David W. Wood
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absolute I xii, xviii, 86, 90–98, 103, 106–115, 139–145, 150–156, 315–316, 320–322, 413
Achelis, Heinrich Nikolaus 20, 22
Adorno, Theodor 342
aesthetics x, xiv, xv, 219–247
aesthetic state of mind 233
Anstoß (check) 90, 98, 413, 442
Aristotle 63–64, 148, 162, 391
Bardili, C.G. 62, 153–155
beauty, the beautiful 238, 243–244
artistic beauty and natural beauty 238, 240
personal beauty 245
the beautiful soul 246
Böttiger, Karl August xi
Cassirer, Ernst 335, 336, 345
categorical hypotheticity 79, 82–85, 88–89, 92–93
categorical imperative 22, 80, 261, 262, 274
categories x, 34, 48, 63, 64, 90, 107, 119–136, 157, 163, 166, 177–178, 182–189, 200, 270, 290, 305, 306, 334, 338–339, 343, 448, 450, 451
deduction of 40, 119–136, 157, 166, 177–178, 182–189, 290, 338–339
Christianity 5, 11, 12, 14–20, 22, 26–29, 423
contradiction x, xii–xiii, 12–17, 27, 29, 32–57, 63, 67, 71–72, 106–114, 167, 178, 200, 228–229, 239–247, 268, 323, 417–420, 430
non-contradiction, principle of 51, 67, 162–164
Crusius, Christian August 12, 16, 19, 28
Deism 3, 5, 12, 14–29
Descartes, Cartesian xi, 63, 90, 91, 140, 162–163, 175, 395, 411–412
determinism 4, 9, 10, 443
difference 94–116, 144, 151–152
dogmatism 3, 4, 7, 19, 25, 177, 179, 202, 206, 334
drive (Trieb) 234–242, 275–287, 299, 364, 442
ethical drive (sittlicher Trieb) 281
natural drive (Naturtrieb) 268, 275
original drive (ursprünglicher Trieb) 279
original drive (Urtrieb) 239, 275, 279–281
theory of drives (Trieblehre) 360
truth drive (Wahrheitstrieb) 383
ethics x, xiv, xv, 105, 153, 194, 220, 221, 230, 235, 239, 249, 258, 261, 266, 267–287
facticity 111, 177–183, 187, 189–195
Fichte, Eduard xi
Fichte, I.H. 5, 7, 8, 9
Fichte, J.G. passim
Aenesidemus Recension xiii, 32–37, 42, 59–75, 98, 100–102, 164–167, 174, 186, 270
Anweisung zum seligen Leben xi, xv, xvii, 135, 181, 182, 187, 188, 380, 386–389, 418, 437
Aphorisms on Religion and Deism 3–30
Bardilli Recension 153–154
Bestimmung des Gelehrten (1794) 204, 359, 361, 362
Bestimmung des Menschen 194, 214, 215, 358, 362, 366
Eigne Meditationen 22, 32–56, 68, 73–75, 94, 98, 100, 102, 105–108, 111, 115, 145–146, 343
Erste Einleitung 4, 116, 129, 314
Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre passim
Grundlage des Naturrechts xvii, 133, 153, 248–266, 489
Grundriss des Eigentümlichen der Wissenschaftslehre xiv, 120, 371
Grundzüge des gegenwärtigen Zeitalters 286, 290, 296–305, 383, 390
Sittenlehre xvii, 152, 153, 231, 235, 267–287, 466
Transzendentale Logik 1 (1812) 36, 120, 183, 347, 348, 445–458
Über das Wesen des Gelehrten (1806) 353, 354–375, 377–392
Über den Begriff der Wissenschaftslehre x, xiv, xv, xvii, 33, 35, 45–53, 92, 146–149, 151, 154, 165, 167, 172–173, 220, 222, 229, 310, 312, 325
Über Geist und Buchstab in der Philosophie 219–226, 230–247, 353–375, 443
Wissenschaftslehre nova methodo xv, 32, 42, 56, 116, 131, 144, 154–156, 182, 186, 220, 222, 268, 413, 442, 459
Wissenschaftslehre 1801/02 83, 93, 181, 430
Wissenschaftslehre 1804-II 79–85, 89, 92–93, 125, 179, 187–189, 198–200, 203–206, 211, 347, 389, 391, 416, 417–421, 429–442
Wissenschaftslehre 1805 x, 179, 198–216, 378
Wissenschaftslehre 1812 122, 125, 126, 347–348
Züricher Vorlesungen 35, 40, 45–53, 86, 102, 147–151, 343
Zweite Einleitung xi, xvi, 23, 81, 122–131, 135, 154, 183, 185, 272, 320, 326
Fiedler, Karl Gottlob 12, 16–18, 28
genesis 80–81, 177–180, 190, 193, 309, 311, 444, 453–454
Giacometti, Alberto 81
God xiv, 6, 13–21, 26–29, 92, 123, 146, 148, 167, 170, 295, 378, 423, 434–435
Goethe, J.W. 8, 237, 241, 367
grace 244–245
Gruner, C.G. 357
Hamann, J.G. 120
Hegel, G.W. 115, 179, 220, 304, 308, 334, 337, 342, 349, 442
Heidegger, M. 177–182, 193–195, 395, 400
Henrich, Dieter 98, 100, 105, 139–157, 319–320, 394–413
Henry, Michel 416–437
Herder, J.G. 8, 288–295, 302–303, 308
