
Forgetting and Forgetfulness in Modern Science

The book offers a fundamental view on the problem of forgetting in sociology in general and within sociology of knowledge. Furthermore it focuses – as a case study – on the field of modern science. With recourse to the term ‚oblivionism‘, originally introduced with ironic-critical intent by the german romance scholar Harald Weinrich, it analyzes the fundamental and multifaceted problem of the loss of knowledge in the field of science.
A declarative-reflective, an incorporated-practical and an objectified-technical memory motif is at the centre. These form the basis for the development of the three forms of forgetting that are also central to modern science: forgetfulness, wanting to forget and, ultimately, making one forget.
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Oliver Dimbath is Professor of General Sociology at the University of Koblenz-Landau. As a sociologist of memory, he has written numerous works on questions of social memory as well as social remembering and forgetting. He is co-editor of the book series 'Soziales Gedächtnis, Erinnern und Vergessen – Memory Studies'.
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