Cyrille Fijnaut
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Joris Larik
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Stef Blok, by his Order of 25 April 2019, established an Expert Group on Political Support for Interstate Use of Force and on Humanitarian Intervention. The Expert Group was tasked with giving its opinion(s) on (a) the government’s expression of political support for the use of force between states without a basis in international law; and (b) whether the Dutch government should promote the international acceptance of humanitarian intervention as a possible new legal basis for the interstate use of force.

In the explanatory notes to the Order, the government states that the Expert Group is to produce an advisory report in an expeditious manner without, however, sacrificing quality and depth. The Expert Group started its work on 1 June 2019 and concluded its deliberations on 19 November 2019. Its composition is included in Annex A.

The fact that the Expert Group was able to meet the government’s timetable was not only the result of its working methods, which will be explained in the introduction of the report, but also of a number of other factors that we would like to highlight.

First of all, it has to be emphasized that the logistical preparations carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in particular by Erik van Uum and Kevin Brongers, and subsequently by Sladjana Cemerikic and Wibe van der Linden, greatly facilitated the work of the Expert Group and its secretariat.

Secondly, we want to express our gratitude to Prof. Dr. Erwin Muller, Dean of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, and to Henriët Reininga from Leiden University’s Buildings & Facilities Service. Their willingness to house the secretariat of the Expert Group at the premises of Leiden University’s Campus The Hague made the organization of our internal meetings and research activities considerably easier.

Thirdly, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of Steve Lambley, copyeditor, and Raymond Swart, graphic designer, who made it possible to produce this report in a short period of time.

The Hague, 19 November 2019 Prof. Dr. Cyrille Fijnaut, chair Dr. Joris Larik, secretary

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