history x, xv, 179, 188, 288–308, 333, 396, 441
pragmatic 200, 232, 309, 310
Hölderlin, Friedrich 108, 142–144, 152–153, 174
Hommel, Karl Ferdinand 9–15
Hume, David 145, 342
hypotheticity 79, 82–85, 88–89, 92–93
identity (principle of) 37–38, 43–45, 47–55, 61, 69–75, 82–84, 86–91, 94–99, 102–116, 132–133, 141–142, 145–156, 161–165, 171–175, 181, 184, 200–209, 272–280, 286–287, 394–400, 406, 409, 413
imagination (Einbildungskraft) xix, 120, 123, 134, 219–247, 283, 292, 344, 441–444
hovering (Schweben) 219–247
imagination as a “hidden art” 225
imagination as the “most marvellous” power of the I 224–229
imaginative monogram 219–247
productive or creative imagination (produktive or schaffende Einbildungskraft) xix, 219–247, 283, 441–444
reproductive imagination (reproduktive Einbildungskraft) 235, 456
intellectual intuition xii, 23, 24, 33, 41, 46, 56, 73, 81, 152, 177, 180, 181–188, 193, 200, 411–412
Jacobi 8, 17, 184–185, 215, 342, 457
Jesus 17, 18, 26–28
Kant, Kantianism xi, 3, 18–25, 28, 31–33, 36, 39–40, 46–49, 60–72, 80–84, 90–91, 96, 119–137, 140–141, 144–148, 155–157, 163–165, 167, 169–170, 177–180, 182–190, 219–227, 231–233, 236–244, 247, 261, 267–272, 282–284, 288–298, 302–308, 333–349, 381, 386, 394–397, 406–412, 441, 451–452, 457, 461–462
Lavater, J.K. 102
Leibniz, G.W. 10, 140, 161–163, 166–167, 175, 395, 461
Lessing, G.E. 8, 10
letter (Buchstabe) 219–247, 353–375
magic 237, 242–245
Magic Flute (Mozart’s opera) 241–242
Maimon, Salomon 36, 67, 163, 165, 178, 227, 270, 334, 342
Michelangelo 81
monogram 219–227, 233–240, 246–247
Mozart, W.A. 236, 241–247
music, musical 234–235, 240–243, 246
nature x, xi, xv, 201, 221, 224, 228, 236–247, 255, 267–268, 271–272, 275–276, 279, 280–287, 292–295, 297–298, 303–308, 310, 313, 315, 317–329, 344, 378, 379
Niethammer, F.I. 96, 108, 185
nightingale 236–246
Nohl, Hermann 9–11
Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg) 223, 334
Platner, Ernst 10, 62, 174, 223, 269, 371
pleasant, the 29, 229–246
positing (setzen) passim
Preul, Rainer 7, 9, 10, 16, 18
Queen of the Night (Mozart’s Magic Flute) 241–247
Rahn, Johanna Marie 20
recognition 248, 256, 258, 263–265, 417
Rehberg, A.W. 267–272, 287
Reinhold, K.L. 32–37, 43–46, 59–75, 90–91, 94–100, 107, 111, 116–117, 120, 128, 130–132, 135, 147, 155, 163–164, 167, 169, 178, 269, 286, 342, 343, 367, 369
religion xi, xv, xvii, xviii, 3–30, 181, 213, 220, 302, 305, 390, 423–425, 430, 437, 459
right, doctrine of x, xiv, xv, 129, 133–136, 152, 199, 220, 248–266, 282, 386, 445, 459–467
Schelling, F.W.J. 96, 115, 117, 186, 200–205, 207, 213–214, 220, 334, 337, 377–382, 388, 392, 442, 457–458
Schiller, Friedrich 237, 243–247, 355, 357, 373–374
Schlegel, Friedrich 149, 223, 334
Schulz, Johann Friedrich xi, 354
Schulze, G.E. 32–34, 59–61, 67–69, 98, 99, 100, 164, 186, 269, 270, 343
Smidt, Johann 361–363, 367–368, 370–372
Spinoza, Spinozism 8, 9, 17, 20, 90, 92, 184–185, 187, 194, 207
spirit (Geist) xiii, 221, 231, 233–235, 239, 353–375, 384, 441–442, 452
Steffens, Henrik xi
Stephani, Heinrich xi
striving (Streben) x, 98, 109–111, 194, 234, 239, 271, 274, 276, 281, 286, 318, 324–325, 442
sublime 24, 229–230, 241, 245
sufficient reason, principle of 4, 6, 11, 16, 22, 37
summons 248–266, 327
sweet songstress of the night (die liebliche Sängerin der Nacht) 219, 221–222, 233–247
synthesis xiii, xix, 93, 106, 123, 124, 125, 156, 157, 226–232, 234–236, 240, 245, 247, 251, 289, 318, 407, 409, 431, 434, 437, 447, 449–450, 453–455
Tathandlung (act) xviii, 46, 50, 74, 80–81, 84–86, 121, 126, 128–135, 142, 152, 200, 208–210, 394, 396, 399, 406–410, 412
Tatsache (fact) 50, 64, 74, 81, 84, 171, 208
aesthetic triad 229–236
triadic structure 446
Tugendhat, Ernst 395–406, 410
Venus 243–244
Wildfeuer, Armin 9, 10, 11, 12
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 400–404
Wolff, Christian 63, 163, 461–462
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