
In: Body and Cosmos
Toke Lindegaard Knudsen
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agni/soma polarity 17–18
in Āyurvedic medicine 16
in Vāgbhaṭa, the Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha, and the Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā 16–17
meaning of 18–19
relation to Vedic ritual 16
allegoresis 212–214, 225–226
and historiography 210–211
in Sanskrit literature 215–217
amṛta 155–157
Ānandarāya 209
family of 220
Jīvānandanam on 219, 221
Ānandarāyamakhin, see Ānandarāya
influences on 415
Lizelle Reymond on 413
views of 410–414
appeasement, see śānti
Āryabhaṭa I
cosmology of 267
numerical system of 324–326
Āryabhaṭa II
numerical system of 327
Āryabhaṭīya 267
transmission of 235
transmission of 235
of Viṣṇu 251
heterodoxy and orthodoxy in 369–370
in Vṛddhayavanajātaka 371–372
in Yavanajātaka 371, 373, 376
parallels to Jyotiṣa 369–372, 376, 384–385
base circle 279
Bhadrakalpikasūtra 356–357
Bhāskara I
on the size of the sky 270
Bhāskara II 279
Bhāskarācārya, see Bhāskara II
bhuja, see doḥ
bile, see doṣas
bites 27
bodily constituents, see dhātus
ideology 184
ideology and endogamy 202–203
ideology and epidemics 202
views of āśramas 186
views on cities 185
views on trade 192
Brahmarṣi Viśvātmā Bāvrā
views of 416–418
Bṛhajjātaka 374, 375, 378, 383, 384
textual transmission of 52, 54, 60
chedyaka 282
Compendium of Caraka, see Carakasaṃhitā
concentric spheres
in Copernicus 267
in Eudoxus 267
Buddhist 276
Purāṇic 271, 276
dāna 237
lord of, see dinapa
deflection, see valana
ideological causes of 187, 190–191, 193
economic causes of 190–193
epidemic causes of 193–194
Brāhmaṇical 250
Buddhist 250
in Dharmaśāstra 250
in the Purāṇas 250
Jain 250
dhātus 15
dinapa 268
appeasement of omens 238
Atharvan relationship to 238
classificatory schemes for 236
in ancient Indian religion 235
incorporation into Vedic ritual 236
“ritualization” of 236
taxonomy of 237, 246
Varāhamihira’s classification of 237
doḥ 286–287
doṣas 16, 37, 39n12, 40n13, 46, 363
classification of in Carakasaṃhitā 33–34
doctrine of 16
in Āyurvedic medicine 15
in Vimānasthāna 8.95–100 42–49
eclipse diagram, see parilekha
Ekottarikāgama 347, 356
five, see mahābhūtas
in Eurasia 194–195
in India 196, 198
in Indian literature 198–201
in the Roman world 197
treatment of 23
fire, see agni
five elements, see mahābhūtas
Galen 365–367
gaṇita, see Siddhāntas, division of
gifting, see dāna
gola, see Siddhāntas, division of
Greco-Indian medical traditions
contact between 363–364, 367
no common origin of 363
guṇa 35, 46, 48
according to Cakrapāṇidatta 36–37
Gupta Empire 190–192
half-arc formula 298, 300–301
corpus 364
system 363
horā 371n8, 372, 373, 374, 377n25, 378, 379, 383, 384, 385
horeśa 268
lord of, see horeśa
humors, see doṣas
classification of 27
janmalakṣaṇa 375
jarāvyādhi 145
as allegory 210
as embodied history 210, 222
as epidemiology 210, 228–229
authorship of 209n2
characters in 210–211
structure of 223–224
heterodoxy and orthodoxy in 370–371
parallels to Āyurveda 369–372, 376, 384–385
jyotpatti 279, 281
Munīśvara on 281–282
Kali Yuga, see yuga
Kāpil Maṭh
founder of 409–410
views of 410
Kapila 412n20, 414
karman 166
results of 171, 174
types of 173, 175–176
karmavipāka 174–175
as arthavāda 172–173
definition of 170–171
karmic doctrine
in Dharmaśāstra 166
in Theravāda 167
in Upaniṣads 166–167
koṭi 286–287
kramajyā 286
Aramaic 344
Gāndhārī 345, 350–353, 356
Sanskrit 347, 352–353, 358, 359
lateral, see koṭi
Life Delighting, see Jīvānandanam
liminal phrases
as markers of text division 58–59
in manuscripts 65–66
in printed editions 64–65
patterns of 63
Mādhavācārya 168–169
Mādhavīya, see Parāśaramādhavīya
as a text of history 260
mahābhūtas 15
mahāśānti 240, 242, 243, 247
manuscript format
concertina 359n5
pothi 343–344, 351, 356–357, 358–359
scroll 344–348, 350, 355, 357–359
manuscript tradition
Bamiyan 352–357, 358–359
Central Asia 350–352, 359
Gandhāra 344–348, 355, 357–359
medhyarasāyana 145
medicinal plants
classification of 26
Āryabhaṭa on size of 271
in Purāṇic cosmology 272
diachronic 53–54
of knowledge 52–53
of texts 53, 58–59, 66
synchronic 53–54
Mīnarāja 371n7, 373, 384
morbific factors, see doṣas
namburbi rituals 236
