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Notes on Contributors

Nina Ahlroos

is Senior Advisor at the Swedish Council for Higher Education and National Coordinator for Euroguidance in Sweden. Her main mission includes competence development of guidance professionals on the international dimension in guidance.

Rosie Alexander

is a Senior Lecturer (Research) at the University of the Highlands and Islands. Her research focuses on career development and career education and guidance in rural and island locations.

Ingrid Bårdsdatter Bakke

is an Assistant Professor and PhD candidate at the Guidance Studies section at the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Her research focuses on how the cultural position of the concept of career within Norway shape Norwegian teenagers experience of career decision-making.

Inger Marie Bakke

is Associate Professor at the Guidance Studies section at the Faculty of Social and Health Sciences at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Her research focus is on communication and career guidance.

Lyn Barham

is a Fellow of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC), UK. She also acts as Project Associate (Research) for the UK’s professional body, the Career Development Institute, with particular responsibility for developing CPD materials for its members.

María Dóra Björnsdóttir

is Director of the University of Iceland Student Counselling and Career Centre. Her research focuses on assessment instruments and career choice interventions.

Trond Buland

is Senior Researcher at the NTNU Social Research – Diversity and Inclusion. His research focuses on career counselling in school, school development, drop out in school and inclusion.

Sif Einarsdóttir

is the Program Director of the Career Counselling and Guidance programs at the University of Iceland and the University of Faroe Islands. Her research focuses mainly on vocational interests, cross-cultural assessment and development of interests and personality. She is coordinator of the VALA Nordplus network.

Teija Felt

is a Labour Market Counsellor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland. Her area of expertise is continuing education, retraining and upgrading of qualifications, recruitment training, lifelong guidance policy development, and sectoral co-operation in public services. She is involved in the national lifelong guidance strategy planning and execution.

Helene Fredriksen

is working as a Career Guidance Practitioner and Project Leader at Karriere Oslo, the Public Career Center in Oslo, Norway. Her speciality is Career Guidance for refugees and immigrants. She has extensive Project Management expertise, and she also works with development of the National Quality Framework for Career Guidance in Norway.

Ellen Hagen

holds a Cand.polit. degree in Administration and Organisation Theory from the University of Bergen and works as manager of Euroguidance at the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education.

Deirdre Hansen

is Career Guidance Counsellor at the University of the Faroe Islands, Tórshavn. In 2015, she started up the first Faroese Career Guidance Centre, Fjarnám, in the municipality of Klaksvík. She is part of the “Nordic Network for Adult Learning” workgroups “Distans”, “ICT and Guidance” and Nordplus PaaD (Presence at a Distance)

Erik Hagaseth Haug

PhD, Inland Norway University of Applied Science, is Associate Professor and head of section for guidance studies and research at the university. He has published reports, articles and a book on quality development in career guidance.

Anna-Elisabeth Holm

is International Coordinator at the University of the Faroe Islands and a PhD research candidate at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland. Her research focuses on the experiences of migrants in acquiring, using and becoming speakers of Faroese and the challenges they face regarding labour market access and participation. Her research interests include language and migration, ‘small’ and minoritized languages, adult migrant language education, sociolinguistic ethnography, multilingualism in the periphery, lifelong learning and careers guidance.

Tristram Hooley

is a researcher and writer specialising in career and career guidance. He is Professor II at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Professor of Career Education at the University of Derby and Chief Research Officer at the Institute for Student Employers. Tristram also writes the Adventures in Career Development blog.

Steffen Jensen

is a private consultant and former Head of Division in the Danish Ministry of Education. He has been in charge of guidance policy in the Danish Ministry of Education for many years.

Anette Jochumsen

has over the last decade been a Career Guidance Counsellor at the national E-guidance Center, eVejledning, in Denmark. Her focus is to share knowledge on career counselling approaches online through articles, speaches and training of practitioners.

Jónína Kárdal

is a career and guidance counsellor at the Student Counselling and Career Centre at University of Iceland. Her focus has been on career development, e-guidance and learning and supervision and professional practices for master’s programme students in career and guidance counselling.

Jaana Kettunen

is a researcher and vice-director at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. She is also a research associate at the Florida State University’s Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development, USA. Jaana acts as a Junior Research Coordinator for the phenomenograpy/variation theory SIG of the European Association into Learning and Instruction (EARLI).

Roger Kjærgård

PhD, is an Associate Professor at Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science, University of South-Eastern Norway. His research focuses on career guidance in a governmentality and welfare perspective, and practice-oriented career guidance.

Mika Launikari

is a Career Guidance and International Mobility Expert at the Finnish National Agency for Education. His doctoral research (2019) focused on identity, interculturality and career learning within European Union institutions.

