isbn_collections publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_edition monograph_volume first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type 9789004510784 Jurisdiction of International Tribunals 9789041118387 9789047403142 Amerasinghe 10.1163/9789047403142 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-11-01 2002-08-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The European Union and the Developing Countries 9789004141995 9789047406785 Babarinde 10.1163/9789047406785 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-02-14 2005-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer, Volume 1 (1996-1997) 9789041114846 9789004195707 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195707 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 International Responsibility Today 9789004144347 9789047407706 Ragazzi 10.1163/9789047407706 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-03-16 2005-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 India and International Law 9789004145191 9789047415497 Patel 10.1163/9789047415497 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-09-07 2005-09-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 11 (2003-2004) 9789004153851 9789047418306 Chimni 10.1163/9789047418306 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-30 2006-09-01 monograph F 9789004510784 Decisions of the World Court Relevant to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 9789041118066 9789047403111 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789047403111 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-05-01 2002-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Proceedings / Actes et Documents of the XIXth Session of The Hague Conference on Private International Law 9789004148550 9789047408611 The Hague Conference on Private Internat 10.1163/9789047408611 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-31 2006-10-31 monograph P 9789004510784 National Implementation of United Nations Sanctions 9789004140905 9789047406310 Gowlland-Debbas 10.1163/9789047406310 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-08-30 2004-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Accountability, Investigation and Due Process in International Organizations 9789004147935 9789047415503 Cooker 10.1163/9789047415503 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-09-07 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law of the Sea 9789004138636 9789047405375 Vukowich 10.1163/9789047405375 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-27 2004-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 9 (2000) 9789004140684 9789047406211 Chimni 10.1163/9789047406211 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-08-17 2004-09-01 monograph F 9789004510784 Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Volume 8 (2004) 9789004149595 9789047416555 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047416555 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-11 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 2: Law, Equity and Development 9789004155619 9789047411727 The World Bank 10.1163/9789047411727 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-11-29 2006-12-31 monograph P 9789004510784 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents / Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents, Volume 4 (1999) 9789004141247 9789047414636 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047414636 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-12-03 2004-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Le traité, acte juridique international 9789004139091 9789047413066 Poirat 10.1163/9789047413066 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-27 2004-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Non-Flag State Enforcement in High Seas Fisheries 9789004138896 9789047405498 Rayfuse 10.1163/9789047405498 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-01 2004-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Oceans Management in the 21st Century: Institutional Frameworks and Responses 9789004138520 9789047405368 Oude Elferink 10.1163/9789047405368 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-04-29 2004-07-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Universalising International Law 9789004138384 9789047405290 Weeramantry 10.1163/9789047405290 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-30 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer, Volume 3 (1999) 9789041115034 9789004195721 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195721 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-07-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Statehood and the Law of Self-Determination 9789041118905 9789047403388 Raic 10.1163/9789047403388 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-09-01 2002-09-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 6 (2002) 9789004138322 9789047413059 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047413059 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-27 2004-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Recent Developments in the Law of the Sea and China 9789004148420 9789047417378 Nordquist 10.1163/9789047417378 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 2 (1998) 9789041115218 9789004195301 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195301 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 World Court Decisions at the Turn of the Millennium (1997-2001) 9789041117915 9789004481138 Bekker 10.1163/9789004481138 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 8 (1998-1999) 9789004136885 9789004400672 Chimni 10.1163/9789004400672 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-10-16 2020-01-29 monograph F 9789004510784 International Securities Law and Regulation 9781571051066 9789004479531 Campbell 10.1163/9789004479531 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-05-01 2021-09-13 monograph P 9789004510784 Sir Gerald Fitzmaurice and the World Crisis of 1930-1945 9789041112422 9789004481817 Carty 10.1163/9789004481817 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-04-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Choice of Law and Multistate Justice, Special Edition 9781571053305 9789004480186 Juenger 10.1163/9789004480186 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-02-23 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Volume VI 9789041119810 9789004482067 Nordquist 10.1163/9789004482067 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-08-01 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 A Better United Nations for the New Millennium 9789041113443 9789004478459 Idris 10.1163/9789004478459 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-02-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and International Dispute Settlement: Trends and Prospects 9781571052681 9789004479227 Boisson de Chazournes 10.1163/9789004479227 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-07-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Law in Greater Europe 9789041113061 9789004482449 Haller 10.1163/9789004482449 