Hans-Christian Lehner
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‘Abdu’l-Bahá 147, 151, 156, 157, 159, 161–163, 165, 166
Alexander Minorita 23, 230, 261
Alexander of Roes 226
Alexios Makrembolites 49
Almanzor (al-Manṣūr) 192
Ambrose Autpertus 22
Anastasius I, Byzantine emperor 40
Annianus from Alexandria 39
Anonymus Bambergensis 221–262
Anselm of Laon 23
Antichrist 1, 26, 35, 36, 39, 41, 46, 49, 51, 194, 205, 216, 221–261, 310, 362
Apringius of Beja 177, 179, 182
Arnald of Villanova 24, 222–224, 226, 260n, 261
as-Sufi, Abdalqadir 328–353
Augustine of Hippo 16, 18, 175, 176, 178, 180, 186, 191n, 194, 197, 198, 226, 227n, 228, 235, 241, 258, 271, 362, 364, 368, 377
Báb (Sayyed ‘Alí Muḥammad Shírází) 144
Bacon, Francis 316, 317, 378
Bahá’u’lláh, founder of the Bahá’í Faith 141
Bao Lisheng 281
Bar Kochba (Simon ben Kosevah) 358
Basil, metropolitan of Neopatras 44
Beatus of Liébana 22, 176–198
Bede the Venerable 22, 23, 255n
Behemoth 228, 252n
Benedict of Nursia 209
Bernard of Clairvaux 227n, 258, 260
Bertram of Minden (Master Bertram) 230
Bewley, Abd al-Haqq 332
Biko, Steve 345, 346
Boukhari, Baha 216
Bush, George W. 1, 2, 215
Caesarius of Arles 22
Celestine V, Pope 24, 25
Charlemagne 20, 234, 362
Chirac, Jacques 1, 2, 215
Comte, Auguste 323, 324
Condorcet, Nicolas de 320, 321, 322
Confucius 74, 83–86, 283, 284
Constantine II Porphyrogenitus 45
Constantine the Great 259, 368
Dallas, Ian see as-Sufi, Abdalqadir
Daniel, prophet 17, 18, 35, 160, 161, 209, 224, 246, 248, 307, 313
Dante Alighieri 25, 261
Demophilos, Byzantine astrologer 45
Deng Fengguang 283
Dilgo Khyentse 107
Dong Zhonshu 76
Dürer, Albrecht 26
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche 106
Elipando of Toledo 185
Eucherius of Lyon 234, 235
Eunomius 181
Eusebius of Caesarea 38
Fenriswolf 123, 127, 128
Fontanelle, Bernard de 318
Frederick I, Holy Roman Emperor 18
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 368
Gabriel of Pentapolis 50
Gampopa 100–103
Gaozu, founder of the Han dynasty 72
Garat, Dominique Joseph 321
Gennadios Scholarios 52
Georgius Syncellus 39n
Germanus of Constantinople 43
Gö Lotsawa Zhönnu-pel 105
Gog and Magog 1, 2, 18, 35, 36, 215, 216, 217
Gongsun Shu 80, 81
Gregory the Great 25, 198
Gu Yong 73, 74
Guandi 273, 276, 277, 284–286, 294, 297
Guanyin, bodhisattva 293
Hadrian II, Pope 15
Hadrian, Roman emperor 45
Haimo of Auxerre 23
Henry VI, Holy Roman Emperor 18
Hildegard of Bingen 10
Hippolytus of Rome 38, 39
Hitler, Adolf 362, 366
Hoëné-Wroński, Józef Maria see Wroński
Hong Xiuquan 292
Hong Xiuquang 358
Hrabanus Maurus 184n, 228n, 233
Humbert of Silva Candida 229, 235–238, 259
Hume, David 324
Huo Guang 69
Hythloday, Raphael, fictious traveller 311
Ibn Tumart 206, 207, 213
