isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type
9789004498495 White Magic, Black Magic in the European Renaissance 9789004160989 9789047421382 Zambelli 10.1163/ej.9789004160989.i-282 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-07-30 2007-07-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Copyright in the Renaissance: Prints and the Privilegio in Sixteenth-Century Venice and Rome 9789004137486 9789047413639 Witcombe 10.1163/9789047413639 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-05-27 2004-06-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Stephen Langton: Erzbischof von Canterbury im England der Magna Carta (1207-1228) 9789004176805 9789047430247 Baumann 10.1163/ej.9789004176805.i-478 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-05-20 2009-05-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Justification and Participation in Christ 9789004165267 9789047432937 Vainio 10.1163/ej.9789004165267.i-260 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-01-23 2008-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Wandering Women and Holy Matrons 9789004174269 9789047427728 Craig 10.1163/ej.9789004174269.i-316 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-03-16 2009-03-16 monograph P
9789004498495 Petrus Martyr Vermigli. Kommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethik des Aristoteles 9789004218734 9789004218796 Baschera 10.1163/9789004218796 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-10-28 2011-10-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Social Imagery in Middle Low German 9789004247758 9789004204959 Hess 10.1163/9789004204959 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-20 2013-06-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Magic, Body and the Self in Eighteenth-Century Sweden 9789004171145 9789047424451 Gent 10.1163/ej.9789004171145.i-228 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-10-29 2008-09-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Cornelius Henrici Hoen (Honius) and his Epistle on the Eucharist (1525) 9789004154643 9789047411376 Spruyt 10.1163/9789047411376 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-10-27 2006-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Angels of Light? Sanctity and the Discernment of Spirits in the Early Modern Period 9789004233690 9789004233706 Copeland 10.1163/9789004233706 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-23 2012-11-23 monograph P
9789004498495 The ‘Book’ of Travels: Genre, Ethnology, and Pilgrimage, 1250-1700 9789004174986 9789047428442 Brummett 10.1163/ej.9789004174986.i-332 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-04-24 2009-04-24 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band V (September 1530 - Mai 1531) 9789004138612 9789047414209 Hamm 10.1163/9789047414209 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-08-30 2004-06-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Civic Culture and Everyday Life in Early Modern Germany 9789004152694 9789047410423 Roeck 10.1163/9789047410423 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-10-27 2006-10-31 monograph P
9789004498495 Push Me, Pull You 9789004205734 9789004215139 Blick 10.1163/9789004215139 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-05-10 2011-05-10 monograph P
9789004498495 Gender, Kabbalah and the Reformation: The Mystical Theology of Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) 9789004138018 9789047413301 Petry 10.1163/9789047413301 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-04-15 2004-04-01 monograph P
9789004498495 The Primacy of the Postils 9789004180369 9789004183605 Frymire 10.1163/ej.9789004180369.i-650 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-12-23 2009-12-23 monograph P
9789004498495 Witchcraft and the Act of 1604 9789004165281 9789047432944 Newton 10.1163/ej.9789004165281.i-248 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-04-09 2008-04-15 monograph P
9789004498495 Frater Petrus, Collationes de tempore (Fourteenth Century) 9789004439733 9789004132504 Nodes 10.1163/9789004132504 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-09-09 2021-09-06 monograph P
9789004498495 Thomas Müntzer: Herkunft und Bildung 9789004088504 9789004474741 Bubenheimer 10.1163/9789004474741 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Describing the City, Describing the State 9789004415904 9789004428201 Toffolo 10.1163/9789004428201 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-07-15 2020-07-15 monograph P
9789004498495 Luther at Leipzig 9789004414624 9789004414631 Mattox 10.1163/9789004414631 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-09-19 2019-09-16 monograph P
9789004498495 Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology 9789004329966 9789004329980 Goris 10.1163/9789004329980 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-07-23 2020-07-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Catholic Reform in the Age of Luther 9789004261884 9789004353862 Volkmar 10.1163/9789004353862 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-23 2018-01-09 monograph P
9789004498495 The Radical Reformation and the Making of Modern Europe 9789004335776 9789004335783 Biagioni 10.1163/9789004335783 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-12-15 2016-12-05 monograph P
9789004498495 Paolo Sarpi: A Servant of God and State 9789004261143 9789004266742 Kainulainen 10.1163/9789004266742 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-03-13 2014-03-13 monograph P
9789004498495 The Revelations of St Birgitta 9789004304659 9789004304666 Adams 10.1163/9789004304666 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-10-15 2015-10-14 monograph P
9789004498495 Poetry and Censorship in Counter-Reformation Italy 9789004284395 9789004301115 Helm 10.1163/9789004301115 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-09-10 2015-08-25 monograph P
9789004498495 The Concept of Law (lex) in the Moral and Political Thought of the ‘School of Salamanca’ 9789004322691 9789004322707 Simmermacher 10.1163/9789004322707 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-10-13 2016-10-05 monograph P
