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Patricia M. Ranum
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Aaron 109
La Trappe, abbey of 14
Port-Royal, abbey of 153, 212n244
Saint Cyran, abbey of 150n109
Anthony 83n75
monastic authorities 83n75
Isaiah 83
Alexis Désessarts 174n170
Boileau 140
Chauvelin, Henri-Phillippe de 113n8, 195n209
Claude-Pierre Roussel de la Tour 96
Henri Grégoire 26n81
Jean-Baptiste Joannet 207n237
Michel de Marolles 216n251
Platel 197n213
abbé 10, 20, 96, 113, 216
Abruzzo, Italy 118n21
Abrégé chronologique ou Extrait de l’histoire de France (Mézeray) 51n60
Absalom 37
absolutism 8, 14, 31n13, 127n50
Académie Française 17
Academy of Science 2, 157n129
accommodation 137n83, 145n98
accord of 1719, France and Spain 161n140
Acomat’s maxim 188
Acquaviva, Claudio 116, 118
Actes 23n72, 24n75
administration of sacraments 90
Aeneas 183n84
Aeneid (Virgil) 183n84
Africa 114
Agata, Saint 59n14
Ajuda, Palace of 41
Alcibiades 186n189
Alexander III (pope) 74
Alexander VI (pope) 34n26
Alexander VII (pope) 67, 68n39
Alexander the Great 202n228
Alexandre, João 6, 47n50, 48
Alexandria, Egypt 99n114, 165n150
Alfonso Liguori, Saint 59n14
algebra 155
Algeria 99
allegory 183n184
Alps 159
Alsace 191n200–n201
altar 14, 103, 105, 108, 124
Amazonia 4
ambassadors 69
American Revolution 3, 27
Latin America 4, 28n87, 36, 44
North America 114, 115n11, 122
Amsterdam, Netherlands 17n52, 27n83, 48, 194n205
angels 57, 107
animal 155, 171, 183n184
annals 118
Anthony, Saint 83
Anthony the Abbot 83n75
anthropology 21
anti-Catholic 3
anti-Enlightenment 29n4
anti-Jansenist 9, 163n145, 181n180
authors 32n19
literature 28n87, 29n5, 31n15, 32n18, 38n38, 112n3, 195n209, 207n239
magistrates 26
polemics 154n119
sentiment 33n21, 128n54, 149n107, 196
Antioch, Syria 99n113, 165n150
Antwerp, Belgium 67n37
apostasy 63
apostle/apostles 36, 55, 78, 97–98, 101, 104, 110, 122, 145, 167n156, 192. Paul and Peter
apothecary 135
Aquaviva, Claudio 78n59
Aquinas, Thomas, Saint 60–62, 81
Quaestiones quodlibetales 81n69
Summa theologiae 60n16, 61n19, 62n24
Aquitaine, France 112n6
Aragon 176n175
archbishoprics 146n101
Archivum Romanum Societati Iesu 35n27
Argenson, Réné-Louis de Voyer, marquis d’ 19–20
Ariadne 31n16
Arian 166
Arian Christianity 165n149
Arian controversy 165n148
Arianism 164n147, 165n148, 165n149, 169n159, 216
aristocracy 140n87
arithmetic 26, 155
ark 109
Arnauld the Elder, Antoine 10, 123, 152n115
Arnauld the Younger, Antoine 123, 148n106, 149n107, 152, 152n115, 153n117, 153n118
La Morale pratique des Jésuites 152n115
Arnauld family 123n36, 152n15
Arouet, François-Marie Arouet. see Voltaire
Artois, France 191n200
asceticism 21
Asia 3, 137n83
assassin 17, 32, 125
assassination 7–8, 16, 29–30, 32, 35–37, 40, 42, 44–47, 50–51, 95, 115n12, 123–26, 152, 177–80
Assembly of the Clergy 8, 23, 25–26, 66–67, 93, 107, 145
Assyrian empire 118
astrology 155
astronomer 145, 156, 215, 217
astronomy 143, 145, 155, 217
Athalie (Racine) 199, 200n219
Athanasius of Alexandria 99n114, 169
atheism 24, 160, 204
Atlantic 1, 4, 11
atomic forces, theory of 217n253
Atri, duke of 118n22
Augustine, Saint 99, 133n71, 139–40, 150n108, 150n110, 151n112, 216–17
Confessions 62n24
Augustine of Canterbury 143
Augustinians 8, 86, 89
Augustinus (Jansen) 150n108, 154n122
Austria 114–15, 120, 208
Austrian Netherlands 27
avarice 38
Aveiro, duke of (José Mascarenhas 3837, 40, 48
Avis des éveques de France 13n38, 67n36, 68n41, 69n43, 84n76
Bajazet (Racine) 188, 189n196
Baluze, Etienne
Historiae Tutelensis libri tres 80n64
barbarians 144
barbarism 18, 157
Barbier, Antoine-Alexandre 26n80
Barcelona, Spain 74
Barnabites 20n59, 92
Baronio, Cardinal Cesare 65n30
Barri. see Barry, Paul de
Barrises 154
Barrière, Pierre 125n41, 126n47
Barry, Paul de 154n121
Basel, Council of 89
Basil of Cesarea, Saint 83
Baume, Monseigneur 79n64, 80n64
Bayle, Pierre 24, 136n79, 204n233
Dictionnaire historique et critique 204n233
Benedict XIII (pope) 66
Benedict XIV (pope) 9, 35, 48n55, 66, 145n98, 170, 196–99, 217
Benedict, Saint 73n47, 83
Benedictines 73n47, 86n80, 128, 184n186
Berlin, Germany 17, 136
Bernardines 71n44
Besançon, parlement of 191n201
Biron conspiracy 126n47
Bible 33, 42, 144, 153, 155, 181
King James Version 81n71, 98n107
New American 180n181
Port-Royal Bible 153n117
billet(s) de confession 167n155, 205n234
Billom, France 112n6
biographies 116
bishops 8–9, 13, 23, 66–67, 70, 72, 84, 86, 90–94, 96–106, 120, 125, 134, 147–48, 158, 160, 162, 164–65, 171, 177, 182, 185, 192–93. Beaumont, Christophe
Blaise, Pascal 148n107, 203n230
blasphemy 36
Borja, Francisco de 66n31, 112
Bobola, Andrzej 203n229
Boileau, Jacques 140n88
Boileau-Despréaux, Nicolas 142n92, 154n120
Bonaventure, Saint 73, 81, 85
Commentarius in Evangelium S. Lucae 81n68
Bordeaux, parlement of 101, 125
Borgia, Francis, Saint 66n31, 112
Borromeo, Charles, Saint 64, 68–69
Boscovich, Roger Joseph 217
Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne 15, 65, 94, 109, 203n230, 217n254
Maximes et reflexions sur la comédie (Bossuet) 65n29
Bougeant, Guillaume-Hyacinthe 135n76, 218n255
Bouhours, Dominique 74
Boulanger, Nicolas-Antoine 24–25
Origins of Oriental Despotism 24
Bourbon 33n21, 115n11, 214
Bourdaloue, Louis 131n65, 142, 217n254
Bourgeant, Guillaume Hyacinthe 135n76, 217
bourgeois 23, 167
Bourgoing, Edmond 125n40
Bovier de Fontanelle, Bernard le 157n129
Boyer, Jean-François 117n18, 163n145. Jansenism
