Norse Revival offers a thorough investigation of Germanic Neopaganism (Asatru) through an international and comprehensive historical perspective. It traces Germanic Neopaganism’s genesis in German ultra-nationalist and occultist movements around 1900. Based on ethnographic research of contemporary groups in Germany, Scandinavia and North America, the book examines this alternative Neopagan religion’s transformations towards respectability and mainstream thought after the 1970s. It asks which regressive and progressive elements of a National Romantic discourse on Norse myth have shaped Germanic Neopaganism. It demonstrates how these ambiguous ideas about Nordic myth permeate general discourses on race, religion, gender, sexuality, and aesthetics. Ultimately, Norse Revival raises the question whether Norse mythology can be freed from its reactionary ideological baggage.
Stefanie von Schnurbein, Dr. phil (1992), is professor for modern Scandinavian Literatures at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She has published monographs and articles on Germanic Neopaganism, Scandinavian literature, gender, sexuality and masculinity and literary anti-semitism.
"Norse Revival is a magisterial work that clearly represents the best introduction to Germanic-oriented modern Paganism currently available [...] The earlier chapters especially are ideal for students and others seeking a grounding in this subject matter. It should be considered required reading for all scholars of contemporary Paganism." - Ethan Doyle White, University College London, in: nova religio 21/1 (August 2017)
"Mit „Norse Revival“ präsentiert Stefanie von Schnurbein eine willkommene Untersuchung des problematischen Phänomens 'Germanischer Neopaganismus' und einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Diskussion um Identitätsfindung durch Konstruktionen von Ethnizität und Kultur." - Ian Beuermann, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 65 (2017)
Those interested in the study of religion, rightwing social movements, the reception of Nordic myth and relations between alternative religion, social movements, academic thought and aesthetic currents.