Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion Volume 1, 2022


Volume Editor:
The Maimonides Review of Philosophy and Religion is an annual collection of double-blind peer-reviewed articles that seeks to provide a broad international arena for an intellectual exchange of ideas between the disciplines of philosophy, theology, religion, cultural history, and literature and to showcase their multifarious junctures within the framework of Jewish studies. Contributions to the Review place special thematic emphasis on scepticism within Jewish thought and its links to other religious traditions and secular worldviews. The Review is interested in the tension at the heart of matters of reason and faith, rationalism and mysticism, theory and practice, narrativity and normativity, doubt and dogma. This volume features contributions by Reimund Leicht, Gitit Holzman, Jonathan Garb, Anna Lissa, Gianni Paganini, Adi Louria Hayon, Mark Marion Gondelman, and Jürgen Sarnowsky. This volume features contributions by Jeremy Phillip Brown, Libera Pisano, Jeffrey G. Amshalem, Maria Vittoria Comacchi, Jonatan Meir, Rebecca Kneller-Rowe, Isaac Slater, Michela Torbidoni, Guido Bartolucci, and Tamir Karkason.
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Notes on Contributors
Giuseppe Veltri and Ze’ev Strauss

1 A Maimonidean Life
 Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shimʿon of Ceuta’s Biography Reconstructed
Reimund Leicht

2 Persecution and the Art of Commentary
 Rabbi Moses Narboni’s Analysis of al-Ġazālī’s Maqāṣid al Falāsifah (Aims of the Philosophers)
Gitit Holzman

3 Doubt and Certainty in Late Modern Kabbalah
 A Tale of Two Schools
Jonathan Garb

4 Where Is Sanctity to Be Found?
 A Sceptical Approach to Jewish Tradition and Zionist Utopia in Agnon’s A Guest for the Night
Anna Lissa

5 Jean Bodin’s Universalism and the Twofold Foundations of Natural Religion
 A New Reading of the Colloquium heptaplomeres
Gianni Paganini

6 Nancy’s Pleasure in Kant’s Agitation
Adi Louria Hayon

7 Not by Socrates, but by the Splendour of Israel
 Philosophy and Kabbalah in Abraham Miguel Cardozo’s Early Thought
Mark Marion Gondelman

8 Looking for Signs
 Criticism, Doubts, and Popular Belief in Fifteenth-Century Germany
Jürgen Sarnowsky
Researchers from the fields of Jewish studies, religious studies, philosophy, Christian and Islamic theology, and history.
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