isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004498266 An International Law Perspective on the Protection of Human Rights in the TRIPS Agreement 9789004211971 9789004226593 Xiong 10.1163/9789004226593 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2012-03-20 2012-03-20 monograph P 9789004498266 Reproductive Freedom 9789041112491 9789004479326 Eriksson 10.1163/9789004479326 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-12-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Right to Food and the World Trade Organization's Rules on Agriculture 9789004345072 9789004345300 Ferguson 10.1163/9789004345300 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2018-01-11 2018-01-03 monograph P 9789004498266 The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights 9789041118325 9789004480087 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004480087 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-05-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Disability, Divers-ability and Legal Change 9789041110862 9789004481770 Basser Marks 10.1163/9789004481770 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-03-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Personal Freedom through Human Rights Law? 9789004170599 9789047412083 Marshall 10.1163/ej.9789004170599.i-234 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2008-10-29 2008-11-30 monograph P 9789004498266 A History of the UN Human Rights Programme and Secretariat 9789004356474 9789004356504 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004356504 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-03-26 2020-03-23 monograph P 9789004498266 Preventive Detention and Security Law 9780792324324 9789004479456 Harding 10.1163/9789004479456 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1993-10-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Concept and Present Status of the International Protection of Human Rights 9789024737598 9789004478312 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004478312 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1989-06-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Investor – State Arbitration and Human Rights 9789004338999 9789004339002 Balcerzak 10.1163/9789004339002 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-08-24 2017-08-28 monograph P 9789004498266 Individual Responsibility in International Law for Serious Human Rights Violations 9780792314530 9789004479845 Sunga 10.1163/9789004479845 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1992-01-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights: Group Defamation, Freedom of Expression and the Law of Nations 9789041102652 9789004481671 Jones 10.1163/9789004481671 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-11-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Age Discrimination and Children's Rights 9789004148277 9789047417538 Breen 10.1163/ej.9789004148277.i-232 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-12 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The Legal Nature of International Human Rights 9789004173903 9789047444428 Addo 10.1163/ej.9789004173903.i-552 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2010-05-17 2010-05-17 monograph P 9789004498266 Homosexuality: A European Community Issue 9780792320388 9789004481879 Clapham 10.1163/9789004481879 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1993-04-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 European Civil Liberties and the European Convention on Human Rights 9789041102539 9789004481664 Gearty 10.1163/9789004481664 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-02-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Landmark Rulings of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on the Rights of the Child 9789004165137 9789047432852 Feria Tinta 10.1163/ej.9789004165137.i-672 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2008-06-19 2008-03-31 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights and Federalism 9789041114921 9789004478176 Tran 10.1163/9789004478176 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-10-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004498266 The Execution of Strasbourg and Geneva Human Rights Decisions in the National Legal Order 9789041111524 9789004481787 Emmerik 10.1163/9789004481787 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-03-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The International Law of Human Rights and States of Exception 9789041110213 9789004479319 Svensson-McCarthy 10.1163/9789004479319 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1998-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Arrest and Detention Powers in English and Turkish Law and Practice in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights 9789041112699 9789004479395 Eryilmaz 10.1163/9789004479395 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-01-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Freshwater Access from a Human Rights Perspective 9789004169548 9789047431466 Bourquain 10.1163/ej.9789004169548.i-258 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2008-09-17 2008-10-31 monograph P 9789004498266 Ethno-Cultural Diversity and Human Rights 9789004328778 9789004328785 Pentassuglia 10.1163/9789004328785 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-11-23 2018-01-22 monograph P 9789004498266 Discrimination and Toleration 9789041117113 9789004479173 Hastrup 10.1163/9789004479173 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-12-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004498266 Reservations to UN Human Rights Treaties 9780792332565 9789004478480 Lijnzaad 10.1163/9789004478480 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1994-12-01 2022-02-28 monograph P 9789004498266 ASEAN and Human Trafficking 9789004265172 9789004265189 Kranrattanasuit 10.1163/9789004265189 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2014-07-04 2014-07-03 