Notes on the Editors

In: Gateways to the Book
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Notes on the Editors

Gitta Bertram

is Lecturer in Art History at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart and freelance Art Historian. Her research focuses on the intersections of art and literature the history of print and the role of women in art history. She is the author of Peter Paul Rubens as a Designer of Title Pages: Title Page Production and Design in the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century (2018) and has contributed to several exhibition catalogues and exhibitions about Rubens and book illustration in general. Together with Nils Büttner, she edited the catalogue of Rubens’s book illustrations Sinnbild / Bildsinn: Rubens als Buchkünstler (2018).

Nils Büttner

is Professor of Art History at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart and member of the Centrum Rubenianum vzw. He specialises in the visual culture of Germany and the Netherlands from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries. He has written monographs on Hieronymus Bosch, Pieter Bruegel, Rubens, Rembrandt and Vermeer, as well as a History of landscape painting and books on the history of drawings and prints. He has also written numerous catalogue essays and was curator of several exhibitions.

Claus Zittel

is Professor of German literature at the University of Stuttgart and since 2019 at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He is deputy director of the Stuttgart Research Center for Text Studies and Co-Director of the Ca’ Foscari Bembo-Lab. Before coming to Stuttgart in 2014, he was professor for German Literature at the University of Warmia-Mazury (Olsztyn, Poland), research fellow at the Max Planck Institut/Kunsthistorisches Institut Florence (Italy) and at the SFB Cultures of Knowledge at the Goethe-University Frankfurt. His Visiting Professorships include Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), TU Darmstadt (Germany), Beida University (Beijing), Tongji University Shanghai, Chongqing University, University of Trento, University of Verona, University of Padova (Italy), and the University of Zagreb (Croatia). He is inter alia the author of Das ästhetische Kalkül von Friedrich Nietzsches ‘Also sprach Zarathustra’ (2000, 2012) and Theatrum philosophicum. Descartes und die Rolle ästhetischer Formen in der Wissenschaft (2009), editor of René Descartes, Les Météores/Die Meteore (2006), Paul Adler, Absolute Prosa (2018); Max Brod/Felix Weltsch: Anschauung und Begriff (2018). He has co-edited some 30 volumes, among others (with Tom Balfe, Joanna Woodall) Ad vivum? Visual Materials and the Vocabulary of Life-Likeness in Europe before 1800, “Intersections” (2019); (with Chr. Lüthy, Cl. Swan, P. Bakker) Image, Imagination, and Cognition. Medieval and Early Modern Theory and Practice, “Intersections” (2018), (with Thomas Rahn and Wolfgang Neuber) The Making of Copernicus. Transformations of a Scientist and His Science (2014), (with Karl Enenkel) Die [x201a]Vita‘ als Vermittlerin von Wissenschaft und Werk (2013), (with Michael Thimann and Heiko Damm) The Artist as Reader “Intersections” (2013), (with Helen King and Manfred Horstmannshoff) Blood, Sweat and tears. The Changing Concepts of Physiology from Antiquity into Early Modern Europe, “Intersections” (2012); (with Sylwia Werner) Ludwik Fleck. Denkstile und Tatsachen (2011); (with Moritz Epple) Science as Cultural Practice Vol. 1: Cultures and Politics of Research from the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes (2010); (with Gisela Engel and Romano Nanni) Philosophies of Technology. Francis Bacon and his Contemporaries, “Intersections” (2008); (with Wolfgang Detel) Ideals and Cultures of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe (2002).

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Gateways to the Book

Frontispieces and Title Pages in Early Modern Europe

Series:  Intersections, Volume: 76


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