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 45.8

Rim: Diameter: 5.5–6.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 4.5 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 7.5 YR 8/1–8/2 White–Pinkish White

(38) PAHMA 6-14509 This object has not been located.

(39) PAHMA 6-14510 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Undecorated, heavily abraded, evidence of chaff, sand, and shell, the thickness of wall surfaces varies, porous

Height: 20.0 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 63.3

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow

This is a fragmentary jar. PAHMA 6-14510 is attached to catalogue numbers PAHMA 6-14511 and PAHMA 6-14512.

(40) PAHMA 6-14511 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, some surface pitting and large shell inclusions

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 9.2 cm, Base: 16.4 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 54.3

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6 Red

PAHMA 6-14511 is a reconstructed vessel comprised of a number of sherds labeled under different catalogue numbers. These include PAHMA 6-14481, PAHMA 6-14485, PAHMA 6-14513, PAHMA 6-14514, and PAHMA 6-14614, and PAHMA 6-17060. PAHMA 6-14511 is also associated separately with PAHMA 6-14510 and Temp no. 2015.0103.

(41) PAHMA 6-14512 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Medium-long neck, modelled disc-shaped rim, angular shoulder, flat base

Surface: Red-slipped, slip is worn, porous, large calcium carbonate, sand, shell, stone particles evident in clay body

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 8.0 cm, Base: 15.0 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.55 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 5 YR 4/1–5/1 Dark Gray–Gray; 4/6 Yellowish Red

PAHMA 6-14512 is separately associated with PAHMA 6-14510. This fragmentary vessel can be characterized based on the presence of both rim and base sherds.

(42) PAHMA 6-14513 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, no base available

Surface: Slipped, minor pitting in surface, a small amount of wear at rim displays evidence of sand and shell

Height: 17.0 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 57.5

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.51 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Core: 7.5 YR 4/1–5/1 Dark Gray–Gray

For the various object numbers associated with PAHMA 6-14513, see PAHMA 6-14511.

(43) PAHMA 6-14514a Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, chaff evident, large holes and pitting visible in surface

Height: 8.5 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Color: Clay: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red, Core: 5 YR 4/1–5/1 Dark Gray–Gray

For the various object numbers associated with PAHMA 6-14514a, see PAHMA 6-14511. There are two objects that are labeled PAHMA 6-14514.

(44) PAHMA 6-14514b Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, evident shell inclusions, porous

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 16.0 cm, Base: 8.4 cm

Max Width: 13.3 cm

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.73 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 4/1–5/1 Dark Gray–Gray

(45) PAHMA 6-14515 Sherds (Indeterminate Inflected Bowl)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Inflected, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Incised line 0.10–0.20 cm thick on inner surface delineating rim, slipped but very worn, porous, evident sand inclusions

Height: 6.3 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red, Core: 2.5 Yr 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

Unable to assess rim diameter because only 11.9 mm of rim section remains.

(46) PAHMA 6-14516 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Red-slipped, large holes in surface

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 8.7 cm, Base: 14.1 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Aperture Index: 76.0

Rim: Diameter: 13.0 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 4/1 Dark Gray

This is a fragmentary vessel. Although cylindrical beakers usually have a round base, many of the examples in this corpus have flat bases.

(47) PAHMA 6-14517 Sherds (Jar)

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Round base

Surface: Rim is heavily eroded, thus the shape is unable to be determined. Slipped, porous, calcium carbonate and chaff evident, base heavily abraded

Base Sherd Height: 5.4 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 13.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 4/6–5/6 Red

(48) PAHMA 6-14518 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, few inclusions visible aside from minimal evidence of calcium carbonate, base heavily abraded

Height: 21.7 cm

Max Width: 13.6 cm

Aperture Index: 50.0

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 1.1 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 7.5 YR 8/2 Pinkish White

(49) PAHMA 6-14519 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, slightly flared modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, well-levigated

Height: 22.1 cm

Max Width: 13.2 cm

Aperture Index: 53.8

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Color: Slip: 7.5 YR 5/1–6/1 Gray

(50) PAHMA 6-14520 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, rolled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, coarse, evidence of chaff, sand, shell, and grog included in clay matrix

Height: 20.5 cm

Max Width: 13.4 cm

Aperture Index: 51.5

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Strong Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(51) PAHMA 6-14521 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, modelled rim, round base