monograph P 9789004498266 Health Law, Human Rights and the Biomedicine Convention 9789004148222 9789047416128 Gevers 10.1163/9789047416128 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-23 2006-01-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Irrational Human Rights? An Examination of International Human Rights Treaties 9789004439757 9789004439764 el-Khoury 10.1163/9789004439764 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-12-17 2020-12-15 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights as Indivisible Rights 9789004160514 9789004180680 Koch 10.1163/ej.9789004160514.i-348 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2009-09-28 2009-09-28 monograph P 9789004498266 The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights 9780792312833 9789004478909 Delmas-Marty 10.1163/9789004478909 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1991-12-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004498266 Judicial Dialogue on Human Rights 9789004313743 9789004313750 Lobba 10.1163/9789004313750 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-09-15 2017-08-28 monograph P 9789004498266 “Hard Power” and the European Convention on Human Rights 9789004425637 9789004425651 Kempees 10.1163/9789004425651 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-11-19 2020-11-16 monograph P 9789004498266 Transnational Fugitive Offenders in International Law 9789041110404 9789004481763 Gilbert 10.1163/9789004481763 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1998-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Ombuds Institutions, Good Governance and the International Human Rights 9789004273955 9789004273962 Reif 10.1163/9789004273962 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-07-30 2020-07-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Regaining Paradise Lost: Indigenous Land Rights and Tourism 9789004376779 9789004376786 Baleva 10.1163/9789004376786 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2018-11-22 2018-11-26 monograph P 9789004498266 The Ideologies of Children's Rights 9780792318002 9789004482180 Freeman 10.1163/9789004482180 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1992-11-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Systemic Discrimination in Employment and the Promotion of Ethnic Equality 9789004154629 9789047411352 Craig 10.1163/ej.9789004154629.i-334 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2006-12-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Secrecy and Liberty: National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information 9789041111913 9789004481794 Fitzpatrick 10.1163/9789004481794 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights, Self-Determination and Political Change in the Occupied Palestinian Territories 9789041105028 9789004481732 Bowen 10.1163/9789004481732 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-10-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights in Domestic Law and Development 9789024737437 9789004482371 Gulmann 10.1163/9789004482371 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1989-03-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights in Turmoil 9789004154322 9789047411215 Lagoutte 10.1163/ej.9789004154322.i-299 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-27 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Modern Slavery 9789004281066 9789004281073 Borg Jansson 10.1163/9789004281073 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2014-10-28 2014-10-23 monograph F 9789004498266 National Perspectives on Housing Rights 9789041120137 9789004482128 Leckie 10.1163/9789004482128 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights Related Trade Measures under International Law 9789004163423 9789047422082 Cassimatis 10.1163/ej.9789004163423.i-476 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-10-15 2007-12-31 monograph P 9789004498266 Social Issues, Globalisation and International Institutions 9789004145795 9789047427377 Leary 10.1163/ej.9789004145795.i-418 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-09-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Trafficking of Human Beings from a Human Rights Perspective 9789004154056 9789047411062 Obokata 10.1163/ej.9789004154056.i-247 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-30 2006-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 International Monitoring of Plebiscites, Referenda and National Elections 9780792325635 9789004481909 Beigbeder 10.1163/9789004481909 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1994-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Devising an Adequate System of Minority Protection 9789041113597 9789004482500 Henrard 10.1163/9789004482500 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-07-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights and Human Security 9789041118189 9789004481176 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004481176 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Judicial Review in Equal Treatment Cases 9789004143791 9789047407478 Gerards 10.1163/9789047407478 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-03-30 2005-05-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Free Speech and National Security 9780792310303 9789004482142 Shetreet 10.1163/9789004482142 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1990-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 9789004169715 9789004180802 Arnardóttir 10.1163/ej.9789004169715.i-320 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2009-05-06 2009-05-06 monograph P 9789004498266 The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood 9780792312505 9789004482166 Veerman 10.1163/9789004482166 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1992-05-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The International Law on the Rights of the Child 9780792326878 9789004482197 Bueren 10.1163/9789004482197 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-04-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Essays on Human Rights in the Helsinki Process 9789024732111 9789004482319 Bloed 10.1163/9789004482319 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1985-08-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Cultural Human Rights 9789004162945 9789047431732 Francioni 10.1163/ej.9789004162945.i-372 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2008-02-28 2008-08-31 monograph P 9789004498266 The Battle of Human Rights 9789024736874 9789004478497 Medina 10.1163/9789004478497 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1988-03-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Do We Need Minority Rights? 