Rune Nyord
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Index of Egyptian Terms in Transliteration

ꜣb.t 34, 37, 136, 137, 138, 139, 148
ꜣḫ 47, 49, 207
ꜣḫt 178
i҆ꜣḫ 207
i҆ꜥnw 59
i҆b 109–110, 157, 178
i҆bs 230n
i҆mꜣḫ.t 55
jj/jw 176
jꜥnw 197–198
jnj 176
jrj 176
jry-pꜥt 72–73, 76, 89
jḥj 190
jty 71, 88, 90
ꜥꜣ 179
ꜥꜣb(t) 169–170n
ꜥpr 179
ꜥnḫ 177
ꜥḥꜣ 177
wꜣḥ 179
wꜣš 179
wꜣḏ šmꜥ.w 222n
wꜥb 179
wpi҆ 49, 57
wnḏwt 196
wr 179
wḥm 177
wsr 179
wtt 176
wṯs 176
wḏꜣ 179
wḏꜥ-mdw 57
bꜣk.t 53
bsi҆.w 229n
bś.w 108–109
m-ḥꜣ 178
m-ḥꜣt 178
mꜣꜥ-ḫrw 81, 87, 95
mn 177
mnḫ 179
mrj 177
msj 177
nb 177
nfr 179
nḥb 198–199
nḫt 179
rnn 176
rḥw 177
rs 177
rd 178
hn 190
ḥꜣm 177
ḥwj 177
ḥst 190
ḥqꜣ 71, 80
ḥkꜣ 7–14, 20
ḥtp 179, 189
ḥḏ 196
ḫꜥ 179
ḫꜥw 199
ḫpj 184, 185
ḫpr 168, 169–171
ẖt 157
ẖnn 176
ẖrd 138
zbj 184–186
st 178
sꜣ nswt 139
sꜣj 176
sꜣw 177
sꜣḫ 207, 212n
smr 177
snn 177
sḥtp 189
sḫm 179, 196
49, 57, 59, 60
sšm 176, 186–187
sḏꜣ 176
sḏr 177
šꜣꜥw 199
šw 170n
šm 184
šms 176, 186–187
qd 176
gmj 177
twt 154n, 156
ṯnj 176
ṯnw-rꜣ 59
dmḏ 177
ḏfꜣ 176

General Index

A1C (coffin) 107
Abscheusprüche 104, 114
Abydos 125, 126, 132, 132n, 135
actualisation 164–165, 168–171, 177, 180, 190, 197, 199, 201, 202–203
affect 171
afterlife 32–34, 36, 38, 40–42, 45, 76, 95
Ahanakhte 28
akh 47, 49, 53
Am-mut 106
Amenemhat I 133
Amenemhat II 133
Amenemhat III 134
Amenemhat IV 133
Amenemhat (private individual) 128
Amenhotep I 127n, 218
Amenhotep Ritual 218
amulets 221–224, 231, 243
Amun-Re 91
Ankhtifi 39
Antef Song 220
anthropology 2, 18–20
antiderivative (integral) 202
Anubis 44, 75–77, 84, 95, 219, 224
in his castle / god’s shrine 77
as vizier 75
Apis 39
Apophis 38
apotropaic texts 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 243
appresentation 24, 40, 43
aretalogy 38–39
ars moriendi 113
Asasif 128
Assiut see Asyut
Assuan 107
Asyut 28, 36, 43, 107, 141
Atum 73, 76, 80, 88, 91–93, 111–112, 163–164, 190–193, 197, 235
commands that Thoth help 80
as bjtj / father of the ‘Twins of the bjtj 88
Re-Atum 92
Auibre see Hor
Avaris (Tell el-Dʿaba) 142, 143, 144
autobiography 22, 220
B1Be (coffin) 109
B1C (coffin) 109
B1L (coffin) 108
B1P (coffin) 109
B1Y (coffin) 108
B3L (coffin) 108
ba 37, 42, 202, 222
ba-amulet 223
Baba 111–112
Badari 131
Bakamun/Baki 128
barque travelling in sky 75–76
prow of barque 75–76
Bastet 73–74
as firstborn of Atum 73
Beautiful West 225–228
Beni Hassan 28, 132
Bershe see Deir el-Bersha
biography 24–45
Book of the Dead
spell 1 89
spell 6 225
spell 17 238n
spell 18 89, 238n
spell 19 75
spell 29B 223n
spell 30B 223n
spell 70 209, 246
spell 71 105
spell 78 228n
spell 79 228n
spell 89 223
spell 100 224
spell 103 105
spells 107–109 105
spell 110 105
spells 111–116 105
spell 112 236
spell 119 75
spell 125 84, 231–232
spell 128 233
spell 130 224n
spell 133 233
spell 135 233
spell 136 233
spell 140 233
spell 141 233
spells 141–142 233n
spell 148 209, 233
spell 151g 219
spell 158 223n
spell 160 222, 223
spell 190 233
supplementary spell 162 230–231, 243, 245
supplementary spell 166 116
Book of the Temple 232n
Book of Thoth 234
Book of Two Ways 112–113, 234n
Budge, E.A. Wallis 1–2
