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Index of Modern Authors

Abegg, Martin G. 245n27
Ackerley, C. J. 161
Adair, Aaron 205n27
Allison, Dale C., Jr 1–9, 15, 16n3, 17n5, 21n15, 24–27, 33, 34, 39, 42–44, 47–48, 51, 55, 66, 67, 68n55, 69nn58–59, 70nn60–61, 71, 77n1, 77n3, 85, 87, 89n26, 94, 96, 97n41, 104, 105, 113nn38–39, 114n40, 115n43, 122, 142, 143, 146nn5–6, 147n8, 149–50, 151nn15–17, 155, 162, 164n18, 165n20, 166nn23–24, 169n32, 171n36, 172n39, 174nn42–43, 175nn47–48, 179–84, 189, 191, 198n9, 199n10, 200n15, 202n20, 204, 205n28, 207n34, 207n38, 209n39, 209n41, 210n44, 214n1, 220n17, 230n42, 231n43, 236, 238n1, 239nn6–7, 240n13, 242n18, 243n21, 250, 251n48, 254, 256–58, 262n30, 263n36, 264n38, 266n44, 275n9, 283n23, 286n29, 295, 297, 298n15, 300n23, 305n42, 309n49, 308n53, 309n56, 311n61, 312n65, 315, 324n10, 337, 338, 339nn11–13, 340, 341n21, 345n49, 351, 373n2, 375, 383, 393, 396–400, 405, 424–25
Anderson, Gary A. 165n21, 172n39
Arterbury, Andrew 378n21
Aston, Margaret 56n12, 57, 58nn22–23, 61n31
Attridge, Harold 294n4, 308
August, Jared M. 210n41
Aune, David E. 125n10
Austen, Jane 162
Aziz, Jeffrey H. 58n23
Bachman, Michael 19n12
Backhaus, Knut 215n8
Bacon, Benjamin W. 93n33
Bakhtin, Mikhail 162
Baldovin, J. F. 343n35
Barclay, John 17n8, 224n28, 226n29, 229n38
Barker, Juliet 53n7
Barnes, W. E. 359n27
Barney, Stephen A. 62n39
Barr, David L. 138nn40–41
Barreto, Eric 27n51
Barrett, C. K. 70n62, 109n21, 175n46
Barron, Caroline M. 53n7
Barth, Karl 408, 414
Bauckham, Richard 275n9
Bauer, D. R. 201n19
Bazzana, Giovanni B. 34n76
Beare, Francis Wright 204n25
Beck, Edmund 362n42
Becker, Jürgen 377
Bell, Catherine 338n9
Benoit, Pierre 47
Bensly, Robert L. 43n20
Berger, Klaus 377
Berlin, Andrea 65n47
Bermejo, Fernando 294n2
Bettinelli, Melanie 161n4
Bird, Brian 56n11
Bird, Michael 373n1
Black, Matthew 43nn13–14, 43n16
Blackwell, Ben C. 16n4
Blanning, Tim 18n9
Blomberg, Craig L. 196n4, 198n10, 208n38
Bockmuehl, Markus 109n22, 109n25, 112n36
Bond, Helen 64, 375n8, 377
Boreczky, Elemér 62n39
Borg, Marcus 2
Bornkamm, Günther 385–86, 414–18, 420
Botner, Max 324n9
Bovon, François 47
Boyarin, Daniel 20n13
Boyer, Paul 21n15
Brandon, S. G. F. 104–5
Bremmer, Jan N. 143n3
Broadus, John A. 196n4, 208n38
Brock, Sebastian P. 358n24
Brown, Colin 375
Brown, Raymond E. 195n2, 198n8, 199n14, 202n20, 203n21, 206n33, 207nn37–38, 208nn39–40, 210n43, 301n28, 304nn40–41, 305n43, 313n66
Buell, Denise Kimber 352, 353n10
Bultmann, Rudolf 44, 174n45, 176, 300–1, 303, 381–82, 405–25
Burkett, Delbert 176n52
Burney, Charles 43n24, 48n46
Burrow, John 60n29, 62n38
Byrskog, Samuel 275n9
Cadbury, H. J. 273–74, 276, 291
Cameron, Peter 359n27
Camp, Claudia V. 354n13
Campbell, Douglas 17n7
Campbell, Ethan 62n39
Cantinat, Jean 256n12
Carter, Warren 202n20
Casey, Maurice 68n54, 69n58, 70nn61–62, 101n50, 304n42
Catchpole, David 45n34
Chadwick, Henry 358n24
Chambers, Matthew J. 368n60
Charles, Robert H. 79, 82
Charlesworth, James H. 48n46, 377
Cheung, Alex T. 221n19
Childs, Brevard 165n20
Clivaz, Clair 294n4, 303n32, 308, 309n55
Cohen, Shaye J. D. 354n12
Cohn, Norman 53n6, 56n14, 58n22, 60n28, 62n37, 62n40
Collins, John J. 17n4, 80, 81n9, 246n33, 247n36, 380
Conzelmann, Hans 419–20
Cope, Lamar 320n3
Corrington, Gail Paterson 352, 359, 360n33
Crossan, John Dominic 19n13, 66, 69, 377, 424–25
Crossley, James G. 16n2, 28n53, 54n7, 55n9, 63n44, 298n13
Croy, Clayton N. 330n22
Cummins, Stephen Anthony 250n46
Czachesz, István 276n13
Dahood, Mitchell 166n23
Dalman, Gustaf 386n56
Davids, Peter H. 256n11
Davies, J. P. 16n4
Davies, W. D. 5n18, 43n21, 44n29, 48nn45–46, 77n3, 85, 87, 89n26, 94, 96, 97n41, 104n3, 105, 113nn38–39, 114n40, 115n43, 175n48, 179, 180nn5–8, 181, 183, 184nn22–25, 189n49, 198n9, 199n10, 200n15, 202n20, 209n39, 209n41, 210n44, 230n42, 283n23, 300n23, 311n61, 324n10, 398n123, 399n126, 399n128
