This volume of collected studies takes stock of most recent developments in Egyptology and the Digital Humanities, considering future directions for the application of new technologies in Egyptology. The book presents the results of an international conference held in 2019 at Indiana University – Bloomington, in which Egyptologists and digital humanists with interest in Egyptology gathered in 2019 to present current projects in 3D modeling, virtual and augmented reality, game technology, digital pedagogy, database projects, computational and corpus linguistics and E-publications. Those projects, along with a selection of others that were not presented in Bloomington, are now described and discussed in this volume.
Rita Lucarelli, Ph.D. (2006), University of Leiden, is Associate Professor of Egyptology at the University of California, Berkeley.
Joshua A. Roberson, Ph.D. (2007), University of Pennsylvania, is Associate Professor of Art History and Egyptian Language at the University of Memphis.
Steve Vinson, Ph.D. (1995), Johns Hopkins University, is Professor of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures at the Indiana University – Bloomington.
Preface: Looking Back, Looking Forward: Ancient Egypt—New Technology Acknowledgments
Ethics of Digital Representation in Egyptology Willeke Wendrich
The Contribution of Photogrammetry and Computer Graphics to the Study and Preservation of Monuments in Alexandria, Egypt Mohammed Abdelaziz and Mohamed Elsayed
The Digital Rosetta Stone Project Miriam Amin, Angelos Barmpoutis, Monica Berti, Eleni Bozia, Josephine Hensel and Franziska Naether
Mythological Landscapes and Real Places: Using Virtual Reality to Investigate the Perception of Sacred Space in the Ancient City of Memphis Nevio Danelon and David J. Zielinski
“Mythophor”: A Digital Tool for the Collection and Analysis of Mythical Metaphor in Ancient Egypt Katja Goebs
Mapping the Ancient Mind: iClassifier, a New Platform for Systematic Analysis of Classifiers in Egyptian and Beyond Haleli Harel, Orly Goldwasser and Dmitry Nikolaev
Not Just Another Photogrammetry Report: Using Modern Technology to Help Solve Ancient Riddles Mark D. Janzen and Terrence J. Nichols
The 3D Digital Documentation of Shaft K24 in Saqqara Matthias Lang, Ramadan Hussein, Philippe Kluge
Digital Archaeology and Ancient Egypt: Reflections on the Results of the 2017 el-Hibeh Digital Archaeology Project Jean Li, with contributions by Jimmy Tran and Devin Ostrom
Digitizing and Annotating Ancient Egyptian Coffins: The Book of the Dead in 3D Rita Lucarelli and Mark-Jan Nederhof
Photogrammetry and Face Carvings: Exploring the ‘Face’ of the Egyptian Anthropoid Coffins by 3D-Modelling Stefania Manieri
VÉgA (Vocabulaire de l’Égyptien Ancien): A New Definition of a Dictionary Anaïs Martin
The Egyptian Road Most Taken: Mapping the Least Cost Path Routes from the Nile to the Red Sea Coast Morgan E. Moroney
Secondary Epigraphy in Egypt: A Case for a Research Infrastructure Hana Navratilova
SIGSaqqâra: A Digital Project to Understand the Spatial Occupation of Saqqara Éloïse Noc
‘Where Did THAT Come From?!’ The Giza Project’s Development of Citation and Referencing Documentation for 3D Archaeological Visualizations Nicholas Picardo
All Words and No Play: Identifying Paronomasia in New Kingdom Texts with Pattern Matching Julia Viani Puglisi and Daniel Dakota
Gaining New Perspectives on the Hypostyle Hall at Karnak through the Use of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Other Emerging Techniques Jean Revez, Peter J. Brand, Emmanuel Laroze and Owen Murray
Representing Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions of the Old Kingdom Digitally: Dynamic Visualizations of Poetic Form and Inscriptional Layout Julie Stauder-Porchet
Puzzling Tombs: Virtual Reconstruction of the Middle Kingdom Elite Necropolis at Dayr al-Barsha (Middle Egypt) Toon Sykora, Roberto De Lima, Marleen De Meyer, Maarten Vergauwen and Harco Willems
Project Croato-Aegyptica (2002–2020) Mladen Tomorad and Goran Zlodi
Virtual Reality Storytelling: Pedagogy and Applications Julia Troche and Eve Weston
This book will be of immediate interest to professional Egyptologists (specialists in any area), scholars and practictioners of virtual heritage, graduate students (Egyptology, archaeology, art history, philology and linguistics, computer science, virtual heritage), academic and institutional libraries, and educated laypersons.