Citizenship and Democratization in Southeast Asia redirects the largely western-oriented study of citizenship to postcolonial states. Providing various fascinating first-hand accounts of how citizens interpret and realize the recognition of their property, identity, security and welfare in the context of a weak rule of law and clientelistic politics, this study highlights the importance of studying citizenship for understanding democratization processes in Southeast Asia. With case studies from Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Cambodia, this book provides a unique bottom-up perspective on the character of public life in Southeast Asia.
Contributors are: Mary Austin, Laurens Bakker, Ward Berenschot, Sheri Lynn Gibbings, Takeshi Ito, David Kloos, Merlyna Lim, Astrid Norén-Nilsson, Oona Pardedes, Emma Porio, Apichat Satitniramai, Wolfram Schaffer and Henk Schulte Nordholt.
Ward Berenschot is researcher at KITLV Leiden. He is the author of
Riot Politics: Hindu-Muslim Violence and the Indian State (Columbia University Press 2011) and several articles on ethnic violence, public service delivery and access to justice.
Henk Schulte Nordholt is head of research at KITLV Leiden and professor of Indonesian History at Leiden University. He wrote a new history of Southeast Asia, which will appear in Dutch, German, English and Indonesian.
Laurens Bakker is assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam. He works on law, land and violence in Indonesia. He is the editor of several special journal issues and the author of articles and book chapters on these subjects.
"The international debate over the democratizing effects of citizenship especially in postcolonial societies is gathering strength. Social movements from Asia and Africa to Latin America and Middle East have successfully challenged postcolonial authoritarian regimes and began democratizing political citizenship though not without variations or paradoxes. This book on democratizing citizenship in Southeast Asia is a brilliant and original contribution that walks the reader through these paradoxes. It not only contributes to citizenship studies in general but also in postcolonial societies with a sharp focus on Southeast Asia." – Engin Isin,
The Open University, UK
About the Authors
List of Illustrations
1. Introduction: Citizenship and Democratization in Postcolonial Southeast Asia,
Ward Berenschot, Henk Schulte Nordholt and Laurens Bakker
Part I: Clientelism and Citizenship 2. Citizen Participation and Decentralization in the Philippines,
Emma Porio 3. Everyday Citizenship in Village Java,
Takeshi Ito 4. Elections and Emerging Forms of Citizenship in Cambodia,
Astrid Norén-Nilsson 5. Sosialisasi, Citizenship and Street Vendors in Yogyakarta,
Sheri Lynn Gibbings
Part II: Identity and Citizenship 6. Militias, Security and Citizenship in Indonesia,
Laurens Bakker 7. Custom and Citizenship in the Philippine Uplands,
Oona Thommes Paredes 8. Citizenship and Islam in Malaysia and Indonesia,
David Kloos and Ward Berenschot
Part III: Middle Classes Engaging the State 9. Digital Media and Malaysia’s Electoral Reform Movement,
Merlyna Lim 10. Citizenship, Rights and Adversarial Legalism in Thailand,
Wolfram Schaffar 11. Defending Indonesia’s Migrant Domestic Workers,
Mary Austin 12. The Yellow Shirts versus the Red Shirts and the Rise of a New Middle Class in Thailand,
Apichat Satitniramai
All interested in politics and governance in Southeast Asia, as well as scholars concerned with citizenship in postcolonial states.