Dawes, Gregory W. 221n21
de Boer, Martinus C. 174n44
de Jonge, Marinus 70n62
Derrenbacker, Robert A. 259n23
DeSilva, David A. 125
Destro, David L. 206n32
Dewey, Joanna 187
Dibelius, Martin 255n9, 300–2, 357n21
Dobson, R. B. 53n7, 55n8, 56n13, 57nn16–19, 58n21, 58n24, 61n36
Dodd, C. H. 386n56
Doering, Lutz 245n27
Donaldson, Terence 23n35, 31n67, 117n47
Dormeyer, Detlev 190n54
Doran, Robert 248n38
Downing, John 70n62
Downs, David J. 228n35
Drews, Arthur 274n7
Drijvers, Hans J. W. 359–60
Ducharme, Lori J. 313n67
Dunn, Alastair 53n7
Dunn, James D. G. 44, 245n27, 275n11, 393–95
Dyer, Christopher 53n7
Edwards, Richard A. 45n34
Efroymson, David P. 18n11
Ehrensberger, Kathy 23n35
Ehrlich, Arnold 163
Ehrman, Bart D. 243n21, 320n4, 332, 373n1, 377
Eiden, Herbert 53n7
Eisenbaum, Pamela 109n23
Ekroth, Gunnel 248n38
Eliot, T. S. 1, 161
Ellul, Jacques 124, 126nn11–12, 126n16, 139
Eng, Daniel K. 239n6
Engberg-Pedersen, Troels 224n26
Enslin, Morton Scott 334n28
Evans, Craig A. 42n12, 202n20, 373n1
Evans, Robert 8
Eyl, Jennifer 27n51, 34n76
Farrer, Austin 134
Fekkes, Jan 130
Fenton, J. C. 179, 180n5, 182n17, 183n19
Ferda, Tucker S. 175n50, 200n16
Fine, Gregory Alan 313n67
Fishbane, Michael 167–68
Fitzmyer, Joseph A. 46, 256n32, 380n28
Fleddermann, Harry T. 84n15, 92n32
Flusser, David 48, 387
Foster, Paul 106nn10–11, 112n33, 323n7
France, Richard T. 84, 90, 92, 93, 104n4, 183n19, 189n48
Frankemölle, Hubert 256n10
Fredriksen, Paula 18n11, 20n15, 23n33, 24n39, 27nn50–51, 29n54, 30n58, 30n62, 31nn64–65, 31n68, 32n69, 35n78, 67n54, 107n14, 110, 111n31, 117n47, 377
Frey, Jörg 68n54, 79
Funk, Robert 414, 420, 422–24
Gäckle, Volker 221n22
Gaechter, P. 204n24
Gager, John G. 18n11
Gahan, J. J. 257n17
Galbraith, Deane 52n4
Galloway, Andrew 60n29
Garland, Robert 152nn2–23, 154n26
Gathercole, Simon 188n43, 189n47
George, Timothy 338n5
Gerber, Christine 229n37
Gese, Michael 214nn1–2
Given-Wilson, Christopher 63n43
Gnilka, Joachim 200n15, 205n29, 382n36
Goldenberg, Robert 354n12
Goldstein, Jonathan A. 248n39
Good, Deidre 206n30
Goodacre, Mark 298n17, 303nn33–34, 319n1, 322n6, 329n20
Goodman, Martin 23n33
Goodrich, John K. 16n4
Gosbell, Louise A. 241n14
Goulder, M. D. 104n3, 326n13
Graf, Fritz 148
Green, Richard Firth 55n10
Greeven, Heinrich 255n9, 341
Grillmeier, Aloys 355n15, 365n48
Grindheim, Sigurd 373n1
Gruen, Erich 146n5
Gundry, Robert H. 195nn1–2, 198n9, 201n18, 201n20, 202n21, 204n23, 206n31, 206n33, 207n38, 209nn40–41
Guroian, Vigen 347n61
Hägerland, Tobias 230n39, 297n10
Hagner, Donald 83, 91n29, 92n31, 94n37
Hahn, Ferdinand 256n10
Halévy, Joseph 254n4
Hammann, Konrad 405nn2–3, 413nn41–42, 415n43
Hanson, Anthony T. 254n9
Harnack, Adolf 383–85
Harrington, Daniel J. 106n10
Harris, Michael A. 138n40
Harvey, Susan Ashbrook 358n26
Hase, Karl von 374
Hayes, Christine 117n50
Hays, Richard B. 215n9, 223n24
Head, Peter M. 328n18, 320n21
Heidegger, Martin 408–9, 416, 421–22
Hendrickx, Herman 199n12, 202n20, 206n32, 207n37, 208n38
Hengel, Martin 19n12, 197n7, 200n16, 202n21, 209nn40–41, 387, 399n124
Hilton, Rodney 53n7
Hobsbawm, Eric 51–52, 53n6, 62, 71
Holtz, Traugott 80n7
Homolka, Walter 388n66
Hooker, Morna D. 70n62, 297n10
Hope, Valerie M. 143n1, 151n18, 152, 153n24, 154
Horsley, Richard A. 52n5, 186–87
Humphrey, Edith M. 123n2, 124n5, 135n37, 138n42
Hurtado, Larry W. 186
Hutcheon, Linda 162n5, 162n7, 164n17
Instone-Brewer, David 200n15, 210n41
Iverson, Kelly R. 105, 186
Jacobi, Christine 220n17
Jacobus, Helen R. 200n15
Jensen, Morten Hørning 64
Jeremias, Joachim 48, 386–88
Jobes, Karen H. 254n3
Johnson, Luke Timothy 254n3, 255n9, 261, 341n22, 345n47, 347n59
Johnson, Nathan C. 333n26
Johnson Hodge, Caroline 117n47, 307n47
Jones, F. Stanley 227n32
Jones, Simon 362nn40–41
Jonge, Marinus de 396n109
