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Figures and Tables


  1. 1.1Top European print cities, 1501–1517 16
  2. 1.2Volumes of production by edition, 1501–1550 17
  3. 1.3Volumes of production by sheets, 1501–1550 21
  4. 1.4Total editions based on length, 1518–1550 25
  5. 1.5Total sheets based on length, 1518–1550 25
  6. 1.6Michael Blum falsely listing Wittenberg and Georg Rhau in the colophon. USTC 634093 30
  7. 1.7An example of a false Wittenberg imprint used by Nikolaus Wolrab in Leipzig. USTC 670372 31
  8. 1.8The first edition of Luther’s German translation of the New Testament. USTC 627911 36
  9. 3.1Chronological distribution of Remigio Nannini’s Epistole e Vangeli 55
  10. 3.2Proportion of editions of Remigio Nannini’s Epistole e Vangeli by century 55
  11. 3.3Title page, Epistole, et evangelii, edition 1567. USTC 820601 56
  12. 3.4St. Luke the Evangelist, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 57
  13. 3.5Annunciation, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 57
  14. 3.6Nativity, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 58
  15. 3.7Pentecost, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 59
  16. 5.1One of the pamphlets published by Van der Macht and confiscated by the Court of Holland: ‘Hollander ende Zeeuw ontrent de jegenwoordige principale uytlantsche ambassades’ (Leiden, Ambrosius Tuc-Schaep [=Utrecht, Gerard Lodewijk van der Macht], 1661) 102
  17. 6.1Music-scores as cover for 1592 almanac by Jan Verniers 111
  18. 6.2Title page of 1592 almanac by Jan Verniers 111
  19. 6.3Title page of 1592 prognostication by Jan Verniers 112
  20. 6.4Title page of 1581 wall calendar by Willem de Vriese in plano 113
  21. 6.5Title page of 1581 almanac by Willem de Vriese in sextodecimo 114


  1. 3.1Printed editions of the Epistole e Vangeli by Remigio Nannini 60
  2. 5.1Hendrick Laurensz’s network of printers in the Dutch Republic, 1607–1648 96
  3. 11.1Number of items printed in French on Parisian presses, 1585–1594 213
  4. 15.1Jurists quoted in the 1652 Replica, sorted according to their date of death, and place of origin/main area of occupation 280

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