isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004222885 Evaluating the Effectiveness of International Refugee Law 9789004152519 9789047410270 Alborzi 10.1163/ej.9789004152519.i-335 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-29 2006-08-01 monograph P 9789004222885 The Challenge of Conflict: International Law Responds 9789004145993 9789047408208 Dolgopol 10.1163/ej.9789004145993.i-629 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-03-23 2006-03-29 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 24: The Right to Health 9789004147331 9789047418108 Eide 10.1163/ej.9789004147331.i-52 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-04-28 2006-04-01 monograph P 9789004222885 European Asylum Law and International Law 9789004150874 9789047409427 Battjes 10.1163/ej.9789004150874.i-689 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-05-15 2006-05-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Trafficking of Human Beings from a Human Rights Perspective 9789004154056 9789047411062 Obokata 10.1163/ej.9789004154056.i-247 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-30 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Military Ethics 9789004154407 9789047411253 Baarda 10.1163/ej.9789004154407.i-395 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-05 2006-10-31 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 27: The Right to an Adequate Standard of Living 9789004148789 9789047408659 Eide 10.1163/ej.9789004148789.i-49 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 monograph P 9789004222885 Property Rights in Blood, Genes and Data 9789004150539 9789047417682 Bovenberg 10.1163/ej.9789004150539.i-215 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-21 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 13: The Right to Freedom of Expression 9789004148680 9789047408642 Thorgeirsdóttir 10.1163/ej.9789004148680.i-53 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-05 2006-10-05 monograph P 9789004222885 For the Sake of Humanity 9789004141254 9789047418269 Stephens 10.1163/ej.9789004141254.i-394 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-12 2006-07-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union 9789004150645 9789047409304 Guild 10.1163/ej.9789004150645.i-425 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-05-29 2006-06-01 monograph P 9789004222885 The Role of Islam in the Legal System of Pakistan 9789004149274 9789047417170 Lau 10.1163/ej.9789004149274.i-250 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-11 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Social Issues, Globalisation and International Institutions 9789004145795 9789047427377 Leary 10.1163/ej.9789004145795.i-418 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-09-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Redressing Miscarriages of Justice: Practice and Procedure in (International) Criminal Cases 9781571053602 9789047431190 Knoops 10.1163/ej.9781571053602.i-212 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-04-30 2007-04-30 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 40: Child Criminal Justice 9789004148888 9789047417453 Bueren 10.1163/ej.9789004148888.i-31 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law 9789004152793 9789047410485 Papagianni 10.1163/ej.9789004152793.i-393 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-30 2006-08-01 monograph P 9789004222885 The Dynamics of International Criminal Justice 9789004145870 9789047417804 Abtahi 10.1163/ej.9789004145870.i-315 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-23 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Human Rights and Refugees, Internally Displaced Persons and Migrant Workers 9789004144835 9789047417668 Bayefsky 10.1163/ej.9789004144835.i-599 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-13 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 8-9: The Right to Preservation of Identity and The Right Not to Be Separated from His or Her Parents 9789004148642 9789047408635 Doek 10.1163/ej.9789004148642.i-32 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-09 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Human Rights Protection in the Field 9789004148475 9789047417705 Ramcharan 10.1163/ej.9789004148475.i-430 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-23 2006-02-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 28: The Right to Education 9789004147294 9789047417071 Verheyde 10.1163/ej.9789004147294.i-70 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-28 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Children's Health and Children's Rights 9789004148949 9789047408697 Freeman 10.1163/ej.9789004148949.i-337 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-03-23 2006-02-01 monograph P 9789004222885 EU Immigration and Asylum Law 9789004153745 9789047410904 Peers 10.1163/ej.9789004153745.i-1027 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-30 2006-08-30 monograph P 9789004222885 Defense in International Criminal Proceedings 9781571053312 9789047431176 Bohlander 10.1163/ej.9781571053312.i-900 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-03-21 2006-03-21 monograph P 9789004222885 Judging War Crimes and Torture 9789004153295 9789047410706 Beigbeder 10.1163/ej.9789004153295.i-378 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-29 2006-09-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 31: The Right to Leisure, Play and Culture 9789004148826 9789047408666 David 10.1163/ej.9789004148826.i-34 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-30 2006-08-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Corporal Punishment of Children: A Human Rights Violation 9781571053657 9789047431169 Bitensky 10.1163/ej.9781571053657.i-398 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-14 2006-06-14 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 37: Prohibition of Torture, Death Penalty, Life Imprisonment and Deprivation of Liberty 9789004148864 9789047408673 Schabas 10.1163/ej.9789004148864.i-96 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-03-23 2006-03-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Punishment and Culture 9789004151499 9789047418023 Falcón y Tella 10.1163/ej.9789004151499.i-268 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-03-23 2006-05-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Practice and Policies of Modern Peace Support Operations under International Law 9781571053619 9789047431206 Knoops 10.1163/ej.9781571053619.i-304 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-07-19 2006-07-19 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Articles 43-45: The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child 9789004147317 9789047408420 Verheyde 10.1163/ej.9789004147317.i-50 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-02-28 2006-02-01 monograph P 9789004222885 International Humanitarian Law: Prospects 9781571052667 9789047431183 Carey 10.1163/ej.9781571052667.i-388 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-09-01 2006-09-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Responding to International Crime 9789004152762 9789047410461 Gilbert 10.1163/ej.9789004152762.i-495 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-05 2006-09-30 monograph P 9789004222885 The Formation of the Treaty Law of Non-International Armed Conflicts 9789004149243 9789047418115 Perna 10.1163/ej.9789004149243.i-170 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-04-28 2006-06-01 monograph P 9789004222885 The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law 9789004147041 9789047417545 Beiter 10.1163/ej.9789004147041.i-738 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-13 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004222885 The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: An Analysis of Treaty Provisions and Implications of U.S. Ratification 9781571053633 9789047431213 Todres 10.1163/ej.9781571053633.i-376 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-05-01 2006-05-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Human Rights Law: From Dissemination to Application 9789004151819 9789047409816 Grimheden 10.1163/ej.9789004151819.i-396 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-09 2006-07-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 14: The Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion 9789004147218 9789047417095 Brems 10.1163/ej.9789004147218.i-40 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-28 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Essential Cases on Human Rights for the Police 9789004139787 9789047418528 Crawshaw 10.1163/9789047418528 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-09-12 2006-09-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Age Discrimination and Children's Rights 9789004148277 9789047417538 Breen 10.1163/ej.9789004148277.i-232 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-12 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Article 4: The Nature of States Parties’ Obligations 9789004147089 9789047408369 Rishmawi 10.1163/ej.9789004147089.i-57 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-01-26 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 International Humanitarian Law: Origins 9781571052643 9789047442820 Carey 10.1163/ej.9781571052674.i-1142 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-04-04 2015-01-27 monograph P 9789004222885 Religion, Secular Beliefs and Human Rights 9789004152090 9789047410010 Lerner 10.1163/ej.9789004152090.i-228 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-30 2006-06-01 monograph P 9789004222885 Women, the Koran and International Human Rights Law 9789004152373 9789047410171 Shah 10.1163/ej.9789004152373.i-263 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-09-12 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004222885 A Commentary on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, Optional Protocol 1 9789004147300 9789047417439 Vandewiele 10.1163/ej.9789004147300.i-66 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004222885 International Humanitarian Law: Challenges 9781571052650 9789004296749 Carey 10.1163/9789004296749 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-06 2015-03-31 monograph P