The day after the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Chinese people in France are already busy sending masks across borders and sharing media information; at the same time, a significant number of Chinese people are victims of racist attacks, insults and discrimination in France. Based on both quantitative and qualitative empirical data, this book reveals the new dynamics and interactions generated by the Covid-19 pandemic not only between different sub-groups of Chinese in France, but also between ethnic Chinese and their both countries: China and France. Mutual aid, local or transnational solidarity, inclusion initiatives, like any act of exclusion and hostility, invite you to question the essence of humanity in transnational settings, beyond the racialization of the Covid-19 virus.
Simeng Wang is a sociologist and permanent research fellow at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) based in Paris. She has been working on Chinese migration to France since 2009 and has published extensively on the subject. She is the author of the monograph Chinese Migrants in Paris. The Narratives of Illusion and Suffering (Brill, 2021) and the co-editor of Chinese Immigrants in Europe: Image, Identity and Social Participation (Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2020).
"Cet ouvrage comble également une lacune cruciale dans les études des communautés chinoises d’outre-mer et de leurs descendants, en particulier celles résidant en Europe, en ce qui concerne plusieurs sujets de recherche qui restent relativement peu étudiés. […] Une autre contribution importante de cette enquête multidisciplinaire et approfondie est celle de permettre à tout lecteur qui connaît peu de choses sur la migration et la diaspora chinoise en France de se familiariser avec les nombreuses facettes de ce sujet. De plus, il serait souhaitable que cette recherche innovante, rapidement montée et solidement organisée, puisse devenir un exemple pour d’autres analyses concernant d’autres diasporas et communautés migratoires en France."
- Claudia Astarita in Hommes & migrations, p. 228-229, 2023, URL:
Jun Jing
List of Tables and Figures
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Between Two Worlds: the Chinese Diaspora in France during Covid-19
Simeng Wang and Francesco Madrisotti
Section 1:Everyday Practices and Daily Lives during the Pandemic
1 Multilingual Media Consumption by the Chinese People in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Francesco Madrisotti and Simeng Wang
2 Out of Step: Preventive Measures among People of Chinese Origin in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Simeng Wang and Francesco Madrisotti
3 Stress and Anxiety among the Chinese Population in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Study Examining Societal and Individual Factors
Francesco Madrisotti and Simeng Wang
4 Between Safety and Health: How the Pandemic Reshaped Food Behaviors among Chinese People in France
Simeng Wang, Francesco Madrisotti and Xiabing Chen
5 A Community Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic: Collective Actions by Chinese Residents of a Multiethnic Neighborhood in the Northern Suburbs of Paris
Yong Li and Simeng Wang
Section 2: Focus on Specific Chinese Populations in France during the Covid-19 Pandemic
6 Social Ties of Elderly Migrants during Covid-19: the Chinese in Paris
Simeng Wang
7 Disruption in Study Abroad during the Pandemic: Chinese Students in France
Yong Li, Ran Yan and Simeng Wang
8 Survival during the Pandemic and Coping with Risk: an Ethnography of Vulnerable Chinese Migrants Receiving Food Assistance
Francesco Madrisotti, Ran Yan and Simeng Wang
9 Capitalizing on Opportunities during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Business Transitions among Chinese Entrepreneurs in France
Simeng Wang and Xiabing Chen
Section 3: Citizenship, Mobilization, and Relationship to the Home and Living Countries during the Covid-19 Pandemic
10 Anti-Asian Racism during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Experiences, Narratives, and Reactions
Simeng Wang and Francesco Madrisotti
11 Caring for Compatriots during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Professional Practices by Health-Care Workers of Chinese Origin in France
Simeng Wang
12 Beyond National and Ethnic Boundaries: Transnational Solidarity during the Covid-19 Pandemic from the Case of the Chinese Diaspora in France
Simeng Wang and Yong Li
Simeng Wang
François Héran
Research institutes, Policy makers, NGOs in Migration fields, Academic and general libraries, Researchers/Specialists in Chinese Overseas Studies and more broadly in Migration studies, in Sociology, Anthropology, International Relationships, Chinese studies, and Public Health, Students, Health practitioners.