9789004498495 Jerónimo Nadal (1507-1580) und der „verschriftlichte“ Ignatius 9789004304482 9789004304499 Ramos Riera 10.1163/9789004304499 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-10-15 2015-10-14 monograph P
9789004498495 La pathologie du pouvoir: vices, crimes et délits des gouvernants 9789004307797 9789004307803 Gilli 10.1163/9789004307803 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-12-10 2016-02-02 monograph P
9789004498495 Wace, The Hagiographical Works 9789004247055 9789004247680 Blacker 10.1163/9789004247680 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-07 2013-06-06 monograph P
9789004498495 Huldrych Zwingli‘s Private Library 9789004383760 9789004385641 Leu 10.1163/9789004385641 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-12-06 2018-11-26 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band III (1527-1529) 9789004103696 9789004475816 Krieger 10.1163/9789004475816 fulltext BRILL monograph 1995-05-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Exorcising our Demons: Magic, Witchcraft and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe 9789004125605 9789004475915 Zika 10.1163/9789004475915 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-02-25 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 The Society of Jesus in Ireland, Scotland, and England 1541-1588 9789004104822 9789004476318 McCoog, S.J. 10.1163/9789004476318 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-07-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Historical Method and Confessional Identity in the Era of the Reformation (1378-1615) 9789004129283 9789004476172 Backus 10.1163/9789004476172 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-02-25 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 The Saint as Censor 9789004115705 9789004476387 Godman 10.1163/9789004476387 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-07-13 2024-02-26 monograph P
9789004498495 La réforme protestante du culte à Strasbourg au XVIe siècle (1523-1598) 9789004062641 9789004474369 Bornert 10.1163/9789004474369 fulltext BRILL monograph 1981-12-01 2022-04-19 monograph P
9789004498495 Erasmus als Ketzer: Reformation und Inquisition im Italien des 16. Jahrhunderts 9789004094741 9789004477698 Seidel Menchi 10.1163/9789004477698 fulltext BRILL monograph 1992-10-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Katharina Schütz Zell 9789004336148 9789004532397 McKee 10.1163/9789004532397 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-11-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Misericordia Dei: The theology of Joh. von Staupitz in its late medieval setting 9789004528307 9789004474635 Steinmetz 10.1163/9789004474635 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-08-08 monograph P
9789004498495 Wurzeln der Reformation in Zürich 9789004073180 9789004477162 Büsser 10.1163/9789004477162 fulltext BRILL monograph 1985-12-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Rhétorique et poétique au XVIe siècle en France: Du Bellay, Ramus et les autres 9789004077065 9789004476745 Meerhoff 10.1163/9789004476745 fulltext BRILL monograph 1986-12-01 2022-05-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Illustrium Imagines: Das Porträtbuch der Renaissance 9789004125490 9789004473706 Pelc 10.1163/9789004473706 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-05-31 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer and Sixteenth Century Europe 9789004097988 9789004532267 Krieger 10.1163/9789004532267 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-11-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Täuferisches Taufverständnis: Balthasar Hubmaiers Lehre zwischen traditioneller und reformatorischer Theologie 9789004043718 9789004477766 Windhorst 10.1163/9789004477766 fulltext BRILL monograph 1976-12-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Bibliography of Calviniana, 1959-1974 9789004528321 9789004477131 Kempff 10.1163/9789004477131 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Itinerarium Italicum: The Profile of the Italian Renaissance in the Mirror of its European Transformations 9789004042599 9789004474987 Oberman 10.1163/9789004474987 fulltext BRILL monograph 1975-06-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Bonagratia von Bergamo: Franziskanerjurist und Wortführer seines Ordens im Streit mit Papst Johannes XXII 9789004128170 9789004475946 Wittneben 10.1163/9789004475946 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-12-18 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Religion, Political Culture, and the Emergence of Early Modern Society 9789004096073 9789004474253 Schilling 10.1163/9789004474253 fulltext BRILL monograph 1992-03-01 2022-05-09 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band IV (Januar-September 1530) 9789004116207 9789004474673 Hamm 10.1163/9789004474673 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-07-31 2022-03-07 monograph P
9789004498495 Art and Politics in Early Modern Germany: Jörg Breu the Elder and the Fashioning of Political Identity, ca. 1475-1536 9789004111844 9789004477476 Cuneo 10.1163/9789004477476 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-07-20 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Theodore Beza and the Quest for Peace in France, 1572-1598 9789004111011 9789004476585 Manetsch 10.1163/9789004476585 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-05-25 2021-10-01 monograph P
9789004498495 The Spiritual Legacy of Hans Denck 9789004092914 9789004476936 Deck 10.1163/9789004476936 fulltext BRILL monograph 1990-12-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Witchcraft, Gender and Society in Early Modern Germany 9789004160934 9789047420552 Durrant 10.1163/ej.9789004160934.i-288 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-06-22 2007-06-30 monograph F
