The Asian Yearbook of International Law is a major refereed publication dedicated to international law issues as seen primarily from an Asian perspective. This is the first publication of its kind edited by a team of leading international law scholars from across Asia. The Asian Yearbook of International Law provides a forum for the publication of articles in the field of international law, and other Asian international law topics, written by experts from the region and elsewhere. Its aim is twofold: to promote international law in Asia, and to provide an intellectual platform for the discussion and dissemination of Asian views and practices on contemporary international legal issues.
As a rule, each volume of the Asian Yearbook normally contains articles; notes; a section on State practice; an overview of the participation of Asian countries in multilateral treaties; a chronicle of events and incidents; surveys of the activities of international organizations which have special relevance to Asia, such as a survey of the activities of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee; and book review, bibliography and documents sections.
ARTICLES Mary George, Maritime terrorism and security challenges in the Straits of
Malacca and Singapore
Katak B. Malla, UN Security Council reform and global security
Jaemin Lee, The United Nations Security Council and the International Court of Justice:
Co-operation, co-existence, and co-involvement
Naazima Kamardeen, The erosion of community rights to intellectual property:
An Asian perspective
Ramses Amer and Nguyen Hong Thao, Vietnam’s border disputes:
Legal and conflict management dimensions
– State practice of Asian countries in the field of international law
• People’s Republic of China
• India
• Iran
• Japan
• Korea
• Nepal
• Philippines
• Sri Lanka
• Tajikistan
– Participation in multilateral treaties
Chronicle of events and incidents relating to Asia with relevance to international law:
July 2004 – June 2005
Book reviews
Survey of literature
Index General information