1.1 Attributed to Qiu Ying, Japanese Pirates (detail), seventeenth century. Handscroll, ink and color on silk, 32 × 523 cm. Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo 22

1.2 Anonymous, Taizu Defeating the Ula Army, in The Pictorial Veritable Records of Taizu, repainted during the Qianlong reign (1735–1795). Reprint 1920. Harvard-Yenching Library, Cambridge, MA 23

1.3 J. P. Le Bas (after a drawing by Jean-Denis Attiret [1702–1768]), The Victory of Khorgos, in The East Turkestan Campaign, 1774. Copperplate engraving on paper, 55.4 × 90.8 cm. Cleveland Museum of Art 24

1.4 Anonymous, The Submission of Red Miao, eighteenth century. Rubbing on paper, 86.5 × 229.5 cm. Fu Ssu-nien Library, Institute of History, Academia Sinica, Taipei 25

1.5 Anonymous, The Black Barbarians Pledge Allegiance, eighteenth century. Rubbing on paper, 87.5 × 235.5 cm. Fu Ssu-nien Library, Institute of History, Academia Sinica, Taipei 25

1.6 Anonymous, Prince Kang Receiving Orders to Pacify the South, in Prince Kang’s Great Achievement of Pacifying Four Provinces, seventeenth century. Woodblock print on paper, 32 × 64 cm. National Archives of Japan, Tokyo 26

1.7 Anonymous, Offering Amnesty to Liu Jinzhong, in “Pacifying the Sea”, in Collected Eulogies from Fujian, seventeenth century. Woodblock print on paper. Shanghai Library, Shanghai 27

2.1 Anonymous, The head of Maniakes brought to Constantine IX, thirteenth century. Book illustration in Madrid Skylitzes, Vitr. 26–2, fol. 224v. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid 37

2.2 View of the Hippodrome ca. 1480, in Onofrio Panvinio, De ludis circensibus, Venice, 1600 39

2.3 Base of the Obelisk of Theodosius, southeast face. Hippodrome, Istanbul 40

2.4 Constantine VIII steps on the neck of Arab general, Madrid Skylitzes, Vitr. 26–2, fol. 136r, detail. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid 44

2.5 Blinding of Leo Phokas, Madrid Skylitzes, Vitr. 26–2, fol. 126r. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid 48

2.6 Punishment of Leo Phokas and his supporters, Madrid Skylitzes, Vitr. 26–2, fol. 126v. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid 49

2.7 Blinding of Nikephoros, Madrid Skylitzes, Vitr. 26–2. fol. 197v. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Madrid 50

3.1 The coat of arms of the King and the People of Naples, in Gennaro Annese, Per osservanza della patente fatta in persona di capitan Andrea Paliotto, 1647, Bibliothèque nationale de France 61

4.1 Frans Hogenberg, Handing over of the Petition, 1570, etching, 28 × 21 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 78

4.2 Frans Hogenberg, Battle near Oosterweel, 1570, etching, 21 × 28 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 84

4.3 Frans Hogenberg, The Execution of Egmond and Hoorn, 1570, etching, 21 × 28 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 86

5.1 Anonymous, Frontispiece of Wreede vervolginge en schrickelijcke moordt aende Vaudoisen in Piedmont, 1655, woodcut. University Library, Ghent 99

5.2 Theodor de Bry, Afbeeldinghe vande Spaensche tyrannye in Spieghel der Spaenscher Tyrannye geschiet in West Indien, 1596, etching, 13.5 × 11 cm, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague 100

5.3 Anonymous, Execution and assassination in Wreede vervolginge en schrickelijcke moordt aende Vaudoisen in Piedmont, 1655, woodcut. University Library, Ghent 102

5.4 Frans Hogenberg, Moord op Willem van Oranje, 1584, etching, 21 × 28 cm. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 103

5.5 Anonymous, Growlijke wreede moord en vervolging aan de Vaudoisen in Piemont, 1655, etching, 29 × 36 cm. Atlas van Stolk, Rotterdam 104

5.6 Anonymous, Waldensian man nailed to a tree in Historie der Martelaren, 1657, etching, Royal Library, The Hague 106

5.7 Anonymous, Kort verhael van den elendigen toestant van de volckeren in de valleyen van Piemont, 1663, etching, 36.3 × 36.8 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 109