9789004498495 Politics and Reformations: Communities, Polities, Nations, and Empires 9789004161733 9789047422242 Ocker 10.1163/ej.9789004161733.i-630 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-10-15 2007-09-30 monograph P
9789004498495 The Seven Deadly Sins 9789004157859 9789047429456 Newhauser 10.1163/ej.9789004157859.i-312 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-03-09 2007-03-31 monograph P
9789004498495 Early Modern Religious Communities in East-Central Europe 9789004176522 9789004186842 Keul 10.1163/ej.9789004176522.i-318 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-06-02 2009-06-02 monograph P
9789004498495 Women, Gender and Radical Religion in Early Modern Europe 9789004163065 9789047422747 Brown 10.1163/ej.9789004163065.i-325 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-11-13 2007-11-30 monograph P
9789004498495 King's Sister – Queen of Dissent: Marguerite of Navarre (1492-1549) and her Evangelical Network (set 2 volumes) 9789004174979 9789047428435 Reid 10.1163/ej.9789004174979.i-810 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-06-24 2009-06-24 monograph P
9789004498495 Renaissance Monks: Monastic Humanism in Six Biographical Sketches 9789004144316 9789047415411 Posset 10.1163/9789047415411 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-07-29 2005-10-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Façade as Spectacle: Ritual and Ideology at Wells Cathedral 9789004138407 9789047405313 Malone 10.1163/9789047405313 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-07-07 2004-08-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band VII (Oktober 1531 - März 1532) 9789004171329 9789047424635 Hamm 10.1163/ej.9789004171329.i-567 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-10-29 2008-10-31 monograph P
9789004498495 Giles of Viterbo 9789004188624 9789004189157 Nodes 10.1163/ej.9789004188624.i-560 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-11-19 2010-11-19 monograph P
9789004498495 Die mittelalterliche Rezeption der aristotelischen Philosophie der Ehe 9789004154131 9789047411109 Blazek 10.1163/ej.9789004154131.i-442 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-12-28 2006-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Studien und Texte zur literarischen und materiellen Kultur der Frauenklöster im späten Mittelalter 9789004138629 9789047413837 Eisermann 10.1163/9789047413837 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-06-28 2004-07-01 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond 9789004228597 9789004228603 Ingram 10.1163/9789004228603 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-06-22 2012-06-22 monograph P
9789004498495 The Serpent and the Rose: The Immaculate Conception and Hispanic Poetry in the Late Medieval Period 9789004165953 9789047433200 Twomey 10.1163/ej.9789004165953.i-314 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-06-05 2008-06-03 monograph P
9789004498495 Disputation by Decree 9789004186613 9789004188808 Roobol 10.1163/ej.9789004186613.i-308 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-10-05 2010-10-05 monograph P
9789004498495 Negotiating Differences 9789004204232 9789004210639 Stronks 10.1163/ej.9789004204232.i-342 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-03-21 2011-03-21 monograph P
9789004498495 Die Rezeption der aristotelischen politischen Philosophie bei Marsilius von Padua 9789004168749 9789047442417 Syros 10.1163/ej.9789004168749.i-366 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-09-17 2008-08-31 monograph P
9789004498495 A House Divided: Wittelsbach Confessional Court Cultures in the Holy Roman Empire, c. 1550-1650 9789004183568 9789004183704 Thomas 10.1163/ej.9789004183568.i-403 fulltext BRILL monograph 2010-04-06 2010-04-06 monograph P
9789004498495 Networks, Regions and Nations: Shaping Identities in the Low Countries, 1300-1650 9789004180246 9789047444749 Stein 10.1163/ej.9789004180246.i-292 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-11-23 2009-11-23 monograph P
9789004498495 Politische Reflexion in der Welt des späten Mittelalters / Political Thought in the Age of Scholasticism 9789004139909 9789047405931 Kaufhold 10.1163/9789047405931 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-07-27 2004-09-01 monograph P
9789004498495 The Merchant in the Confessional: Trade and Price in the Pre-Reformation Penitential Handbooks 9789004129047 9789047401865 Langholm 10.1163/9789047401865 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-12-18 2003-02-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Protestant Nations Redefined 9789004144859 9789047415671 Ihalainen 10.1163/9789047415671 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-09-23 2005-10-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Opus arduum valde 9789004362932 9789004464360 Cegna 10.1163/9789004464360 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-06-03 2021-07-05 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond 9789004447271 9789004447349 Ingram 10.1163/9789004447349 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-01-21 2021-01-18 monograph P
9789004498495 Das Auge der Geschichte 9789004392540 9789004392663 Voges 10.1163/9789004392663 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-02-14 2019-02-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Women and Gender in the Early Modern Low Countries, 1500 - 1750 9789004369726 9789004391352 Moran 10.1163/9789004391352 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-04-18 2019-05-07 monograph F
9789004498495 Cultural Shifts and Ritual Transformations in Reformation Europe 9789004436015 9789004436022 Christman 10.1163/9789004436022 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-08-13 2020-08-10 monograph P
9789004498495 India in Early Modern English Travel Writings 9789004420960 9789004448261 Banerjee 10.1163/9789004448261 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-07-16 2021-07-15 monograph P
9789004498495 Negotiating Violence 9789004361157 9789004361263 Erdélyi 10.1163/9789004361263 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-07-05 2018-06-19 monograph P
