The Power of Parables documents the surprising ways in which Jewish and Christian parables bridge religion with daily life. This 2019 conference volume rediscovers the original power of parables to shock and affect their audience, which has since been reduced by centuries of preaching and repetition. Not only do parables enhance the perspective on Scripture or the kingdom of heaven, they also change the sensory regime of the audience in perceiving the outer world. The theological differences in their applications appear secondary in view of their powerful rhetoric and suggest a shared genre.
Eric Ottenheijm is Associate Professor of Jewish Studies and Biblical Studies at Utrecht University. Ottenheijm is president of the Compendia Foundation (CRINT Series, Brill), and member of the Editorial Board of Jewish and Christian Perspectives (Brill). His research focusses on rabbinic and Synoptic parables and the Jewish context of the Gospel of Matthew.
Marcel Poorthuis is Emeritus Professor in Interreligious Dialogue at Tilburg University. His dissertation (1992, Utrecht) dealt with the French-Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas. He published about Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, and philosophy. He is co-editor of the international series Jewish and Christian Perspectives (Brill). His latest book publication is Rituals in interreligious dialogue: bridge or barrier? (Cambridge Scholars 2020).
Annette Merz is Professor of New Testament at the Protestant Theological University in Amsterdam and Groningen. Her dissertation (2001, Heidelberg) dealt with the Pastoral Epistles in the New Testament. She has published monographs and articles on the Historical Jesus and the Synoptic tradition on miracles and parables and on the later Pauline tradition, especially on the Pastoral Epistles and the Acts of Paul. Another focus is the reception history of New Testament texts regarding gender and slavery.
Abbreviations Contributors
Introduction Eric Ottenheijm, Marcel Poorthuis and Annette Merz
Part 1: Parables and Realism
Genres of Parables: A Cognitive Approach Gerd Theissen
A Parable of the Lost Temple? Archaeology, Intertextuality, and Rhetoric in Matt 21:33−46 Eric Ottenheijm and Boaz Zissu
Whom Do You Invite to the Table? Connections between the Dropsical Guest and the Meal Parables in Luke 14:1–24 Bart J. Koet
Parable and Ritual in Changing Contexts Adiel Kadari
Sorting out “New and Old” (Matt 13:52) as Changing Money: Rabbinic and Synoptic Parables on Scriptural Knowledge Eric Ottenheijm
The Rabbinic Mashal and the Ancient Fable: Prospects for a Changing Perspective Justin David Strong
Part 2: Parables and Application
Parables between Folk and Elite Tal Ilan
Money and Torah in Early Christian and Early Rabbinic Parables Lieve M. Teugels
On Fields, the Poor Human Condition, and the Advantage of One Teacher: Four Rabbinic Parables in Avot de Rabbi Nathan Marcel Poorthuis
Honouring Human Agency and Autonomy: Children as Agents in New Testament and Early Rabbinic Parables Annette Merz and Albertina Oegema
Father’s Child: Fatherhood in the Rabbinic Parables of Song of Songs Rabbah Tamar Kadari
Why Are Biblical Verses Not Quoted in Parables? A Cultural-Cognitive Explanation Ronit Nikolsky
Moses’s Prayer and the Nimshal as Scriptural Mosaic Arnon Atzmon
Part 3: Parables and Social Reality
Metaphors, Parables, and the Bildfeld Petra von Gemünden
Jesus’s Parables Create Collective Identity: Parables of Growth through the Lens of Social Identity Theory Ruben Zimmermann
Host and Guests: Some Features of the Eschatological Banquet in Rabbinic Parables and Gospels Reuven Kiperwasser
New Testament and Rabbinic Slave Parables at the Intersection between Fiction and Reality Catherine Hezser
Parables between Realism and Ideology Anders Martinsen
Building a Fence Around the Vineyard: The Shepherd of Hermas’s Fifth Parable in Light of Comparative Parable Research Martijn J. Stoutjesdijk
The Land of Israel as Diasporic Topos in Rabbinic Parables Constanza Cordoni
Index of Ancient Sources Index of Modern Authors Index of Names and Subjects
This book is relevant for students and scholars of Theology, Religious Studies (Late Antiquity), Rabbinic Judaism, the New Testament, the History of Christianity, Comparative Religion, and Folklore Studies. It may also be relevant for philosophers, pedagogues, psychologists, or social linguistics.