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Brill's Companions to the Slavic World (BCSW) is a series of peer-reviewed handbooks and reference works featuring current research on the history, visual, literary and folk culture as well as intellectual thought of the Slavic world from the middle ages to the present. Of special interest to this Series is research on the modern period in Slavic arts and letters. Dealing with persons, literary and artistic movements, schools of thought and creative genres, and written by the leading contemporary scholars in the pertinent fields, the series seeks to publish cutting edge research rooted in the contemporaneous critical discourse, which contributes to the existing scholarship on a given subject. Volumes in the Series are designed to act as essential tools needed to provide a complete introduction to a given topic of Slavic Studies. The production of the series is overseen by an editorial board comprised of specialists in the volumes’ focus areas.

Volumes 1 and 2 in the series were published by Brill, click here.
This book presents to researchers and advanced students the essential knowledge about Polish political institutions when the country was a socialist “people’s democracy” between 1944 and 1989. The focus is on organized and individual political actors, state bodies, parties, and socio-political movements. There are also chapters on the formalized legal framework that defined the forms of possible political activity and the specific political goals connected to them. The book brings together valuable material that has so far remained outside the mainstream of research and will contribute, especially among the researchers of English-speaking countries, to a better understanding of the latest history of Poland.
This study presents Roman legal sources from the perspective of the broad concept of estate planning. The focus is on the presentation of those instruments for the voluntary transfer of assets in the event of death that are not wills or codicils. Contrary to popular belief, Roman law was not fundamentally opposed to the transfer of property mortis causa using contractual remedies. A look from the perspective of contemporary legal problems makes it possible to see the scope within which the Romans carried out such intergenerational transfers of wealth. The extent of this already ancient phenomenon and the diversity of dogmatic questions offers a notable starting point for discussions about the strength of today’s inheritance law dogmas.
Die Landeskinderheilstätte Mammolshöhe in Mammolshain/Taunus war von 1927 bis 1947 ein Sanatorium, in dem an Tuberkulose erkrankte Kinder und Jugendliche behandelt wurden. Ab 1947 nahm die Einrichtung einen klinischen Charakter an und wurde zu einer Stätte der TBC-Forschung. Dieser Umschwung war das Werk des neuen Direktors Werner Catel, der vor 1945 in zentraler Funktion an der NS-Kinder-„Euthanasie“ mitgewirkt hatte. Er begann auf der Mammolshöhe mit einer Versuchsreihe zur Erprobung eines neu entwickelten Präparats gegen TBC. Die Vorgänge rund um die Versuchsreihe wurden im Zusammenhang mit einer von Verleugnung und Verharmlosung der Fakten geprägten Neuerfindung der Biographie Catels umgedeutet. Die Studie zeigt exemplarisch, wie sich die ausbleibende kritische Auseinandersetzung der Medizin mit der eigenen Rolle im NS-Staat nach 1945 auswirken konnte.
In 2017, a book was published entitled Insects as food and feed: from production to consumption (Van Huis and Tomberlin, 2017). However, the sector of insects as food and feed is developing so quickly that an update seems appropriate. The current book, Advancement of insects as food and feed in a circular economy, is a reprint of the Open Access special issue of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed. All chapters deal with relevant topics related to insects as food and feed and most of the content of the articles is different from the 2017 book, reflecting developments in the field.
Volume Editors: and
The African American Novel in the Early Twenty-First Century comprises fourteen essays, each focussing on recent, widely known fiction by acclaimed African American authors. This volume showcases the originality, diversity, and vitality of contemporary African American literature, which has reached a bewildering yet exhilarating stage of disruption and continuity between today and yesterday, homegrown and diasporic identities, and local and global interrelatedness. Additionally, it delves into the complexity of the Black literary imagination and its interaction with broader cultural contexts. Lastly, it reflects on the evolution of the African American community, its tribulations, triumphs, challenges, and prospects.
Economic historians have often examined the effects of the integration of the Ottoman Empire into the world markets with macro-level approaches. This book aims to scrutinize the effects of this transition to a capitalist economy through a micro-level approach instead, using micro-level data and microeconomics. It examines the structure of agricultural production and commerce by analyzing major crops and commercial institutions before assessing agrarian, commercial, and maritime changes at the micro-level. Utilizing recent developments in economic history, institutional economics, and ecological economics, it explores the causality behind these agrarian and commercial changes.
Volume Editor:
Alastair Davidson is a pioneer of global Gramsci studies, beginning with his first essays from 1968 through to the present.This volume collects his work from various difficult to access sources covering such diverse topics as the sources: Marx, Lenin, Machiavelli, Labriola and Croce; the party and workers councils, through to the question of what is living and what is dead in the legacy of Gramsci, cultural studies and subalternality, uneven development and globalization, human rights and the peasantry, literature and culture.
A renowned Peruvian historian, Alberto Flores Galindo (1949-1990) wrote fundamental books on Andean utopianism, José Carlos Mariátegui, subaltern Lima, and more. He participated in fiery debates on the left about Marxism, democracy, and socialism.
Written by two specialists in Peruvian history, this book addresses many of his major topics and contributions, including Peru's rupture with Spanish colonialism, his role as a Marxist public intellectual, his relationship with the Cuban Revolution, the Shining Path and human rights, and his passion for literature. The book introduces English readers to the life and work of one of Latin America's major Marxist thinkers.
This collection of essays explores processes of innovation in Greco-Roman technology and science. It uses the concept of ‘anchoring’ to investigate the microhistories of technological and scientific practices and ideas. The volume combines broad, theoretical essays with more targeted case studies of individual inventions and innovations. In doing so, it moves beyond the emphasis on achievement that has traditionally characterized modern scholarship on ancient technology and science. Instead, the chapters of this volume analyse the manifold ways in which new technologies and ideas were anchored in what was already known and familiar, and highlight how, once familiar, technologies and ideas could themselves become anchoring points for inventions and innovations.