Publishing Ethics
In order to ensure the research integrity of our publications, and by so doing to ensure that we achieve our aim of providing scholars with superior service, Brill works closely with authors and editors to promote adherence to the core principles of publication ethics as articulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We encourage further exploration of COPE’s resources on their website.
All manuscripts, archival materials, and supporting files (to include but not limited to interviews, images, data, infographics, audio and video, and facsimiles), whether submitted to a peer-reviewed publication (book series, journal, or major reference work) or a primary source online collection, are expected to conform to the standards of ethical behavior promulgated by COPE. For the benefit of our authors, editors, reviewers, readership, and staff, we have listed below the most pressing ethical concerns facing the academic publishing community.
We encourage you to direct questions and concerns to For detailed discussion of and an abundance of resources to assist in handling specific cases of research misconduct and violations of publication ethics, please visit the COPE website.
Download Brill’s Publication Ethics here: Brill’s Publication Ethics
Download Brill’s Name Change Policy here: Brill’s Name Change Policy