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Abbo of Fleury 89
Abī l-Rijāl 267, 278–280, 285, 286
Abū Maˁshar (Albumasar) 256
Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī 256
Adomnán 33
Aelred of Riveaulx 105
Agnes Blannbekin 222, 223
Agnes of Bohemia 43
Alberich of Troisfontaines 20
Albert the Great (Albertus Magnus) 67, 151, 152
Albrecht I, King 160
Albrecht, Brother of Frederic III 59
Alcuin 34
Aldebert 36
Aldobrandesa of Siena 38
Aleth, Mother of Saint Bernard 48
Alexios I, Byzantine Emperor 238, 240, 243, 245
Alfonso X, King 213
Al-Kindi 185
Allinus 83
Alypyus, Saint 33
Amedo of Savoy, Duke 61
Andrea Corsini 40
Andrea of Strumi 38
Anna Komnene 238, 239, 243n
Antichrist 160
Apollonius of Tyana 30
Ariald 38
Aristotle 78, 151, 152, 183, 272
Artemidorus 61, 63
al-Ashraf ˁUmar 252–287
Athanasius 32
Audoenus (Saint Ouen) 33, 39
Audradus (Audradus Modicus) 19, 20, 23
Augustine of Hippo 64, 79, 180
Bagatta, Giovanni Bonifacio 31
Baldwin I, King 38
Barontus 14, 15
Bartholomaeus of Parma 200–202
Bede the Venerable 102, 150
Bego 19
Bembo, Bernardo 63
Bergues 64
Bernard of Clairvaux 40, 50
Bernard, Saint 48, 65n
Bernhard, rebel 18
Bernold 21
Boniface 36
Borst, Arno 97
Callixtus III, Pope 59
Carion, Johann 162
Cassius Dio 136
Catherine of Genoa 38
Charlemagne, Holy Roman Emperor 17, 19
Charles II (the Bald), Holy Roman Emperor 20, 21
Charles III (the Fat), Holy Roman Emperor 22
Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor 143
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 162
Charles I (the Good), count 84, 85
Charles Martel 20
Childebert I, King 135
Childebert II, King 134
Childeric I, King 137n
Chilperic I, King 134, 137, 138, 141
Chlothar, King 135
Chobham, Thomas of 64
Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero) 30, 78, 178, 186
Colomba (Columban) 33–37, 50
Conrad IV, King 109
Constantine the African 210
Daniel, Prophet 254, 255n
Daniel the Stylite, Saint 33
Dante Alighieri 11, 41
Delehaye, Hippolyte 30
Dido of Potiers, Bishop 15
Dietrich of Moers, Archbishop of Cologne 56
Dominic of Guzmann, Saint 40, 48, 50
Dominicus Gundissalinus (Don Domingo Gundizalbo) 210, 211
Donatus 30, 41
Dorotheos of Sidon 275
Dunstan, Abbot of Glastonbury 41
Edo of Reims 22
Eleanor of Portugal 59
Éloi, Saint 33, 39
Emerio, Saint 42n
Ephrem, Saint 32
Erasmus of Rotterdam 181
Ermengarde (Irmingard) of Tours, Empress 19, 29
Ethelwold (Æthelwold), Saint 39–41
Eucherius of Orleans 20
Eugenius 55
Eutychius of Constantinople 33
Felix V (Amedeo VIII), Pope 61, 65
Ficino, Marsilio 63
Flodoard of Reims 22
Franz of Prague 157
Fredegunde, Queen 138
Frederick I of Habsburg, Duke 160
Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 109, 112, 113, 115, 116
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor 56, 57, 59, 63, 68, 70, 161
Freud, Sigmund 31
Friedrich of Drosendorf 155, 156
Fulcodii, Guido (Clemens IV., Papst) 190, 193, 195
Fulcran of Lodève 42
Gabriel, Archangel 39
Galbert of Bruges 84, 85
Gaucher of Aureil 43
George Grissaphan 221, 222
Gerard 89
Géraud 42
Ginzburg, Carlo 176
Godfrey of Bouillon 38
Gregory I (the Great), Pope 12, 13, 17, 21, 24, 25, 32, 138, 180
Gregor X, Pope 199
Gregory of Nyssa 32
Gregory of Tours 14, 129, 133–141, 150
Grünpeck, Joseph 161
Gudea 64n
Guibert of Nogent 61, 89
Guillaume Arnau 191
Guillaume de Saint-Thierry 47
Gunther, Archbishop of Cologne 20
Gunthramn, King 134
Gutolf of Heiligenkreuz 158
Hadrian II, Pope 20
Hans Vintler 217
Hariulf 22
Hartlieb, Johannes 214–216
Heito 15
Henry I, King 101–103
Henry II, King 109
Henry of Nördlingen 223
Henry Raspe 109, 112, 114, 116
Heredotus 30, 48
Hermes Trismegistus 275–277, 284
Hincmar of Reims 20, 21
Homer 206, 234
Honorius Augustodunensis 140n, 151
Horace 78
Hugh of Semur 44, 45
