Figures and Tables
- 1.1Top European print cities, 1501–1517 16
- 1.2Volumes of production by edition, 1501–1550 17
- 1.3Volumes of production by sheets, 1501–1550 21
- 1.4Total editions based on length, 1518–1550 25
- 1.5Total sheets based on length, 1518–1550 25
- 1.6Michael Blum falsely listing Wittenberg and Georg Rhau in the colophon. USTC 634093 30
- 1.7An example of a false Wittenberg imprint used by Nikolaus Wolrab in Leipzig. USTC 670372 31
- 1.8The first edition of Luther’s German translation of the New Testament. USTC 627911 36
- 3.1Chronological distribution of Remigio Nannini’s Epistole e Vangeli 55
- 3.2Proportion of editions of Remigio Nannini’s Epistole e Vangeli by century 55
- 3.3Title page, Epistole, et evangelii, edition 1567. USTC 820601 56
- 3.4St. Luke the Evangelist, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 57
- 3.5Annunciation, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 57
- 3.6Nativity, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 58
- 3.7Pentecost, illustration from an untraced edition of the Epistole et Evangeli by Giolito 59
- 5.1One of the pamphlets published by Van der Macht and confiscated by the Court of Holland: ‘Hollander ende Zeeuw ontrent de jegenwoordige principale uytlantsche ambassades’ (Leiden, Ambrosius Tuc-Schaep [=Utrecht, Gerard Lodewijk van der Macht], 1661) 102
- 6.1Music-scores as cover for 1592 almanac by Jan Verniers 111
- 6.2Title page of 1592 almanac by Jan Verniers 111
- 6.3Title page of 1592 prognostication by Jan Verniers 112
- 6.4Title page of 1581 wall calendar by Willem de Vriese in plano 113
- 6.5Title page of 1581 almanac by Willem de Vriese in sextodecimo 114
- 3.1Printed editions of the Epistole e Vangeli by Remigio Nannini 60
- 5.1Hendrick Laurensz’s network of printers in the Dutch Republic, 1607–1648 96
- 11.1Number of items printed in French on Parisian presses, 1585–1594 213
- 15.1Jurists quoted in the 1652 Replica, sorted according to their date of death, and place of origin/main area of occupation 280