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-11-01 2021-10-11 monograph P 9789004510784 Dividing the Waters 9789041198198 9789004502956 Sherk 10.1163/9789004502956 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-10-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 U.S. Federal Legal Responses to Terrorism 9781571052520 9789004479340 Alexander 10.1163/9789004479340 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2021-11-08 monograph P 9789004510784 Trade and Cooperation with the European Union in the New Millenium 9789041117786 9789004481107 Saunders 10.1163/9789004481107 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-06-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Arms Control and the Environment 9781571051462 9789004480162 Guruswamy 10.1163/9789004480162 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-09-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 State Succession and Membership in International Organizations 9789041115539 9789004481282 Bühler 10.1163/9789004481282 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-02-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 A Social Theory of International Law 9789041121585 9789004480667 Kawaguchi 10.1163/9789004480667 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-01-01 2021-12-28 monograph P 9789004510784 The United Kingdom's Legal Responses to Terrorism 9781571052773 9789004478350 Alexander 10.1163/9789004478350 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-01-06 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de la Haye de droit International, Vol. 14 (2001) 9789041118752 9789004481220 Kiss 10.1163/9789004481220 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-07-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Nexus between Peacekeeping and Peace-building: Debriefing and Lessons 9789041113887 9789004478602 Li Lin 10.1163/9789004478602 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) 9789041120700 9789004502970 Azimi 10.1163/9789004502970 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-06-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 Basics of the International System of Customs and Tariffs 9781571052223 9789004480049 Letterman 10.1163/9789004480049 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-09-01 2022-05-09 monograph P 9789004510784 Administrative Courts in Indonesia 9789041116338 9789004481992 Bedner 10.1163/9789004481992 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-09-06 monograph P 9789004510784 The International Legal System in Quest of Equity and Universality 9789041115829 9789004479012 Boisson de Chazournes 10.1163/9789004479012 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-03-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 9789041116017 9789004507500 Chandrasekhara Rao 10.1163/9789004507500 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-07-01 2022-10-04 monograph P 9789004510784 The Iran-United States Claims Tribunal and the Process of International Claims Resolution 9781571051134 9789004479937 Caron 10.1163/9789004479937 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Unity and Pluralism in Public International Law 9789041116642 9789004480780 Casanovas 10.1163/9789004480780 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-07-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Liability and Environment 9789041116451 9789004479043 Bergkamp 10.1163/9789004479043 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-10-01 2021-12-06 monograph P 9789004510784 Liber Amicorum Ibrahim F.I. Shihata 9789041114792 9789004481022 Schlemmer-Schulte 10.1163/9789004481022 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-05-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Reflections on an International Environmental Court 9789041114969 9789004502802 Hey 10.1163/9789004502802 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-10-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) 9789041120694 9789004479142 Li Lin 10.1163/9789004479142 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-06-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Studies in International Law and History 9789004138599 9789004480285 Anand 10.1163/9789004480285 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-03-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Legal Evolution and Political Authority in Indonesia 9789041114211 9789004478701 Lev 10.1163/9789004478701 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Constitutional Comparison 9789041115102 9789004481404 Venter 10.1163/9789004481404 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-03-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 Palestinian Secular Terrorism: Profiles of Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command, and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine 9781571053077 9789004479500 Alexander 10.1163/9789004479500 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-07-03 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Korea and the United Nations 9789041113825 9789004478671 Chi Young Pak 10.1163/9789004478671 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-06-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Foreign Investments in Bulgaria 9789041112781 9789004481824 Natov 10.1163/9789004481824 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-01-01 2021-10-11 monograph P 9789004510784 Equitable Law of Contracts 9781571051738 9789004480636 DiMatteo 10.1163/9789004480636 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Teaching International Law 9789041120144 9789004481480 Hey 10.1163/9789004481480 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-02-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Re-Defining Legitimate Statehood 9789041113535 9789004482487 Chinedu Okafor 10.1163/9789004482487 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Reflections on Principles and Practice of International Law 9789041113436 9789004478596 Gill 10.1163/9789004478596 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-02-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Introduction to U.S. Law and Legal Research 9781571053541 9789004480018 Neacsu 10.1163/9789004480018 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-07-07 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 International Commercial Arbitration: Commentary and Materials 9781571051745 9789004502222 Born 10.1163/9789004502222 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Case Law on Equitable Maritime Delimitation / Jurisprudence sur les délimitations maritimes selon l'équité 9789041119766 9789004479364 Kolb 10.1163/9789004479364 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-04-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Central Bank Independence 9789041115751 9789004481305 Kleineman 10.1163/9789004481305 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Liber Amicorum `In Memoriam' of Judge José María Ruda 9789041113672 9789004482517 Armas Barea 10.1163/9789004482517 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-06-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Sea-Bed Energy and Minerals: The International Legal Regime 