[Retracted] Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection


This volume contains thirteen previously unpublished Dead Sea Scrolls fragments, twelve Hebrew Bible fragments and one non-biblical fragment, presented with the full scholarly apparatus and advanced reconstruction techniques. The books from the Hebrew Bible are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Jonah, Micah, Psalms, Daniel, and Nehemiah. The latter is an especially important addition to known material. The non-biblical fragment probably represents a new copy of 4QInstruction.

The work on these fragments was conducted under the auspices of the Museum of the Bible Scholars Initiative, whose mission is to publish research conducted collaboratively by scholar-mentors and students. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the opportunity to develop as scholars under the guidance of their scholar-mentors.

N.B. In light of the ongoing discussion of the authenticity of several of the Dead Sea Scrolls fragments published in this first volume of the Publications of Museum of the Bible (Brill 2016), Brill is now able to provide access to an analysis of five of the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The material analysis of the fragments was carried out by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung and -prüfung (BAM). https://brill.com/fileasset/downloads_products/94730_BAM%20DSS%20fragment%20analysis--FINAL.PDF. Further research indicates that none of the fragments are authentic. For the full report see https://motbv5-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/motb-dss-report-final-web.pdf.

N.B. In March 2020, the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) announced the results of a second round of scientific study of the Dead Sea Scroll fragments published in Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection (2016). The 212-page report https://motbv5-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/docs/motb-dss-report-final-web.pdf concludes that the fragments are modern forgeries. As a consequence, Brill has retracted the volume. It will no longer be available for purchase but will be freely accessible online. Please be aware that the publication’s editors are divided on the question of whether the report proves beyond doubt that the fragments are inauthentic.

N.B. In April 2021 Brill received a response by BAM and the Israel Museum (Prof. Dr. O. Hahn Prof. Dr. I. Rabin H. Rimon and Prof. Dr. I. Rabin) on the “Report Museum of the Bible Dead Sea Scroll Collection Scientific Research and Analysis”, C. Loll, Art Fraud Insights, November 2019. https://brill.com/fileasset/downloads_products/94730_HahnRabinRimonCommentMOTB_DSS.pdf
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Emanuel Tov, Ph.D. (1974), Hebrew University, Jerusalem is J.L. Magnes Professor of Bible emeritus at said University. He has published many monographs on the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible and Qumran and was the editor-in-chief of the Dead Sea Scrolls publication project.

Kipp Davis, Ph.D. (2009), University of Manchester, is Scholar in Residence in Biblical Studies at Trinity Western University. His recent monograph on Jeremianic traditions at Qumran was published in 2014 by Brill, and he is currently editing several Dead Sea Scroll fragments and texts in Brill's upcoming DSS Editions series.

Robert Duke, Ph.D. (2006), University of California, Los Angeles, is Professor of Biblical Studies at Azusa Pacific University. He has published a monograph and several additional studies on the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
All interested in the Dead Sea Scrolls, textual criticism, Second Temple Judaism, theology, Hebrew Bible.

In light of the ongoing discussion of the authenticity of several of the Dead Sea Scrolls fragments published in 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection’, the first volume of the Publications of Museum of the Bible (Brill 2016), Brill is now able to provide access to an analysis of five of the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The material analysis of the fragments was carried out by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung and -prüfung (BAM). Further research and analysis will be made available as part of the ongoing research into the published fragments, including an investigation of the known provenance of the fragments.

N.B. In April 2021 Brill received a response by BAM and the Israel Museum (Prof. Dr. O. Hahn Prof. Dr. I. Rabin H. Rimon and Prof. Dr. I. Rabin) on the “Report Museum of the Bible Dead Sea Scroll Collection Scientific Research and Analysis”, C. Loll, Art Fraud Insights, November 2019. Read the comments here.

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