6.1 Anonymous, Two different title pages of Warhafte Relation. Left: original version published by Gregorio Hänlin in Ingolstadt, 1626, woodcut. Staats- und Stadtbibliothek Augsburg. Right: reprint by Aperger in Augsburg, 1626, woodcut. From Strnadt, Bauernkrieg in Oberösterreich, table 18 120

6.2 Anonymous, Title pages of two song pamphlets. a) Left: a peasant on his knees, in Ein Geistreicher Gesang/ Welchen die Baurn im Ländlein ob der Ens/ alle 24. Stund viermal/ zu Morgens/ Mittags/ Abends unnd Mitternacht/ Wie auch allezeit wann man sie angreiffen will/ Kniend/ mit gen Himmel auffgehabenen Händen/ Inniglich und Einhelligkich auch mit Seuffzen und weinen/ unterm freyen Himmel/ zu singen pflegen, n.d., woodcut. From Strnadt, Bauernkrieg in Oberösterreich, table 27. b) Right: three peasants swearing an oath, in Ein schön unnd kurtzweiliges Bawren Lied Von dem gantzen Verlauff dess Bawrn Kriegs Steffel Fätinger damalen Uhrhebers, n.d., woodcut. Staatsbibliothek München 122

6.3 Anonymous, Bauern schlagen Herberstorff bei Peuerbach, 1626, copperplate. From Strnadt, Bauernkrieg in Oberösterreich, table 7 126

6.4 Anonymous, Eigentliche Contrafactur der haupt Stad LINTZ im Erzherzogthumb Österreich ob der Ens, wie sie von der Bawrschafft belägert worden, with added close-up of letter F with the depiction of Fadinger being shot from his horse, n.d., copperplate. From Strnadt, Bauernkrieg in Oberösterreich, table 8 127

6.5 Anonymous, Abbildung der Statt Lintz, wie dieselbe von den Bawren biss an dritten Tag beschossen, n.d., copperplate. Stadtarchiv Ulm 129

6.6 Anonymous, Votive offering to the Catholic Church of Hartkirchen, n.d., panel painting, 2840 × 1650 cm (votive shrine). Photograph by Roland Forster 137

6.7 Anonymous, Burning monastery, n.d., oil painting. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz 139

6.8 Anonymous, Stephan Fadinger in the monastery of Kremsmünster, n.d., oil on wood. From Strnadt, Bauernkrieg in Oberösterreich, table 26 140

6.9 Anonymous, Two versions of Der aller Gotts ober … Stöfl Fädinger, 1628, oil painting. Museumsverein Stephan Fadinger, St. Agatha 143

6.10 Anonymous, Stephan Fädtinger Aller Baurn Obrister Regierdt, Anno 1622, Anno 1750, 1750, oil painting. Wikimedia commons, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Stefan_Fadinger_Bild.jpg 145

6.11 Anonymous, Twelve oil paintings on the peasant war of 1626, n.d., oil painting, 140 × 90 cm. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz 147

6.12 Close-up of fig. 6.11, no. 7, Battle of Geiersberg. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz 149

6.13 Close-up of fig. 6.11, no. 11, Battle of Lambach. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz 150

6.14 Close-up of fig. 6.11, no. 10, Battle of Eferding. Oberösterreichisches Landesmuseum, Linz 151

7.1 Anonymous, Warhaffte Contrafactur und Abbildung, deren ehmals Vornehm-Berühmten drey Ungarischen Grafen, 1671, engraving, 30 × 16 cm. National Széchényi Library Apponyi Collection 169

7.2 Anonymous, Neye und richtige Abbildung aus der Ungarischen Mappen …, 1683, engraving. National Széchényi Library, Apponyi Collection, Budapest 173

7.3 Anonymous, Was Doct. Luther angericht, Der tapffre Töckely versicht, 1682, engraving. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Történelmi Képcsarnok, Budapest 176

7.4 Fatum Emerici Comitis Teckely, 1685, engraving. National Széchényi Library, Apponyi Collection, Budapest 179

7.5 Cornelis Meyssens, Hinrichtung von Graf Franz Nadásdy, in Aussführliche und Warhafftige Beschreibung wie es mit denen Criminal-Prozessen, und darauff erfolgten executionen wider die drey graffen Frantzen Nadasdi, Peter von Zrin, und Frantz Christophen Frangepan eigentlich hergangen, 1671, engraving. Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum Történelmi Képcsarnok, Budapest 181

7.6 Philibert Bouttats, ‘T Hedendaags Rad van Avontuur, 1690, engraving, 33 × 38.5 cm. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 184