Joubert, Stephan 229n38
Jülicher, Adolf 421–22
Justice, Steven 58n22, 59n25
Kaden, David A. 117
Kalthoff, Albert 274n7
Kampen, John 245nn27–28
Käsemann, Ernst 383, 385–86, 414–15, 418–19
Keddie, Anthony 67n53
Keener, Craig S. 395–96
Keith, Chris 182n15, 185n27, 187n42, 188n46, 275n8, 296n9, 297n12, 298nn16–17, 314n68
Kelhoffer, James A. 190
Kiddle, Martin 134n35, 135n36
Kierkegaard, Søren 345
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 4
Kingsbury, Jack Dean 325n12
Kirk, Alan 8n28, 312n63
Klausner, Joseph 377
Kloppenborg, John S. 42n12, 228n35, 255n5, 257n18, 258nn20–21, 259n23, 266n44
Koch, Dietrich-Alex 227–28n35, 230n38
Koch, Klaus 2
Koester, Helmut 189–90, 420–21
Kok, Michael J. 332n25
Kolenkow, Anitra 149
Konradt, Matthias 108n18, 113n37, 114nn40–41, 115n43, 215n6, 219n16, 221n22, 222n23, 226n30, 227n33, 227n35, 283n23
Kotansky, Roy 197n5, 200n15, 203n21, 204n24, 205n27
Kraemer, Ross S. 29n57
Kraus, Hans-Joachim 164n19
Kümmel, Werner G. 319n1
Lagrange, M.-J. 203n22, 208n38, 209n41
Landes, Richard 20n15
Lane, Jason D. 338n6
Lane, William L. 189n48
Lane Fox, Robin 30n59
Larsen, Matthew D. C. 185n27
Laurentin, René 196n2, 202n20
Le Donne, Anthony 295n5
Levin, Yigal 199n11
Levine, Amy-Jill 377
Levinskaya, Irina 30n63
Lewis, Agnes Smith 43n22
Licona, Michael R. 97n42
Lin, Zion Shyiren 356n17
Litwak, Kenneth Duncan 352n1
Lockwood, Lewis 339n15
Lohfink, Gerhard 377
Longstaffe, Stephen 61n33
Lüdemann, Gerd 386n52
Ludlow, Jared W. 146n5
Luz, Ulrich 9, 78n4, 86, 87, 95n38, 96, 98, 99, 104n4, 114n40, 116n44, 181–82, 202n21, 205n29, 281n21, 283n23
MacDonald, Dennis R. 257n18
Mack, Burton L. 53n6
Madigan, Kevin 298n15, 312n64
Maier, Marry O. 127nn18–21, 131, 132, 133n31, 134, 140
Magina, Joseph L. 126n17
Marcus, Joel 173n41, 174n45, 311n61, 323n8, 324n9
Marty, François 338n7
Mason, T. W. 383–84
Massaux, Édouard 323n7
Massebieau, Louis 254n4
Maston, Jason 16n4, 245n27
Matera, Frank J. 226n29
Mattila, Sharon L. 259n23
Mayor, Joseph B. 255n9, 256n14, 258n19
McCormack, Bruce L. 308n54
McDonald, J. Ian H. 44n33
McDonnell, Kilian 362
McGowan, Andrew B. 338n8
McGrath, James F. 298n14
Meeks, Wayne 17n4
Meeus, Alexander 259n24
Meier, John P. 44–45, 104n3, 114n40, 115n43, 296n7, 297n10, 299n18
Meinecke, Friedrich 273n2
Merkel, Helmut 197n7, 200n16, 202n21, 209nn40–41
Merz, Annette 391–93
Metzner, Rainer 345n46
Meyer, Arnold 254n4
Meyer, Ben F. 39, 387
Miller, Robert J. 3n8, 295–96
Mitchell, Margaret M. 266n44
Mohrlang, Roger 104n4, 106n11, 116n45
Moloney, Francis J. 183n19
Moore, Carey A. 246n32, 246n34, 247n35
Morton, A. L. 53n7
Moxnes, Halvor 66n51
Müller, Peter 256n10
Mydans, Seth 163n11
Nanos, Mark D. 107n14, 108n16, 111, 117n47
Nässelqvist, Dan 185
Nauck, August 152nn19–20
Nebe, Gottfried 245n27
Nellessen, Ernst 195n2, 196n4, 207n36
Neumann, James 299, 311n61
Newman, Judith H. 326n14, 340n20, 346
Nickelsburg, George W. E. 380n28
Niebuhr, Karl-Wilhelm 348n62
Nolan, Brian M. 200n15, 202n20, 206n29, 208n38
Nolland, John 86n19, 88, 91n28, 99n46, 182n17, 208n38
Nongbri, Brent 27n51, 30n61
Novakovic, Lidija 112n35
Novenson, Matthew V. 27n50
Nürnberger, Anna 279n16
O’Malley, Timothy P. 338n10, 348n63
Oman, Charles 53n7
O’Regan, Noel 339n15
Orr, James 195n2, 196n4, 209n41
Ortkemper, Franz-Josef 219n14
Osiek, Carolyn 172n40
Overman, J. Andrew 107n12
Owens, Jessi Ann 339n15
Paget, James Carleton 21n18
Pannenberg, Wolfhart 17n5
Parkes, James 18n11
Patterson, Stephen J. 423n78
Penniman, John David 352
Perrin, Norman 44, 123n2
Pesch, Rudolf 207n35, 248n37
Pettitt, Thomas 57n17
Philippidis, Leonides J. 281n21
Pippin, Tina 134n34, 137n
Pokorný, Petr 190
Pohlenz, Max 227n33
Popkes, Wiard 256n13, 262–64, 266
Powell, Mark Allan 333n27
Prescot, Andrew 53n7, 56–57n15
Pusey, Philip E. 43n19
Reicke, B. 203n21, 208n38