9789041115515 9789004507722 Brown 10.1163/9789004507722 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-01-01 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 Carrier's Liability under the Hague, Hague-Visby and Hamburg Rules 9789041116765 9789004479159 Ping-fat 10.1163/9789004479159 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-04-01 2021-10-05 monograph P 9789004510784 Palestinian Religious Terrorism: Hamas and Islamic Jihad 9781571052476 9789004479814 Alexander 10.1163/9789004479814 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-06-27 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Securities Regulation in China 9781571051721 9789004479760 Sanzhu 10.1163/9789004479760 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-02-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Political Interpretation of Multilateral Treaties 9789004139688 9789047413950 Scott 10.1163/9789047413950 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-07-12 2004-07-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Theories of Compliance with International Law 9789004141933 9789047406761 Burgstaller 10.1163/9789047406761 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-11-26 2004-11-26 monograph P 9789004510784 State Failure, Sovereignty and Effectiveness 9789004139657 9789047405856 Kreijen 10.1163/9789047405856 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-28 2004-07-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The United Nations 9789041115638 9789047403005 Cede 10.1163/9789047403005 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-02-01 2001-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Convention de la Haye sur les Titres 9789004148536 9789047416548 The Hague Conference on Private Internat 10.1163/9789047416548 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-11 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Volume 4 (2000) 9789041117625 9789004195660 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195660 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-04-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 Marine Issues 9789041117403 9789047403050 Ehlers 10.1163/9789047403050 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-04-01 2002-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Amendment of the Constitutive Instruments of the United Nations and Specialized Agencies 9789004148000 9789047415800 Zacklin 10.1163/9789047415800 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-09-23 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 10 (2001-2002) 9789004146396 9789047408253 Chimni 10.1163/9789047408253 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-07-08 2005-08-01 monograph F 9789004510784 La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1996-1997 9789004138254 9789047412915 Stern 10.1163/9789047412915 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-19 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Law Sources 9789004138346 9789047412731 D'amato 10.1163/9789047412731 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-16 2003-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 8 (2004) 9789004148598 9789047416159 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047416159 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-28 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 7 (2003) 9789004140813 9789047414124 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047414124 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-08-17 2004-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Contribution of the Rwanda Tribunal to the Development of International Law 9789004145801 9789047408130 Herik 10.1163/9789047408130 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-04-29 2005-07-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Basic Texts / Textes de base (2005) 9789004145351 9789047416685 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047416685 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-29 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 State Practice Regarding State Immunities/La Pratique des Etats concernant les Immunités des Etats 9789004150737 9789047418337 Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 10.1163/9789047418337 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-06-30 2006-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents / Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents, Volume 3 (1999) 9789004151956 9789047409915 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047409915 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-07-13 2006-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Russian Fisheries Management 9789004136182 9789047404743 Hønneland 10.1163/9789047404743 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-23 2004-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Sustainable Justice 9789004141827 9789047414605 Cordonier Segger 10.1163/9789047414605 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-12-03 2004-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 1 (1997) 9789041113603 9789004195295 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195295 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Vol. 13 (2000) 9789041116666 9789004479128 Kiss 10.1163/9789004479128 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-07-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs, Volume 24 (2006) 9789004386037 9789004424968 Ma 10.1163/9789004424968 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2020-02-03 monograph P 9789004510784 Terrorism and Medical Responses: U.S. Lessons and Policy Iimplications 9781571052285 9789004479821 Alexander 10.1163/9789004479821 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-11-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Forging a Singaporean Statehood: 1965-1995 9789041119520 9789004481329 Ramcharan 10.1163/9789004481329 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-12-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Law in Transition 9789041119667 9789004480001 Feldbrugge 10.1163/9789004480001 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 The World Bank Legal Papers 9789041115126 9789004502819 Shihata 10.1163/9789004502819 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Resolutions and Statements of the United Nations Security Council (1946-2000) 9789041117229 9789004482098 Wellens 10.1163/9789004482098 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-01-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 Suing Foreign Governments and Their Corporations, 2nd Edition 9781571051318 9789004478947 Dellapenna 10.1163/9789004478947 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-02-03 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Eyes on the Prize 9789041117281 9789004481053 Carter 10.1163/9789004481053 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Selected Essays on the Conflict of Laws 9781571051165 9789004480438 Juenger 10.1163/9789004480438 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Value Added Tax 9781571051691 9789004502192 Schenk 10.1163/9789004502192 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-01-01 2022-10-17 monograph P 9789004510784 Judicial Reports / Recueils judiciaires 2000 9789004145238 9789004532199 Int. Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia 10.1163/9789004532199 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2024-02-19 monograph P 9789004510784 Current Marine Environmental Issues and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea 9789041117151 9789004480872 Moore 10.1163/9789004480872 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-10-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Law-Making in the People's Republic of China 9789041114334 9789004480933 Chen 10.1163/9789004480933 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 United Nations Sanctions and International Law 9789041116031 9789004502871 Gowlland-Debbas 10.1163/9789004502871 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 National and International Water Law and Administration: Selected Writings 9789041120854 9789004480230 Caponera 10.1163/9789004480230 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-01-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Understanding International Institutions and the Legislative Process 9781571051172 9789004478404 Szasz 10.1163/9789004478404 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-07-01 2021-11-08 monograph P 9789004510784 Rosenne's The World Court: What It is and How It Works 9789004136335 9789004479067 Gill 10.1163/9789004479067 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-12-12 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 Ordering Anarchy 9789041114082 9789004482609 Müllerson 10.1163/9789004482609 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-07-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The World Bank Legal Review, Volume 1: Law and Justice for Development 9789041120014 9789004503014 World Bank 10.1163/9789004503014 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-03-01 2022-05-20 monograph P 9789004510784 Advanced Case Law Methods: A Practical Course 9781571053459 9789004479715 Cappalli 10.1163/9789004479715 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-07-15 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Regulatory Models for the Online World 9789041119650 9789004480223 Weber 10.1163/9789004480223 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Media and Conflict: Framing Issues, Making Policy, Shaping Opinions 9781571052704 9789004480759 Gilboa 10.1163/9789004480759 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Parallel and Conflicting Enforcement of Law 9789004147621 9789004478985 Andersson 10.1163/9789004478985 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-07-27 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Maritime Regime Building 9789041115805 9789004481312 Valencia 10.1163/9789004481312 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Institutionalizing International Environmental Law 9781571053138 9789004480513 Desai 10.1163/9789004480513 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-12-30 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Implementation of Law in the People's Republic of China 9789041118349 9789004481183 Chen 10.1163/9789004481183 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-05-01 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 Law in the War on International Terrorism 9781571053190 9789004479807 Nanda 10.1163/9789004479807 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-03-16 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Aviation Law: Cases, Laws, and Related Sources 9781571053404 9789004478855 Larsen 10.1163/9789004478855 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-04-20 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 1998 9789041113450 9789004481459 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789004481459 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 Boundary Issues in Central Asia 9781571051431 9789004480506 Polat 10.1163/9789004480506 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-05-01 2021-09-06 monograph P 9789004510784 Associated Statehood in International Law 9789041117106 9789004480858 Tracy 10.1163/9789004480858 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The World Bank in a 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monograph 2001-03-01 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 Towards the Conceptualisation of Maritime Delimitation 9789004136175 9789004482050 Antunes 10.1163/9789004482050 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-11-27 2022-05-16 monograph P 9789004510784 Sovereign (In) Equality in International Organizations 9789041113108 9789004478343 Efraim 10.1163/9789004478343 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-11-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 International Distribution Law 9781571051400 9789004479753 Siefarth 10.1163/9789004479753 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Multilateral Treaty-Making 9789041114488 9789004480964 Gowlland-Debbas 10.1163/9789004480964 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 China's Compliance with World Trade Organization Obligations: A Review of China's First Two Years of Membership 9781571053428 9789004479524 Stewart 10.1163/9789004479524 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-05-30 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 Pharmaceutical Patents in Europe 9789041113481 9789004481473 Domeij 10.1163/9789004481473 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-03-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law and Practice of the United Nations 9789041114143 9789004479272 Conforti 10.1163/9789004479272 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-10-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Consumer Protection in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective 9781571052421 9789004478251 Vukowich 10.1163/9789004478251 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-11-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Vol. 15 (2002) 9789041122063 9789004481596 Kiss 10.1163/9789004481596 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Vessel-Source Pollution and Coastal State Jurisdiction 9789041116307 9789004479036 Franckx 10.1163/9789004479036 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-08-01 2021-09-06 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 1999 9789041115614 9789004481299 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789004481299 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-12-01 2022-07-11 monograph P 9789004510784 Judicial Reports / Recueils judiciaires 1997 Volume 3 9789004138377 9789004531635 Int. Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia 10.1163/9789004531635 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2022-11-28 monograph P 9789004510784 Treaty Making - Expression of Consent by States to be Bound by a Treaty / Conclusion des traités - Expression par les Etats du consentement à être liés par un traité 9789041116925 9789004502987 Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe 10.1163/9789004502987 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-09-01 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 After Doha: The Changing Attitude and Ideas of the New WTO Round 9781571052612 9789004479777 Stewart 10.1163/9789004479777 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 International Joint Ventures, Mergers, and Acquisitions 9781571051073 9789004478121 Meek 10.1163/9789004478121 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-07-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Usama bin Laden's Al-Qaida:Profile of a Terrorist Network 9781571052193 9789004480339 Alexander 10.1163/9789004480339 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The United Nations and a New World Order for a New Millennium 9789041113719 9789004482524 McWhinney 10.1163/9789004482524 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Ecoviolence and the Law: Supranational Normative Foundation of Ecocrime 9781571053169 9789004480643 Westra 10.1163/9789004480643 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-07-01 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 Cases and Materials on the Law of the Sea 9781571053176 9789004480421 Sohn 10.1163/9789004480421 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-12-08 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Long-term Conflict Prevention and Industrial Development 9789004136199 9789004478930 Bredel 10.1163/9789004478930 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-07-15 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Law of the Sea 9789041114013 9789004482586 Scheiber 10.1163/9789004482586 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-07-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 Sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly Islands 9789041113818 9789004479425 Chemillier-Gendreau 10.1163/9789004479425 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The Multinational Enterprise and Legal Control 9789041117892 9789004481121 Wallace 10.1163/9789004481121 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The Russian Arctic Straits 9789004141803 9789047406723 Brubaker 10.1163/9789047406723 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-10-28 2005-01-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer, Volume 9 (2005) 9789004155886 9789047411772 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047411772 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-10-05 2006-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 United Nations as Peacekeeper and Nation-Builder 9789004148260 9789047417149 Azimi 10.1163/9789047417149 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-11 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer, Volume 2 (1998) 9789041115010 9789004195714 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195714 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-01-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Prospects for Constitutionalism in Post-Communist Countries 9789041118363 9789047403135 Gönenç 10.1163/9789047403135 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-06-01 2002-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 2001 9789004138513 9789047413073 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789047413073 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-27 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The OSCE Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security 9789004142923 9789047407089 Ghebali 10.1163/9789047407089 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-01-14 2005-01-01 monograph P 9789004510784 China and International Fisheries Law and Policy 9789004148147 9789047416197 Xue 10.1163/9789047416197 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-28 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 4 (2000) 9789041119087 9789004195325 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195325 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-11-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 Governance and International Legal Theory 9789004140332 9789047406105 Dekker 10.1163/9789047406105 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-10-05 2004-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Copyright, Freedom of Speech, and Cultural Policy in the Russian Federation 9789004140875 9789047406280 Elst 10.1163/9789047406280 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-11-15 2004-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Towards an International Law of Co-progressiveness 9789004138292 9789047405269 Yee 10.1163/9789047405269 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-30 2004-03-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Authority of the Security Council under Chapter VII of the UN Charter 9789041116413 9789047411925 Schweigman 10.1163/9789047411925 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-05-01 2001-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 3 (1999) 9789041118226 9789004195318 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195318 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-07-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Annuaire Tribunal international du droit de la mer, Volume 5 (2001) 9789041120687 9789004195691 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195691 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-04-01 2023-01-30 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law and Practice of the United Nations 9789004143098 9789047427308 Conforti 10.1163/9789047427308 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-11-23 2004-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 International Law and Sustainable Development 9789004141735 9789047406709 Schrijver 10.1163/9789047406709 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-08-12 2004-08-10 monograph P 9789004510784 Counsel in the Caucasus: Professionalization and Law in Georgia 9789004139473 9789047405757 Waters 10.1163/9789047405757 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-04-26 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Towards World Constitutionalism 9789004146129 9789047415916 Macdonald 10.1163/9789047415916 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-11 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 La jurisprudence de l'OMC / The Case-Law of the WTO, 1998-1 9789004144354 9789047407713 Stern 10.1163/9789047407713 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-01-28 2005-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Changing Postwar International Legal Regime 9789041118479 9789047403159 Tsutsui 10.1163/9789047403159 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2002-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Juricultural Pluralism vis-à-vis Treaty Law 9789041117793 9789047403104 Bunn-Livingstone 10.1163/9789047403104 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2002-03-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Maritime Political Boundaries of the World 9789004140660 9789047406204 Prescott 10.1163/9789047406204 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-12-03 2005-01-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The September 11 Terrorist Attacks and the Invasion of Iraq in Contemporary