isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004353299 A Matter of Geography: A New Perspective on Medieval Hebrew Poetry 9789004363588 9789004363595 Kfir 10.1163/9789004363595 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-22 2018-03-12 monograph P 9789004353299 Almost Eternal: Painting on Stone and Material Innovation in Early Modern Europe 9789004315051 9789004361492 Baker-Bates 10.1163/9789004361492 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-29 2018-03-12 monograph P 9789004353299 Dying Prepared in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe 9789004284890 9789004352377 Lahtinen 10.1163/9789004352377 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-10-12 2017-10-02 monograph P 9789004353299 The Medieval Chronicle 11 9789004341586 9789004351875 Kooper 10.1163/9789004351875 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-09 2018-03-20 monograph P 9789004353299 The Economy of Medieval Hungary 9789004310155 9789004363908 Laszlovszky 10.1163/9789004363908 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-19 2018-04-10 monograph P 9789004353299 Rethinking Anselm's Arguments 9789004358263 9789004363663 Campbell 10.1163/9789004363663 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-08-30 2018-07-23 monograph P 9789004353299 The Religious Polemics of the Muslims of Late Medieval Christian Iberia 9789004346352 9789004363618 Colominas Aparicio 10.1163/9789004363618 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-26 2018-04-17 monograph P 9789004353299 Genesios on the Reigns of the Emperors 9780959362695 9789004344693 Anthony 10.1163/9789004344693 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-02 2017-11-06 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Bologna 9789004353480 9789004355644 Blanshei 10.1163/9789004355644 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-01 2017-11-20 monograph P 9789004353299 Dress and Personal Appearance in Late Antiquity 9789004343955 9789004353466 Pennick Morgan 10.1163/9789004353466 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-01-25 2018-01-22 monograph P 9789004353299 The Concept of the Elect Nation in Byzantium 9789004349476 9789004363830 Eshel 10.1163/9789004363830 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-29 2018-03-20 monograph P 9789004353299 Conflict, Commerce, and an Aesthetic of Appropriation in the Italian Maritime Cities, 1000-1150 9789004335653 9789004360808 Mathews 10.1163/9789004360808 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-01-18 2018-01-03 monograph P 9789004353299 Selene's Two Faces 9789004298866 9789004298873 Pérez González 10.1163/9789004298873 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-08-23 2018-08-13 monograph P 9789004353299 Historical Consciousness, Haskalah, and Nationalism among the Karaites of Eastern Europe 9789004360570 9789004360587 Akhiezer 10.1163/9789004360587 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-21 2017-12-18 monograph P 9789004353299 The Nature of Kingship c. 800-1300 9789004358348 9789004358355 Hybel 10.1163/9789004358355 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-07 2017-11-20 monograph P 9789004353299 Devotional Interaction in Medieval England and its Afterlives 9789004315068 9789004365834 Foster 10.1163/9789004365834 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-06-14 2018-06-05 monograph P 9789004353299 In Austrvegr: The Role of the Eastern Baltic in Viking Age Communication across the Baltic Sea 9789004216655 9789004363816 Mägi 10.1163/9789004363816 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-17 2018-05-15 monograph P 9789004353299 Late Gothic Painting in the Crown of Aragon and the Hispanic Kingdoms 9789004363359 9789004363847 Velasco 10.1163/9789004363847 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-07-05 2018-06-19 monograph P 9789004353299 Acre and Its Falls 9789004349056 9789004349599 France 10.1163/9789004349599 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-09 2018-05-01 monograph P 9789004353299 Documents on the Papal Plenary Indulgences 1300-1517 Preached in the Regnum Teutonicum 9789004360129 9789004360631 Jenks 10.1163/9789004360631 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-03 2018-04-17 monograph P 9789004353299 The Instant of Change in Medieval Philosophy and Beyond 9789004367913 9789004368736 Goubier 10.1163/9789004368736 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-08-09 2018-05-07 monograph P 9789004353299 Trauma in Medieval Society 9789004310124 9789004363786 Turner 10.1163/9789004363786 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-06-14 2018-06-12 