I. The First Islamic States of Java, 15th and 16th centuries
II. The Reign of Sénapati Ingalaga of Mataram, 1575-1601
III. The Reign of Sultan Agung of Mataram, 1613-1645, and his predecessor Panembahan Séda-ing-Krapyak, 1601-1613
IVa. The Reign of Sunan Mangku Rat I, Séda-ing-Tegal Wangi, King of Mataram, 1646-1677. Part I: The Disintegration of the Realm
IVb. The Reign of Sunan Mangku Rat I, Séda-ing-Tegal Wangi, King of Mataram, 1646-1677. Part II: Insurrection and Downfall
V. The Expedition of Admiral Anthonio Hurdt to the inner parts of Java, September-December 1678
VI. Capture and Death of Radèn Truna Jaya, December 1679-January 1680
VII. The Kajoran Question, 1680-1681
VIII. The Murder of Captain François Tack, February 1686
KEY to the Roman serial numbers used in the Comprehensive List of Sources and the Index of Names to indicate Dr. De Graaf's eight books and articles and the Summary
BIBLIOGRAPHY, Comprehensive List of Sources for the Study of Javanese History from 1500 to 1700
GENERAL INDEX OF NAMES, with Explanatory Notes