isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004222953 The Legal Practice in International Law and European Community Law 9789004154261 9789047411161 Jimenez Piernes 10.1163/ej.9789004154261.i-689 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-12-21 2006-10-01 monograph P 9789004222953 Investor Protection in the CIS 9789004155329 9789047411635 Dragneva 10.1163/ej.9789004155329.i-342 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-12-28 2007-03-31 monograph P 9789004222953 State Succession to International Responsibility 9789004158825 9789047420668 Dumberry 10.1163/ej.9789004158825.i-520 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-06-22 2007-07-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Corporations and International Lawmaking 9781571053725 9789047440055 Tully 10.1163/ej.9781571053725.i-508 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-18 2007-11-30 monograph P 9789004222953 WTO - Technical Barriers and SPS Measures 9789004145641 9789047427346 Wolfrum 10.1163/ej.9789004145641.i-565 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-05-30 2007-05-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Access to Environmental Justice: A Comparative Study 9789004157835 9789047420453 Harding 10.1163/ej.9789004157835.i-380 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-06-05 2007-06-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Guide to International Environmental Law 9781571053442 9789047440215 Kiss 10.1163/ej.9781571053442.1-329 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-09-19 2007-09-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Interpretation, Revision and Other Recourse from International Judgments and Awards 9789004157279 9789047421467 Rosenne 10.1163/ej.9789004157279.i-202 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-08-13 2007-08-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Time, History and International Law 9789004154810 9789047411444 Craven 10.1163/ej.9789004154810.i-255 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-12-13 2006-12-01 monograph P 9789004222953 Towards a Reorganisation System for Sovereign Debt 9789004162471 9789047431428 Schier 10.1163/ej.9789004162471.i-312 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-11-14 2007-11-30 monograph P 9789004222953 European Union Administration: Legitimacy and Efficiency 9789004155732 9789047411741 Nedergaard 10.1163/ej.9789004155732.i-204 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2006-12-31 monograph P 9789004222953 Russia, Europe, and the Rule of Law 9789004155336 9789047411642 Feldbrugge 10.1163/ej.9789004155336.i-226 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2007-03-31 monograph P 9789004222953 Diplomacy with a Difference: the Commonwealth Office of High Commissioner, 1880-2006 9789004154971 9789047420590 Lloyd 10.1163/ej.9789004154971.i-353 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-06-22 2007-05-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Self-Determination of Peoples and Plural-ethnic States in Contemporary International Law 9789004158351 9789047423478 McWhinney 10.1163/ej.9789004158351.i-136 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-09-30 2007-09-30 monograph P 9789004222953 The European Community and Marine Environmental Protection in the International Law of the Sea 9789004156951 9789047422341 Frank 10.1163/ej.9789004156951.i-482 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-11-01 2007-09-30 monograph P 9789004222953 The WTO, Animals and PPMs 9781571051868 9789047440048 Nielsen 10.1163/ej.9781571051868.i-355 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-11-02 2007-05-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Russian Commercial Law 9789004162532 9789047421993 Oda 10.1163/ej.9789004162532.i-494 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-09-21 2007-09-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Promoting Justice, Human Rights and Conflict Resolution through International Law / La promotion de la justice, des droits de l’homme et du règlement des conflits par le droit international 9789004153837 9789047410935 Kohen 10.1163/ej.9789004153837.i-1236 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-12-21 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004222953 Standard-Setting at UNESCO 9789004164543 9789047422174 UNESCO 10.1163/ej.9789004164543.1-760 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-15 2007-10-31 monograph P 9789004222953 l’Action Normative à l’UNESCO 9789004164529 9789047422228 Yusuf 10.1163/ej.9789004164529.1-454 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-15 2007-10-31 monograph P 9789004222953 La lex sportiva 9789004156975 9789047419631 Latty 10.1163/ej.9789004156975.i-850 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-04-06 2007-04-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Law, Science & Ocean Management 9789004162556 9789047431497 Nordquist 10.1163/ej.9789004162556.i-850 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-06-22 2007-08-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Essays on International Law and Practice 9789004155367 9789047421108 Rosenne 10.1163/ej.9789004155367.i-684 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-07-20 2007-05-30 monograph P 9789004222953 l'Action Normative à l'UNESCO 9789004164567 9789047422266 UNESCO 10.1163/ej.9789004164567.1-806 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-15 2007-12-31 monograph P 9789004222953 Dispute Settlement in International Space Law 9789004155459 9789047419464 Goh 10.1163/ej.9789004155459.i-408 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-03-26 2007-06-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Claims of Dual Nationals and the Development of Customary International Law 9789004156982 9789047421276 Aghahosseini 10.1163/ej.9789004156982.i-310 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-08-13 2007-07-31 monograph P 9789004222953 International Law and the Genetic Resources of the Deep Sea 9789004155008 9789047418788 Leary 10.1163/ej.9789004155008.i-301 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2006-12-01 monograph P 9789004222953 Foreign Investment, Human Rights and the Environment 9789004156869 9789047419976 Puvimanasinghe 10.1163/ej.9789004156869.i-284 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-05-11 2007-06-30 monograph P 9789004222953 The Ethical Economy of Conflict Prevention and Development 9789004153059 9789047410607 Bredel 10.1163/ej.9789004153059.i-259 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2006-10-29 monograph P 9789004222953 Digest of Jurisprudence of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, 2003-2005 9789004152342 9789047410157 Laucci 10.1163/ej.9789004152342.i-873 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-07 2006-07-01 monograph P 9789004222953 Navigational Servitudes 9789004161559 9789047421665 Gillis 10.1163/ej.9789004161559.i-412 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-08-29 2007-08-31 monograph P 9789004222953 La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1999-1 9789004154001 9789047421504 Stern 10.1163/ej.9789004154001.1-580 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-08-29 2007-08-31 monograph P 9789004222953 Judicial Reports / Recueils judiciaires, 1998 (2 vols) 9789004157750 9789047419754 Int. Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia 10.1163/ej.9789004157750.1-2128 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-04-24 2007-04-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Law of the Sea, Environmental Law and Settlement of Disputes 9789004161566 9789047421917 Ndiaye 10.1163/ej.9789004161566.i-1188 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-09-21 2007-11-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Fool Me Twice: Intelligence Failure and Mass Casualty Terrorism 9789004158450 9789047440291 Copeland 10.1163/ej.9789004158450.i-292 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-05-22 2007-07-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Re-examining Contract and Unjust Enrichment 9789004155633 9789047420378 Giliker 10.1163/ej.9789004155633.i-342 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-06-05 2007-06-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Protected Areas and International Environmental Law 9789004161580 9789047422631 Gillespie 10.1163/ej.9789004161580.i-320 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-11-01 2007-11-30 monograph P 9789004222953 Functional Jurisdiction in the Law of the Sea 9789004163454 9789047423188 Gavouneli 10.1163/ej.9789004163454.i-286 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-11-27 2007-12-31 monograph P 9789004222953 Standard-Setting at UNESCO 9789004164505 9789047422198 Yusuf 10.1163/ej.9789004164505.1-430 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-15 2007-10-31 monograph P