Reimarus, Herman Samuel 375–78
Renan, Ernst 379
Reventlow, Henning Graf 18n10
Rhoads, David 185n28, 186–87
Riesner, Rainer 43n23, 44
Robinson, James M. 408nn17–18, 414–15, 420, 422
Rodríguez, Rafael 295n5, 297n10, 298n16, 308n51
Roncace, Mark 352n4
Roskies, David 163–64, 172, 175
Rossing, Barbara 124nn3–4, 131n25, 132
Rowland, Christopher 81
Runesson, Anders 116n46
Ruzer, Serge 260n25
Sabbe, Maurits 374nn5–6
Saldarini, Anthony 107n12, 116n45
Sampley, J. Paul 223n24
Sanders, E. P. 2n6, 19n12, 28, 44n26, 64–66, 107n13, 306n46, 377
Sanders, James A. 241n16
Sandnes, Karl Olav 299n20, 310n58, 312n64
Schäfer, Peter 172n39, 327n17
Schenck, Kenneth 307n51
Schillinger, Stephen 61n34
Schmeller, Thomas 228n36
Schmemann, Alexander 348n63
Scholtissek, Klaus 224n25
Schrage, Wolfgang 221n19, 224n27
Schröter, Jens 275n8, 275n10, 377
Schulz, Hans-Joachim 344nn40–41
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth 123n2, 124, 128n
Schwartz, Barry 309n57
Schwartz, Daniel R. 248nn39–40, 249n42
Schweitzer, Albert 2–3, 15, 16, 20–25, 27, 28, 34, 175, 379–81, 419, 421, 423
Schwemer, Anna Maria 387
Segal, Alan F. 20n13
Sellin, Gerhard 214n3, 230nn40–41
Senior, Donald 115
Sevidge, M. J. 134n34
Shaw, Brent 18n11
Sherwood, Jason 245n27
Shin, In-Cheol 106n10
Shiner, Whitney 186
Shirley, Walter Waddington 58n23
Shoemaker, Stephen J. 60n28
Sim, David C. 104–6, 114n41, 116n44, 203n21, 333n27
Simon, Marcel 18n11
Sjöberg, E. 374n6
Smith, Jonathan Z. 19n12
Smith, Mahlon H. 174n43
Smith, Stephen H. 324n9
Söding, Thomas 214n4, 215, 217n11, 219n15, 231n44, 232n45
Solovey, Meletius Michael 342n29, 344, 345n51, 346, 348n63
Spear, Samuel 345n48
Spencer, F. Scott 248n37
Spitta, Friedrich 254n4
Stanton, Graham N. 104n4, 189–91
Stegemann, Ekkehard W. and Wolfgang 66n49
Stendahl, Krister 34n77, 196n4, 200n15, 202n20, 207n36, 210n43, 325n11
Stone, Michael Edward 170nn33–34, 171n38, 380
Stout, Stephen 357n22
Strauss, David Friedrich 378–79
Strauss, David L. 326n15
Streete, Gail Corrington 354n13
Streeter, B. H. 319n1
Stuckenbruck, Loren T. 29n56, 312n62
Taft, Robert 340, 342, 343nn32–34, 343nn36–37, 344, 345, 346n52
Talbert, Charles H. 351n2
Tärrech, Armand Puig I. 41n11
Tatum, W. Barnes 325n11
Taylor, Joan E. 299n21
Taylor, Vincent 301
Thatcher, Tom 312n63
Theissen, Gerd 105n9, 106n10, 217n11, 274n6, 276n13, 277n15, 281n20, 285n26, 286n28, 296, 391–93
Theobald, Michael 409n19, 410n27
Thiessen, Matthew 27n31, 32n70, 108n17, 109n22, 117, 307nn47–48
Thompson, Lawrence L. 124
Tiwald, Markus 373n2
Tuckett, Christopher M. 42n12, 296n9
Turner, David L. 85n16, 98–100, 206n30, 208n38, 210n42
Turville-Petre, Thorlac 60n29, 62n38
Trible, Phyllis 163n13, 351n3
Troeltsch, Ernst 273
Valente, Claire 63n42
van der Horst, Pieter W. 30n63, 261n28
VanderKam, James 380
van Kooten, George 203n21
Vermes, Geza 388–89
Verseput, Donald J. 341
Vielhauer, Philipp 420
Villiers, Pieter G. R. de 220n18
Vinzent, Markus 190n50
Wasserman, Tommy 182n16
Watson, Francis 332n25
Weiss, Johannes 2–3, 21n19, 377, 406–7, 411, 413, 421, 423
West, M. L. 153n12
Wettlaufer, Ryan D. 263n36
Wheelwright, Philip 123n2
White, Benjamin L. 112n34, 117–18
Whitehead, Deborah 352n4
Wild, Robert A. 230n41
Wilkins, David 56n12, 58n23
Williamson, Peter S. 126n15, 134n35
Willis, Wendell Lee 221n30
Willitts, Joel 106nn10–11, 107n15, 111, 116n44
Wills, Lawrence M. 146n5, 246n34, 247n35
Wilson, Stephen G. 338n8
Wilson, Walter T. 261n28
Winter, Dagmar 296
Wire, Antionette Clark 186n30
Witherington, Ben, III 196n3, 200n15, 208n38, 373n1
Wojtkowiak, Heiko 224n26
Wright, N. T. 15n1, 16nn2–3, 17nn6–7, 46, 304n35, 377n18
Yarbro Collins, Adela 23n35, 134n34, 175n47
Zacharias, H. Daniel 325n12
Zahn, Theodor 196n4, 199n13
Zellentin, Holger Michael 162n5
Zerbe, Gordon M. 220n17
Zetterholm, Karin Hedner 109n24
Zimmermann, Ruben 275n12