9789041103093 9789004479265 Raikka 10.1163/9789004479265 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1996-10-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Procedural Law Governing Facts and Evidence in International Human Rights Proceedings 9789004463127 9789004463134 Stirner 10.1163/9789004463134 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2021-07-16 2021-07-15 monograph P 9789004498266 The Inter-American Human Rights System as a Safeguard for Justice in National Transitions 9789004289727 9789004289734 Micus 10.1163/9789004289734 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2015-08-20 2015-08-11 monograph P 9789004498266 The Protection of the Right to Education by International Law 9789004147041 9789047417545 Beiter 10.1163/ej.9789004147041.i-738 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-13 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The European Union and Human Rights 9789041101242 9789004482425 Neuwahl 10.1163/9789004482425 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-10-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Admissibility of Human Rights Petitions 9780792331469 9789004482234 Zwart 10.1163/9789004482234 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1994-09-01 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004498266 Preventive Detention 9780792314653 9789004478916 Frankowski 10.1163/9789004478916 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1992-02-01 2022-05-09 monograph P 9789004498266 Implementation of International Human Rights Commitments and the Impact on Ongoing Legal Reforms in Ethiopia 9789004415942 9789004415966 Benedek 10.1163/9789004415966 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-02-06 2020-02-03 monograph P 9789004498266 Managing Babel: The International Legal Protection of Minorities in the Twentieth Century 9789004141988 9789047414957 Thio 10.1163/9789047414957 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-02-14 2005-01-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The Strength of Diversity 9780792319870 9789004479388 Rosas 10.1163/9789004479388 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1992-10-01 2022-06-13 monograph P 9789004498266 Contextualising the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 9789004139084 9789047405603 Dowell-Jones 10.1163/9789047405603 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-09-16 2004-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Guide to the Travaux Préparatoires of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women 9780792322221 9789004479449 Rehof 10.1163/9789004479449 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1993-04-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The African Human Rights System 9789041117311 9789004481060 Nmehielle 10.1163/9789004481060 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-12-01 2021-09-13 monograph P 9789004498266 Seeking Asylum 9780792331520 9789004479470 Lambert 10.1163/9789004479470 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-02-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Minority Groups and Judicial Discourse in International Law 9789004176720 9789047430162 Pentassuglia 10.1163/ej.9789004176720.i-278 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2009-07-15 2009-07-15 monograph P 9789004498266 The Right to Leave and Return in International Law and Practice 9789024734450 9789004482357 Hannum 10.1163/9789004482357 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1987-03-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 International Human Rights Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean 9789024737857 9789004479418 Byre 10.1163/9789004479418 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1991-05-01 2022-07-04 monograph P 9789004498266 Justifications of Minority Protection in International Law 9789041104243 9789004479876 Spiliopoulou Åkermark 10.1163/9789004479876 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Guarantees for Accused Persons Under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights 9780792318972 9789004481862 Stavros 10.1163/9789004481862 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1993-01-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 International Law and Fact-Finding in the Field of Human Rights 9789024730421 9789004482289 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004482289 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1982-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The Right to Food 9789024730872 9789004482302 Tomaševski 10.1163/9789004482302 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1984-11-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The United Nations Convention Against Torture 9789024736096 9789004478305 Danelius 10.1163/9789004478305 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1988-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Fundamentals of International Human Rights Treaty Law 9789004176089 9789004215924 Ramcharan 10.1163/ej.9789004176089.i-288 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2011-02-14 2011-02-14 monograph P 9789004498266 Group Rights and Discrimination in International Law 9789041119827 9789004481541 Lerner 10.1163/9789004481541 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The