The Newest Sappho: P. Sapph. Obbink and P. GC inv. 105, Frs. 1-4

Studies in Archaic and Classical Greek Song, vol. 2


Volume Editors: and
Retraction Notice: Postscript (March, 2021): The Publisher notifies the readers that Chapter 2 of this volume (Dirk Obbink, “Ten Poems of Sappho: Provenance, Authenticity, and Text of the New Sappho Papyri”) has been retracted. For more information please view the statement by the editors in the Retraction Notice in the front matter of this volume and on page 9 of the Introduction. The reasons for this retraction include the serious doubts that have been raised in the years following the publication of this edited volume about the provenance of the newest Sappho papyri (P. Sapph. Obbink and P GC. inv.105).

In The Newest Sappho Anton Bierl and André Lardinois have edited 21 papers of world-renowned Sappho scholars dealing with the new papyrus fragments of Sappho that were published in 2014. This set of papyrus fragments, the greatest find of Sappho fragments since the beginning of the 20th century, provides significant new readings and additions to five previously known songs of Sappho (frs. 5, 9, 16, 17 and 18), as well as the remains of four previously unknown songs, including the new Brothers Song and the Kypris Song. The contributors discuss the content of these poems as well as the consequence they have for our understanding of Sappho’s life and work.
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Pages: 526–543
Anton Bierl, Ph.D. (1990), University of Munich, is Professor of Greek Language and Literature at the University of Basel. He has published widely on archaic and classical Greek literature, especially Homeric epic, archaic lyric, song and performance culture, and drama.

André Lardinois, Ph.D. (1995), Princeton University, is Professor of Greek Language and Literature at Radboud University in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His main fields of interest are archaic Greek poetry and classical drama. He has published extensively on Sappho.

Contributors to this volume are Anton Bierl, Deborah Boedeker, Sandra Boehringer, Ewen Bowie, Stefano Caciagli, Claude Calame, Leslie Kurke , André Lardinois, Joel B. Lidov, Richard P. Martin, Llewelyn Morgan, Gregory Nagy, Dirk Obbink, Anastasia-Erasmia Peponi, Kurt A. Raaflaub, Diane Rayor , Renate Schlesier, and Eva Stehle.
"The turnaround from initial publication of the fragments to the present volume going to press in September 2015—barely eighteen months—is an impressive feat for which the editors are to be congratulated. (...) this is a useful, thought-provoking, and important contribution to the study of Sappho. Every paper has something of value to offer, and many will retain a place of importance in the bibliography for years to come." Alexander Dale, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.08.32
All interested in Classics, Greek and Roman literature, archaic lyric, song and performance culture, and anyone concerned with papyrology, archaic Greek culture, history, society, and religion
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