Braga, Fructuosus of 83n75
Brazil 36
Britain 6, 115n11, 144n95
Brittany, parlement of 155n124, 182–83
Brumoy, Pierre 135n76, 217, 218n255
The Theater of the Greeks 218
Brunoy, priest 217
bull, papal 8, 31, 35, 37, 43–45, 48, 66, 75, 87–92, 112, 145, 157–71, 181–82, 197, 199, 205. Unigenitus
Busenbaum, Hermann 177
Bérulle, Pierre 71n44, 133n71
Cadière, Catherine 33n23
Cádiz, Spain 114n10
Caesar 197
Caesarea 83
Cajetan, Saint 117n17
Calais, France 22
Calvin, John 150n110
Calvinist 65, 140. Jansenists
Camaldolese 73
Cambrai, League of 141, 175–76
Canada 146
Capuchins 58n11, 195, 197
Candide (Voltaire) 1, 4, 34n24, 201
Canterbury, Augustine of 144n95
Canterbury, archbishop of 65n30
Capuchin 58, 195–98
Carafa, Gian Pietro 117n17. Paul IV
Cardinal Richelieu (Armand Jean du Plessis) 65, 123, 127
cardinals 13, 35, 44, 65, 67, 69, 82, 117, 128, 139, 163, 166, 215
Caribbean 11
Carmelites 58n11, 86, 89
Carroll, John 27
Cartesian 133n72
Cartesianism 133n72
Carthage 99, 135
Carthusians 58, 74–75, 125
Carvalho e Melo, Sebastião, Marques de. see Pombal, Marquis of
Cassian, John 83
Castel Sant’Angelo, Rome 35n29
casuistry 137, 152, 188
Catherine the Great 27
Catholicism 3, 14, 22, 26, 35, 65, 125–26, 131, 145, 148, 167
censorship 132n70, 133n70
Chaize, confessor priest 147
Charles X (king) 22n66
Charles, Saint. see Borromeo, Charles
Chastenet, François-Jacques de
Discussion intéressante 25n78
chastity 117, 210, 213
Chaumeix, Abraham 128, 129n55
China 134, 137, 138n83, 142–45, 178, 182
Chinese Rites Controversy 143n93, 182n181
Christ 24, 38, 57, 59, 62, 70, 71n44, 98, 102, 104–7, 164, 165n49, 165n51, 169n161, 204n232, 208n239
Christotokos 165n51
Chrysostom, John 99
Cicero 137, 144, 149, 151, 177, 217
Cistercians 71, 86, 184
Cîteaux, abbey of 86
Cizati, priest 215
Clement VII (pope) 86n81
Clement VIII (pope) 65
Clement IX (pope) 65
Clement XI (pope) 66n31
Clement XII (pope) 66n31
Clement XIII (pope) 35, 37, 44, 48n55, 50, 199n218
Clement XIV (pope) 35n29, 188n194, 199n218, 208n240
Clément, Jacques 17, 125n44
clergy 8, 26–27, 54, 56, 63, 66, 69, 77, 94, 107–9, 117, 125, 127, 130, 145–47, 157, 161, 163–64, 172
Clermont, Collège de 65n28, 66n34, 124n39, 147, 169n60
Climacus, John, Saint 83
Cluny, abbey of 86, 89
coadjutors 31, 75, 79–80
Collection des procès-verbaux des Assemblées-Générales du Clergé de France 107n132
Colmar, France 191n201
Cologne, Germany 66n31, 69n41, 73n49
comedians 169n160, 216n252. Molière
comedies 156
comets 215
Commendone, Cardinal Giovanni Francesco 65n30
Commentarius in Evangelium S. Lucae (Bonaventure) 81n68
commerce 11, 35, 45, 77–78, 186
Communion, sacrament of 8, 90n93, 91, 163, 168, 170, 205n234
Como, lake 36n33
Concordia (Molina) 150n110
Confession, sacrament of 12, 32, 96, 205n234. confession
Confessions (Augustine) 62n24
confessors 3–4, 101, 126n149, 147, 185, 187
Conflans, France 110
confraternities 71, 96
Confucianism 182
Congregation of the Mission 64n27
Congregation of the Oratory 131, 133
Conspiracy 7, 31n15, 36n33, 38
Constance, Council of 89n89, 99, 100n115, 108n136
Constantine I (emperor) 17, 26, 165, 169n159
Constantinople 99n113, 165n150
Constantius II (emperor) 169n159
Constitutions, religious orders 26, 35n27, 43n44, 58, 66, 72, 73, 73n48, 73n50, 75–81, 93, 116–17, 118n22, 129n56, 130n59, 130n61, 134, 175–76, 182, 184–85, 188n192. See also under Jesuits
controversies, historical 22–23, 188n195, 217n254
controversies, religious 4, 8, 16, 20, 25, 82n71, 86, 88n85, 107n135, 133n72, 152, 154, 163n143, 163n145, 165n48–n49, 169n161, 170, 178, 182n181, 200, 204, 205n234, 208n239, 215n250
convents 79
Corneille, Pierre 157n129, 160
Cossacks 203
Coton, Pierre 126n49
Coudrette, Christophe
Histoire générale 14n43, 15n45, 79n63
Counter-Reformation 65n30, 116n14, 133n72
coups 41, 198n216
Creed 140, 206
Nicene 165n148, 165n151
Croatia 217n253
cultures 128n53, 146n100
Curia, Roman 44, 120, 125–26, 158, 164, 198
Cyprian of Carthage, Saint 99n112
Cyran, Saint 150n108
Cyril of Alexandria, patriarch 9n114, 165n150
Cysis, Stanislaus de 215n249
d’Alembert, Jean Le Rond 11–12, 16–22, 24–25, 27, 107, 111–16, 118–20, 122, 124, 126–36, 138, 140–42, 144–46, 148–52, 154–58, 160, 162–64, 166–70, 172–76, 178, 180–84, 186–88, 190, 192, 194, 196–98, 200–202, 204–6, 208–12, 214–16, 218
Benedictines for 128n52
billets de confession for 167n155, 205n234
Blaise Pascal’s Provincial Letters for 149n107
Cardinal de Tencin and 166n152
Cardinal Passionei for 128n54
Christophe de Beaumont and 167n155
Council of Nicaea for 164
Denis Petau for 215n250
Father Le Tellier for 157
Father Norbert the Capuchin for 197n214
Francisco de Borja for 224n6
François de la Mothe Fénelon and 141n90
Frederick II and 17n51
History 107n135
Jansenism for 117, 133, 141n90, 149, 151, 160, 162, 163n144
Jean de La Fontaine for 151n114
Jesuits and 21–22, 27, 111n2, 119n25, 127n51, 131, 136n80, 175, 187, 198n215, 201n222, 211n243
on Jesuit vows 22
Mélanges de littérature, d’histoire et de philosophie 17n52
Molière’s Dépit amoureux and 169n160
Pierre-Jean Grosley’s Observations sur l’Italie et les Italiens and 215n248
“Rabbit, the Weasel and the Cat, The” 151n114
“Reflections on History” 17
d’Argenson, Réné-Louis de Voyer 19
Mémoires et journal inédit 19n57
d’Harcourt, College 188n192
Damiens, Robert-François. Malagrida
accomplices 10
Damiens Affair 2, 7, 10, 29n2, 30–32, 40, 115n12, 177n176, 178–77
execution 9
