Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries


Career brings together individuals’ paths through life, learning and work. It describes how people interface with social institutions including the education system, employers, civil society and the state. Because our careers are socially and culturally embedded it matters where they are enacted. Career and Career Guidance in the Nordic Countries explores what kind of context the Nordic region offers for the pursuit of career, how the development of careers are supported in welfare societies, and how career guidance is enacted in this context.

The Nordic region encompasses an area in Northern Europe and the Northern Atlantic comprising Denmark, Sweden, Norway as well as Finland to the east and Iceland in the Atlantic. It includes also the self-governing areas of Åland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. This region has long been seen as a source of progressive policy innovation in education and employment and this book focuses and explores the place, the enactment and the theories of career guidance in these Nordic countries.
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Chapter 1 Setting Nordic Career Guidance in Context
List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors

1. Setting Nordic Career Guidance in Context
EriK Hagaseth Haug, Tristram Hooley, Jaana Kettunen and Rie Thomsen

Part 1: Career Guidance Policy and Systems

2. The ‘Idea of Career’ and ‘A Welfare State of Mind’: On the Nordic Model for Welfare and Career
Ingrid Bårdsdatter Bakke
3. Pining for the Fjords: International Perceptions of Nordic Work, Education and Career Guidance
Tristram Hooley
4. Gender Equality and Career Guidance in a Nordic Context
Torild Schulstok and Frida Wikstrand
5. Career Guidance in Nordic Self Governing Regions: Opportunties and Challenges
Rosie Alexander, Anna-Elisabeth Holm, Deirdre Hansen and Kistâra Motzfeldt Vahl
6. Career Guidance and the Production of Subjectivity
Roger Kjærgård
7. Swedish Career Guidance: History, Development and Dilemmas
Anders Lovén
8. Guidance in the Danish Educational Sector: The Development of the System Since 2000
Steffen Jensen
9. Lifelong Guidance in Finland: Key Policies and Practices
Anna Toni and Raimo Vuorinen

Part 2: The Careers Professions and Professionalism

10. The Making of a Profession: The Development of the Careers Profession in Iceland
Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir
11. Enhancing Career Practitioners Understanding and Use of Ict in Guidance and Counselling
Jaana Kettunen, Mia Lindberg, Elsebeth Nygaard and Jónina Kárdal
12. Cross-Cultural Validation of Assessment Instruments Used in Career Counselling and Guidance in the Nordic countries: Etic and Emic Approaches
Sif Einarsdóttir, María Dóra Björnsdóttir and Jukka Lerkkanen
13. Developing Guidance Competences for Learning Mobility
Mika Launikari, Nina Ahlroos, Ellen Hagen and Dóra Stefánsdóttir
14. Understandings of Career Guidance Quality in Norwegian Schools
Erik Hagaseth Haug
15. Come Together: Professional Development of Career Guidance Practitioners through Co-Generative Learning
Bo Klindt Poulsen and Trond Buland

Part 3: Career Guidance Practice across the Lifecourse

16. Career Guidance in Norwegian Primary Education: Developing the Power of Dreams and the Power of Judgement
Siri Mordal, Trond Buland and Ida Holth Mathiesen
17. From Career Choice to Career Learning: Taster Programs and Students’ Meaning-Making Processes
Randi Boelskifte skovhus and Rie Thomsen
18. If Career Education Is the Solution, What Is the Implied Problem? A Critical Analysis of the Timetabled Subject of Educational Choice in Norwegian Schools
Petra Røise
19. Online Self-Help for Young Danes
Anette Jochumsen
20. One-Stop Guidance Service Centres in Finland
Jaana Kettunen and Teija Felt
21. Career Guidance for Refugees in a Nordic Context: The Need to Emphasise a More Collective Approach
Helene Fredriksen
22. Union Career Guidance in Denmark
Rie Thomsen, Kristina Mariager-Anderson and Palle Rasmussen
23. As Time Goes By: Geronto Guidance
Inger Marie Bakke, Lyn Barham and Peter Plant

All interested in career and career development, including students, researchers, practitioners and policy makers. There will also be important secondary audiences amongst scholars of wider education and employment practice, particularly in the Nordic countries.
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