This interdisciplinary volume on The Challenge of Radicalization and Extremism: Integrating Research on Education and Citizenship in the Context of Migration addresses the need for educational researchers to place their work in a broader social and political context by connecting it to the current and highly relevant issue of extremism and radicalization. It is just as important for researchers of extremism and radicalization to strengthen their conceptual links with educational fields, especially with education for democratic citizenship, as for researchers in education to get more familiar with issues of migration. This book meets a current shortage of research that addresses these issues across subjects and disciplines to inform both scientific and professional stakeholders in the educational and social sectors.
The volume is divided into three parts. The first part, Foundations, provides fundamental research on radicalization and the rejection of democratic values. In the second part, Analysis of Preconditions within the Educational Context, key risk and protective factors against radicalization for young people are explored. Finally, the third part, Approaches for Prevention and Intervention, offers concrete suggestions for prevention and intervention methods within formal and informal educational contexts. The contributions show how new avenues for prevention can be explored through integrating citizenship education’s twofold function to assimilate and to empower.
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger is an associated researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and Migration Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, a senior researcher at the University of Fribourg and a lecturer for Developmental Psychology and Special Education at the University of Teacher Education of Schwyz, Switzerland. She is currently a working group leader in the COST Action 'Transnational Collaboration on Bullying, Migration and Integration at School Level' (TRIBES, CA 18115).
Hermann J. Abs holds the chair for Educational Research and Schooling at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2013. He was the founding director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Integration and Migration Research (InZentIM) at the University of Duisburg-Essen and currently serves as the principal investigator for the IEA International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS 2022) in Germany.
Kerstin Göbel is a chair and full professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen since 2013 where she leads the Workgroup for Teaching Development. She is a member of the University Senate and the Executive Board of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Education of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Series Editor’s Foreword
Wiel Veugelers
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Bringing Together the Discourse on Migration, Integration, and Citizenship Education in Times of Radicalization
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Paulena Müller, Kerstin Göbel and Hermann J. Abs
PART 1: Foundations
1 Failed Citizenship and Transformative Civic Education
James A. Banks
2 The Making of Jihadist Social Actors in Europe
Farhad Khosrokhavar
PART 2: Analysis of Preconditions within the Educational Context
3 The Role of the Quality of Social Relationships at School in Predicting Students’ Endorsement of a Pre-Extremist Attitude towards Religion
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Johanna Ziemes and Hermann J. Abs
4 The Relationship between Minority Students’ Ethnic Identity, Perceived Discrimination, and Their Self-Esteem: Evidence from Germany
Kerstin Göbel and Zuzanna M. Preusche
5 The Potential Contribution of Civic and Citizenship Education to Preventing Young People from Embracing Right-Wing Extremism and to Strengthening Their Democratic Identity
Sabine Manzel
6 Language as a Precondition for Social Integration of Migrants in the Educational Context: Evidence from Germany
Hanna Beißert, Sofie Leona Bayer, Seçil Gönültaş and Kelly Lynn Mulvey
PART 3: Approaches for Prevention and Intervention
7 Radicalization and Extremism in British Education Policy: The Challenge of Developing the Informed Young Citizen Since the Riots of 2001
Hazel Bryan
8 Raising Children to Become Democratic Citizens: Educational Initiatives for Preventing Extremism and Radicalization in Norway
Inger Marie Dalehefte, Georg Kristoffer Berg Fjalsett and Aslaug Kristiansen
9 A Public Health Approach to Inclusive Schools: Reconnecting Young People and Preventing Violent Extremism
Dan Laitsch and Douglas S. McCall
10 Education for Democratic Citizenship through Values and Knowledge Education (VaKE) in Communities with Cultural Diversity: Fostering Migrants’ Competences for Integration in Austria
Sieglinde Weyringer, Jean-Luc Patry, Natascha Diekmann and Lydia Linortner
11 Learning Civic Attitudes through Intergenerational Cooperation with ICT Tools: Promising Practices from Local Communities
Joanna Leek and Marcin Rojek
12 Social Diversity, Migration, and Social Innovation: A New Vision of Society and Its Role in the Prevention of Extremism and Radicalization: Insights from Germany
Ewa Bacia
13 Preventing Prejudices through Social Skills Training and Intergroup Contact between Refugee and Native Children
Jan Pfetsch, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz and Laura M. Neumann
14 Migration and Citizenship Education: Addressing Challenges of Extremism and Radicalization in South Africa
Saloshna Vandeyar
Scientific and non-scientific experts, professionals (teachers and educators, social workers from various areas in the formal and non-formal sector), practitioners, policy makers, further stakeholders in the educational field and beyond.