Malagrida and 17, 115n12
trial 9
Daughters of Charity 64n27
David, biblical 17
de Beaumont, Christophe 8–9, 12–15, 23–24, 54–56, 58–62, 64–84, 86–90, 92–102, 104, 106–10, 163, 167, 171, 193
appeal to bishops 66–67, 70, 72, 84, 86, 90–94, 96–106
appointment as archbishop of Paris 163n144
bilets de confession controversy and 8, 82n71, 97
Bonaventure, Saint, cited by 73, 81, 85
Carthusians cited by 75
Charles Borromeo cited by 64n27, 68–69
Clement VIII cited by 65
Clement IX cited by 65
corporate responsibility for 56n8
Council of Basel and Constance referenced by 89n89
Council of Lateran referenced by 99n112
Council of Trent referenced by 63n26, 64n27, 68, 70, 72, 84, 90, 99, 109
Council of Toledo referenced by 99n112
Enlightenment and 12, 163n144
excommunication doctrine for 82n71
François Ducasse cited by 101n120
Gregory I cited by 99n114
Gregory V cited by 89n88
Gregory VII cited by 89n88
Gregory XIII cited by 65
Guillame Farinier Constitution cited by 81n67
Henry III cited by 100
Henry IV cited by 100
Innocent II cited by 89n88
Innocent III cited by 81, 89n88, 99n112
Innocent XI cited by 65
Jacques-Benigne Bossuet and 15, 65n29
Jean Le Rond d’Alembert and 167n155
Jean-François Boyer and 163n145
Jean Jacques Rousseau and 12, 96, 102n123
Jesuit acceptance of de La Baume, bishop of Nantes cited by 79
Jesuits and 13, 15, 56n8, 65n29, 72, 75–82, 84–85, 90, 92–94, 97
Jesuit privileges for 60, 79, 83–90, 92–94
Jesuit spying for 80–82
John Wycliffe and Jan Hus cited by 99
Juan de Palafox’s reversal of opinion on Jesuits cited by 67
Leo I cited by 99n114
Leo IX cited by 89n88
Leo X cited by 89n88
Louis-Adrien Le Paige and 24n76
Louis XIII cited by 100
Louis XIV cited by 100
Louis XV and 9, 14, 23
papal approval and protection of Jesuits cited by 65–66, 88–89
papal infallibility doctrine for 88n85
Parlement of Bordeaux and 101
Parlement of Paris and 8, 12, 68, 93n98, 101, 108, 167n155, 193n204
Paschal II cited by 89n88
Pastoral Instruction of 54–110
Patriarchs cited by 81, 99
Paul the Apostle, Saint cited by 55, 80, 98, 107, 109
Paul of the Cross, Saint cited by 71n44
penitential theology stand of 59n14
Peter, Saint cited by 98
Pius V cited by 65
on preaching 97–99, 101–4
Unigenitus bull and 8–9, 23, 97, 163, 167, 171
religious orders revision of Rules for 74
rhetoric used by Jesuit opponents for 83
Rule of Society of Jesus (Constitutions) for 75–80
Rule of St. Benedict, Camaldolese Constitutions and St. Bonaventure cited by 73, 83n74
sacramental administration privileges of Jesuits for 71, 90–91, 105–7
secrecy in Society of Jesus for 72–74
secular infringement on ecclesiastical hierarchy and authority for 107. bishops
Trinitarians for 71
van Espen for 61n21, 101n121
Victor II cited by 89n88
de Certeau, Michel 133n72
de Chaumeix, Abraham-Joseph 128
de Chauvelin, Henri-Phillippe 113n8, 195n209
de Fitz-James, François 185n187
de Fleury, André-Hercule 139n85, 217n254
de Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier 157, 159–60
de La Salle, Jean-Baptiste 184n185
de La Tour, Claude-Pierre Roussel 96
de Marolles, Michel 216n251
de Mézeray, François Eudes 18, 50–51
Abrégé chronologique ou Extrait de l’histoire de France 50, 51n60
de Prades, Jean-Martin 20n57
de Rochefoucauld, Cardinal François 65
de Sacy, Louis-Isaac Lemaistre 153
de Sales, Francis, Saint 64, 71n44, 99
de Tencin, Cardinal Pierre Guérin 166n152
de Tocqueville, Alexis 26n83
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon) 16
deism 12, 30n8
demon 135n74
Descartes, René 126n48, 133
Désessarts, Alexis 174n170
despotism 16, 59, 145, 147, 195n209
Destruction (d’Alembert) 15, 20, 28, 34n24, 111n1, 115n13, 116n14, 128n52, 128n54, 132n67, 133n72, 136n79–n80, 141n90, 151n114, 155n124, 166n152, 169n160, 175n173, 183n184, 197n214, 201n222, 205n234, 206n236, 209n242, 211n243, 214, 216n250
determinism 150n110
devotees 18, 38
Devotio Moderna 139n86
Dictionary of the French Academy 129n55, 136n79
Dictionnaire des journalistes (Grosley) 10n31
Dictionnaire historique (Moréri) 154n121
Dictionnaire historique et critique (Bayle) 204n233
Diderot, Denis 16, 172n165
Diocletian 216n252
Diogenes the Cynic 155n125
Discalced Carmelites 64n27, 67n37
Discipline and Punish (Foucault) 7n19
Discussion intéressante (Chastenet) 25n78
divine goodness, concept 30
Doctrine curieuse (Garasse) 154n121
dogmas 102, 138, 140–41, 144, 164
Dogmata theologica (Petau) 215n250
Dominic, Saint 80
Dominicans 60, 80, 86, 89, 119, 125, 184
Don Quijote (Cervantes) 116
Dorothea of Montau 83n75
Douai, parlement of 191n201
Douarche, Aristide 147n104
Dubois, Cardinal Guillaume 160n139
Dubrovnik, Croatia 217n253
Ducasse, François 101n120
Duchesne, Nicolas 11n34
Du Perron, Cardinal Jacques Davy 65
Du Plessis, Arman Jean. Cardinal Richelieu
Dutch Republic 168n157
Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean 150n108, 150n110
earthquake of 1755 1, 4, 114n10
Easter 90–91, 201n223, 205n234
ecumenical councils 69n41, 72, 94, 164n147, 166, 169n162
education 11–12, 15, 32n17, 34n25, 52, 66, 112n6, 123–24, 126n48, 133n72, 138n84, 140, 147n102, 153n119, 184n185
Émile (Rousseau) 11–12, 24
encomienda 34
encyclicals 9
Encyclopedie 12n35, 16, 18–19, 24–25, 163n144, 172
England 85, 144, 174, 205n234, 217n254
Enlightenment 2, 6, 12, 15–16, 20–22, 24, 27, 28n87, 29n4, 30n8, 38n38, 48n52, 114n10, 128n54, 129n55, 138n84, 151n113, 156n128, 157n129, 162, 163n144
Ephesus, Council of 165
Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio 137n82, 142, 152n116
Escobardery 153
espionage 80–82, 134
Essai sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations (Voltaire) 16, 18, 24, 151n113
Essay on General History (Voltaire) 16, 24, 151n113
Essay on Universal History (Voltaire) 16, 18, 24
Essay on National Education (Chalotais) 155n124
Estates General 66
ethnocentrism 144n96
Eucharist 90–91, 168
Eugene IV (pope) 86n81, 89. Basel, Council of
examination of conscience 82n36, 83
excommunication, doctrine of 82n81, 158–59
Exercicio de perfección y virtudes christianas (Rodríguez) 74n51
exorcisms 162n142
Exposcit debitum (Julius III) 43n44
Fable of the Bees (Mandeville) 16n48
fables 19n56, 80, 149n107, 151, 161, 175n173
Fabre, Pierre Antoine 143n93
factionalism, religious 204n233
factions 115n114, 160n139, 169n161, 186n190, 208–9
Fagnani, Prospero 61n22
famine 107n133
fanaticism 17, 19, 22, 113, 125, 148, 157, 162, 173–74, 189, 196, 200, 202
Farinier, Guillaume 73n50
fasting 49
Feast of All Saints 1
Fifth Congregation, Jesuit 75n53
Finland 33
Fiore, Joachim of 25
First Partition of Poland 27
Flanders 32, 191
Fontainebleau, France 192
Fontainebleau, Edict of 148n105
formula, in religious orders 43, 212–13
Fosari, Francesco 89n87
Foucault, Michel 8n19
Discipline and Punish 7n19
France 11–12, 14–15, 17, 22, 26n81, 29, 33n21, 33n23, 42, 48n55, 50–51, 54–55, 58n12, 63, 64, 67, 69, 71n44, 84n78, 85–86, 93, 104, 105n128, 112–19, 121–23, 124n39, 125n44, 126, 127n50, 129–32, 133n72, 136n77, 145–47, 148n105, 153, 154n119, 157, 159n134, 160n139, 161–66, 168–75, 176n175, 177n176, 178–79, 181–84, 186n190, 187–99, 201–3, 205, 207–9, 211, 213, 27n254
Franche-Comté, France 191n200
Francis of Assisi, Saint 85
Franciscans 58, 73, 79, 86–87, 89, 92, 112, 119, 179, 184, 195
Franklin, Benjamin 27
Frederick II, the Great 12, 17n51, 20n57, 115n11, 208n240
French Revolution 1, 71n44
Frey de Neuville, Charles 217n254
Fripon 159n36
Fructuosus, Saint 83
Fénelon, François de la Mothe 141n90
galleys 98
Gallia 78
Gallicanism 14. Jansenism
Gandía, duke of 112n6
Garasse, François
Doctrine curieuse 154n121
Garasses 154
Gazette d’Hollande 48
Gazettes 49
General History (le Paige) 14–15
Genesius, Saint 216n252
Geneva, Switzerland 12, 64n27
geometrician 215
geometry 128
Georgetown College 27
Germany 69, 85, 205n234
Ghent, Belgium 80n66
ghost 174
Giattino, Joanne Baptista 69n41
Gibbon, Edward
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 16
gifts 85, 105
Gilles 80n64
Girard, Jean-Baptiste 33n23
gladiator 171n163
Gnaeus Pompeius 166n153
Goa, India 85
gold 99, 105
Goliath 180
Gospels 38, 78, 81n71, 93, 98–99, 104, 117n17, 142, 195, 204n232, 206
gossip 161, 186n189
graces 84, 92
Gracián, Baltasar 133n70
Great Britain 115n11
Great Lisbon Earthquake 114n10
Greece 125
Gregory I the Great, pope-Saint 99, 143–44
Gregory V (pope) 89n88
Gregory VIII (pope) 66n31
Gregory XIII (pope) 65, 75
Grimm, Friedrich 129n55
Grosley, Pierre-Jean 10, 13–14, 18, 27, 29–53, 215n248. le Paige, Adrien
Dictionnaire des journalistes 10n31
Reflections on the Attempted Assassination of the King of Portugal 9–10, 18, 29–54, 114n10, 122n32, 124n38, 158n132, 170n163, 174n172, 179n178, 188n194, 194n206, 195n210, 199n218
Vie de Pierre Pithou 14n44
Grotius, Hugo 132n68
Grégoire, Henri (abbé) 26n81
Guaraní 4, 34
Guise family 69n42
Guyon, Madame 141n90
Guéret, exiled priest 124n39
Guérin de Tencin, Claudine 166n152
Guérin de Tencin, Pierre 166n152
habit 38
Habsburgs 115, 120–21, 173n168
Hay, exiled priest 124n39
health 142
Hebron 37n36
Hegira 202n222
Helen 163
hell 97
Helvetius 24n76
Henri III (king) 16–17, 100, 125
Henri IV (king) 16, 30, 65, 66n31, 95n99, 100, 123–27, 136, 173n166
Henri, count of Chaligny 80n64
Henriade (Voltaire) 173n166
heresy 6, 36, 100, 139, 166, 169, 174, 199, 201
heretics 64, 67, 79, 99, 162–65
hermit 10, 175
Histoire des Oracles (Fontenelles) 160n137
Histoire du traité de Westphalie (Bougeant) 218n255
Histoire générale (Coudrette) 14n43, 15n45, 79n63
Historiae Tutelensis libri tres (Baluze) 80n64
Historia (Sforza Pallavicino) 69n43
historiography 15
History (d’Alembert) 107n135
Holland 116, 118, 168
Hollar, Wenceslaus 173n168
Holofernes 180
Holy Ghost 98n107, 98n111
Holy League 124–25
Honorius I (pope) 169
hoplites 203n228
Hosius 65
hospital(s) 71n44, 87, 89, 91
Hospitallers of St. John of God 184n185
Hospitallers of the Holy Spirit 71n44
Hozjusz, Cardinal Stanisław 65n30
Huguenots 125n42, 148n105, 207m238
Hungary 114
Hutton, Joseph Edmund
History of the Moravian Church 32n19
Hyacinthe, Guillaume 135n76, 218n255
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint 27n86, 35n30, 52n61, 66n32, 72–74, 76, 80, 96, 112n6, 116–17, 118n21–n22, 180, 181n180, 204
Ignatius of Antioch, Saint 99n112
Ignorantin 184
Iliad (Homer) 129n55
Imbruglia, Girolamo 16n48
Imitation of Christ (Kempis) 139n86
India 85, 137n83, 197n213
Indian(s) 4n9, 34n24, 85n79, 115n11, 137n83
indecency 170
independence 159, 181
Indies, mission to 78, 85, 129, 134
indigenous 34n24–n25, 146n100. Paraguay and Guaraní
indulgences 92, 142n92
infallibility, doctrine of papal 88n85, 169n162, 178, 181
infantry 173n68, 198n216, 203n229
infidels 38, 116, 181
infidelity 108
injustice 106, 187, 190n198, 204n232
Innocent II (pope) 89n88
Innocent III (pope) 47, 81, 99n112
Innocent XI (pope) 65
Inquisition 5n13, 6, 36n33, 178–80
Institut de la Compagnie de Jesus. see Jesuits.
