Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 3 (1993)


The Asian Yearbook of International Law is the first publication dedicated primarily to international law as seen from an Asian perspective. It provides a forum for the publication of articles in the field of international law written by experts from the region, and also other articles relating to Asian topics. Its aim is twofold: to promote the dissemination of knowledge of international law in Asia and to provide an insight into Asian views and practices, which will be especially useful to a non-Asian readership.
As a rule, each volume of the Asian Yearbook contains Articles, Notes, State Practice, a Chronicle of Events and Incidents, United Nations Activities with Special Relevance to Asia, a Survey of Activities of the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee, a Bibliography and a Documents section.
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Pages: ix–xi
Pages: 339–454
Pages: 455–470
Pages: 501–519
Articles:- The International Court of Justice – Retrospective and Prospects; S. Oda. Environment and Development: Formulation and Implementation of the Right to Development as a Human Right; A.A. Cançado Trindade. Transnational Trade Transactions of a Foreign State and Sovereign Immunity in India: an Appraisal; K.I. Vibhute. Treatment of the Rules of the International Law of Money by the Iran–U.S. Claims Tribunal; A. Mouri. Towards more Effective Management of High Seas Fisheries; E.L. Miles. The Non-Aligned Movement at the Crossroads – the Jakarta Summit adapting to the Post Cold War Era; J.J.G. Syatauw. The Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Litigation: an Overview; B. Desai. Legal Materials:- State Practice of Asian Countries in the Field of International Law. Participation in Multilateral Treaties. Asia and International Organizations:- Asian–African Legal Consultative Committee: Annual Survey of Activities. United Nations Activities with Special Relevance to Asia; Lee Shih-Guang. ASEAN Activities with respect to the Environment; S. Sucharitkul. Chronicle. Bibliography. Selected Documents:- Charter of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. Memorandum of Understanding (among the Governments of the SAARC Member States) on the Establishment of the Secretariat. ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea. Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA). Final Declaration of the Regional Meeting for Asia of the World Conference on Human Rights. Intra-Chinese Agreements. Declaration on the Inviolability of Frontiers. Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Human Rights. Index.
Academics and practitioners who deal with international public law in Asia will appreciate this unique, complete resource. The Asian Yearbook of International Law provides insight into Asian views and practices, especially for non-Asian readers, and also promotes the dissemination of knowledge of international law in Asia.
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