Surface: Undecorated, variable burn marks on the surface, porous, heavily abraded base, included shell, sand, and chaff evident

Height: 20.5 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 55.4

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.90 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow

(52) PAHMA 6-14522 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, flaring quatrefoil modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, incised wavy line at shoulder centered between two incised lines that together create a band, fairly well-levigated with minor pitting in the surface slip

Height: 12.5 cm

Max Width: 10.6 cm

Aperture Index: 60.4

Rim: Diameter: 6.0–7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.30 cm

Base Diameter: 3.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(53) PAHMA 6-14523 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, flaring quatrefoil rim, flat base

Surface: Red-slipped, porous, evidence of calcium carbonate, chaff, and sand, base is heavily abraded, slip is heavily eroded

Max Height: 12.4 cm

Max Width: 12.0 cm

Aperture Index: 51.5

Rim: Diameter: 6.0–7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Base Diameter: 4.5–5.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(54) PAHMA 6-14524 Non-diagnostic sherds

(55) PAHMA 6-14525 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, angular shoulder, slightly flaring modelled disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of sand, shell, and chaff

Max Height: 20.1 cm

Max Width: 8.4 cm

Aperture Index: 83.3

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 6.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(56) PAHMA 6-14526 Deep Carinated Bowl

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, ring base

Surface: Slipped on inner and outer surfaces, damage to rim, 3 incised lines delineating rim on outer surface, damage to slip evident, apparent chaff and grog included

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 4.8 cm, Base: 5.7 cm

Max Width: 15.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 15.0 cm, Thickness: 0.32 cm

Base: Diameter: 6.8 cm, Height: 1.5 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red, Slip: 10 R 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Core: 7.5 YR 4/1 Dark Gray

PAHMA 6-14526 is fragmentary, however, the shape can be characterized given the presence of both rim and base sherds.

(57) PAHMA 6-14527 Bag-shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, slightly everted folded rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, pitting in vessel surface

Max Height: 20.8 cm

Max Width: 13.5 cm

Aperture Index: 40.7

Rim: Diameter: 7.5 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 7.5 YR 8/2–8/3 Pinkish White–White; 7.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Strong Brown–Reddish Yellow

(58) PAHMA 6-14528 Bag-shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Wide straight neck, flaring quatrefoil rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of grog, chaff, sand, shell, damage at base with 2 incised lines

Max Height: 12.0 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 55

Rim: Diameter: 6.0–6.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 4.7 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/6–6/6 Yellowish Red–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown–Pink

(59) PAHMA 6-14529 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, carinated at shoulder, very thick clay matrix, porous, wear in slip at both the shoulder and the base, evidence of sand, chaff, stone, and calcium carbonate

Max Height: 16.0 cm

Max Width: 11.0 cm

Aperture Index: 52.7

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.60 cm

Base Diameter: 6.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown

(60) PAHMA 6-14530 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, some chaff evident, apparent shell and sand inclusions, uneven, potentially impacted base

Max Height: 19.2 cm

Max Width: 12.2 cm

Aperture Index: 65.6

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 7/4–7/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(61) PAHMA 6-14531 Bag-Shaped Bottle

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Straight neck, slightly flaring modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, slightly eroded surface treatment, sand evident on vessel surface, apparent calcium carbonate and shell inclusions

Max Height: 19.8 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 59.2

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 10 R 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(62) PAHMA 6-14532 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, folded rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, wear on slip evident, vessel is impacted to one side at the rim, evidence of calcium carbonate, shell, and grog included

Max Height: 19.6 cm

Max Width: 12.7 cm

Aperture Index: 62.9

Rim: Diameter: 7.5–9.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Base Diameter: 6.5 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(63) PAHMA 6-14533 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Everted modelled rim, direct base

Surface: Slipped, well-levigated, small stone and shell inclusions, three incised lines 0.20 cm thick at shoulder of the vessel

Max Height: 23.0 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 10.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.88 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/4 Light Reddish Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6 Light Red

(64) PAHMA 6-14534 Ellipsoid Jar

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Very short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, slip is worn especially at the base, very coarse clay matrix with large shell inclusions, porous

Max Height: 19.9 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 52.3

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 1.1 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 2.5 YR 8/2 Pinkish White

(65) PAHMA 6-14535 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, slightly everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Evidence of chaff and large inclusions in the vessel surface, fire marks on body of the vessel, “rope” motif pressed into the body of the vessel which does not continue around the entire vessel