interdict(s) 44, 92
Isaiah, abbot 83
Isaiah, biblical 56
Isidore, Saint 83
Israel 25, 109, 166
Istoria del Concilio di Trento (Sforza Pallavicino) 69n43
Jacob, biblical 81
Jacobin(s) 125, 179. Dominicans
Jacobus, Saint 125n44
Jahel, biblical 180
James the Great 125n44
janissaries 198n216
Jansen, Cornelius 150n108
Augustinus 150n108, 154n122
Jansenism 117, 133, 140n89, 149, 150n108, 150n109, 151, 160, 162–63
Acts of Jansenists for 24
adversaries of 163, 166, 169–71, 207. Jesuits
Calvinist theology and 140n89
Jansenists 9, 11–12, 14, 18–25, 32, 35, 113, 130, 133, 135, 138–41, 145, 147–48, 152, 157, 159–63, 165–71, 173–74, 178, 180, 185, 189, 193, 195–203, 205–7, 209, 211, 214, 216
Japan 85, 146
Jeremiah, biblical 105
Jerusalem 56
Jesuit Relations, Canada missions 146n100
Jesuitism 21
Jesuits 1–5, 7–24, 27–40, 42–50, 52, 54–59, 62–63, 65–68, 70–72, 74–75, 77–80, 83–97, 103, 106–8, 110–13, 115–49, 151–55, 157–63, 165–67, 169–209, 211–18
abolishment of 187
abuses, in institutions of 35n27, 64, 76
accommodation, strategy of 137n83, 145n98
accusations against 13, 49, 55, 72, 74, 76–77, 79, 87, 89, 90, 95, 139n86, 147, 153, 173, 178–80
admission to 77, 79, 127, 129
adversaries of 56, 77, 119–20, 134, 143–44, 151–53, 174. Jansenism, Jansenists, and philosophers
as apostles to missions 36, 78, 122, 145, 192
Arianism and 216
banishment of 63, 123, 166
bankruptcy in Martinique 186n188
ban on 63, 103, 124n39
Benedict XIV and 9, 35, 48n55, 66, 145n98, 170, 196–99, 217
as birds of prey 130
Canada missions of 146
China mission of 134, 137, 138n83, 142–45, 178, 182
Chinese Rites Controversy and 143n93, 145n98, 182n181
Christophe de Beaumont and 13, 15, 56n8, 65n29, 72, 75–82, 84–85, 90, 92–94, 97
Constitutions of 35n27, 43n44, 44n44, 66, 72, 73n50, 75n53, 76–79, 93n, 116–17, 118n22, 130n59, 130n61, 134, 175–76, 185, 188n192
Damiens Affair and 2, 7, 10, 29n2, 30–32, 40, 115n12, 177n176, 178–77
examination of conscience for 82
expulsions from Portugal and France 5, 13, 16n49, 21, 29n2, 45n48, 48n55, 63, 115n13, 118n23, 149, 182–3, 187, 190, 191n201, 198, 202–4, 206n236, 208n240, 214
General Congregations of 76n55
Second Congregation 75n53, 77
Fifth Congregation 75n53
Seventh Congregation 78n61
Guillaume-Hyacinthe Bougeant and 135n76, 218n255
Henri IV and 16, 30, 65, 66n31, 95n99, 123–27, 173n166
intolerance of 200
Jacques-Benigne Bossuet on 15, 65, 94, 109
Jacques Boileau and 140n88
janissaries compared to 198n216
Jansenism and 12, 27, 117, 133, 149, 151, 160, 162–63, 196, 201, 203–4, 212, 217
Jean Le Rond d’Alembert on 21–22, 27, 111n2, 119n25, 127n51, 131, 136n80, 175, 187, 198n215, 201n222, 211n243
Jesuit Relations, Canada missions of 146n100
Lavalette Affair and 45n48 , 167n155, 174n172
Louis XV and 7–9, 11, 23, 29, 115n12, 117n18, 139n85, 162n141, 177n176, 178n177, 186n190, 191n201
Marquis of Pombal and 1, 5, 7, 9, 14, 35–37, 45, 178–79, 183, 214
Martinique mission of 11, 45n48, 56n8, 174, 182, 186
Maryland mission of 27
Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux on 142n92, 154n120
non-professed members of 213
in Paraguay 4, 15, 16n48, 21, 34, 37, 44, 120–22
Pastoral Instruction of Beaumont in defense of 54–110
Pierre-Jean Grosley and 10, 13–14, 18, 27, 29–40, 42–50, 52, 215n48
professed members of 44n44, 75, 79–80, 117n19, 125n43, 188, 212–13
privileges of 60, 79, 83–90, 92–94
prohibition of 107–8, 145n98
regulations of 65n29, 69, 74, 75–78, 82, 90, 95
sacramental administration controversy and 9, 23, 71, 90–91, 105–7, 163, 166–67, 170–71, 199
secrecy and 72–74
spirituality of 139n86
spying accusations on 80–82, 134
Superior General of 35n29, 36n33, 43n44, 44n44, 45, 112n6, 118, 135n75, 179, 188, 192, 211–12, 214n247
suppression of 3, 10, 11n33, 29n2, 33n21, 35n28, 35n29, 45n48, 50, 108n136, 114n10, 118n23, 130, 145, 170n163, 182, 187n191, 188n192, 188n194, 191n200–n201, 199n217, 200, 208, 214n247
Távora Affair and 5, 29n3, 36, 37n34, 37n37, 38, 40, 115n12
Versailles presence of 172, 174, 192, 211n243
Jesuits’ Catechism, The (Pasquier) 10n30 18n55, 22n66, 30n7, 30n10, 51n59, 71n45, 123n35, 124n39
Jesuit Relations, Canada missions 146n100
Joachim of Fiore 25
Joad, in Athalie 199
Joannet, Jean-Baptiste 200n219, 207n237
John Chrysostom, Saint 99
John of God, Saint 184n185
Joly de Fleury, Guillaume-François 195n209
Joly de Fleury, Jean-Omer 195n209
Joseph I (king) 4–5, 7, 29n3, 35n27, 36n33, 37n35, 41n42, 45n48, 115n12
Joseph, patriarch 81
José I the Reformer (king). see Joseph I
Journal chrétien 207n237
judgments 54, 56, 62, 68, 70, 96, 109, 150n111
Judith, biblical 180
Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto (Malagrida) 1n1
Julian the Apostate 169n159
Julius III (pope) 75
Junqueira, Portugal 41
jurisprudence 60, 101, 104, 191
Jus ecclesiasticum universum (van Espen) 61n22
justice 50, 62–63, 94, 101, 115, 174, 180, 189, 206, 217
Kempis, Thomas à 139n86
King James Version, Bible 81n71, 98n107
Knights of Christ 70
Knights Templar 71n44, 190
Kraków, Poland 119n26
La Chalotais, Louis-René de Caradeuc de 22n66, 113n8, 155n24, 182n18, 183–84, 202
Essay on National Education 155n124
La Flèche, College of 126n48, 136, 160
La Fontaine, Jean de 115n114, 149n107, 151, 175n173
“Rat who withdrew from the world, The” 174, 175n173
La Motte, Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de. see Madame Guyon
La Salle, Jean-Baptiste de 184n185
La Tour, Claude-Pierre Roussel de 96
La Trappe, abbey of 14, 71n44
labyrinth 16n31
laity 56n7, 117n17
Lalourcé, Charlemagne 66n34
Lambertini, Prospero Lorenzo 170n163
Lancelot, Claude 153n118
Lateran basilica 71n44
Lateran Council
III 99n112
IV 206n234
Lavalette, Antoine 11, 45n48, 56n8
Lavalette Affair 45n48 , 167n155, 174n172
laws 25, 29n4, 50, 52, 57, 60, 62, 66n32, 68, 74–78, 80, 84, 92, 93, 103–6, 107n132, 109, 112, 117, 148n105, 156n126, 167, 168n156, 175–76, 182, 184, 191, 193, 204, 209–10
lawsuit(s) 124, 175
laxism 59
Laínez, Diego 116, 118, 118n21
Le Moyne, Pierre 131n66, 132n67
Le Paige, Louis-Adrien 8, 14n43, 24n76, 29, 51, 79n63, 195n209. Grosley, Pierre-Jean
Christophe de Beaumont and 24n76, 79n63
Gallicanism and 14
General History of the Birth and Progress of the Company of Jesus in France 14, 79n63