9789004498495 Nicholas of Cusa and Islam 9789004274754 9789004274761 Levy 10.1163/9789004274761 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-06-26 2014-06-26 monograph F
9789004498495 Religion, the Supernatural and Visual Culture in Early Modern Europe 9789004297265 9789004299016 Spinks 10.1163/9789004299016 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-07-31 2015-07-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Die Macht des Gedächtnisses: Entstehung und Wandel kommunaler Schriftkultur im spätmittelalterlichen Augsburg 9789004266759 9789004266766 Kluge 10.1163/9789004266766 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-03-13 2014-03-13 monograph P
9789004498495 Archäologie offenbart 9789004270411 9789004227682 Kaempf 10.1163/9789004227682 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-05-22 2015-05-19 monograph P
9789004498495 Lived Religion and the Long Reformation in Northern Europe c. 1300–1700 9789004328853 9789004328877 Toivo 10.1163/9789004328877 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-10-20 2016-09-27 monograph P
9789004498495 Ordering Emotions in Europe, 1100-1800 9789004305090 9789004305106 Broomhall 10.1163/9789004305106 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-09-10 2015-09-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Exile Memories and the Dutch Revolt 9789004311664 9789004315914 Mueller 10.1163/9789004315914 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-04-07 2016-04-08 monograph P
9789004498495 Defining Heresy 9789004304253 9789004304260 Bueno 10.1163/9789004304260 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-10-01 2015-09-07 monograph P
9789004498495 Itineraries in French Renaissance Literature 9789004191358 9789004351516 Persels 10.1163/9789004351516 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-16 2017-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Writing Witch-Hunt Histories 9789004257900 9789004257917 Nenonen 10.1163/9789004257917 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-10-04 2013-10-02 monograph P
9789004498495 Die wahrhaft königliche Stadt 9789004355033 9789004355040 Kah 10.1163/9789004355040 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-16 2017-11-13 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 3. Martin Bucer et Matthew Parker. Florilegium Patristicum 9789004082908 9789004476899 Bucer 10.1163/9789004476899 fulltext BRILL monograph 1988-06-01 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 """Defender of the Most Holy Matriarchs"": Martin Luther’s Interpretation of the Women of Genesis in the Enarrationes in Genesin, 1535-1545" 9789004128941 9789004473560 Mattox 10.1163/9789004473560 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-12-18 2021-10-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Liberty and Religion: Church and State in Leiden's Reformation, 1572-1620 9789004116436 9789004473720 Kooi 10.1163/9789004473720 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-08-17 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 1 9789004064904 9789004477841 Bucer 10.1163/9789004477841 fulltext BRILL monograph 1982-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Pierre d'Ailly and the Blanchard Affair: University and Chancellor of Paris at the Beginning of the Great Schism 9789004057128 9789004477810 Bernstein 10.1163/9789004477810 fulltext BRILL monograph 1978-12-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band II (1524-1526) 9789004086364 9789004474499 Rott 10.1163/9789004474499 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-06-01 2021-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Angelo Poliziano, Lamia Praelectio in priora Aristotelis Analytica 9789004077386 9789004474437 Poliziano 10.1163/9789004474437 fulltext BRILL monograph 1986-12-01 2022-10-24 monograph P
9789004498495 City on the Ocean Sea: La Rochelle, 1530-1650 9789004108806 9789004477605 Robbins 10.1163/9789004477605 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-08-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Between Saint James and Erasmus: Studies in Late-Medieval Religious Life – Devotion and Pilgrimage in the Netherlands 9789004129849 9789004473676 Herwaarden 10.1163/9789004473676 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-06-30 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Die Ablasstheologie Kardinal Cajetans (1469-1534) 9789004110915 9789004477629 Felmberg 10.1163/9789004477629 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-06-30 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 A Theology of Testament in the Young Luther: The Lectures on Hebrews 9789004039872 9789004477759 Hagen 10.1163/9789004477759 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-06-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004498495 The Pursuit of Holiness in Late Medieval and Renaissance Religion 9789004037915 9789004477414 Oberman 10.1163/9789004477414 fulltext BRILL monograph 1972-06-01 2022-07-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt: The Development of his Thought 1517-1525 9789004038967 9789004477742 Sider 10.1163/9789004477742 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-12-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 The Modern Devotion: Confrontation with Reformation and Humanism 9789004031470 9789004477155 Post 10.1163/9789004477155 fulltext BRILL monograph 1968-06-01 2022-07-18 monograph P
9789004498495 Michael Gaismair: Revolutionary and Reformer 9789004056732 9789004477803 Klaassen 10.1163/9789004477803 fulltext BRILL monograph 1978-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 The Identities of Catherine de' Medici 9789004360822 9789004461819 Broomhall 10.1163/9789004461819 fulltext BRILL monograph 2021-06-24 2021-07-05 monograph P
