Despite Aristotle's family background and his undeniable impact on ancient Greek medicine, the influence of medicine on Aristotle's philosophy is controversial and far from universally acknowledged. The aim of this volume is to re-examine the influence of medical knowledge and literature on Aristotle's work, in particular to explore the connections with the Hippocratic writings. The volume encourages further exploration of this interdisciplinary area and offers new insights by presenting a series of case studies that examine in detail specific debates within the Aristotelian corpus in relation to the medical literature.
Hynek Bartoš, Charles University, is an associate professor at that university. He has published monographs, translations and numerous articles on ancient philosophy and medicine, including Philosophy and Dietetics in the Hippocratic On Regimen (Brill 2015).
Vojtěch Linka, Charles University, is an assistant professor at that university. He wrote a PhD thesis on Approaches to Pain in Classical Philosophy and Medicine (2023) and continues his research in the philosophy of medicine.
Contributors are: Hynek Bartoš, Vojtěch Linka, Lorenzo Perilli, Stavros Kouloumentas, Stasinos Stavrianeas, Sean Coughlin, Claire Bubb, Sophia Connell, Mariska Leunissen, Giouli Korobili, Tiberiu Popa, Karel Thein, Pierre-Marie Morel, Monte Ransome Johnson, Chiara Thumiger.
Introduction Hynek Bartoš and Vojtěch Linka
1 On Aristotle’s Use of His Sources for Medical Ideas and Their Features Lorenzo Perilli
2 Physicians and Philosophers on Well-Balanced Mixtures Hynek Bartoš
3 On Ancient Medicine and Aristotle on the Structure and Function of Bodily Parts Stavros Kouloumentas and Stasinos Stavrianeas
4 Art and Nature in Aristotle’s Physics: Some Antecedents in Early Greek Medicine Sean Coughlin
5 Aristotle and the Medical Tradition on Sleep and Food Claire Bubb
6 The Hippocratic Background to Aristotle’s Gynaecology Sophia Connell
7 Aristotle’s Indebtedness to Early Greek Medical Texts on Wind-Pregnancies Mariska Leunissen
8 The Power of the Example: When Aristotle Read the Hippocratic On the Nature of the Child… Giouli Korobili
9 Environmental Causation in Aristotle and in Airs, Waters, Places Tiberiu Popa
10 On the Character of Citizens: Aristotle Politics 7.7 and Airs, Waters, Places Karel Thein
11 The Enigmatic Presence of Medicine and Physiology in Aristotle’s Ethical Writings Pierre-Marie Morel
12 The Medical Background and Inductive Basis of Aristotle’s Doctrine of the Mean Monte Ransome Johnson
13 Medicine and the Emotions: The Problemata in Dialogue with the Hippocratic Writings Chiara Thumiger
Specialists in ancient philosophy and medicine, philosophy/history/classics students.