isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type
9789004472938 Esoteric and Exoteric Aspects in Judeo-Arabic Culture 9789004152335 9789047410140 Hary 10.1163/9789047410140 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-06-30 2006-09-01 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Book of Esther 9789004163881 9789047432364 Wechsler 10.1163/ej.9789004163881.i-456 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-06-25 2008-06-30 monograph P
9789004472938 The Evolution of al-Ḥarizi’s Taḥkemoni 9789004373761 9789004373778 Rand 10.1163/9789004373778 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-07-19 2018-07-10 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite on the Books of Amos, Haggai, and Malachi 9789004462144 9789004462151 Nadler-Akirav 10.1163/9789004462151 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-09-30 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Opening the Gates of Interpretation 9789004189324 9789004210066 Cohen 10.1163/9789004210066 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-08-25 2011-08-25 monograph P
9789004472938 A Matter of Geography: A New Perspective on Medieval Hebrew Poetry 9789004363588 9789004363595 Kfir 10.1163/9789004363595 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-03-22 2018-03-12 monograph P
9789004472938 The Contemplative Soul 9789004120914 9789047404088 Tanenbaum 10.1163/9789047404088 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-11-01 2002-11-01 monograph P
9789004472938 Sefer Tagin Fragments from the Cairo Genizah 9789004426351 9789004426368 Michaels 10.1163/9789004426368 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-10-08 2020-10-12 monograph P
9789004472938 The Jews of Medieval Islam 9789004104044 9789004493230 Frank 10.1163/9789004493230 fulltext BRILL monograph 1995-12-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra Latinus on Elections and Interrogations 9789004431430 9789004431447 Sela 10.1163/9789004431447 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-05-23 2020-05-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Language, Gender and Law in the Judaeo-Islamic Milieu 9789004422162 9789004422179 Stampfer 10.1163/9789004422179 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-03-05 2020-02-25 monograph P
9789004472938 A Medieval Karaite Pedagogical Grammar of Hebrew 9789004262911 9789004262928 Vidro 10.1163/9789004262928 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-13 2013-09-12 monograph P
9789004472938 Karaite Marriage Contracts from the Cairo Geniza 9789004108868 9789004497535 Olszowy-Schlanger 10.1163/9789004497535 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-11-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 """From a Sacred Source""" 9789004190580 9789004190597 Outhwaite 10.1163/ej.9789004190580.i-420 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-09-24 2010-09-24 monograph P
9789004472938 Medical Synonym Lists from Medieval Provence: Shem Tov ben Isaac of Tortosa: Sefer ha - Shimmush. Book 29 9789004167643 9789004181113 Bos 10.1163/ej.9789004167643.i-542 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-04-26 2011-04-26 monograph P
9789004472938 The Secular Poetry of El'azar ben Ya'aqov ha-Bavli 9789004147188 9789047418849 Bekkum 10.1163/ej.9789004147188.i-69 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-12-27 2006-11-30 monograph P
9789004472938 The Economic History of European Jews 9789004235342 9789004235397 Toch 10.1163/9789004235397 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-09-28 2012-09-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Composition Analysis of Writing Materials in Cairo Genizah Documents 9789004448872 9789004469358 Cohen 10.1163/9789004469358 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-10-14 2021-10-11 monograph F
9789004472938 A Philosopher of Scripture 9789004382213 9789004409118 Dascalu 10.1163/9789004409118 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-08-15 2019-08-05 monograph P
9789004472938 Verbal Morphology in the Karaite Treatise on Hebrew Grammar Kitāb al-ʿUqūd fī Taṣārīf al-Luġa al-ʿIbrāniyya 9789004214248 9789004214255 Vidro 10.1163/9789004214255 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-08-25 2011-08-25 monograph P
9789004472938 Kitāb al-mustalḥaq by Ibn Ǧanāḥ of Cordoba 9789004427501 9789004427518 Martínez Delgado 10.1163/9789004427518 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-07-02 2020-06-29 monograph P
