We wish to acknowledge the contribution of our case study authors. Most of our contributors prepared chapters on their intuitions while at the same time having ongoing institutional responsibilities as family administrators and faculty in their FOMHEIs. Others are scholars with interest and knowledge of this phenomenon in their country and provide a broader national perspective. We are indebted to them. They have provided important insights on their institutions concerning institutional management, the role of family groups in higher education and the context of private higher education in their country.
The Center for International Higher Education at Boston College, our institutional home, has provided critical support for this research. The Institute for Family Entrepreneurship at Babson College provided additional assistance. Mathew Allen brought insights from his study of entrepreneurship to the project. Liz Reisberg, a research fellow at the Center for International Higher Education, edited the manuscript. Edward Choi was central to this project. He contributed to several chapters in the book and handled the complicated project logistics. He is completing his doctoral thesis with a specific focus on researching how owner families in higher education negotiate decision-making in an organizational context where local regulatory conditions may place limitations on their authority.