Jukka Lerkkanen

is Director of Open University in University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His research focuses on readiness of career decision-making and career guidance practices.

Mia Lindberg

has been a Lecturer at Malmö University, MA Social science/Educational Science. Connected to the Swedish Agency of Networks and Cooperation in Higher Education, developing e-guidance services. At the moment, she is Senior Consultant in Career Guidance and Counselling.

Anders Lovén

(PhD) is Assistant Professor Malmo University. His research has focused career guidance from both a macro- and micro perspective especially young people’s career development.

Jaana Kettunen

is a researcher and Vice-Director at the Finnish Institute for Educational Research of the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. She is also a research associate at the Florida State University’s Center for the Study of Technology in Counseling and Career Development, USA. Jaana acts as a Junior Research Coordinator for the phenomenograpy/variation theory SIG of the European Association into Learning and Instruction (EARLI).

Kristina Mariager-Anderson

is Associate Professor, PhD at Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. Her research focuses on career guidance for young adults in or transitioning into educational institutions.

Ida Holth Mathiesen

is Senior Researcher at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Stavanger, Norway. Her research focuses on counsellors and career guidance in school and welfare studies.

Siri Mordal

is a researcher at NTNU Social Sciences and holds a PhD position at NTNU – Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, Trondheim, Norway. Her research focuses on career guidance and career learning in basic education, and interdisciplinary cooperation in educational settings.

Elsebeth Nygaard

is head of group at rector’s office at University College Absalon. Her former work experience focused on digital counselling in eVejledning.

Peter Plant

is Professor at the University of South-East Norway. His research focuses on Green Guidance (sustainability) and Geronto Guidance (guidance with/for older people). He is heavily involved in rural development in his home country, Denmark

Bo Klindt Poulsen

is Senior Lecturer at VIA University College and a PhD fellow at Aarhus University, Denmark. His research focuses on professional development of career guidance professionals and teachers, and career learning in schools.

Palle Rasmussen

is Emeritus Professor at the Centre for Education Policy Research, Department of Culture and Learning, Aalborg University, Denmark. His research areas include education policy, adult education, lifelong learning, evaluation methodology and broader social issues.

Petra Røise

is a doctorate candidate at Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Sports and Educational Science at the University of South-Eastern Norway. Her research focuses on strengthening career learning through the curricular subject of Educational Choice, applying a participatory approach to knowledge development.

Torild Schulstok

is Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences and Program Director for the Master program in Career Guidance and Development at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Her main research interests focuses on the professionalisation of career guidance personnel in a variety of contexts and sectors.

Randi Boelskifte Skovhus

is Associate Professor, PhD at Faculty of Continuing Education at VIA University College, Denmark. Her research focuses on career guidance in compulsory school and educational institutions in a social justice perspective.

Dóra Stefánsdóttir

is in charge of the Icelandic Euroguidance Centre, operated by the Icelandic Centre for Research (Rannís). Her research has mainly been in the field of vocational education and training.

Rie Thomsen

is Professor MSO in career guidance and head of the Guidance Research Unit, School of Education, Aarhus University, Denmark. She is also Professor II in career guidance at the University of South-Eastern Norway. Rie acts as the scientific coordinatior of The European Doctoral programme of career guidance and counselling (ECADOC).

Anna Toni

is a Senior Specialist in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland. Her area of expertise is career planning, lifelong learning and sectoral co-operation in public services. She is involved in the national lifelong guidance strategy planning and execution.

Kistâra Motzfeldt Vahl

was “studieadjunkt” for Institute of teaching, at Ilisimatusarfik University of Greenland, during the writing period of the chapter. She has a background as a Careers Guidance Counsellor, in the implementation of the institution National Center for Guidance, and was coordinator for the Nordic adult counselling network NVL. In her careers guidance work, she focuses on professional isolation, and small state issues in careers guidance in Greenland, as well as she focuses on intercultural guidance, internally and externally for Greenland.

Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir

is a Professor in Career Guidance and Counselling at the University of Iceland and currently Vice-President of the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance. Her research focuses on social aspects of career development, evaluation of career interventions, and on the use of literary theory in the analysis of narratives in counselling. She has also written about the history of guidance in Iceland.

Raimo Vuorinen

is a Project Manager in the Finnish Institute for Educational Research at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. His research focuses on evidence based lifelong guidance practice and policy development and ICT in guidance.

Frida Wikstrand

has a PhD in work life studies, she is a associate professor at the Faculty of Education and Society, Malmö University. Frida teaches at career guidance education and her research and main interests focuses on gender division of labour in society and on socially constructed norms related to transitions and career guidance.

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Chapter 1 Setting Nordic Career Guidance in Context


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