Inter-State Application under the European Convention on Human Rights 9789004357259 9789004357266 Risini 10.1163/9789004357266 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2018-05-09 2018-05-07 monograph P 9789004498266 State Immunity and the Violation of Human Rights 9789041103222 9789004481688 Bröhmer 10.1163/9789004481688 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-01-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Humanitarian Good Offices in International Law 9789024728053 9789004482272 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004482272 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1983-04-01 2022-07-04 monograph P 9789004498266 The African Regional Human Rights System 9789004218147 9789004218154 Ssenyonjo 10.1163/9789004218154 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2011-12-23 2011-12-23 monograph P 9789004498266 Equality and Non-Discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights 9789041119124 9789004481534 Arnadóttir 10.1163/9789004481534 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The Human Rights of Aliens under International and Comparative Law 9789041115508 9789004478527 Tiburcio 10.1163/9789004478527 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Freedom of Religion or Belief 9789041101594 9789004481657 Tahzib 10.1163/9789004481657 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-11-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights Functions of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations 9789041119100 9789004481244 Katayanagi 10.1163/9789004481244 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004498266 The Impact of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women on the Domestic Legislation in Egypt 9789004346833 9789004346840 Salem 10.1163/9789004346840 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-12-14 2017-12-05 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights and Judicial Review: A Comparative Perspective 9780792329688 9789004479401 Beatty 10.1163/9789004479401 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1994-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Protecting Children in the Digital Era 9789004184770 9789004189720 Lievens 10.1163/ej.9789004184770.i-586 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2010-07-26 2010-07-26 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights and Disabled Persons 9780792332985 9789004479890 Degener 10.1163/9789004479890 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1994-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Aspects of Extradition Law 9780792311621 9789004482159 Gilbert 10.1163/9789004482159 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1991-07-01 2022-07-04 monograph P 9789004498266 European Populism and Human Rights 9789004416000 9789004416017 Vidmar 10.1163/9789004416017 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-02-06 2020-02-03 monograph P 9789004498266 Social Rights of Children in Europe 9789004375925 9789004375932 Häusler 10.1163/9789004375932 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2019-01-24 2019-01-14 monograph P 9789004498266 Mass Expulsion in Modern International Law and Practice 9789041100726 9789004478336 Henckaerts 10.1163/9789004478336 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The EU's Approach to Human Rights Conditionality in Practice 9789041119360 9789004481558 Fierro 10.1163/9789004481558 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The Law, Policy and Politics of the UN Human Rights Council 9789004289024 9789004289031 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004289031 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2015-05-22 2015-05-19 monograph P 9789004498266 The Margin of Appreciation Doctrine in the Dynamics of European Human Rights Jurisprudence 9780792333388 9789004482265 Yourow 10.1163/9789004482265 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1996-06-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Post-War Protection of Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 9789041110206 9789004481756 Gisvold 10.1163/9789004481756 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1998-09-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Monitoring Human Rights in Europe 9780792323839 9789004481893 Bloed 10.1163/9789004481893 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1993-06-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Principle of Non-Refoulement under the ECHR and the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 9789004319387 9789004319394 Hamdan 10.1163/9789004319394 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2016-06-02 2016-05-23 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights and Development 9789004280243 9789004280250 Brems 10.1163/9789004280250 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2015-01-23 2015-02-04 monograph P 9789004498266 Gender-Sensitive Norm Interpretation by Regional Human Rights Law Systems 9789004343566 9789004343573 Sjöholm 10.1163/9789004343573 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-10-05 2017-09-25 monograph P 9789004498266 Group Rights and Discrimination in International Law 9780792308539 9789004481633 Lerner 10.1163/9789004481633 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1990-11-01 2022-07-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Mental Disability and the European Convention on Human Rights 9789004154230 9789047411154 Bartlett 10.1163/ej.9789004154230.i-382 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-14 2006-10-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Essays on the Developing Law of Human Rights 9780792332763 9789004482258 Loucaides 10.1163/9789004482258 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-05-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Enforcing International Human Rights in Domestic Courts 9789041103932 9789004481701 Conforti 10.1163/9789004481701 