Irenaeus 240
Isidore of Seville 18, 189, 198
Jerome 18, 38, 177, 178, 180, 182, 185, 194, 226, 247, 250, 252
Joachim of Fiore 5, 10, 16, 21, 23, 24, 27, 176, 205–218, 223, 224, 256, 257, 260n, 261, 360
John of Rupescissa 222
John of Toledo 1
Joseph Bryennios 51
Ju Mi pham 98
Julian of Biclar 189
Julian of Toledo 189
Kellogg, John H. 377
Kheiralla, Ibrahim 160
Kissinger, Henry 358
Kosmas Andritzopoulos 51
Lama Ole see Nydahl, Ole
Le Goff, Jacques 25
Leo the Deacon 47
Liang Gongchen 298
Liu Bang 68
Liu Xiang 71, 72
Liu Xin 72
Liu Xiu 80, 82, 83
Löwith, Karl 20, 21
Lü Donbin 273, 286, 287, 297
Lu Jia 76
Malcolm X 345
Mālik ibn Anas 337
Marx, Karl 362, 375, 378, 384
Mencius 76
Meselmutus 213
Miller, William of 382
Mirza Abu’l-Fadl 154, 155
Momen, Moojan 160
Montesquieu 318
More, Thomas 311
Muhammad Ahmad 381
Muhammad ibn al-Habib 332
Müntzer, Thomas 310
Napoleon Bonaparte 322, 361, 376
Nattier, Jan 94–97
Niketas David Paphlagon 44, 45
Nydahl, Ole 108
Origen 181, 232, 233, 240, 259
Pan Zengyi 287
Peter Abelard 214
Peter de Morrone see Celestine V
Peter of Eboli 18, 19
Peter the Chanter 23
Peter, apostle 245, 249, 254
Petrus Johannis Olivi 223, 226
al-Quaradawi, Yussuf 382
Radulfus Glaber 385, 386
Ralph of Flavigny 221
Rangjung Dorje 101
Richard I of England 214
Richard of St Victor 23
Robespierre, Maximilien de 322
Roger Bacon 226, 378
Rupert of Deutz 10, 226, 238, 252n, 255–257
Saint-Simon, Henry 323, 324
Saladin 206, 207, 213
Salomo, Duke of Brittany 15, 16
Sedulous Scotus 234
Sextus Julius Africanus 38
Shabbati Zvi 382
Shoghi Effendi 143
Shwa dmar pa Chos grags Ye shes 105
Sieyès, Emmanuel Joseph (Abbé Sieyès) 321, 322
Silvester I, Pope 259
Sima Qian 70
Sonam Lhundrub 100
Sprat, Thomas 317
Stephen Langton 23
Symeon of Thessalonike 50
Theodulf of Orléans 233, 234
Theophanios, Byzantine monk 43
Thomas Aquinas 25, 228n
Tracy, Destutt de 322
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques 320
Tyconius 22, 175, 177, 179, 182–184, 187, 191, 194, 209
Ubertino of Casale 24
Vasubandhu, Buddhist monk 96
Vettius Valens 45
Victorinus of Poetovio 177, 178, 180, 182
Voltaire 318, 319
Wagner, Richard 6
Wang Mang 73, 74, 78–80
Washington, George 376
Wenchang, Imperial Lord 272–274, 289, 297
Wroński 312
Wu of Zhou, king 68
Xu Qian 283, 287
Xuan, emperor 69–71
Xuanzang 104
Ye Yizhuang 293, 294
Yu Zhi 287, 299–301
Yu, mythical king 83
Yuan, emperor 71
Yuanyun, Buddhist monk 286
Zeng Guofan 278
Zhang Fei 289
Zhao, emperor 68
Zhenwu 273
Zhu Yuanzhang 368
Zixia 84
Zookeeper 358
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Apocalypticism, Messianism, and Utopianism through the Ages

Series:  Prognostication in History, Volume: 6


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