Index of Ancient Sources

Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

1:1 183
1:26–28 165
2:4 179, 184
3:3 166
3:19–24 166
3:20 173
4:1 354n14
4:25 354n14
5:1 179, 184
15:6 237–38, 249, 262, 266
18 351–370
18:14 356
19:1–26 88
19:18 259–62, 264–66
19:21 239n7
22:1–19 238
32 169
49:10 201
3:11–4:17 169
4:19–20 207
20:13–14 263
22:22 239n5
23:5 280n19
32:10–14 169
33–34 340
33:11 169
33:11–23 399
33:12 398
34:6 340n20
34:15 247
40:35 357
11:1–47 247
17:14–15 247
19:18 110, 113, 223, 239
26:40 242n17
12:3–8 169
14:41 242n17
16 149
22:24 204
23:7 200
24:17 200
25:1–13 249
28:9–10 113
1:43 242n17
4:19 31n66
5:17–18 263, 265–66
6:4 277
6:4–5 278
6:5 113, 239, 261
9:11–20 169
10:17 239n7
10:18 239n5
14:3–21 247
14:29 239n5
16:14 239n5
24:17 239n5
32:8–9 31n66
34:10 169
34:10–11 398
2:1–12 243n19
2:9–11 243n19
19:15 199
22:5 277–78
12:8 199
1 Samuel
16:1–3 201
2 Samuel
5:2 201
12:25 376
2 Kings
1:9–12 149
2:23–25 149
1 Chronicles
11:2 201
28:5 69
3:11–26 145–46
7 170
7:17–21 166–67
7:17–24 170
15:7 168
15:14 168
15:14–16 168
17:1 145
17:14 145
28:1–27 395
38–41 168
38:4–14 168
40:3–5 168
40:10 168
41:34 169
42:1–6 168
42:5 169
42:7–10 169
8 164–66, 168–76
8:4 166, 173
8:4–5 167
8:5 166–68, 170–71
23 162–64
47:2–3 69
72:10–11 202
74:10 416
78:2 41
78:70–71 201
80:4 416
91:4 357
106:28–31 249
118:22 363n44
121:4 167
139:13 361
144 170
144:2–3 166
144:3 167
3:34 263–64
8:12 395
10:7 144
10:27 144
10:29 144
11:30 144
13:1–2 144
Song of Songs
3:6 202
4:6 202
2:4 60
8:23–9:1 210
11:1 209, 363n44
25:8 134
28:16 363n44
40:2–9 256–58
42:8 139, 257
43:1 199n11
43:3–6 134
44:3–6 134
49:16–19 132
52:1 134
53 22, 24
55:1 134
56:1–8 117
60:2–6 202
60:20 341
61–62 132
61:10–11 134
65:18–19 134
65:19–20 144
Jeremiah 346
2:2 134
23:5 209
25:22 88
27:3 88
33:11 134
33:15 209
47:4 88
3:1 163
3:2 163
4:12–145 247
18:4, 9, 13, 17 149
8:21–24 149–50
17:10 257n16
18:30–32 150
29:2–5 174n43
31:2–4 174n43
33 149
37:27–28 134
38:14–20 174n43
1:8 247
7 380
7:13 419
7:13–14 174–76
7:27 69
9:4–19 416
12:2–3 70
1:2 183n19
6:6 113
11:1 206–7
3:4 8
19–21 69
5:1 201
7:14 163
1:1 179
2:4 262
2:10–11 134
3:8 209
6:12 209
8:3–8 134
9:1–4 88
12:10 48
14:9 69

Early Jewish Literature

1 Enoch
62 380–81
90:24 85
98:2 67
102:9–11 67
1 Maccabees
1:41–61 247
1:62–63 247
2:29–41 290
3–4 46, 47
6:1–25 70
11:20–22 171, 173
1:15 96
13:4 96
13:11 97
1QpHab 41
2 Baruch
72:2–73:2 71
85:13 85
2 Maccabees
6:1–2 247
6:18–31 248
6:31 249
7 70
7:1–7 248
7:40 249
4 Ezra
3:28–36 172
7:76–77 172
7:116–20 173
8 174
8:30 173–74
8:30–36 169–70
8:34 170
8:47–51 172
9–10 173
9:30–37 172
10:7 173
10:25 173
10:44 173
10:54 173
13 381
13:52 380
4 Maccabees
5:1–27 248
8:2 248
9:16 248
9:27 248
11:13 248
17:20–22 70
4Q175 41
4Q185 257n16
4Q202 41
4Q212 41
4Q246 71
4Q299 41
4Q300 41
4Q301 41
4Q402 96
4Q424 41
4Q433 41
4Q521 71
4Q535 41
4Q541 40–48
4QMMT 244–49
11Q13 71, 96
11Q19 41
Baruch 346
1:1 179
3:15–32 395
ix 2–4 260
13:7 70
14:7 70
Ant. 52–53, 65, 68–70
C. Ap.
2.146 280
2.213 280
Life 66
War 52–53, 68, 70
20:2 110n29
37:7–8 110n29
12:2–19 247
Letter of Aristeas
207 282
229 110n29
1 184n22
273 263n34
19 184nn22–23
106 110n29
110 110n29
16.86–93 29n55
2.44 118
127 184n22
56 263n34
51 110n29
51–174 280
103f. 280n19
77 261
277 279n17
Sib. Or.
3:757–58 118
5:265 118
Sirach 346
1:6–8 395
3:22 278
13:15 280n18
28:4 260
28:7 260
31:15 28
38:24–34 64
T. Abraham
1:1 146
1:3 146
1:4 263n33
4:11 146
8:4 263n33
10:14 149
16:5 263n33
17 150
17:17 147
19 150
19:11 147
19:16 148
20 151n15
20:2 151
T. Benj.
3:3 261
T. Dan
5:3 110n29
T. Gad
4:2 261
Tg. Ps.-J. Lev
19:18 281
T. Iss.
5:2 110n29, 261
7:6 110n29
T. Job
1:1 179
1:1 179
1:10–12 246
13:9–14:7 133
14:6 134
T. Zeb.
5:1 261
8:3 261
Wisdom of Solomon
7:25 ff. 395
8:3–8 395
9:4–11 395

