Pacifism, Politics, and Feminism: Intersections and Innovations discusses a) how feminist analyses allow for and encourage the re-conceptualization of concepts and ideas once thought familiar from traditional ethical and political philosophy, and b) traditional political topics and issues through pacifist and feminist lenses. The chapters that focus on the former explore the possibility of “queering” such concepts as autonomy, violence, resistance, peace, religion, and politics, while the chapters that focus on the latter bring feminist and pacifist sensibilities and arguments to bear on classic political questions such as when and how violence and war are justified, the appropriateness of various responses to climate change, and the correct way to engage with such topics and themes in educational, institutional settings.
Contributors are David Boersema, Barrett Emerick, Tamara Fakhoury, Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon, William C. Gay, Jennifer Kling, John Lawless, Megan Mitchell, and Harry van der Linden.
Jennifer Kling, Ph.D. (2015, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. She is the author of
War Refugees: Risk, Justice, and Moral Responsibility (Lexington) as well as articles in
Journal of Global Ethics and
The Routledge Book of Pacifism and Nonviolence.
Notes on Contributors
Jennifer Kling 1 Violence and the Boundaries of the Community: a Relational Approach to Autonomy
John Lawless 2 The Violence of Silencing
Barrett Emerick 3 “White people, we need to stop being so damn
fragile!”: White and Male Fragility as Epistemic Arrogance
Megan Mitchell 4 Eight Dimensions of Resistance
Tamara Fakhoury 5 Of Course, God is a Man! Masculinist Justifications of Violence and Feminist Perspectives
Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon 6 Engaging in a Cover-Up: the “Deep Morality” of War
Jennifer Kling 7 Climate Change Mitigation and the U.N. Security Council: a Just War Analysis
Harry Linden van der 8 Pacifism, Feminism, and Nonkilling Philosophy: a New Approach to Connecting Peace Studies and Gender Studies
William C. Gay 9 Letters from the Messiah: Arts and Peace Building
David Boersema
All interested in social and political philosophy, ethnic and gender studies, and peace studies, and anyone concerned to understand their interrelations in order to create a more just, peaceful world.