Max Height: 18.2 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 50.0

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6 Red

(66) PAHMA 6-14536 Bag-Shaped Bottle

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Straight neck, folded rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of chaff, shell, grog, some erosion in slip

Max Height: 19.5 cm

Max Width: 14.4 cm

Aperture Index: 45.1

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Brown–Pink, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

Figure 2.32
Figure 2.32

Ceramics in position N 2473 (NED-C-8495)

N 2473 (TC) Map B5; photos C 8495, B 8427 (Fig. 2.32)

In main chamber and in door of east chamber, a quantity of pottery: table of offerings (i); A (ii) (PAHMA 6-14540, PAHMA 6-14541); M (iii); smooth pottery, 3 black paint lines, large bowl (iv).

(1) PAHMA 6-14540 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, flaring quatrefoil rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, erosion of surface at base, three molded lines 0.30–0.50 cm thick at shoulder of vessel, very thin body walls

Max Height: 10.2 cm

Max Width: 10.6 cm

Aperture Index: 59.6

Rim: Diameter: 6.5–7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.34 cm

Base Diameter: 4.0 cm

Color: Slip: 5 YR 6/6 Reddish Yellow

(2) PAHMA 6-14541 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Flaring modelled rim, slightly everted modelled base

Surface: Slipped, low porosity, uneven vessel height, 1 incised line 0.10–0.30 thick at the “shoulder” of the vessel, evidence of chaff, sand, and calcium carbonate in surface

Max Height: 14.5 cm

Max Width: 12.7 cm

Rim: Diameter: 10.5 cm, Thickness: 0.70 cm

Base: Diameter: 6.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 7/6–7/9 Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/4–7/4 Light Reddish Brown

Figure 2.33
Figure 2.33

Ceramics in position N 2490 (NED-C-7158)

N 2490 (TC) Map C4 (red); photos C 7158, C 7467, B 7146 (Figs. 2.5, 2.28, 2.33)

At entrance to pit, quantity of pottery (see photo), dish on stand (i) (PAHMA 6-14542.1, PAHMA 6-14542.2).

(1) PAHMA 6-14542.1 Carinated Bowl with Spout

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Direct rim, round base, spout to one side

Surface: Red-slipped, porous, some evidence of chaff

Max Height: 10.2 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Aperture Index: 93.8

Vessel Index: 156.9

Rim: Diameter: 16.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Spout: Height: 2.1 cm, Length: 1.9 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 4/6–5/6 Red

(2) PAHMA 6-14542.2 Tall Stand

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Slightly everted modelled rim, modelled base with internal ledge

Surface: Slipped, porous, many shell, stone, chaff, and calcium carbonate inclusions evident, 2 incised lines 0.10–0.20 cm thick close to base

Max Sherd Height: Rim: 8.0 cm, Base: 25.5 cm

Max Width: 16.0 cm

Rim: Diameter: 18.0 cm, Thickness: 1.5 cm

Base: Diameter: 16.0 cm, Thickness: 1.9 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/6 Yellowish Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/4 Reddish Brown

Vessel is fragmentary, with a section of the body missing.

N 2493 (TC) Map C4 (Fig. 2.18)

Contained nothing. [ed.: According to Hearst Museum records, PAHMA 6-14543, PAHMA 6-14544, PAHMA 6-14545, and PAHMA 6-14546 are labeled as potentially from this burial.]

(1) PAHMA 6-14543 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, eroded slip, large inclusions >1 cm in length, abraded base, impacted to one side near the base

Max Height: 12.9 cm

Max Width: 9.0 cm

Aperture Index: 66.7

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown

(2) PAHMA 6-14544 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Very short neck, flaring modelled rim, round base

Surface: Undecorated, coarse ware, very porous, evidence of included chaff, shell up to 0.90 cm in length, stone, and sand

Max Height: 15.0 cm

Max Width: 10.0 cm

Aperture Index: 62.0

Rim: Diameter: 7.0 cm, Thickness: 0.40 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

(3) PAHMA 6-14545 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Heavily modelled rim with inner ledge, round base

Surface: Undecorated, with white post-depositional accretion, heavily abraded base, evidence of calcium carbonate, shell, and sand included

Max Height: 18.4 cm

Max Width: 14.0 cm

Aperture Index: 39.3

Rim: Diameter: 6.5 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Light Red

(4) PAHMA 6-14546 Conical Beaker

Fabric: Nile C

Shape: Direct rim, pointed base

Surface: Undecorated thick, coarse ware, porous, cracking in surface, evidence of chaff, grog, and stone included

Max Height: 18.8 cm

Max Width: 9.5 cm

Aperture Index: 78.9

Rim: Diameter: 8.5–9.5 cm, Thickness: 1.0 cm

Color: Body: 2.5 YR 5/6 Red; 6/3–6/4 Light Reddish Brown

The pointed base is unusual within this corpus.