as Jansenist 8, 14, 20, 23, 195n209
Paris bar association head 8
Pierre-Jean Grosley and 10, 13–14, 29–53
Pombal and 9
Unigenitus and 23
Reflections on the Attempted Assassination of the King of Portugal 9–10, 18, 29–54, 114n10, 122n32, 124n38, 158n132, 170n163, 174n172, 179n178, 188n194, 194n206, 195n210, 199n218
Le Tellier, priest 147
Lebanon, Mount 18
legates 68–69
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 132n68
leisure 38, 189
Lemaistre de Sacy, Louis-Isaac 153n117
Leo I (pope) 99
Leo IX (pope) 89n88
Leo X (pope) 89n88
Leuven, University of 61n21, 150n108–n109
Levites 105
liberalism 27
Liguori, Alfonso, Saint 59n14
Lisbon, Portugal 1, 30, 34, 36–37, 41n42, 42–47, 49–50, 114
Little Schools 153n117–n119, 154n119, 212n244
Lollard movement 99n115
Lombardy, Italy 36n33
London, England 198, 217n253
Longueruana (Gijon and Desmarets) 136n79
Lorraine, Duchy of 191n201
Louis le Grand, College de 147
Louis XIII (king) 65n30, 100, 127
Louis XIV (king) 8, 14, 31n13, 100, 132n66, 142n92, 145–48, 157–60, 203n230
Louis XV (king) 7–9, 11, 23, 29, 115n12, 117n18, 139n85, 162n141, 177n176, 178n177, 186n190, 191n201
Louis, Saint 18, 51
Low Countries 139n86. Holland and Netherlands
Loyola, Ignatius of, Saint 27n86, 35n30, 52n61, 66n32, 72–74, 76, 80, 96, 112n6, 116–17, 118n21–n22, 180, 181n180, 204
Lyon, France 18, 166n152, 173n167, 174
Macedon 202n228
Macedonia 202–3
Madame Guyon (Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de La Motte) 141n90
Madrid, Spain 4, 49, 116n14, 161
Madrid, Treaty of 34n26, 44n45
Maffei, Giovanni Pietro
De vita et moribus Ignatii Loiolae 116n14
magistrates 2, 8, 13–14, 23–26, 50, 52, 56–57, 59–60, 63, 66, 70, 102–5, 107n132, 111, 113, 125, 134, 158, 159, 166–69, 177, 180, 183–84, 187–88, 191–92, 196, 202, 205–6, 209–10, 213
Malagrida affair 114n10, 170n163, 179n179
Malagrida, Gabriel 1, 4, 5n13, 17, 36, 38, 45–48, 114n10, 140n163, 179
Juizo da verdadeira causa do terremoto 1n1
Malebranche, Nicolas 133
malice 30, 33, 38–39, 42, 104, 204n232
Mandeville, Bernard
Fable of the Bees 16n48
Manelphius, Domenicus 82n72
Manuale regularium constans … (Pellizzari) 88n84
manuscripts 9–10, 67n37, 118n22, 124, 161
marriage(s) 37n37, 92
Marseille, France 11, 71, 174
Martinique, Lesser Antilles 11, 45n48, 56n8, 174, 182, 186
Mary Immaculate, religious group 71n44, 133n71
Maryland, United States 27
Mascarenhas, José 37, 40, 48
Mass 103, 126n46, 130n61, 175, 198
materialism 19, 24, 25
Matos, João de 6, 47n50, 48. Malagrida affair
Maximes et reflexions sur la comédie (Bossuet) 65n29
Mecca, Saudi Arabia 201n222
Mecedarians 71n44
media 6n15, 8
Medulla theologiae moralis (Busenbaum) 177n176
Melun, Edict of 100
Memoirs of the East Indian Mission (Parisot) 197n213
Menaggio, Italy 36n33
mendicant orders 119, 127, 184n186
mental reservation 188n195
merchant(s) 6, 11, 45, 124n39, 174–75, 201n222
Mercurian, Everard 118n22
Mercy of Jesus, nuns 71
Mexico 67n37
Middle Ages 25, 139n86, 156n126
Middle East 85n79
Milan, Italy 64n27
Military Order of Christ 71n44
Ming dynasty 145n98
Minotaur 31n16
miracles 49, 179–80
Mirasson, Isidore 20n59
Mirepoix, France 117n18, 163
missionary/missionaries 3, 75, 78, 85n79, 93, 121n30, 128n53, 129, 134, 137, 139, 143, 144n95, 145, 146, 147n102, 170n163, 208n239
Mithridates 135
Molina, Luis de 139
Concordia 150n110
Molinism 59n14, 139, 150n110, 204
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) 169
monarchism 28n87
monasteries/monastery 73, 80, 83, 89, 132n69, 179, 184n186
Monita privata (secreta) 121n30
monk(s) 61n20, 70, 73n47, 74n52, 79n62, 83, 86n81, 99n113, 125n41, 128, 130, 132n69, 144–45, 149, 176, 183–84, 193, 196, 197n213, 198
Monothelitism, doctrine of 169n161, 169n162
Monte Cassino, Italy 73, 86
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de 15, 16n48, 21
Spirit of the Laws 15
Morale jésuitique (Arnauld the Younger) 152
morality 142, 144, 154, 157n130, 160, 173n167
Moréri, Louis
Dictionnaire historique 154n121
Morocco 114n10
Moscow, Russia 129n55
Moses 109
Muhammad, prophet 202n222
murder 38, 46, 48, 51, 124, 190n198
music 202
Muslim(s) 18, 71n44, 201n222
mystic 33n23, 64n27, 116n15
Mémoires de Trévoux 167n173
Mémoires et journal inédit (d’Argenson) 19n57
Métaphraste 169n160
Münster, Germany 177n176
Nadal, Jerónimo 128n53
Nantes, Edict of 88n83, 148n105
Naples, Italy 118n22
Native American 115n11
Negrone, Giulio 73n49
Neri, Filippo 64n27, 71n44
Nestorians 165n150
Nestorius 165
Netherlands 27, 48n152, 61n21, 168n157
Austrian 27
Spanish 61n21
Neuchâtel, Switzerland 12
Neuville, Charles Frey de 217n254
newsletters 174
newspaper 48n52
Newton, Sir Isaac 156, 215n249
Nicaea, Council of 136, 164, 165n148, 216
Nicene Creed 165n148, 165n151
Nicole, Pierre 153n117, 203
Nicole family 194
Nobili, Roberto de 137n83
De Reformatione 99n112
nobility 4–5, 66, 140n87, 177, 185, 206
nobles 50, 124, 125n42, 129m 137, 140–41
non-professed members 213
Norbert, priest 197–98
norms 15, 106
Notre-Dame 195n209
Nouvelles ecclésiastiques 20n58, 23, 174n170, 217n254
novel 1, 11. see Candide
novice(s) 79–81, 179
novitiate(s) 77, 79, 112n6, 127, 129, 187
Nuns of the Passion 71n44
nuns 71, 79, 150n109, 158
obedience 52, 68, 95, 117, 176, 178, 181, 184, 210–11, 213
Observant Franciscans 86n81, 87n83
Observations on Italy and the Italians (Grosley) 215
Oeuvres complètes (Rousseau) 12n35–n36, 96n101
Ohio River 3
Old Man of the Mountain 18, 50–51, 195. de Mézeray, Eudes
On the Sovereign’s Right to the Funds of the Clergy and the Monks 25
Opera quaecumque hactenus (van Espen) 62n25
oracles 160
oratories 117n17
Oratory, Roman 64n27
Order of Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God 71n44
Order of the Most Holy Trinity 71n44
Order of Our Lady of Charity 71n44
Order of Our Lady of Mercy 71n44
ordinaries 89–90, 93
ordonnance 35
Ordonnances du roy Charles 106n131
Origins of Oriental Despotism (Boulanger) 24
Orleans, ordinance of 106n131
Orléans, duke of 157, 160
orthodoxy 136n79, 165n48, 201n224
Ottoman Porte 198
Pacific 85n79
Padberg, John 52n61
pagan 144, 160n137
painting(s) 178, 181
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de 67
pamphlet(s) 2, 7, 9, 20, 23, 26, 39n40, 79, 129n55, 207, 214