explains practice of austerities 255
Nirvāṇānanda, see Anirvāṇ
Brāhmī 317–319
Grantha 328–334
Kharoṣṭhī 319
origin of Brāhmī 321
Tamil 331
numerical system
akṣarapalli 324–328
aṅkapalli 329
bārākhaḍi 328
bhūtasaṃkhyā 323–324, 325
kaṭapayādi 324–327
omenology 236
omens, see divination
instruction 348
performance of texts 55–56, 58
tradition 356, 358
transmission 347, 352, 359
brahmakūrca in 180–181
karmavipāka in 170–175
prārabdhakarman in 175–180
prāyaścitta in 175–177
paratext 54–55, 58–59
evident 58
hidden 58
Brahmagupta on 309–310
Ibn al-Haytham on 305
in Babylonian records 304
in Hellenistic astronomy 304
phlegm, see doṣas
rotations of according to Al-Bīrūnī 274–275
rotations of according to Āryabhaṭa 268–269
rotations of according to Brahmagupta 273
prakṛti 36n9, 37n10, 39, 44
curing diseases caused by 178–180
means of stopping 175–178
prāyaścitta 166
Ptolemy 267
definition of 271
in Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā 147
in Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha 148
in Bhaiṣajyaratnāvalī 150
in Bower Manuscript 149
in Carakasaṃhitā 142
in Siddhayoga 149
in Suśrutasaṃhitā 146
in Vaṅgasenasaṃhitā 149
as avatāra of Viṣṇu 251
placed in the Tretā Yuga 251
no connection to history 260
yuga of 251, 252, 253
sadātura 37n10, 38
Śāhajī 209, 221, 226–227
court of 228
story of 254–256
diverse traditions of 408–409
modern revival of 408–409
non-differentiated 412
definition of 239
manuals of 240
rituals of 236
saumya, see soma
Aramaic 344–345, 358
Brāhmī 319–320, 344–345, 352, 354–355, 357, 358–359
Gilgit Bamiyan type 1 354–355, 357
Grantha 317, 328
Gupta 354, 357
Kharoṣṭhī 345, 347, 351, 353–355, 358
“Section on Specific Knowledge”, see Vimānasthāna
division of 281
Siddhāntasārvabhauma 281
Siddhāntaśiromaṇi 279
siddhi 140, 148n33, 149, 150, 161
intentional 169–170
unintentional 169–170
direct, see kramajyā
generation of, see jyotpatti
production of, see jyotpatti
śivā guṭikā 148, 149, 150
size of 268–269
soma 150–151, 153, 154, 155
agni/soma polarity 17–18
in Āyurvedic medicine 16
in Vāgbhaṭa, the Aṣṭāṅgasaṃgraha, and the Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā 16–17
meaning of 18–19
relation to Vedic ritual 16
translation of saumya 19
stings 27
Suśrutasaṃhitā 367
hitherto unknown commentary on 104
textual history of 104
commentarial style of 108–109
formal description of 105–107
texts quoted in 118
variants of root text in 116–118
sūtikāgṛha 375
sūtikavidhi 375
of Śambūka 255
Tetrabiblos 267
text division 54–57
as textual interpretation 57
external 56
Internal 56
markers of 58–59, 66
reception 53
transmission 53
theory of 81–83
trigonometric rules
in the Golādhyāya 279
on water, breath, and fire doctrines 16
upright, see doḥ
urban Brahmins
in the Arthaśāstra 188–189
in the Kāmasūtra 189–190
in the Mahābhārata 187–188
utkramajyā 287
as section of Carakasaṃhitā 60
liminal phrases in 60–70
Vaiṣṇavism 251
vājīkaraṇa 141, 142
vāksiddhi 143–144, 147n24, 159
valana 306, 311
Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa, see Rāmāyaṇa
Vāsanābhāṣya 279, 283
story of 253–254
versine, see utkramajyā
Vidyāraṇya, see Mādhavācārya
Cakrapāṇidatta’s commentary on 84
critical edition of 78–80
meaning of 83–85
translation of 1 87–99
translation of 8.95–100 42–49
cited in Jyotirnibandha 373
cited by Varāhamihīra 372
conception and birth in 373–376
date of 372
medical elements in 377–383
water, see soma
order of 267, 268
planetary 267
wind, see doṣas
classification of 27
writing material
birch bark 343, 345, 348, 350–351, 355, 357–359
copper plates 359n5
leather 344–345, 348
palm leaf 343, 349–355, 358–359
paper 343, 350–351
papyrus 344–345
wood 350n20, 351
Yavanajātaka 374, 375, 377n25
yavanas 370, 371, 372, 373
definition of 271
yuga 268
Dvāpara Yuga 251, 252, 255, 256, 257–260
end of 256–257
in the story of Śambūka 252
Kali Yuga 250–251, 252, 255
Kṛta Yuga 251, 252, 255
Tretā Yuga 251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 257–260
system of 250
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Body and Cosmos

Studies in Early Indian Medical and Astral Sciences in Honor of Kenneth G. Zysk

Series:  Sir Henry Wellcome Asian Series, Volume: 20


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