9789004498495 Ecclesia in Via: Ecclesiological Developments in the Medieval Psalms Exegesis and the Dictata super Psalterium (1513-1515) of Martin Luther 9789004038653 9789004473843 Hendrix 10.1163/9789004473843 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-12-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli's Doctrine of Man and Grace 9789004044821 9789004477780 Donnelly 10.1163/9789004477780 fulltext BRILL monograph 1976-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 The Red Jews: Antisemitism in an Apocalyptic Age, 1200-1600 9789004102552 9789004478060 Gow 10.1163/9789004478060 fulltext BRILL monograph 1994-12-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Julius Pflug (1499-1564) et la crise religieuse dans l'Allemagne du XVIe siècle 9789004092419 9789004476929 Pollet 10.1163/9789004476929 fulltext BRILL monograph 1990-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Reform before the Reformation: Vincenzo Querini and the Religious Renaissance in Italy 9789004123793 9789004475724 Bowd 10.1163/9789004475724 fulltext BRILL monograph 2001-12-20 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer and Sixteenth Century Europe 9789004098855 9789004532274 Krieger 10.1163/9789004532274 fulltext BRILL monograph 2023-12-14 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conquest of Poverty: The Calvinist Revolt in Sixteenth-Century France 9789004075986 9789004477872 Heller 10.1163/9789004477872 fulltext BRILL monograph 1986-06-01 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 In Primum Librum sententiarum annotatiunculae 9789004043039 9789004476639 Moore, Jr. 10.1163/9789004476639 fulltext BRILL monograph 1976-06-01 2022-05-16 monograph P
9789004498495 From the Communal Reformation to the Revolution of the Common Man 9789004107700 9789004473447 Blickle 10.1163/9789004473447 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-06-26 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conquest of the Soul: Confession, Discipline, and Public Order in Counter-Reformation Milan 9789004117488 9789047400448 Boer 10.1163/9789047400448 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-11-28 2000-11-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Queen’s Apprentice 9789004180307 9789004183582 Patrouch 10.1163/ej.9789004180307.i-462 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-12-07 2009-12-07 monograph P
9789004498495 ‘News from the Republick of Letters’: Scottish Students, Charles Mackie and the United Provinces, 1650-1750 9789004210684 9789004228160 Mijers 10.1163/9789004228160 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-05-03 2012-05-03 monograph P
9789004498495 Double Agents 9789004202696 9789004215078 Keblusek 10.1163/ej.9789004202696.i-280 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-05-10 2011-05-10 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond 9789004175532 9789047428978 Ingram 10.1163/ej.9789004175532.i-366 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-06-24 2009-06-15 monograph P
9789004498495 The Preservation of Jewish Religious Books in Sixteenth-Century Germany: Johannes Reuchlin's Augenspiegel 9789004241855 9789004241879 O'Callaghan 10.1163/9789004241879 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-09 2012-11-05 monograph P
9789004498495 Gemeindeordnung und Kirchenzucht: Johannes a Lascos Kirchenordnung für London (1555) und die reformierte Konfessionsbildung 9789004157842 9789047420651 Becker 10.1163/ej.9789004157842.i-592 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-06-22 2007-06-30 monograph P
9789004498495 The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews 9789004179813 9789047444114 Maryks 10.1163/ej.9789004179813.i-282 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-10-23 2009-11-15 monograph F
9789004498495 Printing, Power, and Piety 9789004232051 9789004232068 Pardue 10.1163/9789004232068 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-08-27 2012-08-27 monograph P
9789004498495 Lutheran Reformation and the Law 9789004149045 9789047417446 Mäkinen 10.1163/9789047417446 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-11-29 2022-01-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Public Opinion and Changing Identities in the Early Modern Netherlands 9789004155275 9789047411604 Pollmann 10.1163/ej.9789004155275.i-310 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-12-01 2006-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Conrad Summenhart's Theory of Individual Rights 9789004216839 9789004225565 Varkemaa 10.1163/9789004225565 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-10-28 2011-10-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Shaping the Stranger Churches 9789004389366 9789004439535 Muylaert 10.1163/9789004439535 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-10-22 2020-10-20 monograph P
9789004498495 John Colet on the Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of Dionysius 9789004257887 9789004257894 Nodes 10.1163/9789004257894 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-25 2013-09-26 monograph P
9789004498495 Memory before Modernity 9789004261242 9789004261259 Kuijpers 10.1163/9789004261259 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-12-05 2013-12-05 monograph F
9789004498495 The Spiritual Language of Art: Medieval Christian Themes in Writings on Art of the Italian Renaissance 9789004283916 9789004283923 Stowell 10.1163/9789004283923 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-11-14 2014-11-13 monograph P
9789004498495 Emotions and Health, 1200-1700 9789004250826 9789004252936 Carrera 10.1163/9789004252936 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-07-09 2013-07-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band IX (September 1532 - Juni 1533) 9789004265264 9789004265271 Friedrich 10.1163/9789004265271 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-11-07 2013-11-07 monograph P
9789004498495 Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology 9789004192188 9789004282469 te Velde 10.1163/9789004282469 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-09-12 2014-09-11 monograph P