9789004472938 Medical Glossaries in the Hebrew Tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer Almansur 9789004352025 9789004352032 Bos 10.1163/9789004352032 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-08-24 2017-08-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Catalog of Judeo-Persian Manuscripts in the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America 9789004281295 9789004281301 Moreen 10.1163/9789004281301 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-09-08 2014-09-04 monograph P
9789004472938 Jewish Poet in Muslim Egypt 9789004119314 9789004497429 Weinberger 10.1163/9789004497429 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-08-31 2021-11-08 monograph P
9789004472938 Medical Prescriptions in the Cambridge Genizah Collections 9789004234888 9789004235632 Lev 10.1163/9789004235632 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-09-14 2012-09-14 monograph P
9789004472938 Peshat and Derash in the Exegesis of Rashi 9789004062597 9789004497115 Gelles 10.1163/9789004497115 fulltext BRILL monograph 1981-12-01 2022-03-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Expérience et Écriture Mystiques dans les Religions du Livre 9789004119130 9789004494152 Fenton 10.1163/9789004494152 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-10-12 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Medieval Hebrew Poetry in Muslim Egypt 9789004191303 9789004191846 Yeshaya 10.1163/ej.9789004191303.i-346 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-11-19 2010-11-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Jews in Medieval Christendom 9789004250437 9789004250444 Utterback 10.1163/9789004250444 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-08-22 2013-09-15 monograph P
9789004472938 Historical Consciousness, Haskalah, and Nationalism among the Karaites of Eastern Europe 9789004360570 9789004360587 Akhiezer 10.1163/9789004360587 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-21 2017-12-18 monograph P
9789004472938 Seride Teshuvot 9789004223950 9789004224049 Glick 10.1163/9789004224049 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-05-11 2012-05-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Three Approaches to Biblical Metaphor 9789004129719 9789004493810 Cohen 10.1163/9789004493810 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-05-12 2021-10-01 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite on the Abraham Narratives (Genesis 11:10–25:18) 9789004191310 9789004226388 Zawanowska 10.1163/9789004226388 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-04-03 2012-04-03 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ‘Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua 9789004283121 9789004283541 Robinson 10.1163/9789004283541 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-10-28 2014-10-23 monograph P
9789004472938 The Late Medieval Hebrew Book in the Western Mediterranean 9789004250062 9789004306103 Barco 10.1163/9789004306103 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-10-15 2015-09-29 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra’s Introductions to Astrology 9789004342279 9789004342286 Sela 10.1163/9789004342286 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-06-01 2017-05-22 monograph P
9789004472938 Samuel ben ḥofni Gaon and His Cultural World 9789004103023 9789004494824 Sklare 10.1163/9789004494824 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-06-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 The Philosophic Questions and Answers of Ḥōṭer ben Shelōmō 9789004065413 9789004452497 Blumenthal 10.1163/9789004452497 fulltext BRILL monograph 1981-12-01 2022-07-18 monograph P
9789004472938 Jewish Prayer Texts from the Cairo Genizah 9789004313316 9789004313323 Reif 10.1163/9789004313323 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-03-17 2016-03-11 monograph P
9789004472938 The Regimen sanitatis of “Avenzoar” 9789004406445 9789004406452 McVaugh 10.1163/9789004406452 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-07-25 2019-07-08 monograph P
9789004472938 Linguistic Variety of Judaeo-Arabic in Letters from the Cairo Genizah 9789004187764 9789004193680 Wagner 10.1163/ej.9789004187764.i-270 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-08-23 2010-08-23 monograph P
9789004472938 Studies in the Medieval Hebrew Tradition of the Ḥarīrīan and Ḥarizian Maqama. Maḥberot Eitan ha-Ezraḥi 9789004462120 9789004462137 Rand 10.1163/9789004462137 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-10-14 2021-10-18 monograph P
9789004472938 Giving a Diamond 9789004203815 9789004203822 Katsumata 10.1163/ej.9789004203815.i-328 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-02-22 2011-02-22 monograph P
