isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004248731 Labyrinths, Intellectuals and the Revolution 9789004246300 9789004247697 Campbell 10.1163/9789004247697 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-02-14 2013-03-27 monograph P 9789004248731 Ancient Synagogues - Archaeology and Art: New Discoveries and Current Research 9789004257733 9789004257726 Hachlili 10.1163/9789004257726 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-10-04 2013-09-30 monograph P 9789004248731 Evliyā Çelebī’s Journey from Bursa to the Dardanelles and Edirne 9789004252257 9789004252950 Karateke 10.1163/9789004252950 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-20 2013-06-20 monograph P 9789004248731 Conquête ottomane de l'Égypte (1517) 9789004225190 9789004232082 Lellouch 10.1163/9789004232082 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-09-19 2012-09-19 monograph P 9789004248731 L'autorité religieuse et ses limites en terres d'islam 9789004244528 9789004244566 Clayer 10.1163/9789004244566 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-03-22 2013-03-15 monograph P 9789004248731 Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 4 (1200-1350) 9789004228542 9789004228559 Thomas 10.1163/9789004228559 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-08-03 2012-08-03 monograph P 9789004248731 The Comfort of the Mystics 9789004233614 9789004233621 Böwering 10.1163/9789004233621 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-02-15 2015-01-08 monograph P 9789004248731 Organizing Muslims and Integrating Islam in Germany 9789004230552 9789004234475 Rosenow-Williams 10.1163/9789004234475 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-10-19 2012-10-19 monograph P 9789004248731 Theologie in der jemenitischen Zaydiyya 9789004251267 9789004251274 Thiele 10.1163/9789004251274 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-05-03 2013-04-29 monograph P 9789004248731 Alliances and Treaties between Frankish and Muslim Rulers in the Middle East 9789004248571 9789004248908 Köhler 10.1163/9789004248908 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-04-25 2013-04-25 monograph P 9789004248731 Muslim Exegesis of the Bible in Medieval Cairo 9789004243163 9789004243200 Demiri 10.1163/9789004243200 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-02-01 2013-01-28 monograph P 9789004248731 Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum Palaestinae, Volume Five: -H-I- 9789004250970 9789004254817 Sharon 10.1163/9789004254817 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-12-13 2013-12-09 monograph P 9789004248731 Politics of Worship in the Contemporary Middle East 9789004247826 9789004249226 Bandak 10.1163/9789004249226 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-03-22 2013-04-15 monograph P 9789004248731 Islamic Legal Thought 9789004254527 9789004255883 Powers 10.1163/9789004255883 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-25 2013-10-09 monograph P 9789004248731 Muḥīṭ al-Tavārīkh (The Sea of Chronicles) 9789004249196 9789004256811 Fallahzadeh 10.1163/9789004256811 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-02-13 2014-02-13 monograph P 9789004248731 Christian-Muslim Dialogue 9789004238497 9789004238534 Hirvonen 10.1163/9789004238534 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-09 2012-11-09 monograph P 9789004248731 The Ottoman Mobilization of Manpower in the First World War 9789004225206 9789004235298 Beşikçi 10.1163/9789004235298 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-09-28 2012-09-28 monograph P 9789004248731 Mālik and Medina 9789004211407 9789004247888 Abd-Allah 10.1163/9789004247888 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-03-22 2013-03-28 monograph P 9789004248731 The Essential Rokeya 9789004255852 9789004255876 Quayum 10.1163/9789004255876 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-08-22 2013-08-22 monograph P 9789004248731 Health and Ritual in Morocco 9789004232860 9789004234482 Dieste 10.1163/9789004234482 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-10-12 2012-10-12 monograph P 9789004248731 Qur’ans of the Umayyads 9789004255654 9789004261853 Déroche 10.1163/9789004261853 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-12-02 2013-11-28 monograph F 9789004248731 Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 4 9789004225213 9789004234499 Nielsen 10.1163/9789004234499 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-10-12 2012-10-12 monograph P 9789004248731 Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba 9789004234246 9789004243101 Adang 10.1163/9789004243101 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-12-19 2012-12-10 monograph P 9789004248731 Atlas of the Gulf States 9789004245600 9789004245662 Cadène 10.1163/9789004245662 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-04-19 2013-04-15 monograph P 9789004248731 Gender and Islam in Southeast Asia 9789004221864 9789004242920 Schroeter 10.1163/9789004242920 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-13 2013-06-13 monograph P 9789004248731 Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Volume 5 9789004254565 9789004255869 Nielsen 10.1163/9789004255869 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-19 2013-09-19 monograph P 9789004248731 Governing the Empire: Provincial Administration in the Almohad Caliphate (1224-1269) 9789004233331 9789004239715 Buresi 10.1163/9789004239715 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-01 2012-11-15 monograph P 9789004248731 Through the Eyes of the Beholder 9789004234178 9789004236240 Hayden 10.1163/9789004236240 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-12-07 2012-12-03 monograph P 9789004248731 The Intensification and Reorientation of Sunni Jihad Ideology in the Crusader Period 9789004230668 9789004242791 Mourad 10.1163/9789004242791 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-12-07 2012-12-03 monograph P 9789004248731 The Minority Concept in the Turkish Context 9789004222113 9789004249721 Akgönül 10.1163/9789004249721 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-03-01 2013-03-28 monograph P 9789004248731 The Religious Identity of Young Muslim Women in Berlin 9789004221161 9789004251311 Bendixsen 10.1163/9789004251311 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-04-17 2013-05-15 monograph F 9789004248731 A Social History of Late Ottoman Women 9789004225169 9789004255258 Köksal 10.1163/9789004255258 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-10-10 2013-10-10 monograph P 9789004248731 The Transmission of the Variant Readings of the Qurʾān 9789004240810 9789004241794 Nasser 10.1163/9789004241794 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-09 2012-11-09 monograph P 9789004248731 Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 5 (1350-1500) 9789004229648 9789004252783 Thomas 10.1163/9789004252783 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-21 2013-06-28 monograph P 9789004248731 ʿAbd al-Laṭīf al-Baġdādī’s Philosophical Journey 9789004249165 9789004258914 Martini Bonadeo 10.1163/9789004258914 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-10-04 2013-10-02 monograph P 9789004248731 Crisis and Continuity at the Abbasid Court 9789004252714 9789004252707 Berkel 10.1163/9789004252707 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-07-11 2013-07-11 monograph P 9789004248731 Mysticism and Philosophy in al-Andalus 9789004255364 9789004255371 Ebstein 10.1163/9789004255371 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-11-25 2013-11-21 monograph P 9789004248731 An Eleventh-Century Egyptian Guide to the Universe 9789004255647 9789004256996 Savage-Smith 10.1163/9789004256996 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-10-25 2013-10-28 monograph P 9789004248731 The European Tributary States of the Ottoman Empire in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 9789004246065 9789004254404 Kármán 10.1163/9789004254404 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-20 2013-06-20 monograph P 9789004248731 Unveiling Modernity in Twentieth-Century West African Islamic Reforms 9789004215252 9789004233133 Kobo 10.1163/9789004233133 fulltext BRILL monograph 2023-12-14 2012-08-27 monograph P