International Law 9789004141438 9789047414148 McWhinney 10.1163/9789047414148 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-08-20 2004-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Customary International Law on the Use of Force 9789004147065 9789047415541 Cannizzaro 10.1163/9789047415541 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-09-07 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Contemporary Issues in International Law 9789041115874 9789047403012 Freestone 10.1163/9789047403012 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2002-03-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Proliferation of International Organizations 9789041115355 9789004420847 Blokker 10.1163/9789004420847 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-11-29 monograph P 9789004510784 A Concise Encyclopedia of the United Nations 9789041118653 9789004481206 Volger 10.1163/9789004481206 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-06-01 2021-12-28 monograph P 9789004510784 Asian Yearbook of International Law, Volume 7 (1997) 9789041115331 9789004400665 Ko Swan 10.1163/9789004400665 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-03-01 2020-01-29 monograph F 9789004510784 Handbook on WTO Trade Remedy Disputes 9781571051950 9789004434721 Stewart 10.1163/9789004434721 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-01-01 2020-10-12 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law of the Sea and Northeast Asia 9789041114075 9789004478695 Park Hee Kwon 10.1163/9789004478695 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 A Theory of Universal Democracy 9789041120038 9789004479135 Khan 10.1163/9789004479135 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-01-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The Legal Regime of the Turkish Straits 9789041119049 9789004481343 Ünlü 10.1163/9789004481343 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Terrorism and Business: The Impact of September 11,2001 9781571052469 9789004480315 Alexander 10.1163/9789004480315 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-02-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Developments in International Fisheries Law 9789041113221 9789004478381 Hey 10.1163/9789004478381 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-11-01 2021-10-05 monograph P 9789004510784 Privatizing Peace: From Conflict to Security 9781571051479 9789004480742 Gerson 10.1163/9789004480742 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-02-01 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 Water Projects 9789041116857 9789004479166 Delmon 10.1163/9789004479166 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-08-01 2021-12-28 monograph P 9789004510784 Recognition in International Law 9789041114402 9789004478145 Talmon 10.1163/9789004478145 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The Future of Cetaceans in a Changing World 9781571052629 9789004480599 Burns 10.1163/9789004480599 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-05-05 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Trade, Inequality and Justice: Toward a Liberal Theory of Just Trade Law 9781571051790 9789004480155 Garcia 10.1163/9789004480155 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-12-10 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 The World Court Reference Guide 9789041119070 9789004481237 Patel 10.1163/9789004481237 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-08-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Legal and Organizational Practices in Nonprofit Management 9789041114983 9789004481046 Ferraro 10.1163/9789004481046 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-11-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Korean Perspectives on Ocean Law Issues for the 21st Century 9789041113016 9789004481848 Choung Il Chee 10.1163/9789004481848 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 1999-11-01 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 The 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monograph 2002-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Searching the Law - The States 9789004506930 9789004531154 Doyle 10.1163/9789004531154 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2022-11-14 monograph P 9789004510784 International Project Finance 9781571051394 9789004478411 Scott 10.1163/9789004478411 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-31 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Global Law: A Triple Challenge 9781571052896 9789004478534 Delmas-Marty 10.1163/9789004478534 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-07-10 2021-09-13 monograph P 9789004510784 Law and Justice in a Multistate World: Essays in Honor of Arthur T. von Mehren 9781571051189 9789004480568 Nafziger 10.1163/9789004480568 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-06-01 2022-06-08 monograph P 9789004510784 Basics of International Intellectual Property Law 9781571052070 9789004480445 Letterman 10.1163/9789004480445 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-08-30 monograph P 9789004510784 The Centennial of the 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2001-09-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Third World and International Order 9789041121660 9789004479869 Anghie 10.1163/9789004479869 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-12-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 International Environmental Law 9781571053091 9789004481381 Shelton 10.1163/9789004481381 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-12 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Delegating State Powers: The Effect of Treaty Regimes on Democracy and Sovereignty 9781571051264 9789004478244 Franck 10.1163/9789004478244 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-07-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 September 11, 2001: A Turning Point in International and Domestic Law? 9781571053268 9789004480582 Eden 10.1163/9789004480582 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-05-23 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 New U.S. Withholding Tax Rules: A Practical Guide 9781571052827 9789004480353 Bruce 10.1163/9789004480353 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-12-05 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 9789041122032 9789004479234 Garabello 10.1163/9789004479234 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-09-30 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 International Terrorism: Legal Challenges and Responses. A Report by the International Bar Association's Task Force on Terrorism 9781571053015 9789004505025 IBA 10.1163/9789004505025 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-09-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 International Law of Water Resources 9789041116239 9789004481985 Bognanovic 10.1163/9789004481985 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-06-01 2021-12-28 monograph P 9789004510784 The Falklands/Malvinas Case 9789041115348 9789004478442 Laver 10.1163/9789004478442 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-02-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 International and National Law in Russia and Eastern Europe 9789041116543 9789004480766 Feldbrugge 10.1163/9789004480766 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-08-01 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 Judicial Reports / Recueils judiciaires 2000 Volume 4 9789004145245 9789004532205 Int. Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia 10.1163/9789004532205 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2023-02-17 monograph P 9789004510784 Toward a Cyberlegal Culture: Legal Research on the Frontier of Innovation, 2nd Edition 9781571052728 9789004502338 Roznovschi 10.1163/9789004502338 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 American Conflicts Law, 5th edition 9781571051219 9789004480520 McDougal III 10.1163/9789004480520 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-12-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 International Conflict of Laws for the Third Millennium: Essays in Honor of Friedrich K. Juenger 9781571051288 9789004480346 Borchers 10.1163/9789004480346 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-04-01 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 Environmental Law of Armed Conflict 9781571053145 9789004480650 Al-Duaij 10.1163/9789004480650 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-03 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Conflict and Cooperation on South Asia's International Rivers 9789041119582 9789004480216 Salman 10.1163/9789004480216 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / Recueil des arrêts, avis consultatifs et ordonnances, Volume 5 (2001) 9789041119971 9789004195332 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195332 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-04-01 2022-01-10 monograph P 9789004510784 Coalitions Between Terrorist Organizations 9789004143586 9789047407386 Karmon 10.1163/9789047407386 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-05-19 2005-06-01 monograph P 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9789047406297 Caron 10.1163/9789047406297 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-10-28 2004-09-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Public Policy and Law in Russia: In Search of a Unified Legal and Political Space 9789004149168 9789047416715 Sharlet 10.1163/9789047416715 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-12-21 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Energy Policy, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea 9789004144033 9789047407553 Nordquist 10.1163/9789047407553 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-02-14 2005-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Political Empowerment of Women 9789004140998 9789047406358 Leyenaar 10.1163/9789047406358 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-09-22 2004-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Power of Language in the Making of International Law 9789004136984 9789047404873 Beaulac 10.1163/9789047404873 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-28 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law of Arms Control 9789041116246 9789047403029 Dekker 10.1163/9789047403029 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-05-01 2001-05-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Stability and Change in the Law of the Sea: The Role of the LOS Convention 9789004146136 9789047416166 Oude Elferink 10.1163/9789047416166 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-28 2005-12-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Institutional Law 9789004138278 9789047412748 Schermers 10.1163/9789047412748 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-16 2021-11-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Climate Change Damage and International Law 9789004146501 9789047427407 Verheyen 10.1163/9789047427407 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-01 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents / Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents, Volume 5 (2000) 9789004153998 9789047418368 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047418368 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-08-01 2006-09-01 monograph P 9789004510784 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| Nijhoff monograph 2005-11-01 2005-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Dispute Resolution in Electronic Commerce 9789004143838 9789047407485 Zhao 10.1163/9789047407485 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-04-15 2005-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Maritime Delimitation and Interim Arrangements in North East Asia 9789004136694 9789047404804 Kim 10.1163/9789047404804 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-02-19 2004-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Marine Scientific Research 9789004145214 9789047408024 Wegelein 10.1163/9789047408024 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-05-25 2005-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Volume 2 (1998) 9789041115003 9789004195646 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195646 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents / Mémoires, procès-verbaux des audiences publiques et documents, Volume 1 (1997) 9789041114235 9789004195264 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789004195264 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-09-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Legal and Scientific Aspects of Continental Shelf Limits 9789004139121 9789047413530 Nordquist 10.1163/9789047413530 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-13 2004-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 2002 9789004143708 9789047414940 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789047414940 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-02-14 2005-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Evidence in International Litigation 9789004144491 9789047407775 Amerasinghe 10.1163/9789047407775 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-05-30 2005-06-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Volume 7 (2003) 9789004143753 9789047414667 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047414667 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-12-03 2004-12-15 monograph P 9789004510784 Confronting Terrorism 9789041119605 9789047403227 Leeuwen 10.1163/9789047403227 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-02-01 2003-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Vol. 16 (2003) 9789004141209 9789047413912 Kiss 10.1163/9789047413912 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-07-01 2004-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Yearbook International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, Volume 6 (2002) 9789004139398 9789047413387 International Tribunal for the Law of th 10.1163/9789047413387 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-04-22 2004-02-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Enigma of Comparative Law 9789004139893 9789047413578 Orucu 10.1163/9789047413578 