9789004472938 India Traders of the Middle Ages 9789004154728 9789047423072 Goitein 10.1163/ej.9789004154728.i-918 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-11-26 2007-11-26 monograph P
9789004472938 Sixteenth-Century Judeo-Spanish Testimonies 9789004210172 9789004210189 Benaim 10.1163/9789004210189 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-10-06 2011-10-06 monograph P
9789004472938 Jews in Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages 9789004138827 9789047413165 Gil 10.1163/9789047413165 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-03-25 2004-05-01 monograph P
9789004472938 Piety and Society 9789004063457 9789004497818 Marcus 10.1163/9789004497818 fulltext BRILL monograph 1981-06-01 2022-04-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Studies in Joseph ibn Caspi, Fourteenth-Century Philosopher and Exegete 9789004042216 9789004451186 Mesch 10.1163/9789004451186 fulltext BRILL monograph 1975-12-01 2022-07-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra on Nativities and Continuous Horoscopy 9789004258518 9789004258525 Sela 10.1163/9789004258525 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-09 2013-09-27 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite on the Book of Job 9789004417199 9789004417205 Sadan 10.1163/9789004417205 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-02-06 2020-02-03 monograph P
9789004472938 Accounting for the Commandments in Medieval Judaism 9789004460935 9789004460942 Brown 10.1163/9789004460942 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-01-20 2022-01-17 monograph P
9789004472938 The Jews of Yemen 9789004112650 9789004497184 Tobi 10.1163/9789004497184 fulltext BRILL monograph 1999-01-21 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004472938 Proximity and Distance 9789004137981 9789047405122 Tobi 10.1163/9789047405122 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-04-27 2004-05-01 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra Latinus on Nativities 9789004392342 9789004392359 Sela 10.1163/9789004392359 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-03-21 2019-03-27 monograph P
9789004472938 The Genizah Psalms 9789004248427 9789004248441 Stec 10.1163/9789004248441 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-04-19 2013-04-15 monograph P
9789004472938 Philosophie et Exégèse dans le Jardin de la métaphore de Moïse Ibn 'Ezra, Philosophe et Poète Andalou du XIIe Siècle 9789004105980 9789004452107 Fenton 10.1163/9789004452107 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-12-01 2021-12-06 monograph P
9789004472938 Joseph Ibn Kaspi 9789004338227 9789004350151 Sackson 10.1163/9789004350151 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-07-27 2017-07-03 monograph P
9789004472938 La Haggada enluminée, I 9789004037144 9789004497139 Metzger 10.1163/9789004497139 fulltext BRILL monograph 1973-06-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004472938 Translating Religion 9789004173828 9789047444374 Hary 10.1163/ej.9789004173828.i-360 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-03-25 2009-03-25 monograph P
9789004472938 Saadya Gaon 9789004256439 9789004256446 Hegedus 10.1163/9789004256446 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-07-11 2013-07-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Multiglossia in Judeo-Arabic 9789004096943 9789004497122 Hary 10.1163/9789004497122 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-06-16 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Jewish Aramaic Poetry from Late Antiquity 9789004365889 9789004365896 Lieber 10.1163/9789004365896 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-04-19 2018-04-10 monograph P
9789004472938 Rabbi Moses ha-Kohen of Tordesillas and his Book 'Ezer ha-Emunah 9789004042544 9789004493766 Shamir 10.1163/9789004493766 fulltext BRILL monograph 1975-06-01 2022-03-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Twenty Chapters 9789004092167 9789004451193 al-Muqammis 10.1163/9789004451193 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-11-01 2022-08-22 monograph P
9789004472938 Deux commentaires karaïtes sur l'Ecclésiaste 9789004026582 9789004497795 Vajda 10.1163/9789004497795 fulltext BRILL monograph 1971-06-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004472938 La philosophie de Salomon ibn Gabirol. Étude d'un néoplatonisme 9789004005662 9789004452480 Schlanger 10.1163/9789004452480 fulltext BRILL monograph 1968-06-01 2022-07-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Commentaire sur la liturgie quotidienne 9789004038226 9789004497801 Azriel de Gérone 10.1163/9789004497801 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-12-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004472938 The Arabic Translation and Commentary of Yefet ben ‘Eli on the Book of Proverbs 9789004317482 9789004317499 Sasson 10.1163/9789004317499 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-06-02 2016-05-30 monograph P