Busiris 77
Butehamun 29
child-birth 114–115
Circle A (Mycenaean) 147
Coffin Texts 15, 18, 21, 22, 24–45, 56–61, 70–71, 162–164, 185, 193, 196, 198, 201
spells 1–29 43
spell 7 43
spell 16 82
spell 30 101
spells 30–41 225–228, 242
spells 31–36 101
spell 37 101
spell 38 34, 101
spells 38–41 58, 139
spell 39 101, 193–194
spell 40 101
spell 41 101
spell 42 70, 91–92
spell 45 71, 76–77
spell 48 82
spell 49 (B16C 98) 75
spell 50 77
spell 51 71, 78
spell 60 73–75
spell 75 104
spells 75–83 223
spell 80 88
spell 81 101, 104
spell 83 94
spell 98 101
spell 99 101
spell 100 101
spell 101 101
spell 102 101
spell 103 101
spell 104 101
spells 115–119 101, 107
spells 131–135 34
spells 131–136 60
spell 146 138, 139
spell 149 37
spell 152 84
spells 154–160 102, 104
spell 161 102
spell 170 197–198
spell 184 104
spell 189 85
spell 195 77, 84
spell 225 212, 213, 242
spells 236–246 34
spell 256 82
spell 257 85–86
spell 258 86
spell 260 82
spell 279 87
spell 312 228n
spell 313 71, 78–82, 85, 89–90, 228n
spell 314 89–90
spell 317 71, 88–89, 92–93
spell 337 108
spell 341 102, 108, 228n, 229–230
spell 345 71
spell 399 (IV, 338) 42
spell 414 (V, 245–246) 38
spell 438 90, 92
spell 472 87
spell 474 88
spell 484 87
spell 520 191n
spell 526 102, 109
spell 531 86–87
spell 556 228n
spell 557 88
spell 573 84
spell 576 102, 109–112
spell 588 102, 105, 106
spells 589–606 224
spell 609 224n
spell 622 228n
spell 628 228n
spell 629 88
spell 642 102, 107
spell 647 71, 90–91
spell 660 82–83
spell 665 82, 91–93, 228n
spell 678 77, 82–83, 89
spell 691 102, 105–106
spell 695 92
spell 700 102
spell 723 43
spells 741–742 102
spells 761–762 162–164
spells 761–765 162n
spell 770 102, 114, 115
spell 787 75
spell 816 84
spell 831 97
spell 849 60–61
spell 888 88
spell 891 (VII, 101) 44
spell 947 88
spell 1030 233
in Pyramid Texts 64–65
spell 1117 102, 112–113
Coffin Texts vs. Pyramid Texts 63–65, 70, 72, 78–79, 83, 85, 93, 95–97
collective setting 208, 236–237
etic and emic 65, 68–69, 98; see also the individual terms etic and emic
first order see emic
second order see etic
conscience 172
coronation 67, 76, 79, 91–92
corpse 222
crown 66–67
Atef 79–80, 97
Red 91
White 75, 82, 86, 88, 92
wrrt 82
Dahshur 121n, 125, 126
daily temple ritual 218, 234–236, 239, 240, 242
dawn 73–74, 88
Debehni 220
definition, types of 5–6
Deir el-Bersha 28, 32, 34, 104, 108, 109, 112, 138
Deir el-Gebrawi 28
Deir el-Medīna 232n
democratisation 14–18, 63–64, 98
Deputy of Re 74, 81, 83, 90, 93
derivative (differential) 202
in Coffin Texts 64, 79, 97
structure 206, 207, 211, 212, 217, 240
differential see derivative
Djefai-Hapi 43
Djehutyhotep 138
Djehutynakht 28
document 49, 59–60
double, ka as 152–156
Early Dynastic 119
Early Middle Kingdom 120, 132, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141
Edfu 126
effectiveness 115, 116
Eighteenth Dynasty 127, 141
elite (Middle Kingdom) 24, 26–28, 30, 32–33, 35–37, 41–42, 44
Elkab 149
embalming ritual 218
emic 4–7, 21, 23, 212
Emic Evaluation Approach 25, 30, 41
ennead 226
of Heliopolis 80, 82, 95
epistolary formula 47, 49, 54–57, 61
eschatology 164
etic 4–7, 22, 23, 211, 212