9789004498495 From Princes to Pages 9789004317505 9789004317529 Schwartz-Leeper 10.1163/9789004317529 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-06-09 2016-05-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 9789004300484 9789004300491 van der Steen 10.1163/9789004300491 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-08-07 2015-07-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Johannes XXII., Avignon und Europa 9789004258983 9789004258990 Zanke 10.1163/9789004258990 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-09-13 2013-09-12 monograph P
9789004498495 Catechesis in the Later Middle Ages I 9789004282742 9789004282803 Saak 10.1163/9789004282803 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-11-07 2015-01-08 monograph P
9789004498495 Ulrichus Velenus (Oldřich Velenský) and his Treatise against the Papacy 9789004043978 9789004474949 Lamping 10.1163/9789004474949 fulltext BRILL monograph 1976-12-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Clément Marot, a Renaissance Poet Discovers the Gospel: Lutheranism, Fabrism and Calvinism in the Royal Courts of France and of Navarre and in the Ducal Court of Ferrara 9789004099098 9789004476264 Screech 10.1163/9789004476264 fulltext BRILL monograph 1993-11-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Community without Borders: Scots Migrants and the Changing Face of Power in the Dutch Republic, c. 1600-1700 9789004120778 9789004475571 Catterall 10.1163/9789004475571 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-02-26 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Action and Person: Conscience in Late Scholasticism and the Young Luther 9789004047631 9789004474277 Baylor 10.1163/9789004474277 fulltext BRILL monograph 1977-06-01 2022-03-07 monograph P
9789004498495 Orthodoxy and Reform in Early Reformation France: The Faculty of Theology of Paris, 1500-1543 9789004072312 9789004475069 Farge 10.1163/9789004475069 fulltext BRILL monograph 1985-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 The Spiritual Power: Republican Florence under Interdict 9789004036994 9789004477735 Trexler 10.1163/9789004477735 fulltext BRILL monograph 1974-06-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Calvin's Catholic Christology 9789004528291 9789004477117 Willis 10.1163/9789004477117 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-07-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Justification in Late Medieval Preaching: A Study of John Geiler of Keisersberg 9789004090477 9789004477728 Dempsey Douglass 10.1163/9789004477728 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-06-01 2022-07-04 monograph P
9789004498495 Außenseiter zwischen Mittelalter und Neuzeit 9789004104983 9789004476325 Fischer 10.1163/9789004476325 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-03-01 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Inimici Ecclesiae: Das ekklesiologische Feinbild in Luther's Dictata super psalterium (1513-1515) im Horizont der theologischen Tradition 9789004088375 9789004476912 Rasmussen 10.1163/9789004476912 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-12-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Katharina Schütz Zell 9789004336155 9789004532403 McKee 10.1163/9789004532403 fulltext BRILL monograph 2023-12-28 monograph P
9789004498495 The Ecclesiastical Offices in the Thought of Martin Bucer 9789004102538 9789004477247 Spijker 10.1163/9789004477247 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-04-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Bücher im Staube: Die Theologie Johann Arndts in ihrem Verhältnis zur Mystik 9789004078154 9789004476882 Braw 10.1163/9789004476882 fulltext BRILL monograph 1986-06-01 2022-10-24 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer, Études sur les relations de Bucer avec les Pays-Bas. I. Études 9789004075634 9789004477858 Bucer 10.1163/9789004477858 fulltext BRILL monograph 1985-12-01 2022-03-07 monograph P
9789004498495 Inter timorem et spem: A Study of the Theological Thought of Gerard Zerbolt of Zutphen (1367-1398) 9789004077188 9789004476875 Gerrits 10.1163/9789004476875 fulltext BRILL monograph 1986-06-01 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band I (Jusqu'en 1524) 9789004058057 9789004477827 Rott 10.1163/9789004477827 fulltext BRILL monograph 1979-12-01 2023-03-13 monograph P
9789004498495 Religion and Culture in Germany (1400-1800) 9789004114579 9789004476578 Scribner 10.1163/9789004476578 fulltext BRILL monograph 2001-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P
9789004498495 Organum Deitatis: Die Christologie des Thomas de Vio Cajetan 9789004108011 9789004476370 Nieden 10.1163/9789004476370 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-05-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Communities, Politics, and Reformation in Early Modern Europe 9789004110014 9789004477681 Brady 10.1163/9789004477681 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-08-25 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Sebastian Castellio, De arte dubitandi et confidendi ignorandi et sciendi 9789004063440 9789004477834 Castellio 10.1163/9789004477834 fulltext BRILL monograph 1981-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Via Augustini: Augustine in the later Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation 9789004093645 9789004477452 Oberman 10.1163/9789004477452 fulltext BRILL monograph 1991-07-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer, Études sur les relations de Bucer avec les Pays-Bas. II. Documents 9789004075658 9789004477865 Bucer 10.1163/9789004477865 fulltext BRILL monograph 1985-06-01 2022-03-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Ruling Class, Regime and Reformation at Strasbourg 1520-1555 9789004052857 9789004474956 Brady 10.1163/9789004474956 fulltext BRILL monograph 1978-12-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Giles of Viterbo on Church and Reform 9789004528314 9789004477124 O'Malley 10.1163/9789004477124 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-07-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Honor Your Fathers: Catechisms and the Emergence of a Patriarchal Ideology in Germany, 1400-1600 9789004108561 9789004474994 Bast 10.1163/9789004474994 