Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 6 (1996)


The Asian Yearbook of International Law is the first publication dedicated primarily to international law as seen from an Asian perspective. It provides international law articles written by experts from the region and other articles relating to Asian topics. The editorial board, national correspondents, advisory council, and governing board comprise a diverse group of academics and government officials from a wide range of countries and positions.
The Asian Yearbook of International Law offers a number of useful features: - articles; - notes; - legal materials (such as the state practice in a number of Asian countries and participation in multilateral treaties); - Asia and international organizations; - chronicle of events for the covered year; - literature (including book reviews and a bibliography); - selected documents (treaties, agreements, and other relevant primary documents); and - an index. Its range of features assures that the Yearbook comprehensively covers the critical events, legislation, and issues of the past year and that users can easily access all of this information.
Academics and practitioners who deal with international public law in Asia will appreciate this unique, complete resource. The Asian Yearbook of International Law provides insight into Asian views and practices, especially for non-Asian readers, and also promotes the dissemination of knowledge of international law in Asia.
Some of the topics covered in this volume: recent trends in the jurisprudence of the international court of justice and international arbitral tribunals, with special reference to territorial and boundary cases; an environmental regime for the arctic and the antarctic analogy; Philippine civil procedure in transboundary disputes; international civil procedure in Indonesia and Japan; and transboundary civil litigation in Korea.
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Pages: 519–543
Abbreviations. Articles: Recent Trends in the Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and International Arbitral Tribunals, with Special Reference to Territorial and Boundary Cases; M. Masahiro. An Environmental Regime for the Arctic and the Antarctic Analogy; Z. Keyuan. Symposium on the Law of International Civil Procedure in Asian Countries. Editorial Note. Philippine Civil Procedure in Transboundary Disputes; A.R. Bautista. International Civil Procedure in Indonesia; S. Gautama. International Civil Procedure in Japan; K. Toshiyuki. The Law of International Civil Procedure in China; Li Shuangyuan, Lü Guoming. Transboundary Civil Litigation in Korea; Suh Chul Won. Legal Materials: State Practice of Asian Countries in the Field of International Law. India. Indonesia. Japan. Singapore. Thailand. Participation in Multilateral Treaties. Asia and International Organizations: Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee: Annual Survey of Activities 1995-1996. Chronicle: Chronicle of Events and Incidents Relating to Asia with Relevance to International Law – July 1995–June 1996. Literature: Book Reviews. Bibliography. Selected Documents: Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Enhancing ASEAN Economic Co-Operation, 15 December 1995. Protocol to Amend the Agreement on the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), 15 December 1995. ASEAN Framework Agreement on Intellectual Property Co-Operation, 15 December 1995. ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services, 15 December 1995. Treaty between Nepal and India Concerning the Integrated Development of the Mahakali River, New Delhi, 12 February 1996. Treaty between India and Bangladesh on Sharing of the Ganga/Ganges Waters at Farakka, 12 February 1996. Index. General Information.
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