The three-volume series titled The Presence of the Prophet in Early Modern and Contemporary Islam, is the first attempt to explore the dynamics of the representation of the Prophet Muhammad in the course of Muslim history until the present.
This first collective volume outlines his figure in the early Islamic tradition, and its later transformations until recent times that were shaped by Prophet-centered piety and politics. A variety of case studies offers a unique overview of the interplay of Sunnī amd Shīʿī doctrines with literature and arts in the formation of his image. They trace the integrative and conflictual qualities of a “Prophetic culture”, in which the Prophet of Islam continues his presence among the Muslim believers.
Hiba Abid, Nelly Amri, Caterina Bori, Francesco Chiabotti, Rachida Chih, Adrien de Jarmy, Daniel De Smet, Mohamed Thami El Harrak, Brigitte Foulon, Denis Gril, Christiane Gruber, Tobias Heinzelmann, David Jordan, Pierre Lory, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Samuela Pagani, Alexandre Papas, Michele Petrone, Stefan Reichmuth, Meryem Sebti, Dilek Sarmis, Matthieu Terrier, Jean-Jacques Thibon, Marc Toutant, Ruggiero Vimercati Sanseverino.
Denis Gril (Ph.D. 1983, Habilitation 1993 Aix-en-Provence): Professor emeritus of Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Aix-Marseille, IREMAM. His main areas of research are the work of Ibn al-ʿArabī, the history of Sufism and the scriptural foundations of spirituality in Islam.
Stefan Reichmuth (Ph. D. 1983 Berlin, Habilitation 1992 Bayreuth): retired Professor, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Bochum University. Research on Islam and Arabic in Africa, Islamic Education, scholarly networks. Publications include: “Aspects of Prophetic Piety in the Early Modern Period” (2017).
Dilek Sarmis (Ph.D. Paris 2016), EHESS (Paris), Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg. Specialist in intellectual history and history of knowledge in the late Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey, working on conservatisms and on the history of social sciences in Turkey.
Hiba Abid, Nelly Amri, Caterina Bori, Francesco Chiabotti, Rachida Chih, Adrien de Jarmy, Daniel De Smet, Mohamed Thami El Harrak, Brigitte Foulon, Denis Gril, Christiane Gruber, Tobias Heinzelmann, David Jordan, Pierre Lory, Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen, Samuela Pagani, Alexandre Papas, Michele Petrone, Stefan Reichmuth, Meryem Sebti, Dilek Sarmis, Matthieu Terrier, Jean-Jacques Thibon, Marc Toutant, Ruggiero Vimercati Sanseverino.
" An added value in this monumental volume is the success at updating our sources and resources on the “Historical Muhammad”. It projects the trajectory of Western scholarship from Max Horten (1916), Annemarie Schimmel (1981 &1985), H. Motzki ed, 2000, C. Fitzpatrick & A. H. Walker (2014) up to Stephen J. Shoemaker (2019), Les vies de Muhammad. By all account, this volume has opened up a new vista on an important field of inquiry but one which has hitherto been sidestepped or, at best, treated with gracious superficiality"
- Amidu Olalekan Sanni, The Muslim World Book Review , 44:1, 2023.
Acknowledgements List of Figures and Tables Notes on Contributors
The Presence of the Prophet: General Introduction Rachida Chih, David Jordan and Stefan Reichmuth
The Prophet between Doctrine, Literature and Arts: Introduction to Volume I Denis Gril, Stefan Reichmuth and Dilek Sarmis
part 1: Images of the Prophet in Qurʾān, Ḥadīth, and Sīra/Maghāzī, and their Cultural Embedding
1 The Prophet in the Qurʾān
An Attempt at a Synthesis
Denis Gril
2 Dating the Emergence of the Warrior-Prophet in Maghāzī Literature
Second/Eighth to the Fourth/Tenth Century
Adrien de Jarmy
3 Ḥadīth Culture and Ibn Taymiyya’s Controversial Legacy in Early Fifteenth Century Damascus
Ibn Nāṣir al-Dīn al-Dimashqī and His al-Radd Al-Wāfir (d. 842/1438)
Caterina Bori
4 “There Is Matter for Thought”
The Episode of the Night Journey and the Heavenly Ascension in the Sīra ḥalabiyya, at the Beginning of the Seventeenth Century
Catherine Mayeur-Jaouen
part 2: Towards a Theology of Devotion to the Prophet in Sunnī Islam
5 Theology of Veneration of the Prophet Muḥammad
Doctrine and Love in the Shifāʾ of al-Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ (d. 544/1149)
Ruggero Vimercati Sanseverino
6 “Special Features of the Prophet” (Khaṣāʾiṣ nabawiyya)
From Jurisprudence to Devotion
Michele Petrone
7 Modèle prophétique et modèle de sainteté dans le soufisme ancien
Quelques exemples
Pierre Lory
8 L’éducation par « la lumière de la foi du Prophète » selon le shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Dabbāgh (m. 1332/1719)
D’après le Kitāb al-Ibrīz de Aḥmad b. al-Mubārak (m. 1156/1743)
Jean-Jacques Thibon
part 3: The Prophet in Shīʿī Doctrine and in Islamic Philosophy
9 The Prophet Muḥammad in Imāmī Shīʿism
Between History and Metaphysics
Mathieu Terrier
10 The Prophet Muḥammad and His Heir ʿAlī
Their Historical, Metahistorical and Cosmological Roles in Ismāʿīlī Shīʿism
Daniel De Smet
11 La dimension éthique et politique de la révélation prophétique chez les falāsifa Meryem Sebti
part 4: The Splendour of Words: Exaltation of the Prophet in Islamic Literatures
12 “I Have Mandated It to Fly to You on the Wings of My Ardent Desire”
Letter to the Prophet Written by Lisān al-Dīn ibn al-Khaṭīb (d. 776/1375) on Behalf of the Naṣrid Ruler of Granada
Nelly Amri
13 Les poèmes d’éloge du Prophète de Lisān al-Dīn Ibn al-Khāṭīb (713-776/1313-1374 ou 75) Brigitte Foulon
14 Présence du Prophète dans l’art du panégyrique (madīḥ) et de l’audition spirituelle (samāʿ)
Approche thématique
Mohamed Thami El Harrak
15 Timurid Accounts of Ascension (miʿrāj) in Türkī
One Prophet, Two Models
Marc Toutant
16 Miʿrāciyye
The Ascension of the Prophet in Ottoman Literature from the Fifteenth to the Twentieth Century
Alexandre Papas
part 5: The Prophet in the Mirror of the Verbal, Scriptural and Pictorial Imagery: Aesthetics and Devotion
17 The Reality and Image of the Prophet according to the Theologian and Poet ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī Samuela Pagani
18 The Prophet as a Sacred Spring: Late Ottoman Hilye Bottles Christiane Gruber
19 Visualising the Prophet – Rhetorical and Graphic Aspects of Three Ottoman-Turkish Poems
Süleymān Çelebi’s Vesīlet en-Necāt, Yazıcıoğlı’s Risāle-i Muḥammedīye, and Ḫāḳānī’s Ḥilye
Tobias Heinzelmann
20 The World of al-Qandūsī (d. 1278/1861)
Prophetology and Calligraphy in Morocco During the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Francesco Chiabotti and Hiba Abid
Scientific and general readership interested in Islam and Muslim culture in different regional and historical contexts, Historical Anthropology of Religion, Comparative Religion, Religious Literature and Arts.