Index of Works of Art

In: Material World
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Index of Works of Art

Agricola, Georg
De ortu et causis subterraneorum
Il complesso termale a Tritoli 151
De re metallica, libri XII
Diversi tipi di vene metallifere 139
Altdorfer, Albrecht
Weeping Willows in an Alpine Landscape 206
Landscape with a Double Spruce 207
Bacchus reclining in the arms of a goddess,Villa of the Mysteries, Pompeii 233
Brunelleschi’s Death Mask 99–100
Codex Marcianus
Stage for Dionysus in Hero’s Automata 110
Modelling the automaton’s circular motion 126
Ear of Dionysus 168
Les grandes chroniques de France
Harun al-Rashid’s gift to Charlemagne 118
Hercules and Omphale, House of The Prince of Montenegro, Pompeii 245
Les grandes chroniques de France 118
Lorenzo de’ Medici’s Death Mask 105
Baldi, Bernardino
De gli automati
frontispiece 112
Counterweight drawing 124
Stage of Dionysus with Victory 128
Bartolomeo, Fra
Two Friars and Bare Tree 204
Benintendi, Orsino di Niccolò
Bust of Lorenzo de’ Medici 104
Bloemaert, Cornelis
Echo 175–176
Pallas and the Centaur 280, 281
Venus and Mars 16, 226, 228, 243–246, 247, 292–293
Buontalenti, Bernardo
Grotta Grande 134
Canistris, Opicinus de
Map 219
Cesariano, Cesare
Di Luci Vitruvio Pollione de architectura libri dece
Condutture di scarico 141
Collado, Luys
Prattica manual dell’arteglieria
Diverse configurazione di mine esplosive 143
Dürer, Albrecht
Hercules 278, 279, 280, 283, 293
Rape of Europa 274–278, 282n.21
Satyr Family 282–283
Ghiberti, Lorenzo
Madonna and Child 99
La Tempesta 199–200
Hildesheim, Cathedral of St. Mary
Adam and Eve (doors) 198–199
Terme 157
Kauffmann, Angelica
Pliny the Younger and his Mother at Misenum in 79 CE 91–92
Kircher, Athanasius
Musurgia universalis sive ars magna consoni et dissoni
Iconismus XV 171
Ichnographia Specus Syracusanae Dionysij Tyranni ex vivo saxo delineatae 170
Larciani, Giovanni
“Kress Landscapes” 204
Leonardo da Vinci
Deluge 180, 197
Geologic map of the Mediterranean (Codex Atlanticus) 183
Madonna and Child with Saint Anne 189, 214, 215, 216
Madonna of the Rocks 189, 192, 193, 198, 211, 214
Mona Lisa 189, 214
Sala delle Asse 211–213
Study of Human Proportion: The Vitruvian Man 51, 60, 288–290
Libavius, Andreas
Commentariorum alchymiae
Tipologie di alambicchi 145
Lippi, Fra Filippo
Adoration of Christ with St. Romuald and the Young Baptist 202
Alexander 95
Apoxyomenos 95
Triumph of the Virtues 277
Marchi, Francesco De
Architettura militare
Camere di contromina 150
Martini, Grancesco di Giorgio
Opusculum de architectura
Illustrazione di un mina esplosiva 135
Diluvio universale (Sistine Chapel) 180, 181
Monogrammist BXG
Wild Man and his Family 283–284
Naldini, Battista
View of Tivoli 216, 217
Study of Tree Trunks and Foliage 205
Piero di Cosimo
A Hunting Scene 4, 200–201, 208, 286
Return from the Hunt 5, 286
Death of a Nymph 199, 221
Discovery of Honey 277
The Forest Fire 17, 208–209, 250–252, 253, 256, 286
Plot, Robert
The Natural History of Oxford-shire
Heptaphonon 172
The School of Athens 40–42
Sangallo, Antonio da, the Younger
Bastione Ardeatino
Sistema di ventilazione nelle contromine 148
Sangallo, Giovanni Battista da
Ten Books on Architecture
Riconstruzione ipotetica dell’impianto di una stanza termale antica 154
Sangallo, Giuliano da
Bastione di San Martino
Sala ottagonale 153
Settignano, Desiderio da
Niccolo da Uzzano? 101
Signorelli, Luca
Orvieto Cathedral
Empedocles 255
Verrocchio, Andrea del
Bust of Lorenzo de’ Medici 104
Giuliano de’ Medici 103
Wright, Joseph
The Corinthian Maid 96
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Material World

The Intersection of Art, Science, and Nature in Ancient Literature and its Renaissance Reception

Series:  NIKI Studies in Netherlandish-Italian Art History, Volume: 15