8.1 Michel Lasne, Ioannes IIII Portugalliae et Algarbiorum Rex, 1643, engraving. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon 202

8.2 Balthazar Moncornet, Iean IIII par la grace de Dieu Roy de Portugal & des Algarbes, ca. 1650, engraving. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon 204

8.3 John Droeshout, Frontispiece of Lusitania liberata ab injusto Castellanorum dominio: Restituta legitimo Principi, Serenissimo Joanni IV …, 1645, engraving. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon 206

8.4 Anonymous, Johannes der vierte Konig [sic] zu Portugal und Algarbe etc., ca. 1650, engraving. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon 208

8.5 Anonymous, Arbor genealogica Regum Lusitaniae, ca. 1642, print. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris 209

9.1 Punishments, in Adam Olearius, Vermehrte newe Beschreibung der muscowitischen und persischen Reyse, 1656, engraving, 14.7 × 9.7 cm. Dartmouth College Library, Hanover NH 227

9.2 Strappado, excerpt of fig. 9.1 227

9.3 Debtors’ punishment, excerpt of fig. 9.1 228

9.4 Beating a servant, excerpt of fig. 9.1 229

9.5 Knouting, excerpt of fig. 9.1 230

9.6 Marketplace beating, excerpt of fig. 9.1 231

9.7 Phillip Galle, IVSTICIA, 1559, from Peter Bruegel the Elder, Virtues and Vices, ca. 1539. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 232

9.8 Anonymous, Onthoofding van Karel I, ca. 1649. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 233

9.9 Anonymous, Das rebellische Bauernparlament von Braunau, ca. 1705, engraving, 30 × 19.5 cm. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon 235

10.1 Workshop of Paulus Fürst, Portrait of Razin, 1671, copperplate engraving. Reprinted in Klebeband Herschaften Kriegs[=] und Staats[bedienten] auch andere (Arolsen, FWHB, II 56e 17a, S. 511, Bild 1) 247

10.2 Anonymous, Stephanus Razinus Perduellis Moscovicus, in Theatrum Europaeum, 1670, engraving. Universitätsbibliothek Augsburg 250

10.3 Anonymous, Portrait of Razin published in a supplement to a German periodical, 1671. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen 251

10.4 Anonymous, Captured Razin being delivered to Moscow, ca. 1672. The Huntington Library, San Marino, California 254

11.1 Anonymous, General Washington Esqr/General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in America/Done from an Original Drawn from the Life by Alex. Campbell, of Williamsburgh in Virginia [equestrian portrait], 1775, mezzotint, hand-colored, sold in London by C. Shepherd. Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE 271

11.2 Johann Martin Will, George Washington, Esq’r., general and commander in chief of the Continental Army in America, mezzotint engraved in Augsburg and sold in London by C. Shepherd. Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 273

11.3 Johann Martin Will, Fridericus der Zweyte, der tapfere Preusen Held, ca. 1763–1770, engraving with mezzotint, hand-colored. Druckerei Walch, Augsburg 276

11.4 Noël Le Mire, Le Général Washington, ne quid detrimenti capiat res publica, gravé d’après le tableau original appartenant a Mr. Marquis de la Fayette / peint par L. Le Paon peintre de bataille de S.A.S. Mgr. le Prince de Condé; gravé par N. le Mire des Academies Imperiales et Royales et de celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen, allegedly based on a French portrait, 1780–1781, engraving. Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 280

12.1 Johann Adam Stockmann, Effigies Nicolai I. Regis Paraquariae ficti. data ex portu Buenos Ayres 15. Martij A. 1758, ca. 1758, engraving. Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome 292

12.2 Anonymous, Nette Abbildung Nicolai des Ersten seyn sollenden Koenigs, und Layen-Bruders in Paraquarien, ca. 1758, letterpress. Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome 296

12.3 William Dent, Abolition of the Slave Trade, or the Man the Master, 1789, hand-colored etching, 24.5 × 34.6 cm. Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 298

12.4 Daniel Nikolaus Chodowiecki, Die Empörung der Neger / La revolte des Nègres, 1793, engraving, 8.8 × 5.2 cm. Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen 302

12.5 Marcus Rainsford (sketch) and Inigo Barlow (engraving), Revenge taken by the Black Army for the Cruelties practised on them by the French, 1805, engraving, 26 × 19.7 cm. Library of Congress, Washington D.C. 306

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