In various chapters, authors have used primary sources in different Islamic languages (Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, Bahasa Indonesia), and thus transliterations may vary according to the systems used by each author. Attempts have been made to unify them as much as practically possible.

Translated citations from the Quran and the Hadith vary in different chapters according to the choices of the authors. Citation details from the Quran are provided in the text itself, rather than in the footnotes or in the Bibliography.

Names of places, dynasties, and modern scholars as well as terms and names commonly known in English are used without diacritics, such as Quran, Hadith, sheikh, sultan, Muhammad, Ahmad, Mustafa, Abdullah. Diacritics are used, however, in cases such as ḥadīth qudsī and Nuzūl al-Qurān.

Unless otherwise stated, any translation provided is the work of the author of the relevant chapter.

Square brackets [ ] are used exclusively in quotations to identify textual additions, other than ellipses, that are not in the original texts.

All dates are given in the Gregorian calendar (BCE/CE), unless otherwise stated.

The abbreviations ‘sing.’ (for ‘singular’) and ‘pl.’ (for ‘plural’) are used throughout this volume.

Every effort has been made to contact copyright holders to obtain permission for the usage of the illustrations reproduced in this book. Should you have any concerns regarding copyright of any of these illustrations, please contact Brill’s copyright department.

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