9789004472938 Mélanges d'histoire de la médecine hébraïque 9789004125223 9789004453432 Freudenthal 10.1163/9789004453432 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-02-27 2022-10-17 monograph P
9789004472938 Les théories des visions surnaturelles dans la pensée juive du moyen-âge 9789004029903 9789004452473 Sirat 10.1163/9789004452473 fulltext BRILL monograph 1969-06-01 2022-07-18 monograph P
9789004472938 The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation 9789004102675 9789004497825 Polliack 10.1163/9789004497825 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-01-01 2022-03-28 monograph P
9789004472938 Theological Encounters at a Crossroads 9789004380301 9789004380318 Lasker 10.1163/9789004380318 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-11-22 2018-11-26 monograph P
9789004472938 Bibliographia Karaitica 9789004189270 9789004214729 Walfish 10.1163/ej.9789004189270.i-810 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-12-17 2010-12-17 monograph P
9789004472938 Berakhyah Ben Natronai ha-Nakdan, Sefer Ko’aḥ ha-Avanim (On the Virtue of the Stones). Hebrew Text and English Translation 9789004183100 9789004185975 Zwink 10.1163/ej.9789004183100.i-187 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-05-03 2010-05-03 monograph P
9789004472938 Asceticism, Eschatology, Opposition to Philosophy 9789004191341 9789004232501 Robinson 10.1163/9789004232501 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-08-17 2012-08-17 monograph P
9789004472938 Al-Kitāb al-Muḥtawī de Yūsuf al- Basīr 9789004073029 9789004452503 Vajda 10.1163/9789004452503 fulltext BRILL monograph 1985-12-01 2022-05-20 monograph P
9789004472938 An Anonymous Karaite Commentary on Hosea from the Cairo Genizah 9789004460034 9789004460027 Niessen 10.1163/9789004460027 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-07-08 2021-07-19 monograph P
9789004472938 The Judeo-Persian Poet 'Emrānī and his “Book of Treasure” 9789004103016 9789004494862 Yeroushalmi 10.1163/9789004494862 fulltext BRILL monograph 1995-05-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004472938 Exegesis and Poetry in Medieval Karaite and Rabbanite Texts 9789004335110 9789004334786 Yeshaya 10.1163/9789004334786 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-10-07 2016-09-27 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra The Book of Reasons 9789004157644 9789047421573 Sela 10.1163/ej.9789004157644.i-400 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-08-29 2007-08-30 monograph P
9789004472938 ᵓUṣṣit il-Gumguma or 'The Story of the Skull’ 9789004345621 9789004345638 Ørum 10.1163/9789004345638 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-08-10 2017-07-31 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra The Book of the World 9789004179141 9789047441496 Sela 10.1163/ej.9789004179141.i-356 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-11-23 2009-11-23 monograph P
9789004472938 Poetry and Memory in Karaite Prayer 9789004259911 9789004262119 Yeshaya 10.1163/9789004262119 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-11-07 2013-11-07 monograph P
9789004472938 Abraham Ibn Ezra on Elections, Interrogations, and Medical Astrology 9789004212206 9789004214453 Sela 10.1163/ej.9789004212206.i-657 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-09-09 2011-09-09 monograph P
9789004472938 The Commentary of R. ḥōṭer b. Shelōmō to the Thirteen Principles of Maimonides 9789004039094 9789004451179 Blumenthal 10.1163/9789004451179 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-06-01 2022-05-09 monograph P
9789004472938 Search Scripture Well 9789004139022 9789047405566 Frank 10.1163/9789047405566 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-06-14 2004-06-01 monograph P
9789004472938 The Fabric of Religious Life in Medieval Ashkenaz (1000-1300) 9789004300248 9789004300255 Woolf 10.1163/9789004300255 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-07-24 2015-07-14 monograph P
9789004472938 The Hebrew Bible in Fifteenth-Century Spain 9789004232488 9789004232495 Decter 10.1163/9789004232495 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-06-22 2012-06-22 monograph P
9789004472938 Euclid's Elements in Hebrew Garb 9789004462663 9789004462670 Elior 10.1163/9789004462670 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-09-23 2021-09-20 monograph P