In light of the ongoing discussion of the authenticity of several of the Dead Sea Scrolls fragments published in 'The Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments in the Museum Collection’, the first volume of the Publications of Museum of the Bible (Brill 2016), Brill is now able to provide access to an analysis of five of the fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The material analysis of the fragments was carried out by the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung and -prüfung (BAM). Further research and analysis will be made available as part of the ongoing research into the published fragments, including an investigation of the known provenance of the fragments.
N.B. In April 2021 Brill received a response by BAM and the Israel Museum (Prof. Dr. O. Hahn Prof. Dr. I. Rabin H. Rimon and Prof. Dr. I. Rabin) on the “Report Museum of the Bible Dead Sea Scroll Collection Scientific Research and Analysis”, C. Loll, Art Fraud Insights, November 2019. Read the comments here.