N 2507 (TC) Map C5; photos C 7466, C 7770, C 8522, B 8076, B 8428

In main chamber, quantity of pottery (ii) (PAHMA 6-12502).

(1) PAHMA 6-12502 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, modelled flaring disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: Red-slipped, well-levigated with some examples of shell included, abraded base

Max Height: 18.6 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 61.5

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 8.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/6–6/6 Red–Light Red

N 2567 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb.] (Fig. 2.16)

(1) PAHMA 6-12504 Bag-Shaped Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Wide straight neck, flaring quatrefoil modelled rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, porous, evidence of included shell and stone, pitting in surface as well as abrasions at the base of the vessel, 2 deeply incised lines at shoulder of the vessel 0.20–0.30 cm thick

Max Height: 13.0 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 46.8

Rim: Diameter: 7.0–7.5 cm, Thickness: 0.71 cm

Base Diameter: 4.0–4.5 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Brown–Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/8–6/8 Red–Light Red

N 2641 (TC) Map C5 (red); photo B 8425

In main chamber, a quantity of pottery: alabaster (i) (MFA 47.1652), different varieties of A (ii) (PAHMA 6-12508), M (iii). Outside doorway, several pots: drab (iv), (v).

(1) PAHMA 6-12508 Globular Jar

Fabric: Nile B2 or C

Shape: No neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Uneven shape, very light in color, evidence of chaff and large shell inclusions, abraded surface

Max Height: 12.9 cm

Max Width: 13.0 cm

Aperture Index: 62.0

Rim: Diameter: 8.5 cm, Thickness: 0.44 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 5/4–5/6 Reddish Brown–Yellowish Red, Slip: 2.5 YR 5/4–6/4 Reddish Brown–Light Reddish Brown

N 2701 (Green) (TC) Map C4 (Fig. 2.11)

Contained several As (i) (PAHMA 6-12509, PAHMA 6-12510), small saucer, piece of ring stand.

(1) PAHMA 6-12509 Cylindrical Beaker

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Short neck, everted modelled rim, round base

Surface: Slipped, uneven body shape, evidence of sand in surface

Max Height: 14.2 cm

Max Width: 9.6 cm

Aperture Index: 72.9

Rim: Diameter: 8.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Color: Body: 5 YR 6/4–6/6 Light Reddish Brown–Reddish Yellow, Slip: 5 YR 5/6–6/6 Yellowish Red–Reddish Yellow

(2) PAHMA 6-12510 Carinated Jar

Fabric: Nile B1

Shape: Carinated shoulder, straight neck, disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: Burnished, slipped, well-levigated, low-porosity, few visible inclusions

Max Height: 6.6 cm

Max Width: 7.0 cm

Aperture Index: 34.3

Rim: Diameter: 4.0 cm, Thickness: 0.50 cm

Base Diameter: 2.6 cm

Color: Burnished slip: 1 Grey 3/N–2.5N Black

Very distinctive black surface. The shape is unique to the corpus.

N 2747 [ed.: No such tomb number exists on the map or in the tomb cards, but according to Hearst Museum records, the following object was found in that tomb.] (Fig. 2.25)

(1) PAHMA 6-12514 Ovoid Jar

Fabric: Nile B2

Shape: Angular shoulder, straight neck, modelled disc-shaped rim, flat base

Surface: Slipped, slip is worn and flaking, surface pitting visible, apparent stone and shell inclusions

Max Height: Rim: 2.9 cm, Base: 20.9 cm

Max Width: 11.2 cm

Aperture Index: 62.5

Rim: Diameter: 9.0 cm, Thickness: 0.80 cm

Base Diameter: 8.0 cm

Color: Body: 7.5 YR 6/4 Light Brown, Slip: 2.5 YR 6/6–6/8 Light Red

Vessel is fragmentary but can be characterized based on both rim and base sherds.


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