In the long nineteenth century, dominant stereotypes presented people of the Mediterranean South as particularly passionate and unruly, therefore incapable of adapting to the moral and political duties imposed by European civilization and modernity. This book studies, for the first time in comparative perspective, the gender dimension of a process that legitimised internal hierarchies between North and South in the continent. It also analyses how this phenomenon was responded to from Spain and Italy, pointing to the similarities and differences between both countries. Drawing on travel narratives, satires, philosophical works, novels, plays, operas, and paintings, it shows how this transnational process affected, in changing historical contexts, the ways in which nation, gender, and modernity were imagined and mutually articulated.
Xavier Andreu, Associate Professor at the University of Valencia, specializes in the cultural history of Spanish 19th-century nationalism, gender, and political history. He is the author of
El descubrimiento de España. Mito romántico e identidad nacional (2016).
Mónica Bolufer, Professor of Modern History at the University of Valencia, specializes in women’s writing, gender, politeness, sensibility and the self, and travel narratives in the eighteenth century. She recently coedited
The Routledge Companion to the Hispanic Enlightenment (2020, with Elizabeth Lewis and Catherine Jaffe).
Xavier Andreu and Mónica Bolufer
1 Gallantry and Sociability in the South of Europe: Shifting Gender Relationships and Representations
Mónica Bolufer 2 On the Spanish National Character: Gender and Modernity in Joseph de
La Porte’s Le Voyageur françois (1772)
Ester García-Moscardó 3 More Than One Modernity. North and South America in Enlightenment Debates on Empire, Gender and Nation
Nuria Soriano 4 Nations, Sexuality, and Violence in Nineteenth-Century National Narratives
Alberto M. Banti 5 Honour and Violence: Mediterranean Exoticism and Masculinity
Joep Leerssen 6 Meridian Ambivalences: Gendering the South in the Writings of the Coppet Group
Diego Saglia 7 Peoples of Bandits. Romantic Liberalism and National Virilities in Italy and Spain
Xavier Andreu 8 The Moral and Civil Leadership of Italian Women. Female Models between Italy and Europe in the Era of the Risorgimento
Maria Pia Casalena 9 Men, Women, and a Virtuous Nation. Spanish Radical Novels of the Mid-Nineteenth Century
Florencia Peyrou 10 Northerness in the South. Basque Stereotype and Gender
Coro Rubio Pobes 11 A Growing Distrust of Southern Italy. Images and Theories about National Backwardness in Liberal Italy, 1876–1914
Antonino De Francesco 12 Love, Gender and Class in the Nationalist Project of Emilia Pardo Bazán: An Unsentimental Story
Isabel Burdiel 13 When the Empire Is in the South. Gendered Spanish Imperialism in Morocco at the End of the 19th Century
Ferran Archilés
Scholars, students, and libraries in history (political, cultural, intellectual, imperial, gender history), literary criticism, comparative literature (Spain-Italy), philosophy and cultural studies. General readers interested in gender, nation-building, and European identity.