Pandurs 173n168
Panormitanus 61n22
papacy 13, 117n19, 160n139, 170n163, 198n216
Papal States 198
Paraguay 4, 15, 16n48, 21, 34, 37, 44, 120–22
Paris, archbishop of. see de Beaumont, Christophe
Paris, parlement of 7–8, 11–12, 68, 93n98, 101, 108, 123n36, 130n62, 167n155, 175n174, 176, 182, 184, 186n190, 192–93
Parisot, Peter. see Norbert
parricide 10, 17, 131, 180
partisanship 7, 9, 204n233
Partitions of Poland
First 27
Pascal, Blaise 137n82, 142n92, 148–49, 154n121, 194, 203
Provincial Letters 59n14, 137n81, 148–50, 152, 154
Pasquier, Étienne
Jesuit’s Catechism 10n30 18n55, 22n66, 30n7, 30n10, 51n59, 71n45, 123n35, 124n39
Passau, Germany 88n83
Passioneï, Cardinal Domenico 128, 215
patriotism 22–23, 26, 111
Paul the Apostle, Saint 49, 55, 80, 98, 107, 109, 139, 213
Paul of the Cross, Saint 71n44
pedagogy 18, 212n244
Pelagianism 139n86
Pelagius 138
Pellizzari, Francesco
Manuale regularium constans … 88n84
penance 49, 139
penitence 57, 61
Pennsylvania, United States 15
pensions 189, 192, 211
persecution(s) 49, 52, 55, 107, 146n105, 136, 152–53, 156, 159, 168, 189, 195n208, 198, 202, 216–17
Persian empire 118
Pétau, Denis 131n64, 136
Dogmata theologica 215n250
Peter the Great (czar) 198–99
Peter, Saint 98
phalanx, Macedonian 202n228, 203n228–n229
Pharisees 39
Philip V (king) 161n140
Philippe II d’Orléans 136n77, 160n138–n139
Philistines 180
philosophe(s) 1, 11–12, 16, 19–26, 102, 115, 128n55, 138n84, 170n163, 171, 173–74, 193, 194n205, 196
Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire) 24
philosopher(s) 14, 121, 126n48, 132–33, 141n90, 153, 156n126, 157, 160, 167, 171182–83, 203, 204n233, 217n253
Philosophy of History (Voltaire) 24
philosophy 15, 20, 113, 122, 131–33, 143, 154–55, 160, 171, 196, 209, 212, 215, 218
physics 143, 145, 217
Piccolomini, Silvio 61n22
Picpusses 195
Pithou, Pierre 14
Pius II (pope) 61n22
Pius V (pope) 65, 66n31
plague 46
plantations 11, 27
Platel, Abbé 197n213
Plato 155
playwright(s) 135, 153, 156–57, 169
Plutarch 186n189
poem 1, 131, 173
poetry 131–32, 147, 179
Poissy, Colloquy of 13
Polanco, Juan Alfonso de 52n61
Poland 27
Pole, Cardinal Reginald 65n30
Pombal, Marquis of (Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo) 1, 4–7, 9, 14, 35–37, 45, 178–79, 183, 214
Pompeius, Gnaeus 166n153
Pompey 166
Pondicherry, India 197n213
Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste 169n160
Port Royal Abbey 151, 153–54
destruction of 157–58
Little Schools of 153n117–n119, 154n119, 212n244
Port Royal Bible 153n117
Port Royal Grammar 153
Portugal 4–7, 9, 11, 18, 29, 31, 33–37, 39, 41, 43–49, 51–53, 68, 114–15, 170, 178–79, 183, 192–93, 198, 201, 208, 214
Portuguese assistancy 35n27
poverty 57, 77–78, 112, 117, 119, 122, 128, 210–11, 213
Pozzo, Andrea 180n180, 181n180
“Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne” (Voltaire) 1
Prague, Czechia 32n19, 119n26
priesthood 63, 91, 158
priests 8, 27, 63, 70, 90–91, 102, 104–5, 109, 112, 133, 149, 162–63, 166, 168, 170, 177, 193
priories 146n101
procurators 77n58
professed, religious 44n44, 75, 79–80, 117n19, 125n43, 188, 212–13
prohibition 107–8, 145n98
prostitutes 39
Protestant(s) 12, 67, 98, 100, 125, 131, 140, 145, 147–48, 164, 217
Protestantism 112, 126
Provence, France 188
Provincial Letters (Pascal) 59n14, 137n81, 148–50, 152, 154
Prussia 12, 114, 115n11, 208n240
prejudice 39, 90, 93, 101, 134
pseudonyms 133n70
punishment 1, 8n19, 29n4, 32–33, 39, 47, 103–4, 141, 170, 179, 189, 190n198, 206
Puységur, marquis de 25n78
Pyrrho 144n97
Pyrrhonism 144
Qing dynasty 145n98
Quebec, Canada 27
Quesnel, Pasquier 31n13
Quinque capitula 3
Quintus Sertorius 166n153
Quixote 116n115
Quaestiones quodlibetales (Aquinas) 81n69
“Rabbit, the Weasel and the Cat,The” (d’Alembert) 151n114
Racine, Jean 153, 154n119
Athalie 199, 200n219
Bajazet 188, 189n196
Ragusa, Republic of 217n253
Rapsodie 129n56
Rat who withdrew from the world, The” (La Fontaine) 174, 175n173
Ratio studiorum 65n29
rationalism 201n225
Ravaillac, François 126n47
reason 154, 162, 195–97, 201–6
Recollects 179
Redemptorists 59n14
reducciones 4, 34n25–n26, 122n32
reductions. see reducciones
“Reflections on History” (d’Alembert) 17
Reflections on the Attempted Assassination of the King of Portugal (Grosley and le Paige) 9–10, 18, 29–54, 114n10, 122n32, 124n38, 158n132, 170n163, 174n172, 179n178, 188n194, 194n206, 195n210, 199n218
Reformed Franciscans 58n11
regicide 7, 37n35, 38n38, 39n40, 123–24, 145, 147, 175, 177n176, 178, 180, 192
Regis, Jean-François, Saint 66n31
Regula Societatis Jesu 67n38, 73n49
Regula S. Augustini episcopi et constitutiones 80n66
Regula S. Benedicti et Constitutiones Congregationis Eremitarum 73n48
Regulae communes Societatis Jesu 73n49
regulars 69n41, 84, 92
regulations, religious institutions 59n13, 65n29, 69, 74, 75–78, 82, 90, 95
Reims, France 184n185
Religion, Wars of 13, 125n42, 126n48
Remarques, pour servir de supplément à l’Essai sur l’histoire générale … (Voltaire) 17n50, 19n56
Renaissance, Spanish 116n15
revolutions, age of 1
Ribadeneyra, Pedro de
Vida del Ignacio de Loyola 116n14
Ricci, Lorenzo 35n29, 35n30, 36n33, 48n51, 188n194, 214n247
Ricci, Matteo 137n83, 145n98
Richelieu. see Cardinal Richelieu
Riflessioni di un Portoghese … (Tosetti) 35n30
Rinaldi, Oderico 89n87
Ripert de Monclar, Jean-Pierre-François de 188n192
Rodríguez, Alfonso 74n51
Roman Curia 44, 120, 125–26, 158, 164, 198
Roman empire 16, 118, 165n148
Roman law 190
Roman Oratory 64n27, 71n44
Rome, Italy 31, 35–36, 44, 46–48, 52, 69, 78, 80, 82, 87, 89, 112, 116, 118, 134–35, 162, 166, 178, 180, 195, 198, 205, 216–17
Romuald, Saint 73n48. Camaldolese
Rouen, Edict of 126n45
Rouen, France 62n25, 112n6, 157n29
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 11–13, 21, 24–25, 96, 102n123
Émile 11–12, 24
Oeuvres complètes 12n35–n36, 96n101
Social Contract 24
Royal Prussia 65n30
Rufinus of Aquileia 83n75
Russia 27, 115n11, 129n55, 199n217, 203n229
revolution 40, 64, 105, 114, 195. American and French revolution
Sacramentines 71n44
sacraments 9, 23, 90–91, 105–7, 163, 166–67, 171, 199
Sacri Eremi 73n48
Saint Petersburg, Russia 114, 128–29
Saint-Sulpice church, Paris 161
Sainte Chapelle, Paris 140n88
Sainte-Genevieve 65n28
