Following on previous workshops of the Impact of Empire network which looked at frontiers (Impact 9), integration (Impact 10) and the world(s) beyond the borders of the Roman empire (Impact 11), the twelfth meeting of the network focused on movement within the Roman world. The Impact of Mobility and Migration in the Roman Empire assembles a series of papers on key themes in the study of Roman mobility and migration. It discusses legal frameworks, the mobility of the army (both at war and in peace-time), ethnic identity, the mobility of women, the mobility of senators, diplomatic mobility, war-induced mobility, and deportations. The papers vary in geographical scope, ranging from empire-wide approaches to reconstructions of patterns at particular sites. It employs a rich variety of sources, ranging from classical authors to documentary papyri, from legal sources to shipwrecks.
Elio Lo Cascio is Professor of Roman history at Sapienza Università di Roma. His main areas of research are the institutional, administrative and economic history of Rome, and Roman population history. His recent publications include Il princeps e il suo impero. Studi di storia amministrativa e finanziaria romana (2000); Crescità e declino. Studi di storia dell’economia romana (2009), and the edited volume Roma imperiale. Una metropoli antica (2010).
Laurens E. Tacoma is lecturer in Ancient History at Leiden University. He has written about Roman social mobility, demography, economy and labour, local elites and urbanisation. More recently, he worked in a larger research project entitled ‘Moving Romans. Migration, Labour and Urbanisation in Roman Italy’; one of its outcomes is his recent monograph Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate (Oxford 2016). New research concerns Roman political culture in Italy from the Principate to Late Antiquity.
Contributors are: Stéphane Benoist, Anthony R. Birley, Lukas de Blois, Margherita Carucci, Elio Lo Cascio, Werner Eck, Gil Gambash, Peter Herz, Elena Koestner, Claudia Moatti, Laurens E. Tacoma, Elena Torregaray Pagola and Greg Woolf.
"Without doubt, this collection of papers is a success and its editors as well as those of the series are to be commended. [...] Lo Cascio and Tacoma have curated a fine collection of papers painting a remarkable picture of human movement in the Roman world." - Eric E. Poehler, in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.10.28
"En conclusion, les éditeurs de ce volume offrent au lecteur de précieuses mises au point sur le thème de la mobilité, processus dynamique et multiforme, selon des angles d’approche certes distincts, mais qui enrichissent les débats et ouvrent de nombreuses perspectives. En effet, la lecture des travaux récents sur le thème de la mobilité édités ou rédigés par L. E. Tacoma, pour ne citer que cet exemple, permet de voir l’évolution des réponses aux interrogations suscitées par cette thématique et l’apparition de nouveaux questionnements entre chaque publication. Toute la richesse de cet ouvrage, dont la lecture est stimulante à plus d’un titre, est d’ouvrir des champs de recherche novateurs pour une problématique sous les feux de l’actualité." - Anthony Álvarez Melero, in: L'Antiquité Classique 89, 2020
All interested in the history of migration and mobility, and anyone concerned with the social history of the Roman world. For the benefit of non-specialists all ancient sources are translated.