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1997-04-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Core Human Rights Treaties and Thailand 9789004326668 9789004326675 Muntarbhorn 10.1163/9789004326675 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2016-10-07 2016-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Human Dimension of the Helsinki Process 9780792313373 9789004482173 Bloed 10.1163/9789004482173 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1991-08-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Standard of the Best Interests of the Child 9789041118516 9789004481190 Breen 10.1163/9789004481190 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-09-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Responding to International Crime 9789004152762 9789047410461 Gilbert 10.1163/ej.9789004152762.i-495 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-05 2006-09-30 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights Protection by the ECtHR and the ECJ 9789004343672 9789004343696 Ravasi 10.1163/9789004343696 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2017-06-29 2017-08-28 monograph P 9789004498266 The United Nations Principles on Housing and Property Restitution for Refugees and Displaced Persons 9789004308855 9789004308862 Hassine 10.1163/9789004308862 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2015-12-04 2015-11-30 monograph P 9789004498266 Immunities and the Right of Access to Court under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights 9789004181847 9789004189904 Kloth 10.1163/ej.9789004181847.i-220 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2010-03-02 2010-03-02 monograph P 9789004498266 Finland and the International Norms of Human Rights 9789024732579 9789004482326 Törnudd 10.1163/9789004482326 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1986-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Gross Human Rights Violations: A Search for Causes 9789041101464 9789004481640 Hey 10.1163/9789004481640 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1995-10-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 United Nations Protection of Humanity and Its Habitat 9789004303133 9789004303140 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004303140 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2016-08-11 2016-08-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The Security Council and the Protection of Human Rights 9789041118783 9789047403166 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789047403166 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-07-01 2002-07-01 monograph P 9789004498266 The Prevention of Human Rights Violations 9789041116727 9789004480803 Bourloyannis-Vrailas 10.1163/9789004480803 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 Modernizing the UN Human Rights System 9789004204980 9789004387348 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004387348 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2019-11-21 2019-11-11 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights: Universality and Diversity 9789041116185 9789004481954 Brems 10.1163/9789004481954 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-05-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004498266 The New Asylum Seekers: Refugee Law in the 1980's 9789024737307 9789004482364 Martin 10.1163/9789004482364 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1988-08-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights Protection in the Field 9789004148475 9789047417705 Ramcharan 10.1163/ej.9789004148475.i-430 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-23 2006-02-01 monograph P 9789004498266 Advancing the Legal Status of Women in Islamic Law 9789004446939 9789004446953 Samadi 10.1163/9789004446953 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2021-06-03 2021-05-25 monograph P 9789004498266 Fair Balance: Proportionality, Subsidiarity and Primarity in the European Convention on Human Rights 9789004170285 9789004180819 Christoffersen 10.1163/ej.9789004170285.i-670 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2009-06-02 2009-06-02 monograph P 9789004498266 The U.N. Convention on Torture and the Prospects for Enforcement 9789041104571 9789004481725 Boulesbaa 10.1163/9789004481725 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-04-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Determinants of Gross Human Rights Violations by State and State-sponsored Actors in Brazil, Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, 1960-1990 9789041112026 9789004481800 Heinz 10.1163/9789004481800 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-07-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Human Rights Missions 9789024733644 9789004482340 Thoolen 10.1163/9789004482340 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1986-12-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 The Right to Life in International Law 9789024730742 9789004482296 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004482296 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1985-06-01 2021-09-27 monograph P 9789004498266 Consensus-Based Interpretation of Regional Human Rights Treaties 9789004375529 9789004375512 Pascual-Vives 10.1163/9789004375512 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2019-03-28 2019-07-22 monograph P 9789004498266 The Right of the Child to Religious Freedom in International Law 9789004162662 9789047423508 Langlaude 10.1163/ej.9789004162662.i-293 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2007-12-12 2007-11-30 monograph P 9789004498266 Responding to Human Rights Violations, 1946-1999 9789041113689 9789004478657 Tomaševski 10.1163/9789004478657 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-08-01 2021-10-05 monograph P 9789004498266 Language, Minorities and Human Rights 9789041102065 9789004479258 de Varennes 10.1163/9789004479258 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1996-02-01 2021-09-27 monograph P