Sanātana Gosvāmin’s
Haribhaktivilāsa (ca. 1540) describes the normative ritual life of a Vaiṣṇava devotee. As it is one of the first Sanskrit texts of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava tradition begun by Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya (1486–1533) it presents a fascinating meeting between this ecstatic new religious movement and older, Brahminical tradition.
On the basis of eleven manuscripts, this important text has now been for the first time been critically edited. In his extensive introduction, Måns Broo engages with many of the questions that have vexed earlier scholars of this text (such as who really was the author?) by exploring its extensive intertextualities.
Måns Broo, Ph.D. (2003), Åbo Akademi University, Finland, is a Lecturer of the Study of Religions at that university. His recent publications include a critical edition and annotated translation of the
Rādhā Tantra (Routledge, 2017).
Introduction 1 Introduction to the Text
2 Who Wrote the Haribhaktivilāsa?
3 Summary of Contents
4 Style and Method of the Text and Commentary
5 Historical Context of the Haribhaktivilāsa
6 The Theology of the Haribhaktivilāsa
7 Intertextualities
8 The Haribhaktivilāsa in Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava History
9 Sources for the Critical Edition
10 Conventions in the Critical Apparatus and Translation
Critically Edited Text and Translation
On the Guru Declaration of Contents
The Reason for Approaching a Guru
Approaching a Guru
The Mandatoriness of Approaching a Guru
Specific Characteristics of a Guru
Characteristics of a Non-guru
Characteristics of a Disciple
Those to Be Rejected
Specific Rules for Serving the Guru
The Great Sin That Otherwise Will Befall Both
The Disciple’s Prayer
The Greatness of the Lord
The Greatness of Vaiṣṇava Mantras
There, the Greatness of the Twelve-Syllable and the Eight-Syllable Mantras
There Also, That Of The Twelve-Syllable Mantra
Of the Eight-syllable Mantra
That of the King of Mantras, the Anuṣṭubh of Śrī Narasiṃha
The Greatness of Mantras of Rama
The Greatness of Mantras of Lord Gopāla
The Greatness of the Eighteen-Syllable Mantra
Deliberation on Eligibility
The Determination of Siddha, Sādhya and so on
Mantras That Are an Exception to This
Purification of Mantras
On Initiation Rules for Initiation
The Mandatoriness of Initiation
The Greatness of Initiation
The Time for Initiation
Consideration of Days
Consideration of Lunar Mansions
Consideration of Lunar Days
Rules for Constructing the Pavilion
Rules for Fashioning the Pit
Rules for the Initiatory Maṇḍala
The Worship That Is a Part of Initiation
First, the Procedure for Establishing the Waterpot
Rules for Establishing the Conch
Rules for Worshipping the Lord in the Waterpot
Rules for the Initiatory Fire Sacrifice
The Divinities of the Limbs
The Eight Forms
Measures for the Ingredients of the Fire Offerings
Rules for Guru and Disciple
These Were the Duties of the Preceding Day. Now the Duties of the Day of Initiation
Rules for the Anointment
The Mantra of Ceremonial Bathing
Rules for Imparting the Mantra
The Regulations
The Procedure for Initiation in the Blessed Varāha Purāṇa
Simplified Initiation
The Greatness of Bestowing the Mantra
On Purification The Mandatoriness of Worship for the Initiated
The Mandatoriness of Sadācāra
The Greatness of Sadācāra
Daily Duties
The Morning Glorification and Remembrance
First: The Mandatoriness of Remembrance
The Greatness of Remembrance
It Surpasses Bathing at All Tīrthas
It Is Supremely Purifying
It Uproots Sins
It Liberates One from All Misfortune
It Uproots Bad Habits
It Causes All Auspiciousness
It Bestows the Fruits of All Holy Observances
It Causes the Excellence of Rituals
It Surpasses All Rituals
It Removes All Fears
It Awards Liberation
It Propitiates the Lord
It Leads One to the Vaikuṇṭha World
It Leads to Sameness of Form
It Subdues the Blessed Lord
It Is the Highest Fruit in Itself
Morning Obeisances
The Prayer
Words of Obeisance
The Morning Meditation
The Greatness of Meditation
It Destroys Sins
It Removes the Faults of the Kali Age
It Gives One Eligibility for All Rituals
It Affords One Liberation
It Brings One to Vaikuṇtha
It Leads to Sameness of Form
It Awards the Highest Fruit on Its Own Accord
Waking the Blessed Lord
Removing Nirmālya
Cleansing the Blessed Mouth
The Greatness of Offering the Blessed Tooth-Twig
The Auspicious Nīrājana
The Preliminaries of the Morning Bath
Rules for Attending to the Call of Nature
Rules for Cleansing
When Only Passing Urine
Rules for Ācamana
Vaiṣṇava Ācamana
Rules for Brushing the Teeth
The Mandatoriness of Brushing the Teeth