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-05-14 2004-04-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Security Council and the Use of Force 9789004146426 9789047416050 Blokker 10.1163/9789047416050 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-10-12 2005-11-01 monograph P 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monograph P 9789004510784 Searching the Law - The States 9789004506923 9789004531147 Doyle 10.1163/9789004531147 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2022-11-14 monograph P 9789004510784 Narco Terrorism: A Unified Strategy to Fight a Growing Terrorist Menace 9781571052490 9789004479555 Davids 10.1163/9789004479555 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-02-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Comparative Law in Global Perspective 9781571051714 9789004480711 Edge 10.1163/9789004480711 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-03-01 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda 9789041117977 9789004531161 Ando 10.1163/9789004531161 fulltext BRILL monograph 2023-03-13 monograph P 9789004510784 An International Regime for Marine Scientific Research 9781571052131 9789004479487 Gorina-Ysern 10.1163/9789004479487 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-01-14 2021-11-22 monograph P 9789004510784 Navigational Rights and Freedoms and the New Law of the Sea 9789041114990 9789004482661 Rothwell 10.1163/9789004482661 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-11-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Defending the Environment: Civil Society Strategies to Enforce International Environmental Law 9781571052230 9789004478732 Malone 10.1163/9789004478732 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-04-07 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 La représentation institutionnelle dans l'ordre international 9789041119377 9789004479999 Lagrange 10.1163/9789004479999 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-10-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Sea-Bed Energy and Minerals: The International Legal Regime 9789041115409 9789004481251 Brown 10.1163/9789004481251 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-12-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Forum Non Conveniens in the Modern Age: A Comparative and Methodological Analysis of Anglo-American Law 9781571053299 9789004480544 Karayanni 10.1163/9789004480544 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-09-20 2021-11-22 monograph P 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monograph 2004-07-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 International Law and Self-Determination 9789041114099 9789004480896 Castellino 10.1163/9789004480896 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-07-26 monograph P 9789004510784 Multinational Corporations and International Law: Accountablility and Compliance Issues in the Petroleum Industry 9781571053008 9789004480735 Duruigbo 10.1163/9789004480735 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-11-07 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 Methods of Resolving Conflicts between Treaties 9789041120311 9789004482081 Sadat-Akhavi 10.1163/9789004482081 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-07-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Vol. 18 (2005) 9789004154414 9789004480490 Kiss 10.1163/9789004480490 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2006-07-24 2021-12-28 monograph P 9789004510784 The Precautionary Principle in the Law of the Sea 9789041120151 9789004481503 Marr 10.1163/9789004481503 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-03-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 International Organizations and the Law of the Sea 2000 9789041117991 9789004480063 Kwiatkowska 10.1163/9789004480063 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-11-01 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Emergency Powers and the Courts in India and Pakistan 9789041117755 9789004481091 Omar 10.1163/9789004481091 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-03-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The International Court of Justice and Judicial Review 9789041114716 9789004481015 Kaikobad 10.1163/9789004481015 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-09-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Financing Small Enterprises in Developing Nations: Learning from Experience 9781571052988 9789004479722 Leeds 10.1163/9789004479722 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-07-23 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 The Role of the International Court of Justice as the Principal Judicial Organ of the United Nations 9789041120267 9789004479104 Amr 10.1163/9789004479104 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-04-01 2021-08-04 monograph P 9789004510784 Judicial Reports / Recueils judiciaires 1997 Volume 3 9789004138360 9789004531628 Int. Criminal Tribunal former Yugoslavia 10.1163/9789004531628 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2023-01-30 monograph P 9789004510784 Hague Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire de La Haye de Droit International, Vol. 17 (2004) 9789004147638 9789004478978 Kiss 10.1163/9789004478978 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-07-14 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 Liber Amicorum Judge Shigeru Oda 9789041117984 9789004531178 Ando 10.1163/9789004531178 fulltext BRILL monograph 2022-11-07 monograph P 9789004510784 Current Fisheries Issues and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 9789041114723 9789004502772 Moore 10.1163/9789004502772 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2000-10-01 2021-11-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Future of the Global Economic Organizations 9781571052995 9789004479678 Head 10.1163/9789004479678 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2005-08-16 2021-10-01 monograph P 9789004510784 The Stockholm Declaration and Law of the Marine Environment 9789041199409 9789004481589 Nordquist 10.1163/9789004481589 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2003-04-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 The First Decade of NAFTA: The Future of Free Trade in North America 9781571051837 9789004481367 Kennedy 10.1163/9789004481367 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2004-11-30 2021-10-25 monograph P 9789004510784 The Law of the Sea and Polar Maritime Delimitation and Jurisdiction 9789041116482 9789004482029 Oude Elferink 10.1163/9789004482029 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-10-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Building a Regime for the Waters of the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin 9789041118974 9789004480100 Kibaroglu 10.1163/9789004480100 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2002-08-01 2021-10-18 monograph P 9789004510784 Super Terrorism: Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear 9781571052186 9789004480308 Alexander 10.1163/9789004480308 fulltext Brill | Nijhoff monograph 2001-08-01 2021-10-25 monograph P