family 31, 33–34, 37, 42
ferryman spells 207n
fertility figurines 52–53
Field of Reeds 105, 228
First Intermediate Period 124, 136, 138, 140, 141
Fish-net/trap of Wadjit (= dawn light) 88
funerary culture 24–26, 30
funerary discourse 26–27, 32, 33, 40–44
funerary equipment 224
funerary literature 21, 22, 23, 204, 205, 206, 209, 217, 219, 221, 228, 239, 240, 246–247
funerary liturgies 206, 217, 246
G2T (coffin) 107
Geb 71, 76–78, 81–82, 89, 92–93, 95–96, 162, 174, 191
as jry-pꜥt 71, 76, 89
throne of 77, 92
Gebelein 90, 107
Gliedervergottung 86, 162–164
graphic layout 55
Hapi (Nile god) 88
Harageh 125, 126, 126n
Harakhte 74, 78
harper’s songs 220
Hathor 76, 91, 106
chapel of, at Gebelein 90
Hawara 125
heart-amulet 223
Heavenly Cow 230–231
Heka 38
Heliopolis 72, 75, 89
Heqanakht 132
Herakleopolis 97, 85
Hetep 198
Hierakonpolis 131
Hor (Auibre) 183
Horus 34, 38, 72, 74–76, 79–83, 86–87, 89–93, 95–97, 109, 188, 190, 192, 195, 225, 235, 244; see also Harakhte
arrives from Heliopolis 75
Beloved-Son-Priest of Osirian deceased 76
bjtj-king 72, 91–92
eye of 91
Harendotes 77
helper of Osiris by the grant of Re 86
justified (mꜣꜥ-ḫrw) as king 81
lord of life 75
nb pꜥt 87
njswt-king 74, 75
of the dwꜣt 74
royal model for deceased 81
throne of 80, 82–83, 89(?), 92
Horus constellation 244
Horus name 180, 181
House of Gold 234
house of the dead 133, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149
household 119, 127, 130, 131, 132, 132n, 137, 138, 139, 142, 144, 145; see also per-household
ḥqꜣ (‘ruler’) 71, 80
of the horizon 78
of the island of flames 88
of those who are not (jwtjw) 76
Hu (god) 197
Hu (site) 141
hypostasis 164
I-texts 209, 210, 211
Ibi (pyramid of) 207n
identity 32–33, 36, 39
Iha 32
individual setting 208
Inherkhaw 220
initiation 108–109
initiation tent 233
initiatory texts 229–234, 243
integral see antiderivative
Isfet 80
Isis 38, 80–81, 218, 219, 225–226
and Nephthys mourning 75
Island of Fire 228n
Itjtawy 126
jmꜣḫ-status 85, 87
singular occurrence in Pyramid Texts 94
jry-pꜥt (‘hereditary prince’) 72–73
as epithet of Geb 72–73, 76, 89
jty (‘sovereign’) 71, 88
of the gods 90
judgment in the afterlife 76, 95
ka 23, 35, 150–203
royal 180–183
Karnak 234
Khemmis 80, 91–92
Khepri 80, 88
Khetyankhef 132
Khnum 39
Khnumhotep II 132
Khonsu 84–86, 135
returns from Punt 84
miswriting for njswt 86
king 65–99
bjtj 66, 70–72, 88, 91–93
Twins of the bjtj 70, 88
njswt 66–99
as designation of gods 87; see also under individual deities’ names
current (njswt jmj hꜣw=f) 87
deceased subservient to 85–93
in Pyramid Texts’ ‘Vorlage text’ 95
of the dead 84–85, 89
of the gods 72, 74, 75, 83
of the sky 77, 85–87, 90
of the wind 94
offerings for 97
violent 83
njswt-bjtj 65–66, 70, 72, 85, 92, 95, 97
as title retained by deceased king in Pyramid Texts 95
entails sḫm power over gods and kas 85
kingship 22, 65, 67–70, 72, 76–77, 79–81, 83, 86–87, 89, 91–92, 94, 97
metaphorical use of terms for 74, 96–97
sacred 67
knowledge 31–32, 36, 41, 44, 205
Knowledge Texts 207
L1Li (coffin) 105
Late Helladic II B 147
Late Helladic III 147