New Testament

1:1 114, 179–91, 198, 209, 324
1:1–2 184
1:1–7 324
1:2–14 179
1:2–16 114
1:2–2:23 179
1:6 198
1:16–17 199
1:20 199
1:21 199, 209
1:25 199
2:1 198–201
2:1–12 114
2:2 199–200
2:3 200
2:5–6 326
2:6 201
2:9 203–5
2:11 196
2:12 88, 97
2:12–14 205
2:15 206–7, 210n41
2:17–18 210n41
2:20–21 197
2:22–23 206–7, 210
2:23 326
3:1 ff. 182n17
3:1–6 52
3:7 83
3:8–12 83
3:10 86
3:12 101
3:13–17 321–22
3:17 311n60
4:1–11 207
4:12 206
4:12–17 210
4:13 197, 326
4:14–16 210n41, 326
5 347
5–7 84
5:3 85
5:3–12 67
5:10 85
5:11 85
5:14 205
5:17 210n41
5:17–19 112, 115
5:19 105, 113
5:20 290
5:21 112
5:21–26 85, 283
5:21–48 112, 175n48
5:22 78, 85, 112
5:25 67
5:27 112
5:27–30 284
5:28 112
5:29 78
5:30 78
5:31 112
5:32 112
5:33 112
5:33–37 284
5:34 112
5:38 112
5:38–41 287
5:39 112
5:42 288
5:43 112, 261, 287
5:44 112, 287
5:47 290
5:48 230–31
6:5–6 311n60
6:7 290
6:9 304n42
6:9–13 295
6:24 67, 285
6:25–34 67, 285
6:32 290
7:12 281–82
7:13–14 86, 102
7:15 94, 100, 298
7:15–20 86
7:19 86
7:21 87
7:21–23 86, 95, 105
7:22 86, 99
7:23 86, 87, 94, 95
8:5–13 114
8:10 87
8:11 79, 87, 416
8:12 78
8:17–18 210n41
8:19–20 173
8:20 174n45
8:22 66
10:5–6 114
10:15 88, 100
10:23 175, 206
11:25–30 380
10:32 99
10:32–33 176n51
10:34–36 66
10:37 66
10:39–42 99
11:2 48
11:7–8 56
11:8 67
11:11 399
11:16–19 43–44, 175
11:20–24 175
11:22 88, 100
11:24 88
11:25–27 373–400
11:28–30 286
12:1–14 112
12:3–4 113
12:5 113
21:6 399
12:7 113
12:14–15 206
12:17–21 210n41
12:23 199n12
12:31–32 89
12:36 88, 89
12:41 89, 399
12:42 399
12:24–50 328n19
13:1–23 89
13:24 ff. 416
13:24–30 90, 96, 58
13:27 58
13:31–23 89
13:33 89
13:35 210n41
13:36–43 90, 96, 58
13:37 90
13:39 90
13:39–40 79, 91, 99
13:40 90, 101
13:40–43 90
13:41 90, 91, 100, 176n51
13:41–43 101
13:42 78, 88, 90
13:43 90, 101
13:44–46 89
13:47–50 90, 96
13:48 101
13:49 90, 91, 99, 101
13:50 79, 90
13:52 78
13:55–56 328
13:58 329
14:12–13 206
15:1 206
15:1–20 112
15:1–2 200
15:6 113
15:11 113, 289
15:20 113
15:21 206
15:21–28 114
15:22 199n12
16:17–19 105
16:21 200
16:27–28 91, 92, 176n51
16:28 92
17:1–8 92
17:24–27 285n27
18:8 79
18:9 79
18:32–33 100
18:34 100
18:35 99
19:8 3
19:16–17 319
19:16–20 113
19:19 261, 284
19:26 305
19:28 70, 92, 93, 101, 176n51
19:28–29 91
20:17–19 200
21:4–5 210n41
21:7 205
21:9 199n12, 304n40
21:11 209
21:15 199n12
21:31 284n25
21:31–32 48n42
21:43 87
22:1–4 67
22:13 78, 88
22:34–40 113, 239
22:37 277–78
22:39–40 261
22:41–46 324, 399
23:1–36 93
23:5 16
23:9 66
23:13 286
23:15 79
23:18–22 205
23:23 115, 298
23:28 100
23:37–39 93, 200
24–25 93, 99
24:1–2 93
24:1–51 77n2, 82
24:2 83
24:3 78, 93, 99
24:4–44 93
24:9 114
24:10–12 86
24:11 94
24:12 94, 100, 102
24:14 114, 190
24:15 83, 185
24:21 94
24:22 94, 100
24:24 94, 100
24:27 78, 94, 97, 176n51, 419
24:29 204
24:30 176n51
24:30–31 83
24:31 79, 91, 101, 399
24:33 96
24:36 93, 95
24:37 78, 94, 176n51
24:39 78, 95, 176n51
24:40 95
24:41 95
24:43–44 95
24:44 176n51, 416
24:45–51 95
24:50 95
24:51 88
24:52 78
25:1–46 77
25:1–13 77, 95
25:2 83
25:10–12 101
25:11 95
25:12 95
25:13 95
25:14–30 77
25:30 78, 88, 96
25:31 91, 93, 176n51
25:31–46 67, 77, 92, 95, 96, 101
25:32 96, 99, 114
25:34 97
25:37 96
25:41 79, 96, 97
25:46 79, 97, 101
26–28 97
26:1 99
26:13 190
26:30 294n3
26:36 294n3, 298
26:38 298, 302
26:39 298–99
26:39–45 297
26:51–57 209n40
26:54 210n41
26:56 210n41
26:64 97, 176n51
26:71 209, 326
27:9–10 210n41
27:37 205n27
27:46 304n40
27:51–53 97
27:65–66 98
28:2 205, 331
28:3 205, 331
28:4 331
28:11–15 330n23, 331
28:15 331
28:16–20 331
28:18 117, 381–82, 392
28:18–20 115n43
28:19 87, 99
28:19–20 46, 94, 114, 202, 210
28:20 79, 98, 99, 105, 115
1:1 182–84, 189–91
1:2 ff. 182n17
1:4–5 52
1:9 325
1:9–11 321–22
1:10 322
1:11 323, 327
1:14 189
1:24 323, 325
1:35–38 311n60
2:10 419
2:23–27 323n8
2:27 290
2:28 419
3:1–6 289
3:11 323, 327
3:20–22 66
3:22–27 69
3:31–35 66
4:26 ff. 416
4:33–34 46–47
5:7 323
5:37 302
6:1 209n39
6:1–9 66
6:3 326, 328
6:4 209n39
6:4–6 311n60
6:5–6 329
7:15 113, 279, 289
7:19 113
7:33–34 329
8:22–26 329
8:31 331, 419
8:38 175, 304, 416
8:38–9:1 176n51
9:2 302
9:7 323, 327
9:31 331
10:4 390
10:17–18 319, 378–79
10:17–22 113
10:17–31 67, 70
10:25 286
10:27 305
10:29–30 66
10:33 419
10:34 331
10:35–45 70–71
10:37 70
10:38–39 297
10:42–44 285
10:45 175
10:47 325
10:47–48 323
11:10 199n12, 304, 323
11:25 304
12:13–17 285
12:28–34 239, 288
12:30 277–78
12:33 277–78
12:34 277
12:35–37 323–24, 399
12:38–39 390
13 418
13:4 78
13:14 185
13:24 ff. 416
13:25 204
13:26 175, 176n51, 419
13:27 399
13:31–32 379
13:32 304, 379
13:35 301
14:9 190
14:28 331
14:32 294n3, 298
14:32–42 299n20, 300, 308n53, 311n60
14:35 297, 299
14:35–36 305
14:36 295, 297–98, 327
14:38 297, 301–2
14:61–62 323
14:62 175, 176n51
14:67 325
15:40–41 329n19
16:4 331
16:6 325
16:7 331
16:9–20 330
1 355–57
1:2 183n18, 188
1:31 199
1:35 355–56
1:49 306