Days When the Tooth-Twig Is Forbidden
The Substitute for These Days
The Exception to This
Arranging the Hair and so Forth
The Mandatoriness of Bathing
The Greatness of Bathing
Rules for Bathing
A Detail
Further Details
The Mantra for Taking the Lord’s Foot-Water on the Head
The Greatness of Sprinkling Oneself with the Lord’s Foot-Water
And Its Mandatoriness
The General Libation to the Gods and Others
Vedic Sandhyā
Tantric Sandhyā
Its Rules
The Kāma Gāyatrī
Another Opinion on the Rules for Tantric Sandhyā
Rules for Worship of the Lord in Water
Specific Libations to the Gods and Others
Considering the Proper Attitude at Bathing and so on
On the Ornaments of the Vaiṣṇava Cleaning the Lord’s Temple
The Greatness of Cleaning the Temple
The Greatness of Plastering
The Greatness of Sprinkling
The Greatness of Maṇḍalas
Characteristics of a Svastika
Hoisting Flags, Banners and so on
The Greatness of Hoisting Flags
The Greatness of Hoisting Banners
The Greatness of Raising Festoons of Leaves and Trunks of Banana Trees
Cleaning the Seat, Vessels, Clothes and so on
The Seat
Metal Vessels
Clothes and so on
Grains and so on
Picking Flowers, Tulasī and so on for the Sake of Worship
Rules for Bathing at Home
Bathing with Warm Water
The Forbidden Days
Bathing with Myrobalan
Bathing with Sesame
Bathing with Oil
The Greatness of Anointing with Tulasī Water
Rules for Wearing Clothes
The Seat
Rules for the Seat
The Rules for the Twelve Tilakas
The Crown Mantra
The Mandatoriness of the Vertical Marks
The Greatness of the Vertical Mark
Rules for Drawing the Vertical Mark
The Mandatoriness of the Empty Middle Portion of the Vertical Mark
Therefore, the Statement on the Characteristics of Hari’s Temple
Regarding the Rules for Which Fingers to Use When Applying Tilaka
The Types of Clay for the Vertical Mark
There, the Greatness of Gopīcandana
The Greatness of the Vertical Mark Made with Gopīcandana
The Greatness of Marks Made with Mud from the Roots of Tulasī
The Mandatoriness of Wearing the Mudrās
The Greatness of Wearing the Mudrās
Rules for Wearing the Mudrās
Characteristics of the Disc and so on
Wearing Mālās and so on
Rules for Wearing Mālās
The Mandatoriness of Wearing Mālās
The Greatness of Wearing Mālās
Rules for Performing Sandhyā at Home
Worship of the Blessed Guru
The Greatness of the Blessed Guru
The Exception to This
The Result of Not Devoting Oneself to the Guru
On the Objects Worship at the Gate
Worship Inside the House
The Seat for Worship
The Seat Mantra
Specific Faults and Merits of Seats
Placing the Vessels
The Vessels and Their Greatness
Establishing the Auspicious Pitcher
The Ingredients for Arghya and so on
The Auspicious Peace
Removal of Obstacles
Bowing to the Blessed Gurus
And This is the Procedure
The Greatness of Prāṇāyāma
First, Mātṛkā Nyāsa
The Inner Mātṛkā Nyāsa
Keśavādi Nyāsa
The Meditation
The Blessed Forms
The Śaktis
Tattva Nyāsa
A Further Special Form of Prāṇāyāma
The Times, Numbers and so on
Pīṭha Nyāsa
The Pīṭha Mantra
Remembering the Sage and so on
Aṅga Nyāsa
Akṣara Nyāsa
Pada Nyāsa
Rṣyādi Nyāsa
The Five Mudrās
Procedure for Meditating on the Blessed Lord
The Inner Sacrifice
The Procedure for Prayer
Establishing the Conch
Worship of the Seat in One’s Own Body
Mantra Aṅga Nyāsa, Etc., on the Limbs of the Lord
Internal Worship with External Items
The Greatness of the Internal Sacrifice
The External Worship
The Objects of Worship
The Blessed Forms
Characteristics of the Blessed Forms
The Twenty-Four Forms of the Siddhārta Saṃhitā
The Śālagrāma Stones
Their Merits and Faults Connected with Colour and so on
And These Faults Relate to Worshipping with Desires
Their Different Names Depending on Their Different Characteristics
The Greatness of the Śālagrāma Stone
The Special Result of Worshipping Many
The Prohibition against Buying or Selling Them
The Prohibition against Installation
The Best of All Objects
The Mandatoriness of Worshipping the Śālagrāma Stone
The Greatness of Uniting the Śālagrāma Stone with the Stone Marked with the Discs of Dvārakā
The Characteristics of the Stone Marked with the Discs of Dvārakā
The Greatness of the Stone Marked with the Discs of Dvārakā
Their Different Fruits according to Their Different Number of Discs
Faults and Merits and Whether to Worship or Not Depending on Colour and so on
Appendix 1: The Greatness of the Ten-Syllable Mantra Appendix 2: The Meditation on Kṛṣṇa in Gautamīya Tantra 10.142cd–159ab Appendix 3: Maṇḍalas in the Text Bibliography Index
Scholars of Hindu and particularly Vaiṣṇava ritualism and history, but also to Vaiṣṇava practitioners wishing to deepen their understanding of a key text.