Copyright Page
Cover illustration: Hugh of St Victor. 13th-century illumination on parchment. Source: Web Gallery of Art / picture in public domain.
The introduction and Chapters 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 11 were translated from French by Ignacio Duran —
The translations from French to English have been made possible by a generous donation from the Université de Lorraine.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Giraud, Cédric, editor. | Durán, Ignacio, 1959- translator.
Title: A companion to twelfth-century schools / edited by Cédric Giraud.
Description: Leiden ; Boston : Brill, [2020] | Series: Brill's companions to the Christian tradition, 1871-6377 ; volume 88 | Includes bibliographic reference and index. | In English; introduction and Chapters 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 11 were translated from French by Ignacio Duran. | Summary: “The ambition of this Companion to Twelfth-Century Schools is to provide an updateon the research regarding a question that has seen many renewals in the last three decades. The discovery of new texts, the progress made in critical attribution, the growing attention given to the conditions surrounding the oral and written dissemination of works, the use of the notion of “communityof learning”, the reinterpretation of the relations between the cloister and the urban school, the link between institutional history and social history, in short, the entire contemporary renewal of culturalhistory within international medieval studies allow to offer a new synthesis on the schools of the 12th century. Contributors are: Alexander Andrée, Irene Caiazzo, Cédric Giraud, Frédéric Goubier, Danielle Jacquart, Thierry Kouamé, Constant J. Mews, Ken Pennington, Dominique Poirel, Irène Rosier-Catach, Sita Steckel, Jacques Verger, and Olga Weijers”– Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2019032176 (print) | LCCN 2019032177 (ebook) | ISBN 9789004323261 (hardback) | ISBN 9789004410138 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Education, Medieval. | Intellectual life--History--To 1500. | Civilization, Medieval--12th century. | Europe-- Intellectual life.
Classification: LCC LA91 .C65 2020 (print) | LCC LA91 (ebook) | DDC 370.9021--dc23
LC record available at
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Typeface for the Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts: “Brill”. See and download:
ISSN 1871-6377
ISBN 978-90-04-32326-1 (hardback)
ISBN 978-90-04-41013-8 (e-book)
Copyright 2020 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands.
Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Brill Hes & De Graaf, Brill Nijhoff, Brill Rodopi, Brill Sense, Hotei Publishing, mentis Verlag, Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh and Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
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