2:3–4 326
2:4 201
2:7 203
2:8–20 201, 204
2:9 205
2:11 198
2:12 203
2:16 203
2:35 80n7
2:39 196–97
2:52 41–42
3:2–6 52
3:21 322n5
3:21–22 311n60
3:23–38 198
4:16 326n13
4:17–20 186
4:18 67
5:33–34 46
6:12–13 311n60
6:20–21 67
6:20–26 67
6:24–25 67
(Q) 6:27 261
6:35 67
6:36 230–31
6:43 279
6:45 279
7:24–25 56
7:25 67
7:28 399
7:31–35 42–44, 175
7:32 43, 47–48
7:29–35 47n42
7:36–50 284
9:18–29 311n60
9:26 176n51
9:57–58 173
9:58 174n45
9:60 66
10:13–15 175
10:21–22 286, 373–400
10:25–28 239
10:25–37 288
10:27 277–78
10:30 52
11:1–4 311n60
11:2 304n42
11:2–4 295
11:31 399
11:32 399
12:8–9 176n51
12:13–21 67
12:22–31 67
12:37 301
12:40 176n51
12:50 297
12:51–53 66
12:57–59 67
14:12–24 67
14:26 66
14:31 306n45
14:48 68
15:16 68
15:27 68
16:1–8 67
16:13 67
16:18–31 56
17:20–21 417–18
17:21 284
17:22 ff. 417
17:23–37 77
17:24 78, 176n51
17:26 78, 176n51
17:26–27 416
17:30 78, 176n51
18:8 176n51
18:27 305n44
20:41–44 399
21:26 204
21:27 176n51
21:34 416
21:36 176n51
22:29–30 70
22:39 294n3
22:42 297–300, 305
22:44 302
22:69 176n51
24 331
24:4 205
24:19 306
1:32 322n5
1:46 209n39
3:35 390
4:12 399
4:23 57
5:25 57
5:36 399
6:38 45
7:29 390
7:41 209n39
7:41–43 325
7:52 209n39
8:1–11 284
8:31–32 57
8:53 399
13:3 390
19:25 329n19
20–21 331
20:30–31 187
21:24–25 187–88
2:44–45 61
4:32–35 61
5:15 357
5:36 69
10–11 280n17
10:12–13 248
11:25–15:41 217
12:17 251
12:27 298–300, 310
15:21 190
15:24 251
15:36–41 219
17 311
17:1–9 217
18:1 294n3
21:38 68
1:3 332
1:17 262
2:11 264n39
3:20 236
3:28 236
3:29–30 111
3:31 111
4:1–3 237
4:3 262
4:9 262
4:9–12 237
4:22 262
5:2 139
5:5 222
5:8 222
6–8 218
6:3 307
8:9–10 226
8:14–17 306
8:15 294, 298, 306–7, 309, 314
8:15–27 312
8:17–18 309
8:28 222
8:35 225
8:37 225
8:39 222
10:4 105
11:5 32
11:25–26 26, 32
12 231
12–13 218–20
12:1–2 218
12:1–15:13 218
12:9–21 218–19
12:10 218
13:8–10 110
13:8 226
13:9 261–62, 265–66
13:10 110
13:11–12 26
13:13–14 110
13:14 307
14:1–4 249
14:1–15:13 224–25, 228
14:15 225, 228, 231
15:1–3 231
15:7 224–25, 231
15:26 251
16:20 26, 32
16:26 32
1 Corinthians
3 352
4:17 230
5:9 252n50
7:6 26
7:18 108, 111
7:19 108
7:29 26
8–10 109
8:1–11:1 220, 223–25, 228, 231
8:1–3 222–23
8:1 225
8:4–6 221
8:7 221
8:8 249
8:10 221
8:11–12 223
8:11 225, 228
9:19–23 225
9:21 227
10:1–22 221
10:11 26
10:24 223, 226
10:27 221
11:1 223, 228
11:10 34
11:25–27 32
13:5 223
13:13 217
15:1–3 331
15:5 26
15:20 26
15:27 174
15:52 26
16:1–3 251
16:14 231
2 Corinthians 346
5:14 225
5:21 333
7:8 252n50
8 228
8:8 227
8:9 228
8:24 227
11:2 135, 137
13:11 218
1:1 243
1:6 243
1:8–9 243
1:12 243
1:13 26
1:17 26
2:1 26
2:2 189, 243
2:4 226, 243
2:5 243
2:7 109
2:9 243
2:10 251
2:11 243
2:12 251
2:12–16 244
2:14 251
2:16 236
2:20 206, 225–28, 231
3:1–5 108
3:6 237, 262
3:11 262
3:23–25 105
3:26–29 307
3:27 307
4:4–7 306
4:6 226, 294, 298, 306–7, 309, 314
4:21–5:1 226
4:22–31 135
5:1 227
5:2 108
5:3 111, 266n43
5:4 108
5:5–6 217
5:13–6:10 226
5:13–15 226
5:13 227, 231
5:14 110, 226, 261, 307n50
5:18 262
5:19–20 110
5:22–23 226
5:24 227
6:2 110, 118, 226–27
6:16 32
1:22 174
2:8–10 214
4:1–6:9 229
4:32 229
5:1 230
5:2 214–232
5:13 231
5:22–6:9 215, 216
5:22 231
5:25 216
5:27 135
5:29 231
1:19 226
2:6 380
2:6–11 176, 298
2:6–8 228
2:8 298n14, 300
3:3 109
3:17 230
3:20–21 26
4:5 26
1:4–5 217
2:16 249
3:18–4:1 215
3:19 216
4:16 252n50
1 Thessalonians
1:3 216–19
1:6 217, 230
1:9 109
2:14 217
3:3–5 217
3:6 216
3:12 216
4 231
4–5 219
4:1–2 218
4:2 217
4:5 110
4:6 217
4:9–12 216, 218–19
4:10 226
4:11 217
4:15–18 26
5:8 215–17
5:12–22 218
5:13 216
5:15 218
5:17 218
3:5 92
5–7 217
2:5–9 174
2:9 176
5 308, 312–14
5:7 295, 309
5:7–8 298, 300–2, 309
5:7–10 308–9, 312
11:16 135
12:22–29 135
1:1 251, 255
1:2–18 348n62
1:5–6 258
1:9–10 238, 258
1:10–11 256
1:12 339
1:16 341
1:17 339–342, 5n13, 5n18, 7n22, 344n38, 345–48
1:27 238
2:1 251, 255
2:1–13 264–66
2:2–6 256
2:2–3 239, 264
2:4 240
2:5–6 240
2:8 239, 242, 259, 261–62, 264
2:9 242
2:9–10 238–40
2:10 264
2:10–13 242
2:11 259, 263, 265
2:13–18 240
2:14 238
2:14–17 242
2:14–26 242
2:19 239, 341
2:21–25 237, 242–43, 262
2:23 259, 262
2:26 243
2:33–35 240
3:17–18 348
4:5 263, 337n2
4:5–6 264
4:6 259, 263–64, 266
4:10 238n4
5:11 340n20
5:13 338, 340
5:19–20 340
1 Peter
1:3 139
1:17 264n39
1:24 257
2:4–8 135
3:21–22 174
5:5 263–64
2 Peter
3:14 135
1:4 131
1:5 128
1:8 128
2:7 124
2:17 124
2:20 131
3:7–12 128
3:12 124, 128, 130
3:21 124
4:1 81
8:14 131
8:23 131
11 123
11:8 123
12 134
12:6 130
12:11 133, 138
12:15 135
14:4 128
17:5 131
17:6 131
17:8 131
18:16 131
18:23 130
19:4–9 124
19:7 130
19:7–9 129
19:8 131
19:9 130, 132
19:10 125
19:15 125
19:20 85
20:9 124
20:12 128
20:14–15 85
20:16 128
21–22 128
21:2 130, 132
21:4 122
21:6 131
21:7 125
21:9 130
21:10–25 138
21:14 125
21:23 125
22:18 125
21:22 125
21:26 125
22:1 138
22:3 131
22:5 125, 138
22:9 125
22:11 137
22:13 128
22:17 131, 137, 139