fulltext BRILL monograph 1997-10-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 2. Enarratio in Evangelion Iohannis 9789004078765 9789004474482 Bucer 10.1163/9789004474482 fulltext BRILL monograph 1988-12-01 2021-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Heresy and Orthodoxy in Sixteenth-Century Paris: François Le Picart and the Beginnings of the Catholic Reformation 9789004114036 9789004476462 Taylor 10.1163/9789004476462 fulltext BRILL monograph 1999-04-20 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Pico's Heptaplus and Biblical Hermeneutics 9789004153158 9789047410645 Black 10.1163/9789047410645 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-08-29 2006-10-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Town, Country, and Regions in Reformation Germany 9789004143210 9789047407232 Scott 10.1163/9789047407232 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-03-16 2005-04-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Doctrinal Controversy and Lay Religiosity in Late Reformation Germany 9789004215658 9789004215665 Christman 10.1163/9789004215665 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-10-14 2011-10-14 monograph P
9789004498495 Preachers by Night 9789004154544 9789047411314 Audisio 10.1163/ej.9789004154544.i-262 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-11-29 2006-11-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Vaterlandsliebe und Religionskonflikt: Politische Diskurse im Alten Reich (1555-1648) 9789004161573 9789047430858 Schmidt 10.1163/ej.9789004161573.i-512 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-08-13 2007-07-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Theater, Culture, and Community in Reformation Bern, 1523-1555 9789004123533 9789047401254 Ehrstine 10.1163/9789047401254 fulltext BRILL monograph 2001-11-27 2001-12-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Church and Reform 9789004140622 9789047406181 Pascoe 10.1163/9789047406181 fulltext BRILL monograph 2004-11-23 2004-12-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Politics and Reformations: Histories and Reformations 9789004161726 9789047422037 Ocker 10.1163/ej.9789004161726.i-476 fulltext BRILL monograph 2007-10-15 2007-09-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Between Creativity and Norm-Making 9789004240681 9789004240773 Müller 10.1163/9789004240773 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-09 2012-11-09 monograph P
9789004498495 Witches of the North 9789004252912 9789004252929 Willumsen 10.1163/9789004252929 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-06-13 2013-06-13 monograph P
9789004498495 'In the Footsteps of the Ancients' 9789004113978 9789047400202 Witt 10.1163/9789047400202 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-03-31 2000-03-31 monograph P
9789004498495 Spectacle and Public Performance in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance 9789004149281 9789047408802 Stillman 10.1163/9789047408802 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-02-28 2006-04-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Christian Humanism 9789004176317 9789047429753 MacDonald 10.1163/ej.9789004176317.i-499 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-03-25 2009-03-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Between Sardis and Philadelphia: The Life and World of Pietist Court Preacher Conrad Bröske 9789004169685 9789047441908 Shantz 10.1163/ej.9789004169685.i-323 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-08-29 2008-09-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Scottish Communities Abroad in the Early Modern Period 9789004143067 9789047407157 Grosjean 10.1163/9789047407157 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-04-29 2021-09-20 monograph P
9789004498495 The Empire of the Cities 9789004171367 9789047424673 Espinosa 10.1163/ej.9789004171367.i-364 fulltext BRILL monograph 2008-10-29 2008-11-30 monograph P
9789004498495 William of Ockham's Early Theory of Property Rights in Context 9789004243460 9789004245730 Robinson 10.1163/9789004245730 fulltext BRILL monograph 2012-11-23 2012-11-23 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band VIII (April 1532 - August 1532) 9789004203648 9789004210585 Simon 10.1163/ej.9789004203648.i-457 fulltext BRILL monograph 2011-01-31 2011-01-31 monograph P
9789004498495 Peace, Order and the Glory of God 9789004147164 9789047415657 Estes 10.1163/9789047415657 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-09-23 2005-11-01 monograph P
9789004498495 A Contrite Heart: Prosecution and Redemption in the Carolingian Empire 9789004178151 9789047440512 Firey 10.1163/ej.9789004178151.i-294 fulltext BRILL monograph 2009-09-21 2009-09-21 monograph P
9789004498495 Textual Healing: Essays on Medieval and Early Modern Medicine 9789004146631 9789047415558 Furdell 10.1163/9789047415558 fulltext BRILL monograph 2005-09-23 2021-09-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Church Robbers and Reformers in Germany, 1525-1547 9789004152069 9789047409984 Ocker 10.1163/9789047409984 fulltext BRILL monograph 2006-06-30 2006-07-01 monograph P
9789004498495 Calvin and the Early Reformation 9789004359949 9789004419445 Brewer 10.1163/9789004419445 fulltext BRILL monograph 2019-12-19 2019-12-09 monograph P
9789004498495 Nicolaus Mameranus 9789004411739 9789004427594 Tibble 10.1163/9789004427594 fulltext BRILL monograph 2020-06-18 2020-06-22 monograph P
9789004498495 Law, Medicine and Engineering in the Cult of the Saints in Counter-Reformation Rome: The Hagiographical Works of Antonio Gallonio, 1556-1605 9789004265134 9789004265141 Touber 10.1163/9789004265141 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-01-30 2014-01-30 monograph P
9789004498495 Crossing Traditions: Essays on the Reformation and Intellectual History 9789004338630 9789004356795 Pitassi 10.1163/9789004356795 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-12-07 2017-11-20 monograph P
