Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 3

On Causes and the Noetic Triad


Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, published in three volumes, is a fresh, comprehensive understanding of the history of Neoplatonism from the 9th to the 16th century. This third volume gathers contributions on key concepts of the Platonic tradition (Proclus, Plotinus, Porphyry or Sallustius) inherited and reinterpreted by Arabic (e.g. Avicenna, the Book of Causes), Byzantine (e.g. Maximus the Confessor, Ioane Petritsi) and Latin authors (e.g. Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Berthold of Moosburg, Marsilio Ficino etc.). Two major themes are presently studied: causality (in respect to the One, the henads, the self-constituted substances and the first being) and the noetic triad (being-life-intellect).
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Dragos Calma, Ph.D. (2008), Sorbonne University – Paris, is Associate Professor of Medieval Philosophy at University College Dublin. On Neoplatonism, he has published Neoplatonism in the Middle Ages (Brepols, 2 vols, 2016), Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes (Brill, 3 vols, 2019-2021) and, in collaboration with Evan King, The Renewal of Medieval Metaphysics. Berthold of Moosburg’s Expositio on Proclus’ Elements of Theology (Brill, 2021).
"The present set of three volumes serves as a valuable supplement to some of the recent general studies of Proclus’ influence by collecting detailed evidence regarding the transmission and reconfiguration of his doctrines in many later writers. [...] There are no really weak links in the chain, even including the writings of the younger scholars. The general level of the best contributions is extremely high, and Dragos Calma is to be congratulated in assembling such a collection and bringing this remarkable set of three volumes to its conclusion." - Stephen E. Gersh, Aestimatio, Vol. 3 no. 1 (2022).
Notes On Causes and the Noetic Triad
Dragos Calma

Part 1 Causes

Section 1 One and Participation
1 Proclus’ Elements of Theology and Platonic Dialectics
Jan Opsomer

2 Substantia stans per essentiam suam: Proclus et l’ auteur du De causis sur les êtres qui se constituent eux-mêmes
Carlos Steel

3 Regards croisés sur la cause première: Plotin, Porphyre, Victorinus, Saloustios, Proclus
Anca Vasiliu

4 L’ Être premier—entre Proclus et Denys l’ Aréopagite
Marilena Vlad

5 Proclus’ Reception in Maximus the Confessor, Mediated through John Philoponus and Dionysius the Ps.-Areopagite: A Case Study of Ambiguum 7
Jonathan Greig

6 Henads as Divine Images: The Epistemological and Ontological Significance of Inner Light and Creation of a New Subjectivity in Ioane Petritsi’s Metaphysics
Levan Gigineishvili

7 Cause and Effect in Petritsi’s Commentary on Proclus’ Elements of Theology
Lela Alexidze

8 Virtus and Causae Primordiales in Berthold’s Expositio
Ezequiel Ludueña

Section 2 Causality and Free Will
9 Causalité et pouvoir: autour des traces du Liber de causis dans la Métaphysique d’ Avicenne
Olga Lizzini

10 God’s Existence and Essence: The Liber de causis and School Discussions in the Metaphysics of Avicenna
Amos Bertolacci

11 The Causal Efficacy of Nature in the Neoplatonica Arabica
Bethany Somma

12 Thomas d’ Aquin, l’ étiologie proclusienne, et la théorie du concours de Dieu à la causalité naturelle
Jean-Luc Solère

13 Deux modèles de causalité, deux théories de la liberté: À propos de deux interprétations de la proposition I du Livre des causes
Olivier Boulnois

14 “Agir par son être-même”: La question de la liberté créatrice dans le Liber de causis et sa réception chez Albert le Grand
Isabelle Moulin

Part 2 The Noetic Triad: Being, Life, Intellect

15 The Early History of the Noetic Triad
John Dillon

16 Some Overlooked Sources of the Elements of Theology: The Noetic Triad, Epistrophé, Apokatastasis, Bodies, God, “All in All” and the Possible Reception of Origenian Themes
Ilaria Ramelli

17 Le chapitre XI[XII] du Liber de causis commenté par Albert le Grand: l’ unité de la cause et de son effet comme immanence réciproque
Julie Casteigt

18 L’ exemple de la triade esse, vivum, homo dans les commentaires latins du XIIIe siècle au Liber de causis, entre réalisme des universaux et pluralité des formes substantielles
Julie Brumberg-Chaumont

19 Self-Knowledge and Reditio Completa: Two Mid-13th-Century Interpretations of the Liber de causis, prop. XIV(XV) (Roger Bacon, Ps-Henry of Ghent)
Thérèse Scarpelli Cory

20 Marsilio Ficino on The Triad Being-Life-Intellect and the Demiurge: Renaissance Reappraisals of Late Ancient Philosophical and Theological Debates
Denis J.-J. Robichaud

Scholars, students and large audience interested in Greek Neoplatonism and the Long Middle Ages broadly considered (comprising Arabic, Byzantine, Latin, Georgian), with particular focus on causality and the noetic triad being-life-intellect.
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