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to Medieval Genoa 9789004360013 9789004360617 Beneš 10.1163/9789004360617 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-22 2018-03-12 monograph P 9789004353299 From Al-Andalus to the Americas (13th-17th Centuries) 9789004363328 9789004365773 Glick 10.1163/9789004365773 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-06-14 2018-06-12 monograph P 9789004353299 Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur 9789004352025 9789004352032 Bos 10.1163/9789004352032 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-08-24 2017-08-28 monograph P 9789004353299 Crossing Borders: Boundaries and Margins in Medieval and Early Modern Britain 9789004335684 9789004364950 Butler 10.1163/9789004364950 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-05 2018-04-03 monograph P 9789004353299 Communal Creativity in the Making of the 'Beowulf' Manuscript 9789004360853 9789004360860 Thomson 10.1163/9789004360860 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-15 2018-04-17 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to the Byzantine Culture of War, ca. 300-1204 9789004355514 9789004363731 Stouraitis 10.1163/9789004363731 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-09-06 2018-09-04 monograph P 9789004353299 Dealing With The Dead 9789004315143 9789004358331 Tomaini 10.1163/9789004358331 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-01-04 2017-12-18 monograph P 9789004353299 A Military History of the Mediterranean Sea 9789004315099 9789004362048 Theotokis 10.1163/9789004362048 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-09 2018-05-07 monograph P 9789004353299 Jewish Aramaic Poetry from Late Antiquity 9789004365889 9789004365896 Lieber 10.1163/9789004365896 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-19 2018-04-10 monograph P 9789004353299 Royal and Elite Households in Medieval and Early Modern Europe 9789004314320 9789004360761 Earenfight 10.1163/9789004360761 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-22 2018-03-12 monograph P 9789004353299 Imagined Communities: Constructing Collective Identities in Medieval Europe 9789004352476 9789004363793 Pleszczynski 10.1163/9789004363793 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-26 2018-04-17 monograph P 9789004353299 Compound Histories 9789004325494 9789004325562 Roberts 10.1163/9789004325562 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-01 2017-11-13 monograph F 9789004353299 Political Representation: Communities, Ideas and Institutions in Europe (c. 1200 - c. 1690) 9789004352414 9789004363915 Damen 10.1163/9789004363915 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-08-30 2018-08-20 monograph P 9789004353299 The Evolution of al-Ḥarizi’s Taḥkemoni 9789004373761 9789004373778 Rand 10.1163/9789004373778 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-07-19 2018-07-10 monograph P 9789004353299 Louis VII and His World 9789004315167 9789004368002 Bardot 10.1163/9789004368002 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-06-07 2018-06-05 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to the Poema de mio Cid 9789004360006 9789004363755 Zaderenko 10.1163/9789004363755 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-09 2018-04-10 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to the Abbey of Saint Victor in Paris 9789004287747 9789004351691 Feiss 10.1163/9789004351691 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-10-20 2017-09-25 monograph P 9789004353299 Emotion, Violence, Vengeance and Law in the Middle Ages 9789004342729 9789004366374 Gilbert 10.1163/9789004366374 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-09 2018-05-01 monograph P 9789004353299 Melusine's Footprint 9789004315082 9789004355958 Urban 10.1163/9789004355958 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-23 2017-11-13 monograph P 9789004353299 Planning for Death 9789004364325 9789004365704 Korpiola 10.1163/9789004365704 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-05-09 2018-04-24 monograph P 9789004353299 Animal Rationality 9789004363625 9789004363779 Oelze 10.1163/9789004363779 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-22 2018-03-20 monograph F 9789004353299 Faces of Charisma: Image, Text, Object in Byzantium and the Medieval West 9789004288690 9789004363809 Bedos-Rezak 10.1163/9789004363809 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-07-19 2018-07-26 monograph P 9789004353299 A Companion to Joachim of Fiore 9789004201637 9789004339668 Riedl 10.1163/9789004339668 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-09 2017-10-23 monograph P