Other Christian Literature

1 Clement
5.2 258
10.1 263n35
2 Clement 190
4.5 258
9.11 258
Andrew of Caesarea
Comm. Apoc.
21.1 126n14
Demonstrations 188
2:23 130
6:13 3
Ex. Ps.
148.6 126n13
Clement of Alexandria
1.6 368–69nn61–64
2.12.118 135–36
1.37.10 31n66
Cyril of Jerusalem
De adoratione
3 31n66
Dialogue of Adamantius
2.13 188
1:2 239, 281
16:3–6 77n3
H. Eccles.
36.3–4 362
7.7–8 369n65
Epistula Apostolorum
14 366n51, 367n52
Epistula de virginitate 255
Hist. eccl.
3.39.2–4 188n45
Gospel of Thomas
14 289
46 42n18
64 66, 67
Gospel of the Savior
45–55 295
Hilary of Poitiers
de Trinitate
4.8 255
19.1–3 105n7
1.1 105n7
2.2 105n7
4.38 368n59
5.35 26n47
John Chrysostom
55:683 345
Justin Martyr
1 Apol.
67.3–4 189
80–81 26n47
Odes of Solomon 361–62
3.1 361
3.7 361
7.4 361
8.13–14 361
8.18 361
19 351–370
19.9 359n28
19.10 359n29
1.28 327n17
Comm. In Joh.
19.23 255n6
4.3, 8 26n47
Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord 188
2.3 258
98:452 346n54
Secret Book of James
NHC I, 2 188
Shepherd of Hermas
12.4.2–3 172n40
Sibylline Oracles
8 351–370
8.251–72 363
8.255–58 367
8.264–70 363
8.272 367
8.324–36 367
8.460–72 364
8.456–58 363
8.483–84 367
8.486–87 368
8.500 368
1.13.304 31n66
30 330n23

Classical Literature

Aeschylus 151–52
Eumenides 154n30
Alcestis 152
Cons. ad Apoll.
10 152nn19–20
107.11 154
113.23 153–54
8.5 227n31
10.5 257
27.17–18 153
Hist. 70
5.5.1 280


1.74–76 205
654 188n43
𝔓4 189
𝔓45 328n18
𝔓66 189
𝔓75 189

Rabbinic Literature

b. Šabb.
88b 172
b. Sanh.
38b 172n39
Gen. Rab.
8:6 172n39
m. B. Bat.
8:6 199n11
t. Soṭah
6:5 172n39
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