9789004498495 Reforming Finland 9789004354692 9789004354708 Lavery 10.1163/9789004354708 fulltext BRILL monograph 2017-11-23 2017-11-13 monograph P
9789004498495 The Art of Cistercian Persuasion in the Middle Ages and Beyond 9789004304826 9789004305304 Smirnova 10.1163/9789004305304 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-10-15 2015-10-14 monograph P
9789004498495 Conflicts, Confessions, and Contracts 9789004310674 9789004329683 Hardman 10.1163/9789004329683 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-09-15 2016-09-12 monograph P
9789004498495 Past Sense — Studies in Medieval and Early Modern European History 9789004268920 9789004269576 Fasolt 10.1163/9789004269576 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-04-03 2014-04-03 monograph P
9789004498495 Synopsis Purioris Theologiae / Synopsis of a Purer Theology 9789004324213 9789004328679 Belt 10.1163/9789004328679 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-11-03 2016-12-08 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer Briefwechsel/Correspondance: Band X (Juli 1533 – Dezember 1533) 9789004306790 9789004309883 Hamm 10.1163/9789004309883 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-03-17 2016-03-11 monograph P
9789004498495 The Vacant See in Early Modern Rome 9789004313774 9789004313781 Hunt 10.1163/9789004313781 fulltext BRILL monograph 2016-03-17 2016-03-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Rape in the Republic, 1609-1725: Formulating Dutch Identity 9789004256651 9789004256668 Pipkin 10.1163/9789004256668 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-08-15 2013-08-15 monograph P
9789004498495 Der Papst als Antichrist 9789004383234 9789004383753 Ficzel 10.1163/9789004383753 fulltext BRILL monograph 2018-11-22 2018-11-26 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 6. De vera et falsa caenae dominicae administratione (1546) 9789004273238 9789004273245 Thompson 10.1163/9789004273245 fulltext BRILL monograph 2014-07-04 2014-07-03 monograph P
9789004498495 Henricus Glareanus’s (1488-1563) Chronologia of the Ancient World 9789004261754 9789004261761 Grafton 10.1163/9789004261761 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-11-15 2013-11-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Margaret of Parma: A Life 9789004257443 9789004257450 Steen 10.1163/9789004257450 fulltext BRILL monograph 2013-08-22 2013-08-22 monograph P
9789004498495 The Conversos and Moriscos in Late Medieval Spain and Beyond 9789004306356 9789004306363 Ingram 10.1163/9789004306363 fulltext BRILL monograph 2015-11-06 2015-11-02 monograph P
9789004498495 Jean Gerson et l'Assemblée de Vincennes (1329): Ses conceptions de la juridiction temporelle de l'Église 9789004057401 9789004475052 Posthumus Meyjes 10.1163/9789004475052 fulltext BRILL monograph 1978-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Lord of the Sacred City: The Episcopus exclusus in Late Medieval and Early Modern Germany 9789004111202 9789004475557 Tyler 10.1163/9789004475557 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-11-20 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 The Antichrist and the Lollards: Apocalypticism in Late Medieval and Reformation England 9789004110885 9789004474536 Bostick 10.1163/9789004474536 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-06-26 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Richard Smyth and the Language of Orthodoxy: Re-imagining Tudor Catholic Polemicism 9789004129276 9789004476165 Löwe 10.1163/9789004476165 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-03-24 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 4. Consilium theologicum privatim conscriptum 9789004086029 9789004476905 Bucer 10.1163/9789004476905 fulltext BRILL monograph 1989-12-01 2022-05-09 monograph P
9789004498495 The Uses of Reform: 'Godly Discipline' and Popular Behavior in Scotland and Beyond, 1560-1610 9789004102613 9789004477261 Graham 10.1163/9789004477261 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-05-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Renaissance Religion in Urban Scotland: The Dominican Order, 1450-1560 9789004129290 9789004473669 Foggie 10.1163/9789004473669 fulltext BRILL monograph 2003-04-25 2021-10-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Senses of Touch: Human Dignity and Deformity from Michelangelo to Calvin 9789004111752 9789004477483 O'Rourke Boyle 10.1163/9789004477483 fulltext BRILL monograph 1998-07-09 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 High Way to Heaven: The Augustinian Platform Between Reform and Reformation, 1292-1524 9789004110991 9789004474598 Saak 10.1163/9789004474598 fulltext BRILL monograph 2002-08-15 2021-12-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Wolfgang Capito: From Humanist to Reformer 9789004043121 9789004477773 Kittelson 10.1163/9789004477773 fulltext BRILL monograph 1975-06-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 Erasmus: Der Humanist als Theologe und Kirchenreformer 9789004104969 9789004477490 Augustijn 10.1163/9789004477490 fulltext BRILL monograph 1996-08-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Adam Wodeham: An Introduction to his Life and Writings 9789004052673 9789004477797 Courtenay 10.1163/9789004477797 fulltext BRILL monograph 1978-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P
9789004498495 Anticlericalism in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe 9789004095182 9789004473713 Dykema 10.1163/9789004473713 fulltext BRILL monograph 1994-04-01 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 5. Defensio adversus Axioma Catholicum id est criminationem R.P. Roberti Episcopi Abrincensis (1534) 9789004119659 9789004474215 Bucer 10.1163/9789004474215 fulltext BRILL monograph 2000-11-20 2021-10-11 monograph P
9789004498495 Jean Gerson: Principles of Church Reform 9789004036451 9789004477179 Pascoe 10.1163/9789004477179 fulltext BRILL monograph 1973-12-01 2022-04-25 monograph P
9789004498495 J.L. Vives, In Pseudodialecticos 9789004059771 9789004476660 Vives 10.1163/9789004476660 fulltext BRILL monograph 1979-06-01 2022-02-28 monograph P