Late Middle Kingdom 117, 120, 124, 125, 126, 131, 132, 134, 136, 136n, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 148, 149
Late Old Kingdom 141
letter to the dead 22, 46–62, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 149
Lisht 121n, 125, 126
liturgy 43
Loyalist Teaching 180
Maat 35, 38, 73, 80
magic 7–14, 20
magical bricks 219
magical texts 215–216, 237, 243
Medinet Habu 105
Mentunakht 132
Merefnebef 118, 119, 119n
Mesehti 36
Meskhenet 174
metaphor 86, 88, 97–98, 170n, 177, 179, 181, 197–199, 202
mythical 94, 96–97
Mirgissa 124, 124n, 125
multiple burial (sequential) 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 136, 141, 142, 146, 148
Murtadi 152–153
mysticism 23, 236–237
Myth 65, 72, 75, 78–82, 93, 95–96, 98
and ritual 72
Contendings of Horus and Seth 83
cosmic 77, 80
metaphorical use of 96–97
mytheme 75, 89
mythical analogy through target figures / Zielgestalten 72, 94
Osiris myth 75, 86, 95; see also Osiris, Horus, Seth, Isis, Nephthys
political myths 75
royal and succession myths 75, 76, 79–82, 92, 95, 97; see also Geb, Horus, Osiris
solar myths 73–74
Nachschrift see postscript
Nag ed-Deir 119, 119n, 141
Nakht 132
name, personal 175–179
Naqada 131
Neferkhawet 127, 128, 129
Negative Confession 231–233
Nehebkau 162, 198–199
Neith (pyramid of) 207n
Nephthys 218, 219
Nepri 39
New Kingdom 124, 126, 126n
New Year’s day 106
Nile god see Hapi
Nineteenth Dynasty 141
Novalis (von Hardenberg, Georg Philipp Friedrich Leopold Freiherr) 98
Nun 197
Nut 73, 75, 85, 89, 95, 174
as container of the gods 95–96
offering formula 220
offering table 224
offering texts 211
Old Egyptian 109
Old Kingdom 118, 119, 120, 124, 132, 136, 138, 139, 140, 149
ontology 151, 160–166, 177, 179, 184, 196, 197, 199
ontological turn 18–20, 21
Osirification regalia 117
Osiris 2, 35, 37, 71–82, 85–93, 95–97, 107–108, 111, 112, 188, 190–191, 192, 194, 195, 216n, 225–228, 232, 242, 243, 244
complementary role to Re 76, 78, 81
deputy of Re 81
of Herakleopolis 85
Lord of the White Crown 75
njswt king 72, 75–76, 78, 87, 89
njswt-bjtj 95
royal model for deceased 81
throne of 81
Papyrus Berlin 3027 96
Papyrus Berlin 3031 230n
Papyrus Berlin 3055 218n, 235n
Papyrus BM 10051 see Papyrus Salt 825
Papyrus BM 10507 229
Papyrus Bremner-Rhind 219
Papyrus Chicago OIM 9787 231, 224n
Papyrus Ebers 221n
Papyrus Harkness 228–229
Papyrus Harris 500 220
Papyrus Rhind I 232
Papyrus Salt 825 214n40
Papyrus Turin 1993 215n44
Papyrus Turin 54003 215n43
per-household 46, 47, 54–56, 59–60
performance structure 217
personal texts 208, 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 228, 236, 239, 246
personality see self
Porphyrios, De abstinentia 204
postscript 103; 109
potency magic 109–112
Predynastic 131
priest, priestess
embodying deity 218, 219
priestly texts 211
private ritual see ritual
prosociality 35, 39
provisioning texts 211
psychology 152, 157–158, 161–162, 164–165
Ptah 39, 84, 86, 90, 93, 235
njswt tꜣwy 90
Ptah-Nehebkau 90
Ptah-Sokar 73
Ptahhotep, Instruction of
verses 135–140 168
verses 339–347 169–170
verses 197–214 174–175
Punt 84
Pyramid Texts 14–15, 21, 36–37, 163, 164, 185, 190, 191
M/A/N 13–14 65
spell 23 95
spells 94–95 43