Iacobus de Tonengo 197, 198, 199
Ibn Hibintā 275, 277, 278, 280, 285
Ida, Countess of Boulogne 38
Iohannes Skylitzes 240
Isidore of Seville 79, 80, 140n, 150, 155, 187, 209
Jacob of Paradies 216–218
Jean de Morigny 214
Johann of Viktring 155
Johannes Hymmonides 21
Johannes Nider 225
John I, Pope 13, 14
John of Salisbury 61, 67, 68, 184, 219
John of Toledo 160
John of Worcester 103n
Jonas of Bobbio 33, 35, 36, 49
Jordano of Saxony 46
Julian, Bishop of Cuenca 47
Justinian I (the Great), Byzantine Emperor 236
Kanaka 276, 277
Bernard, King 19
Konrad of Megenberg 129, 151, 155
Kūshyār b. Labbān 256, 275, 285
Lanzoni, Francesco 31, 32, 42n
Leo IV, Pope 19
Leon Mandalos, general 242
Lichtenberger, Johannes 161
Liedwy of Schiedam 224
Lioba, Saint 36
Loisy, Alfred 32
Lothair I, Holy Roman Emperor 22
Lothair II, King 20
Louis the Pious, Holy Roman Emperor 19
Louis II Holy Roman Emperor 22
Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor 224
Louis the German, King 20, 21, 22
Lucan 207, 209
Macrobius 61, 66
Máedóc of Fens (Saint Aída) 34
Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor 136
Margareta Ebner 223, 224
Māshāˀ Allāh 275
Matilda of Anjou 100
Matthew Paris 96, 104–117
Maury, Affred 31, 32
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor 161
Melanchthon, Philipp 61
Michael Anemas 239
Michael Psellos 240–243
Michael Scot 184
Muˀayyad Dāˀūd 281, 282
Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr al-Fārisī 281
Muḥyī al-Dīn b. al-ˁArabī 284
Muẓaffar Yūsuf 281
Neumann, Wilhelm 97n
Nicholas Eymerich 212
Nicholas IV, Pope 201
Nicholas V (Tommaso Parentucelli), Pope 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 70
Nicloe Oresme 180
Nigidius Figulus 179
Niphus, Augustinus 162
Nonius Marcellus 79
Nourry, Émile (Pierre Saintyves) 31, 32
Odon of Cluny 41, 42
Odysseus, legendary adventurer 206
Orthloh of Sankt Emmeran 37
Owain, knight 220
Peter of Milleau 43n
Petrarch 181
Petrus Alfonsi 210
Petrus Raymundi 191, 192, 193, 195
Philostratus 30
Pius II (Enea Silvio Piccolomini), Pope 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71
Pliny the Elder 78, 140
Plutarch 30, 36, 38
Pontius de Parnaco 190, 191
Procopius of Caesarea 235, 236, 238
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemy) 275, 277
al-Qabīṣī (Alcabitius) 256
Raduin, Monk 22
Radulph of Coggeshall 102
Ragimbertus, Abbot 36
Raniero degli Avogadro 198, 199
Raymond du Falga 193
Raymond of Marseilles 180
Raymundus de Pennafort 194
Raymundus de Puteo 191, 193
Regiomontanus 161
Ribadeneyra 47
Robert of Molesme 29
Roger of Wendover 105
Romanos I Lekapenos, Byzantine Emperor 240
Rudolf of Fulda 49
Sallust 69
Sibyl of Cumae 207
Sigebert of Gembleoux 84, 85
Sigibert, King 134, 136, 141
Silberberger, Ursula 145
Silvester II (Gerbert of Aurillac), Pope 87
Solinus 78
Stoeffler, Johannes 161, 162
Suitbert 37
Sulpicius Severus 32
Symmachus 13, 14
Taurin of Evreux, Saint 42
Theodahat, King 236–238
Theoderic the Great (Theodoricus), King 13, 14, 81
Théodore of Sykeon, Saint 33
Theudebert I, King 135
Theuderic I, King 136
Theudgaud (Thietgaud), Archbishop of Trier 20, 21
Thierry of Leernes 50
Thietmar of Merseburg 80–83, 90
Thomas of Cantimpré 152
Thomas of Villach 145
Thomas Aquinas (Thomas von Aquin) 197–202
Unrest, Jakob 144, 149
Urban IV, Pope 193, 195
Uzalger von Alet 191, 192
Valerius Maximus 179, 186
Vernant, Jean-Pierre 176
Virgil (Vergil), 30, 207, 209, 234
Vulfoleod of Bourges 15
Wahb b. Munabbih 268
Wahlafrid Strabo 15, 17, 18
Waldo, Abbot 17
Wetti 15, 17, 18
William Ætheling 100
William of Malmesbury 22, 41, 102, 108
William of St. Thierry 46, 47
William of Stranton 221
William the Conquerer 48
Willibrord 34, 37
Wulfstan 39–41
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