Heart Speaks unto Heart

On the Kinship of Spirit and Thought: John Henry Newman and Edith Stein


Both Newman and Stein present a mature response to the challenges of their eras. In like manner they reflect splendid examples of genuine persons in the grip of disrupting cultural trends. They show the primacy of individual conscience and the importance of individual integrity even at the expense of social ostracism and extermination. Newman and Stein are outstanding witnesses of individual freedom vis-à-vis social and political systems. This book uniquely combines the biographies of these two figures in order to show that no matter what kind of circumstances we may live in, loyalty to one’s own self is the most significant part of life.

"In a penetrating account of Newman and Edith Stein, Jan Kłos explores the spirituality of two saints, each of them 'speaking to our time'. By explorations of their life and work, the author provides a wealth of insights for the twenty-first century. At once sensitive and learned, Jan Kłos's Heart Speaks unto Heart is a volume to be treasured and read again." - Prof. Andrew Breeze, Universidad de Navarra, Spain
"In this profound and stimulating study, Kłos invites the reader to think, not so much about Newman and Stein as with them, and thus join them in their unique but mutually illuminating efforts to make sense of their faith, their times (still very much our times), themselves, and, ultimately, the mystery of the truth in whose grasp they both lived and died. In translating Newman’s work, Stein discovered herself in communion with him. Heart Speaks unto Heart beautifully explores this communion, and in doing so shows us why it matters." - Prof. Paul Wojda, University of St. Thomas, U.S.A.
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Jan Kłos, Ph.D. (1958), John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland, is Professor of Philosophy at that university. He has published monographs, translations, short stories, and many articles on philosophical issues, including Faith, Freedom & Modernity. Christianity and Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century (Grand Rapids, 2010) and Freedom as an Uncertain Cause in Graham Greene’s Novels. A Philosophical and Literary Analysis (Lublin, 2012).

1 A Gloss to the Biographies
 1 The Modern Point of Departure
 2 The Cultural and Family Contexts—the Ethos
 3 Newman—the Philosopher
 4 The Decision
 5 Edith Stein and Her Story
 6 Conversion and Its Personal Sense
 7 Secretum Meum Mihi

2 The Grammar of Knowledge in the Concrete
 1 Notional versus Real Assent
 2 Notional Assent
 3 Real Assent
 4 Imagination and Images versus the Response of the Person
 5 Realization
 6 Theoretical Knowledge and Action
 7 Examples as the Sources of Proper Conduct
 8 The Power of the Particular
 9 Assent versus Inference
 10 Simple Assents versus Complex Assents
 11 The Lazarus Case
 12 Certitude—the Goal of Personal Effort
 13 The Power of Simple Assent as Confronted with Certitude
 14 The Conditions of Certitude—Indefectibility versus Infallibility
 15 Religion as a System
 16 Probability—the Guide of Life
 17 Formal Inference
 18 Units before Universals
 19 Informal Inference
 20 Personal Knowledge versus Inference
 21 Faith versus Intuition
 22 The Illative Sense—Practical Wisdom
 23 The Sanction, Nature, and Range of the Illative Sense, or the Power of Integration
 24 Intuition versus Reasoning
 25 Faith and Reason
 26 The Explicit versus the Implicit and Being Possessed
 27 Faith Above, Not against, Reason
 28 The Infinite Abyss of Existence
 29 The Real versus Unreal Words
 30 Real Adherence (Not Notional), Personal Adherence to the Word of God
 31 The Voice of Conscience
 32 Habit—the Way of Action

3 The Cross as a Source of Knowledge and the Language of the Heart
 1 Going Inside—Meeting God
 2 Newman and Stein—Mystics
 3 Selfhood—the Essence of Originality
 4 The Thoughts of the Heart
 5 Interior Perception
 6 The Implicit and the Logic of the Heart
 7 True Personality Comes from the Depths
 8 Primeval Life Accessible Yet Not Comprehensible

4 The Interior—the Source of the Truth and Individuality of the Person
 1 Individuality versus the Transcendental Area
 2 Communicability versus Non-communicability
 3 The Human Being
 4 The Life-Emanating I
 5 The Personal Imprint of the I
 6 The Source of the Person’s Dignity
 7 Others—Empathy
 8 The Person and Soul Life


Index of Persons

This book is addressed to readers interested in philosophy, moral philosophy, phenomenology and religion. It focuses on the individual person in his or her search for genuine identity. Philosophers, theologians, and psychologists would certainly find here a rich source of inspiration, especially when it comes to the individual when confronted with the quest of finding their true self.
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