Salamanca, College of 61n22
Saldanha da Gama, Cardinal Francisco 35n27, 44n46
Sant’Ignazio Church, Rome 180n180
Salus populi suprema lex esto 136
Salzburg, Austria 88n83
Samson, biblical 180
Sánchez, Tomás 137n81
Sardinia, Kingdom of 208
Sarpi, Paolo 121n30. Venice
Saugler, André 217n254
Savoy 12
Saxony 115n11
Scaevola 22
Schall von Bell, Johann Adam 145n98
scholastics (Jesuit students) 79–80
Scholastics (philosophers) 127
school(s) 14, 27n86, 56, 60–61, 65n29, 67, 96, 131, 151n112, 165n150, 189n196. Little Schools
sciences 127, 130–31, 133–34, 197, 217
scientia media, concept 150n110. Molinism
Scientific Revolution 156n126
Scotus, John Duns 156n126
Scriptures(s) 24, 33, 49, 56, 97, 135, 142, 144, 164
secularism 207n237
sedition(s) 24, 38, 204
seminaries 147, 187
Seneca 217n254
Sens, France 140n88
Serapion, Saint 83
serfs 34
sermon(s) 49, 99, 102, 131n65, 142, 172n165, 203n230, 217n254, 218
Sertorius 166
Seven Years’ War 3, 8, 115n11, 194n206
Seven Reductions, War of 4
seventeenth century 3, 34n25, 59n14, 133n72, 142n92, 146n99–n100, 154n119, 156n126, 181n180
Seventh Congregation, Jesuit 78
Seville, Spain 83n75, 114n10
Sextus Empiricus 144n97
Sforza Pallavicino, Francesco 82
Historia 69n43
Storia del Concilio di Trento 69n41
ships, sailing 36n31, 179, 214
Shirley, William 6
Observations on a Pamphlet lately Published … 6n16
silence, law of 166, 169
silence, vow of 57, 177
Silesia 208
Silesian Wars 208n240
simony 106n131
Sisara, biblical 180
sixteenth century 10, 13–14, 91, 121n30, 139n86
Sixth Ecumenical Council 169n162
Sixtus IV (pope) 86n81
slavery/slave trade 4, 83, 145–46, 190 190n198
slave(s) 83, 145–46, 190
Soares, Manoel 1n1
Social Contract (Rousseau) 24
Societas Iesu 31n12, 69n43
Society of Jesus. Jesuits
Soissons, France 185
Solitary Men of Port-Royal 212n244
Solon 204
Solski, Stanisław 215n249
Sorbonne 19, 20n57, 54, 171
space. earthquake of 1755 1755 1, 4, 114n10
Spain 3–6, 33–35, 44, 48, 114, 121, 161, 166, 181, 214
Spanish Netherlands 61n21
Spanish Renaissance 116n15
Spirit of the Laws (Montesquieu) 15
spirituality 71n44
Storia del Concilio di Trento (Sforza Pallavicino) 69n41
Strelitzes 199
Sulpician(s) 161, 162n141
Sultan, Ottoman 198n216
Summa theologiae (Aquinas) 60n16, 61n19, 62n24
superior general, Jesuits 35n29, 36n33, 43n44, 44n44, 45, 112n6, 118, 135n75, 179, 188, 192, 211–12, 214n247
superstition(s) 64, 107n134, 143, 202, 208
suppression, Jesuit 3, 10, 11n33, 29n2, 33n21, 35n28, 35n29, 45n48, 50, 108n136, 114n10, 118n23, 130, 145, 170n163, 182, 187n191, 188n192, 188n194, 191n200–n201, 199n217, 200, 208, 214n247
Suárez, Francisco 132n68
Sweden 115n11
Switzerland 12, 66n31
Syria 51
Sánchez, Tomás 137n81
Tacitus 111, 113, 190
Tagus River 41n42
Tamburini, Tomaso 150n111
taxes 8, 167
Tedeschi, Nicollò de 61n22
Templar(s) 71n44, 190
Ten Commandments 140
Terence 156
Teresa of Ávila 64n27
Theater of the Greeks, The (Brumoy) 218
theater 98, 104, 202, 216
Theatine(s) 92, 117
thefts 38
theocracy 25
theologians 48, 60–61, 92, 114n10, 149, 153, 154n121, 155, 170, 181, 195n208, 206
theology 19, 25, 51, 59–60, 123, 125, 131–32, 137, 140–41, 150, 154, 155–56, 171, 176–77, 188, 201, 206, 212, 215–16
Theotokos 165n151
Theresa, Saint. see Teresa of Ávila
Theseus 31n16
Thiers, Jean-Baptiste 195n207
Third General Congregation, Jesuit 76
Thirteen Colonies 27
thirteenth century 18
Thmuis 83n75
Thousand and One Nights 19
Tokugawa shogunate 146n99
Toledo, Council of 99n112
Tolomas, Charles Pierre-Xavier 18
Topelius, Zacharius 32n19
Tordesillas, Treaty of 34n26
torture 5–7, 29n4, 47, 82–83
Tosetti, Urbano
Riflessioni di un Portoghese … 35n30
Toulouse, parlement of 125
Tournon, France 112n6
Tours, France 125n40
trade 3–4, 41n42, 44–45, 174, 176, 186
Trappist 71n44
treatise 2, 11–12, 25, 74, 132n68
Trent, Council of 13, 63n26, 64n27, 68, 70, 72, 84, 90, 99, 109, 118n21
tribunal(s) 9, 56–57, 59–60, 68, 70, 103, 180
church 13
consensus 14
reforms 3
Trinitarianism 169n159. Arianism
Trinitarians 71n44
Troyes France 10, 14
Trublet, Charles Joseph 207n237
Trévoux, France 173
Journal of Trévoux 173n167, 218
tsunami 1, 114n10
Tudor era 65n30
Tulle, France 79n64
Turks 176n175
Tuscany, Italy 73n48
tyrannicide 18, 30n10, 108n136, 125n40
Távora Affair 5, 29n3, 36, 37n34, 37n37, 38, 40, 115n12
Távora family 5, 115n12
Távora, Leonor Tomásia de 37n34, 37n37
Távora, marchioness of 37n34
Ukraine 203n229
ultramontane 112, 159, 159n135, 179, 181
Unamuno, Miguel de 116n15
Unigenitus, bull of 8–9, 20, 23, 31, 97, 112, 157–60, 162–64, 166–68, 170–71, 174, 205
United States 27
Urban VIII (pope) 66n31
Utrecht, Netherlands 61n21
Valens 169n159
Vallière, Gilles de la Baume le Blanc de la 80n64
van Espen, Zeger Berhard 61, 101, 102n121
Jus ecclesiasticum universum 61n22
Vás(z)quez, Gabriel 151, 151n112
Vatican 128n54
venial sin 38–39, 46
Venice, Republic of 176, 208
Verdun, France 80n64
Versailles, palace of 7, 172, 174, 192, 211n243
Versailles, Edict of 101n118
Victor II (pope) 89n88
Vida del Ignacio de Loyola (Ribadeneyra) 116n14
Vienna, Austria 73n48
Vilnius, Lithuania 119n26
Virgil 183
Virgin Mary 116, 165n151
Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) 1, 4n10, 16, 18, 19n56, 21n63, 25, 131n66, 132n67, 180, 207n237
Candide 1, 4, 34n24, 201
d’Alembert and 18, 151n113, 173n166, 197n212
de La Chalotais for 155n124
Essai sur les moeurs et l’esprit des nations 151n113
Essay on Universal History 16, 18, 24
Henriade 173n66, 173n169
“Histoire,” in Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné 16n49
Le sottisier 21n62
Philosophical Dictionary 24
Remarques, pour servir de supplément à l’Essai sur l’histoire générale 17n50, 19n56
vows, religious 22–23, 57, 63, 65, 68n38, 75–76, 79n64, 80n64, 95, 108–9, 129, 130n59, 133, 182, 184, 186, 188, 208, 211, 213
chastity 117, 210, 213
Jesuit fourth vow of obedience 52, 68, 95, 117, 129, 176, 178, 181, 184, 210–11, 213
poverty 57, 77–78, 112, 117, 119, 122, 128, 210–11, 213
Vulgate Bible 53n62
War of Seven Reductions 4
Wars of Religion 13, 125n42, 126n48
Westphalia, Treaty of 218
Wycliffe, John 99
Xavier, Francis, Saint 85
Ypres, Belgium 150n108
Zaïre 197n212
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