spell 227 208n
spell 254 228
spell 283 216n
spell 288 (§ 429b) 215
spell 311 216n
spell 412 91
spell 426 85
spell 435 95, 97
spell 439 83, 96
spell 467 95
spell 486 95
spell 535 94
spell 542 95
spell 548 96
spell 555 92
spell 570 74, 95
spell 592 85
spell 600 192–193
spell 650 95, 97
spell 697 96
Qau 141
Qubbet el-Hawa 141
Ramesside Period 141
Ramses II 116
Ramses III 105
Rashepses 172, 173
Rawer, autobiography of 92
Re 38, 42, 74, 76–82, 86–88, 92–93, 96, 162, 164, 231
complementary role to Osiris 76, 80–81
crowns Osiris 80
decrees succession 81
model of continuity for deceased 87
njswt king 88
orders bestowal of post-mortem head 76
rises 77–78
travelling 88
recitations (ritual) 204, 206
relationality 151
Rennefer 127, 128
ritual 26–27, 32, 35–37, 41–45, 47, 55–61, 67–69, 72, 74, 76, 79, 87, 91–92, 97, 208, 210
coronation 76, 91
correct sequence 68
for the prolongation of one’s life 106
funerary 67–69, 74, 87
private 231
rites of passage 68–69
seizing of the prow-rope 92
Rudjahau 39
Ruty 90, 92–93
Ruyu 128
S1C (coffin) 107
S2C (coffin) 107, 109
sꜣḫ.w spells 207, 210, 212n, 213
sacerdotal texts 208, 211, 214, 235, 241
Saqqara 34, 118, 119n, 141
scepter 79, 81, 88, 92, 94
sḫm 88
Scribe of the gods 91–94, 97
Second Intermediate Period 124, 133, 138, 139, 140, 141
Sekhmet 38, 235
self, ka as 152, 157–158
self-presentation 24–45
Senusret I 132, 180, 182
White Chapel of 180, 182
Senusret II 138
Senusret III 120, 132, 133, 134, 138
Seshat-Hor 39
Sesostris see Senusret
Seth 38, 73, 77, 83, 86, 109, 111–112
shabti 87
spell 225
Sheik Farag 141
Shu 111, 164, 192–193
Shu spells 104, 223
Sia 195
Siut see Asyut
sky, lower 77
snake spells 215, 216
Sokar 84
solar bark 224
Souls of Heliopolis 235
spell sequences 102
spells for Joining the Riverbanks 197–198
spells for Knowing the Souls 103, 104–105, 115
spells for Mother and Child 114
sphere of belonging 196
as fish and birds 88
multitude of celestial inhabitants 84
statue 152–156, 160, 164, 183
status 24, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35–39, 41–42, 45
Stela Cairo CG 3400 84
Stela London BM 190 216n
Stela Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek AEIN 974 216n
Stundenwachen 228, 243
T1L (coffin) 105
Tayt 39
Tefnut 111, 164, 192–193
Tell el-Dʿaba see Avaris
text genre 210
Thebes 28, 104, 125, 126, 128, 141
Theban Tomb (TT) 359 220
theory 3
Thoth 39, 71–72, 77, 80–84, 86, 89–91, 93, 112, 235
breaks up the fight (between Horus and Seth) 83
cuts off heads 83
House of 83
long-nosed 83
sharp-horned 83
throne of 82
Throne 66–67, 77, 79–84, 87, 92, 94
throne dais 84
Tjenenet-shrine 199
Tollund Man (Denmark) 147
tomb (elite) 24–45
Totenliteratur see funerary literature
Totenliturgien see funerary liturgies
transformation spells 38, 207, 241
transition texts 211
Twelfth Dynasty 126, 133, 141
Unas 207n, 228
unio liturgica 239, 244
unio mystica 239
Upuaut see Wepwawet
Uraeus 80
Verklärung 207
vital force, ka as 152, 158–159
Vizier 75
vocative 213
reversals 247
Wadjit 88
Wepwawet 43, 162
west-amulet 223
World War I 15
writing 46–62
Zielgestalten 72, 94
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